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June 02, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-06-02

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Pubiiled every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
.'Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
,ocioated o keiat t re
,4AD43Oiro WMSCOt6R-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to Itcr
pt otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special dis-
patches'are reserved.
,Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
'Third Assistan Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, *1.00; by mail,
1.50. During .regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
aOffices: Student Publications Building, Mayxard Street.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
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West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
EDIT ORIAL ASSISTANTS: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
onger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd. Fred W.
Neal, Elsie Pierce, Robert Pulver, Marshall D. Shulman,
Bernard Weissman
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred Delano, Robert, J.FredmanRay-
mond Goodman.
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Davies, Olive E Griffiths, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
clam A. Boles, Richard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William
De Lancey, Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Warren
Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley, S. Leon-
ard Kasle, Joseph Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie, Stewart
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Scholz, William E. Shackleton, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks, Herbert W. Little.
Arthur A. Miller, Israel Silverman.
* Helen Louise Arner Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas.
w, Mary. E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes, Jeanne Johnson,
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" sky, orman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine
"Field; Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker, Helen Shapland,
Grace Snyder, Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary
McCord, Adele Poler.
To The
Graduates... .
T HAT POPULAR sport of advising
graduating students is now being in-
4ulged in by editors from Maine to Walla Walla
and back again. They are told of the great oppor-
tunities that await them in the world, the social
faults that they are expected to correct, the mess
the older generation has made of civilization and
are handed a million other warnings and predic-
Riding this deluge of wisdom it is natural that
C'e face the writing of such an editorial with hesi-
However, as America 'is surveyed there is one
thing that stands out: until now we have been a
nation constantly on the move, each succeeding
generation has faced a new environment, not only
socially, intellectually, morally and financially, but
geographically as well. Up to the turn of the cen-
tury there were new lands to conquer in every
sense, frontiers were moving forward and crises
were frequent.
Now we are passing through another crisis, and
out of this crisis is going to come a new America.
An America more stable than the one our fore-
fathers knew.
Before this new America is reached prophets

tell us many things will happen. Some preach
revolution that will bring dictators, others shout
of wild financial schemes that will make every-
man his own Croesus and some simply shout. But
a democracy that has weathered so many crises
will not flounder in this one.
The new America will be a democracy, but it will
be much changed from the old America. No
longer will there be new geographical frontiers,
quick wealth in the stock market, or bosses' daugh-
ters to marry on every corner. It will become in-
creasingly difficult to move forward financially
and socially.
Tradition, that thing so lacking in the old Amer-
ica, will someday be the heart of the new.
The graduate of today should realize this and
lay his plans accordingly. Today families and
institutions that will be the new American culture
are to be founded.
Today's graduate faces a difficult task, life will
not be as easy as it has been, but the rewards will
be greater. The rewards will be in the form of se-

dure which the kidnapers followed resembled in
detail that which the sensational Lindbergh crime
made the common knowledge of every criminal.
This most recent crime may be blamed as much on
some of America's sensational newspapers as on
the criminals who perpetrated it. They have given
a course in crime more complete than any which
could be found in the underworld, and they have
done so brazenly.
Too much blame for this crime must not be
placed on the newspapers, however, for only men
of the most vicious character would attempt a
crime of this sort after seeing the fate of the other
kidnapers. Only men of a blind, twisted nature
would refuse to recognize the menace of the gov-
ernment agents, the "G" men, now glorified, and
justly so, by the movies. These trained students
of crime leave no loophole unguarded, and show
no mercy towards the criminals, whom they hunt
down with the aid of modern science. Crime can
no longer be a profitable career if the newspapers
of America cooperate with the Federal and state
agents in its suppression and punishment.
Letters published in this column should not be
-construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
Although your venerable correspondent, Cor-
nell, '07, is very fond of seeing people "mind their
own business," this humble reader cannot resist the
temptation to call attention to the possibly unique
significance of a communication from one "who
once heard Jenny Lind sing . . . a most beautiful
adaptation of one of the arias from La Gioconda
... one of the most beautiful vocal renditions of
all time." As Jenny Lind last sang in the United
States in 1852, 83 years ago, and made her final
public appearance in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1870,
65 years ago, your correspondent must speak out
of a richness of musical experience not to be
matched in this community, if indeed in the world.
Incidentally, La Gioconda was produced in 1876.
-Veritas, Mich., '02.
[OOthers'See It
They Already Know
(From the Des Moines Tribune)
"UNEXCITING - old stuff --pretty dull" - this
was the composite report of a group of Mis-
souri college girls, none of whom had ever before
been in New York City, when they were taken
on an educational tour of the metropolis not long
It rather irked New York - though the explan-
ation is merely that the girls had already famil-
iarized themselves with the city through news-
paper and magazine reading and attendance at the
And New York, it appears, is now "getting back
at" the country by being frankly bored with a min-
iature farm exhibit, complete with cows, horses,
and other barnyard detiizens, which is making the
rounds of the city by truck.
The slum children had already seen all those
things at the neighborhood cinemas.
And this, it seems to us, is quite to the good.
There is little sense in preserving the old division
of humanity into two sharply separated groups -
the city slickers and the country bumpkins.
The more the city knows of the country and
the country of the city, the better it is going to
be for all of us.
English Paves The Way
(From the California Daily Bruin)
THE FACT that a knowledge of the English lan-
guage from the standpoint of speech, vocab-
ulary, and manner of presentation is a prime
requisite for job seekers was proved by a ques-
tionnaire taken among 134 transient boys in the

