Publication of the Summer Session
swer to all demands. Like many another virtue -
sobriety, sincerity and courage -we pay it our
solemn respects, thereafter proceeding to give it
as wide a berth as we can.
A Washington
Publited every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
aciated follegiate rpts
-a1934 s1935
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For Radio...
WASHINGTON - If the recent public sayings
of "Big Jim" Farley are any guide to imme-
diate Democratic national committee plans, no
concerted and general campaign activity is to be
From the time Congress lays off,, a period of
strictly private intra-party doings, desiged to fix
up "sore' spots before next spring when primaries
get under way, is in prospect. On the big issues,
it seems to be the idea just to let them stew, to
let the Republicans wrestle with them in "grass
roots," Young Republican, or other kind of meet-
THIS can be deduced from Farley's gleeful asser-
tion in the bosom of an up-state New York
party gathering that, so far, the G.O.P. has "not
developed a possible contender for the presidency
as against our leader.", It prompted his alleged
amusement over the "grass roots" conference for
paralleling New Deal policies in its creed. Had he
known of it at the time Farley might have included
the New York Young Republican platform pre-
At any rate, professing no doubt that "Franklin
Delano Roosevelt will be re-nominated and re-
elected," Mr. Farley does not seem to have any
pressing necessity before him at the moment ex-
cept to try his diplomacy at smoothing out party
factional rows in Ohio, Illinois or elsewhere. He is
pretty good at that. Making the issues is the
job of the White House and its legislative inner
circle. Oiling up party machinery betweesn cam-
paigns is a national chairman's function.
CONJECTURE concer~ning immediate Democratic
national committee purposes runs along with
speculation as to reasons behind evolution of the
Roosevelt wealth-tax program. Over-night, as a
result of a White House conference, that changed
from a "may" to a "must" status. The New Deal
seemingly accepted the challenges of Borah, La-
Follette, Huey Long and other senators to at-
tempt driving the major elements of the plan
through right now.
To some onlookers, this appeared as evidence
that Mr. Roosevelt had discovered his tax message
to have put him in a hot spot due to the avidity
with which Senate liberals of both parties en-
dorsed it. If he failed to go through, it was
argued, charges of insincerity and "playing poli-
tics" would be dinned in his ears.
Inquiry among high ranking Democrats, who
might know exactly what arguments, pro and con,
were advanced at that- White House conference,
develops a different slant. It is held that while
the President might have put forward his tax
proposals originally more or less tentatively and in
expectation of public debate between sessions to
crystallize public sentiment, the immediate recep-
tion was far more favorable than he had antici-
pated. It disclosed, at least, a chance todo some
of the job right now. If it fails for the session, the
issue remains sharply accentuated by the congres-
sional debates to come. If it goes through, so much
the better.
Four stars - mustn't miss; three stars -very good;
two stars - an average picture; one star - poor; no
star - don't go.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Dail y. Anonymous con trihui ionls will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however. be regarded
as conlidential upon request. Contributors are askeri
to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Iingarey On Wealth
To the Editor:
"Real wealth is the ability to achieve," says
Malcolm W. Bingay in the Detroit Free Press.
"When the new dealers find .some way of dividing
the genius of Morgan, Ford . . . Owen Young ...
John D. Rockefeller . . . Walter Chrysler, the Du-
Ponts, and all the other successful people of
America, then they will get somewhere with their
"Meanwhile, the money these people make is
merely a by-product of their abilities. The money
is the shadow and not the substance."
Certainly there is real wealth in ability to
achieve, and it is more than probable ,that these
men have that ability. But, more than an inspec-
tion of a man's ability, there must be an examina-
tion of the ends to which his abilities and energies
have been bent.
What can we say the du Ponts and Morgans,
for example, have achieved? Of course they have
accumulated huge monetary fortunes, but, as Mr.
Bingay says, that is only the shadow. Can it be
that the substance of their achievement lies in
the manufacture of explosives to be sold for the
purpose of killing and maiming men, or that the
substance of their achievement lies in a ruthless
pursuit of oppressive power and a highly developed
worship of greed?
Or perhaps they have achieved nothing. Per-
haps their "genius" lies in this world of shadows.
If so, America in progress need not worry about
the "genius" of these men.
Wolverine Golfers
T HERE can be little doubt that radio,
during the past few years, has be-
Cole. more and more an important factor in the
education of our people, and has done much to
imp'ove the cultural standards of this country,
This is certainly as it should be, but there is still
more than can be done in this respect,.
' adlo' today probably gives us better programs
- and more of them-than ever before and de-
serves much credit for performing this invaluable
service. But we would demand more. There still
seems to be a marked tendency, on the part of
those who select our programs, to cater, to a cer-
tain degree, to the entertainment desires of the less
intelligent part of our population. We realize the
extreme delicacy of this subject, but to ignore it
woid not make it non-existent - hence our rea-
son for considering it frankly. If such a condition
does exist, it then seems that it should be radio's
role. to exert itself more in order to remedy this.
Therefore,, let radio strive to raise the standards of
intelrence of its listeners, rather than cater to
desires which were acquired in past days of narrow
The fact that the public has demanded, more
and more, radio entertainment of a higher ,order,
is ample proof that 'when people have the oppor-
tunity to hear good music, excellent and inter-
esting talks of all sorts, and really clever and
highly entertaining humor, they will demand that
such be given them. And, they don't necessarily
care to have them mixed into a conglomerate
mess - as has often been the case since radio was
People, as a rule, will take the best if the best
is 6ffered to them, and radio, in the absence of
any pronounced public pressure, should assume
the responsibility of choosing those things that
foster an intelligent appreciation of the best.
Today, radio has bound the nation together by
a wonderful maze of invisible waves, carrying music
and information to every hamlet in the country.
