sic Faculty
Will Present
SiX Pograms.
frst Concert, Devoted To
Brahms' Work, Will Be
G1ven Tresday
Six musical programs have been
rranged by the faculty of the School
Music for presentation during the
ummer Session, and will be given
I 8':30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium on
iccessive Tuesday evenings, begin-
ing July 2.
The programs have been planned
include a wide range of composi-
ons, varying from the purely class-
al works to the more modern. Three
ncerts will be devoted to the works
three composers, Brahms, Beet-
oven and Bach. The chamber music
ass under the direction of Hanns
ick will present one concert. Two
rograms will be miscellaneous in
For the initial concert, which is to
e presented July 2, some of the most
gnificant compositions of Brahms
r piano, voice, organ and ensemble
ill be presented. As representative
U the pianoforte literature, Mrs. Ma-
el Ross Rhead will play an inter-
iezzo, two capriccios, and a scherzo.
Prof. Arthur Hackett has selected
ye songs for the vocal field of
rahms. The concert will be con-
nued with Palmer Christian pre-
nting two settings of German chor-
Ls in the form of choral preludes,
tid as an example of chamber music,
[essrs. Besekirsky, Pick and Brink-
ian will join in the performance of
trio for violin, violoncello and
These programs are given compli-
entary to the members of the Sum-.
ier Session and residents of the corn-
Key Brothers
Pass 600- Hour
Mark In Foiht
MERIDIAN, Miss., June 29 - ( ) -
[ississippi's flying aces, Fred and Al
:ey, flew steadily on today, adding
ourly to their world's endurance fly-
ig record.
At 12:32 p. in., Central Standard
'ine, they had been aloft 600 hours,
r more than 46 hours past the former
irld mark of 553 hours, 41 minutes
id 30 seconds set by Johnn and Ken-
eth Hunter in 1930 at Chicago.
Their spirits buoyed after success-
illy flying through driving down-
urs of rain last night-as their fan-
ies , anxiously watched below, the
rothers reiterated their intention of
emaining up until Monday when
hey would equal the unofficial record
et in 1930 by Dale Jackson and For-
t O'Brine at St. Louis..,j
The flyers' wives, Evelyn Rogers
:ey, wife of Al, and Louise Evans
:eys, wife of Fred, were at their
osts at Key field as they have been
ar. more than two weeks, sending
p words of praise and encourage-
ent by means of a short wave radio
To Speak At Service
O'Brien Ousted
As Trial Judge
In Bank Cases
Circuit Court Of Appeals
Forces Removsal 'After
Charge OfPrejudice
CINCINNATI, June 29. - (R) - The
United States circuit court of appeals
removed Judge Ernest A. O'Brien to-
day as trial judge in the remaining
Detroit bank cases.
The appellate court, which had sug-
gested earlier that the Federal jurist
voluntarily step aside, issued the
removal order just before adjourning.
for the summer, instructing Judge
O'Brien "not to proceed further in
the cases or take any further steps."
The department of justice asked
Judge O'Brien's removal, charging
that he was prejudiced in favor of
the 34 defendants who had been
named in criminal indictments as a
result of Detroit's far-reaching bank-
ing troubles of 1933.
The government held the judge was
biased because his wife was indebted
to a Detroit bank, and that he dis-
closed bias in a jury charge which was
followed by the acquittal of John Bal-
lantyne, Herbert L. Chittenden, and
John H. Hart, indicted for banking
law violations.
Judge O'Brien denied bias, but the
appeals court in its brief order, said
"it is adjudged that the response is
not sufficient and it is ordered that
the honorable Ernest A. O'Brien be
and is hereby directed not to proceed
further or to take further steps in
the trial of said cases."
driving, accompanied by his wife, who
completed the final two years of col-
lege work she needed for a degree
of bachelor of science in home eco-
Social Service 11
Career Of i
Alison Ray Heaps, pastor of the
Congregational Church, will speak
at the first Vesper Service tonight.
After Work, He Drives
32 Miles To College !
SEDALIA, Mo., June 29. - (') -
Driving 40,000 miles in four years,
keeping a full-time job, and complet-
ing three-fourths of a full college
course is the record of Ted Sumner,
31, of Sedalia.
Sumner worked from 4 p.m. to mid-
night with a telephone company here,
then drove to Warrensburg, 32 miles
west, five days a week, to attend Cen-
tral Missouri Teachers college. He
had to be in Warrensburg at 8 a.m.
for his first class.
While keeping his job, Sumner
earned 96 credit hours toward an
engineering degree. He did his own
DENVER, June 29 - (W) - A vi-
brant, grayhaired little women from1
Colorado will play al important role
in the administration of President
Roosevelt's newly created national
youth administration.
Miss Josephine Roche, soft-spoken
assistant secretary of the treasury in
charge of health affairs, has been ap-
Treasury Sets
Country's Debt
At 28 Billions
Per Capita Figures Far
Below Great Britain's,
Report Shows
WASHINGTON, June 29. - (A) -
The government neared the end of its
fiscal year today with a gross debt of
almost $28,700,000,000.