state of California.
The increasing number of these wandering
youths has been an urgent problem among edu-
cational heads, and it was claimedpthat theboys
should receive instruction of a, practical value,
although the exact nature of the subjects was un-
In response to the question, the lads first wished
to be well versed in English and second, in pen-
manship. Although these figures reveal strange
facts, the voters pointed out that in a knowledge
of rhetoric principles of the language lay the key
to positions for which they might apply in later life.
Thus it seems evident that in a school such as
Piedmont High where extra curricular courses in
English language are offered as well as required
fundamental ones, it would benefit students who
will no doubt at some time come in contact with
the business world, to take advantage of these op-
portunities and profit by the lives of these wander-
ing boys who reap no such benefits.
Shall We Cut
(From the Ohio State Lantern)
N THE SPRING, it is said, a young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of cutting class and
going somewhere to enjoy the beauties of nature.
Again the old problem arises, should class at-
tendance be compulsory? For freshmen, required
attendance is probably desirable. The first year
is the time when students lay the groundwork, in
study methods and time distribution, for their
whole college career.
It seems a bit different, however, to require those

The legislature and the campus officials of a well-
known university have been putting much pres-
sure upon the students. Hence, this statement:
Five. weeks and two days ago, our fathers
brought forth upon this campus a new ruling,
concdfived in misunderstanding and dedicated
to the proposition that all students are chumps.
Now we are engaged in a great struggle
testing whether you or any other student under
such a. rule and so dedicated can long endure.
We are met on this great campus for more
than one reason. We have come to protest that
ruling, in behalf of those who are here and that
they may live in happiness. It is altogether
fitting and proper that we do this.
But in a clearer sense they can aggravate -
they can dissipate -but we cannot concen-
trate. The alumni, employed and unemployed,
have made rules far above our power to add
to or to detract. The administration will little
note nor long remember what we say here, but
they can never forgt what we did here. It is
for us, the ignorant, that this rule was made,
and we here highly resolve that this campus
should have a new birth of freedom - and that
government of the students, by the board of
regents, for the legislature shall not perish
from the campus.
More variations on the age old theme, we sus-
pect, but nevertheless you shall have them, we
are going to bid this space a fond farewell until
next semester. At the close of this semester,
we have several ideas (at least we call them
ideas) which demand expression and which arise
within our garrulous soul and are not to be denied.
First of all to my six readers, who flattered me
by reading my column day by day, we offer many
thanks, yea, even profuse thanks. Always appre-
ciative of comments and contributions, favorable
or otherwise, we acknowledge those made during
this last year, and to B.B.L. especially for his nu-
merous squibs.
Next, a word to my fellow columnists. We have
had much fun and sorrow with this daily bit, and
hope you gents have had the same, as we gaily
swiped and exchanged stories. The origin of some
of those stories, which have made the rounds dur-
ing the last couple of months has often given this
column great cause for wonder, with the vicious
cycle from campus to campus being such as it is.
In other words, we don't see how any new ma-
terial is ever evolved out of this racket, what
with everyone borrowing (in the politer sense) from
the other's column.
And so we have reached the end of this year.
Some columns were fairly good; others, we admit,
were plenty bad, but we hope we have pleased
you as much as we have enjoyed turning out this
column. So until next seiester, Farewell.
Off The Record
THE TROYANOVSKY'S, representatives here of
the U.S.S.R., have forged ahead until they are
outstanding social leaders in Washington.
But the hundreds who attend their receptions
naturally tax their memories when it comes to
names. Mrs. Troyanovsky shows an uncanny abil-
ity for them.
She has a system. Each time she meets a new
person she surreptitiously traces the name in the
air with her index finger.
The new Supreme Court building is so nearly
completed that one of the associate justices
was showing a friend through its sumptuous
court room bordered with towering pink marble
The justice gazed upward for a minute and

then said: "When we put on our robes and
march through here we are going to look like
little, black cockroaches in the Temple of
JAWRENCE W. ROBERT, assistant secretary of
the treasury, attended the circus and en-
countered Evelyn Walker, one of Washington's
beautiful women.
"I want a chameleon for my lapel," she an-
Turning to a nearby snake-charmer, Robert
said: "Give the lady a nice big snake."
Solemnly the snake-charmer handed her a
healthy python with his head whapped in muslin.
"Has he a tooth-ache?" queried Miss Walker, as
she bravely handled the writhing coils.
"No," said the charmer drily, "he just bites."
Social secretaries must depend on three little
marks which appear on Washington social
lists when they make out invitations. The
marks appear before an official's name; one
indicates he is accompanied by his wife; an-
other, by his daughter; and a third, by "other
ladies," such as aunts, mothers and nieces.
The invitations are sent to include the family
rassed. As his dinner guests began looking
for their place-cards, he discovered there was one
too many guests. He didn't remember inviting one
of the ladies.






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