The educational possibilities of such a system of
unity are enormous. It is only natural that radio
should take advantage of these multiple possi-
State Of
NORMALCY is the state of being na-
tural, of conforming to the usual
,and. established standard. Normalcy is the gen-
eras state of business in time of peace and average,
prosperity. But the unique thing about normalcy
is that it cannot be recognized until about five
years after it has existed and passed on.
Business, industry and government have nor-
malcy as their sole goal, yet they would not recog-
nize a normal period if they were undergoing it.
One reason for this is that normalcy is an average,
and an average keeps changing as long as one adds
new elements.
We know now that 1926 was a normal year.
Had we not experienced its hard knocks we should
be inclined now to worship it as something too di-
vine to consider lightly. But, living in that golden
age, we had our family troubles, the bills were often
hard, to pay, and we certainly weren't any happier
then than now.
- When conditions are below normal, we sin-
cerely believe that to attain normalcy would be the
culmination of all our desires. When conditions
are close to normal (we approach it as one does
infinity, getting ever closer, but never satisfied
of having reached it), we want a little more - and
a little more.'
We are familiar with the chart of the business
cycle. It shows that we are always going either
up or down. Once on the. way down and' once on
the way up we touch normalcy - and never know
To the Editor:
Regardless of Johnny Fischer's defeat Friday in
the National Intercollegiate Golf Tournament, it is
difficult to detract from the superior showing of
this year's team. With the last Michigan man out
of the individual tournament it is still difficult to
forget that the Wolverine players easily triumphed
in the team championship for the second successive
year. It is also to be remembered that they were
the victors in the Western Conference competi-
tion and that Fischer was the low scorer.
In short, it is certainly not stretching the point
to say that Michigan golfers are, ipi the aggregate,
the best in the nation. Certainly the deserve a
hand. -C.K.L.
Contra J..L.
To the Editor:
I would like to take issue with J.J.L.'s letter
which appeared in this morning's Daily, question-
ing not his well made principle but the actual con-
sideration which motivated the President's "'au-
thoritative statement" postponing consideration
of his tax proposals. I heartily agree with his
premise that hastily-passed bills and so-called
"omnibus legislation" inevitably lead to difficulties
of administration and application. The whole body
of the New Deal legislation bears the point out,
and there appears to be every possibility that the
"omnibus" provisions of the pending banking bill
may lead to as many difficulties.
I do not, however, agree with J.J.L.'s suggestion
that the President's statement to halt immediate
passage was designed to eliminate the evils of "rail-
roading." It appears to me that the statement was
designed to prevent immediate application of high-
ly potent political capital, that it may be used
at a more crucial moment. This follows an edi-
torial which appeared in your paper this week
suggesting degrees of political motivation behind
the tax proposals. It now appears that political
considerations were of prime importance in the
tax program, and that they are to be used as am-
munition for the 1935 campaign.
Not only had the President never advanced more
than a skeleton program, sufficient to attract at-
tention but not strong enough to make immediate
enactment .imminent, but now he puts an unoffi-
cial veto upon immediate consideration of the
bill when it appears that a progressive Senate group
might forge the suggestion into a definite act.
Without considering the intrinsic merits of the
proposals, the conclusion that Mr. Roosevelt is an
extremely adroit politician appears manifest.
. ; . 71
A Warner picture with Pat O'Brien,
Josephine Hutchinson, Jean Muir, Arthur By-
ron, Lyle Talbot, and Willie Fung. Also an or-
dinary ventriloquist comedy, and a newsreel.
A ridiculously illogical ending, a very weak per-
formance by Josephine Hutchinson, and too great
length keep what might have been a grand picture
just a better-than-average show.
Alice Tisdale Hobart's story is refreshingly new
and fine screen material. It tells of the years an
idealistic young employee of an American oil firm
(Undoubtedly Standard Oil, although it is made
clear from the beginning that you aren't supposed
to guess) spends in China - working, suffering,
facing danger and disease, because he has faith
in his company.
Thrown down by that company in the end, a silly
and obvious sop is thrown to big business as the
president, speaking long-distance from New York
to Shanghai, makes a pious speech and rewards
him for his courage, faith, and idealism.
Josephine Hutchinson, who came to Hollywood
from the New York stage, has still to give a good
performance. As wife of the hero (Pat O'Brien)
she is unconvincing throughout, almost incompe-
tent. Pat O'Brien gives a surprisingly good per-
formance however, although the effect of too much
work in marine, navy and army pictures hasn't
entirely worn off. He should be given a chance in
more good parts. Arthur Byron is also excellent
as a minor character.
"Oil for the Lamps of China" is worth seeing,
although some phases of it are rather hard to take,
An official of the British Wine and Food Co. is
in this country preaching the doctrine of two hours
for lunch. If he is smart, he will begin his propa-
ganda by preaching into the ears of college stu-
As Others See It
Summer Of The Shorts
rTHIS IS TO BE the summer of the shorts. We
are not referring to Wall Street, but to the
much more interesting matter of the adornment
of the upper sections of the nether human ex-
tremities, feminine gender. If the advertisements
and the limited observation possible in a too chilly
June are a guide, the girls legs have won the new
freedom and no doubt about it.
Even the prudish objectors are taking to the
cover which the legs defy. Thus a New Hampshire
resort town harshly reminded summer visitors
that its ordinance against the wearing of shorts
on the streets would stand. Whereupon a Ver-
mont resort town cried: Come over here, girls,
and don't bring your skirts if you don't want to.
A century and a half ago New Hampshire and
Vermont nearly had a war over a boundary. And
now comes 1935 and the battle of the shorts!
But there is room for diplomacy on these shorts
issues. Witness the deftness with which the ques-
tion is met by the proprietor of the ferry which