In the face of this, an authoritative
comparison showed that the per cap-
ita public debt in Great Britain is
about two and one-half times greater
than that in this country.
Figures gleaned from a statement
prepared for a Congressional commit-
tee by Marriner S. Eccles, Federal Re-
serve Board governor, indicated the
per capita debt for all public bodies
in the United States was $370 com-
pared to $991 in the United King-
Plan To Lower Indebtedness
Meanwhile bill-drafting experts
were busy preparing legislation to
whittle the Federal indebtedness down
a bit with the tax-the-rich program
President Roosevelt has advocated.
Hearings on their product were ar-
ranged to begin a week from Monday.
The most optimistic predictions at the
capitol were that the tax measure
would be ready for presentation to
the House by July 29.
Eccles, in the statement he prepared
for Congress, contended Treasury
cash balances, the $2,000,000,000 stab-
ilization fund set up with the profits
of dollar devaluation, and recoverable
assets should be deducted from the
gross debt figure.
Debt Lower Than England's
On that basis, the net Federal debt
was calculated at less than $20,000,-
000 against about $31,500,000,000 in
The country's gross public debt,
counting obligations of state and
local bodies, was figured at around
$45,500,000,000 compared with about
$42,000,000,000 in England. The Brit-
ish pound was figured at $5 in these
National income for 1934 was esti-
mated at $50,000,000,000 or about $400
per capita in the United States,
against $20,000,00,000 or $430 per cap-
ita in the United Kingdom.
The British debt and taxation
methods have been studied in high
official circles in recent months. Some
New Deal critics, contending that this
country may have to take a leaf from
England's tax book and dip into the
lower income brackets for more rev-
enue, say British tax collectors have
been taking about 20 per cent of the
national income compared with about
16 per cent in this country.
How To Pronounce
Names In The News
7ork Marks I
rosephine Roche
pointed chairman of a special execu-
tive committee to administer the new
youth program for which $50,000,000
has been set aside to help. give needy
young people their chance to learn
and earn.
Since her graduation from Vassar
in 1908, Miss Roche has taken an
active interest in social service, labor
relief, government and politics.
Nation's "First Policewoman"
After receiving her M.A. degree
from Columbia in 1910, she staf'tled
New York with her findings on child
labor and education as an industrial
investigator. Later she became prob-
ably the nation's .first policewoman in
From 1915-18 she was probation of-
ficer of the Denver juvenile court in
association with Judge Ben Lindsey.
Later she was refereeand clerk of the
juvenile and family relations court.
Activity in social work and politics
plunged her in 1914 into one of Colo-
rado's bloodiest labor disputes. A
hearty advocate of the right of min-
ers to organize and bargain collec-
tively, she pressed her contentions
during the uprisings in southern Colo-
rado coal fields.
The daughter of a mine owner, Miss
Roche went to New'York in.1915 with
a party of women who survived the
"battle of Ludlow" to testify to con-
ditions as they saw therfm in Colo-
During the World War she went to
London with- the Belgian relief com-
mission to aid the work of Herbert
Hoover. That task done, she turned
to the federal foreign language in-
formation bureau from 1918 to 1923
and for the following two years was
director of the United States Chil-
dren's bureau.
Miss Roche returned to Colorado
in 1925 when her father's health
failed. She became director. of the
Rocky Mountain Fuel Company, its
vice-president in 1927, its president in
Smith Resigns City
And County Posts
Harold D. Smith, director of the
Michigan Municipal League and head
of the Bureau of Governments, yes-
terday tendered his immediate resig-
nation from the Washtenaw County
Emergency Relief Commission and
the City Board of Zoning Appeals to
Dr. William Haber, state emergency
relief director, and Mayor Robert A.
Campbell of Ann Arbor.
Mr. Smith said that his duties of
as the League director, head of the
Bureau, and member of the State
planning board allowed him no time
to participate on local boards or com-
Mr. Smith assumed the duties of a
member of the Relief Commission
when it was formed in 1933.
The selection of a successor to
Vatch Repairing!
State and Liberty
There's something
to HARP about when
you eat our Chicken
inners at the
605 Church Street
Smith on the Commission and C
Board has not yet been placed uni
consideration, it was announced y
Prong-horned antelope, once
merous in Texas, are nearly exti
Deilitarized Rhineland Area
May Be Key To Future Peace
PARIS, June 29.-(RP)-The de-
militarized zone of the Rhineland may
prove to be the thread by which hangs
the peace of Europe.
Germany is forbidden by the treaty
of Versailles to "maintain or con-
stiuct any fortification" in the zone"
and the "maintenance and assembly
of armed forces" is strictly prohibited
in articles 42 and 43 of the treaty.
The French claim that Hitler is well
on his way to scrapping the clauses
and that they must soon decide when
to step in and formally accuse Hitler
of violations, with all the heavy con-
sequences such action may bring.
(Hitler recently said that Germany
having rid itself of.the military clauses
would respect all others, including
territorial ones.)
In addition to the guarantee con-
tained in the treaty of Versailles
against German rearming of the
Rhineland, for article 44 provides that
such action "shall be regarded as com-
mitting a hostile act against the
powers signatory of the treaty," the
Locarno treaty reaffirms the demili-
tarized status. In the treaty, Ger-
many, France, England, Italy and
Belgium specifically pledged imme-
diate armed aid against a violator of
the zonj.
Four times reports were published
in France that German army planes
were flying over the zone to survey
France's frontier fortifications. Then
General Denain, minister of air, sent
a squadron of fast planes to patrol
the fortified area to prevent further
'Green Police' Transferred
Further reports of violation came
with the transfer of Schutzpolizei or
"green police" to the Rhineland by
Germany. The French say they are
organized by the Reichswehr min-
istry on the same basis as army di-
visions, differing only in their artil-
lery units. They are reported to have
been sent to old World War barracks
in the Saar, renovated for their re-
Shortly before the Saar plebiscite,
Premier Laval in a letter, to Baron
von Neurath, Gernian foreign min-
ister, made it clear that France "made
all reservations" as to the presence
of storm troopers, black shirt guards
or labor service corps i the Saar,
which became part of the Rhineland
zone because of "certain characteris-
tics of these formations." Frontier
A group of storm troopers crossed
the Saar-French border at Saar-
brucken and were arrested by the
French police. Their leader, held for
investigation, told the magistrate that
he belonged to a storm trooper di-
vision from Wurtemburg which had,
been transferred for duty to the Saar.
"The portfolio, if published today,7
would create a sensation," one offi-
cer said.
To Photograph Nazi Planes
In addition to evidence of troops
and refortifying operations in the
zone, it was said that airplanes sent
to the frontier would photograph Ger-
man planes caught surveying the for-
tifications and the photographs wouldl
be added to the documents.
The theoretical line, drawn "50 '
kilometers to the east of the Rhine"
encloses many of Germany's biggest'
industrial towns in the demilitarized
zone. Essen, home of the Krupp
works, Heidelberg, Dusseldorf, Co-"
logne, Koblenz, Frankfort-on-the-
Main, Mannheim, Karlsruhe and
Mainz are all within the area where
armaments and troops are strictly
prohibited. The French believe that
Hitler is anxious to assure protection
of the factories producing the greater
part of the Reich's war supplies.
2:00 - Michigan Theater, "No
More Ladies," with Joan Crawford
and Robert Montgomery.
2:00 - Majestic Theater, "Oil for
the Lamps of China," with Pat O'-
Brien, Josephine Hutchinson and
Jean Muir.
2:00 - Wuerth Theater, "Life Be-
gins at 40," with Will Rogers, and
"Romance in Manhattan" with Fran-
cis Lederer ands Ginger Rogers.
7:00 - Same features at the three
7:30 - Vesper Service in front of
the Library with the Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps giving the address.
303 N. Division - Phone 8876
Sunday Dinner . ..12:30 - 2:30
Luncheons .......11:30-1:30
Dinners..........5:30 -7:30
Aided 'New Deal' Program
Pushing through reformrts, she
raisedwages in the company's mines
until they became second highest in
the nation. Old shanties were torn
down and comfortable homes erected
for the miners. The answer . to the
protests of directors and stockhold-
ers was increased production from
well-paid miners.
When President Roosevelt launched
his recovery program, Miss Roche did
battle for it in the West. She served
on the state PWA advisory board, the
bituminous coal code authority for
Colorado and the Colorado organiza-
tion of the national re-employment
In 1934 Miss Roche was an unsuc-
cessful candidate for the Democratic
nomination for governor of Colorado.
A few months later she accepted the
federal treasury post.
Ulrich's Boqkstore
549 E. University Come In and Browse
~Th~i~- u 1-yh
[19 Play In League.
Bridge Tournament
One hundred and nineteen. persons
articipated in the auction and con-
ract bridge tournaments which were
ield at the Summer Session recep-
ion Friday night in the Michigan
,eague. The highest score of the
ontract tournament was made by
knna Maria Cook with a total of 4,-
40 points..
Mr. L. W. Miller captured second
lace with 3,650 points. He was fol-
owed by Mr. F. N. Cook with 3,290
oints, and Mr. J. M. Lane with 3,-
Mr. Vorhees won the auction tour-
ament with a score of 1,051. Mr.
?eming was second with 846, Mr.:
ummings, third with 756, and Miss
Vinifred Mitchell fourth with 737
The four winners of the contract:
;ame were awarded double decks of
ichigan cards. These prizes may
Here's how to pronounce names of
persons and places in the news:
Giorgio Stefani, Italian tennis: star
SJyor-jyo Steh-fahn-ee, accent on
first syllable of first name and second
syllable of last name.
Christian Boussus, member of
French Davis Cup team - Boo-soo,
accent on second syllable.
Jean Borotra, member of French
Davis cup team - Bo-ro-trah, accent
on last syllable.
Cool - Comfortable
and -
it stays in place!
>btained by the above winners in incidents recently have proved, French
s Ethel McCormick's office in the observers say, that storm troopers are
higan League. on duty throughout the whole zone.
Now On Hand--
I *
S~llTS 91'HM
Which Were Out of Stock Last Week
On" Rck WnA ai-
$5.00 I
6M-- wWufww"um 71