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June 25, 1935 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1935-06-25

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sing cloudiness and
4t warmer; local thun-

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


More Political Implications .. .
Another Popular Exploitation. .
Distinction In Another Field ...



No. 1



_ __ _ _ _ _


Roosevelt Expected To Demand
Enactment Of Tax Proposals

Woody Malloy'

f S ei
James K. Pollock
ks On 'Government
Spoils Only'
ises Need Of
ew Merit System




'35 Football
Squad Hit By

All Departments
Report Increased
1935 Enrollments

WASHINGTON, June 24. - (P) -
Despite strong signs that President
Roosevelt would demand enactment
of his tax-the-rich program at this
session of Congress, Democratic lead-
ers today called upon him to settle
the disputed question by stating his
Even before congressional chiefs
traveled to the White House to call for
a clear statement, mst of them
thought they knew the answer. Dur-
ing the day a close friend of the
President, after a conference with
him, asserted that Mr. Roosevelt
would insist upon action before ad-
Senator Joseph T. Robinson, the
majority floor leader; Speaker Joseph
W. Byrns and the chairmen of the
Senate and House tax committees,
went to the White House late in the
day for the important parley, ar-
ranged at their request.
Beforehand Robinson had ex-
pressed the personal belief that im-
mediate action would be sought on the
executivedrecommendations for a
''wider distribution of wealth"' by an
inheritance tax and higher levies on;
large individual and corporation in-

s For Integration Of
ernment Service And
'gent plea for a closer inte-
of government service and our
nal system in a fight to elim-
le spoils debauch which is
'ristic of the Federal govern-
as made yesterday by Prof.
Pollock of the political sci-
>acity crowd filled Natural
Auditorium to hear Professor
deliver the first in a series of
, Summer Session lectures on
ect, "Government for Spoils
asizing the need for recogni-
nerit in filling administrative
the speaker stated that, "In
education, the church, and
ork - everywhere except in'
ent - we recognize fitness as
ary basis for selecting work-
a tragedy that the thousands
igent college graduates who'
ed out yearly and are anxious
politics find that political op-
.es are effectively closed to
a ~~ r

pressed the belief that the President's
recommendations could not be put
through at this session, said imme-
diate action would require another
month, delaying adjournment well
into August.
Speaker Byrns, meanwhile, indi-
cated at a press 'conference that he
would like to see the tax question dis-
posed of at this session.
President Roosevelt did not specify
in his recent special message whether
he wanted, his program enacted at
this session, but he inferred as much
when he said his recommendation for
a constitutional amendment to do
away with Federal and State tax-
exempt securities could go over until
next session.
The pre-conference belief of House
leaders was that considerable trouble
would arise unless quick action was
taken. One, who declined to be quot-
ed by name, recalled that 22 Senators,
with Robert LaFollette and William
E. Borah in the foreground, had
signed a round-robin demanding ac-
tion before adjournment.
"Unless the Senate does agree to
act," he said privately, 'those 22 Sen-
ators can get together and tie up the
whole legislative program. They can
filibuster any bill that comes along."
Members of the LaFollette group
indicated early in the day that their
their demand would not be relaxed,
and that if a partial tax program
was offered they would be prepared
to offer expanding amendments.

Robinson contended that the tax
proposals should be enacted before
adjournment to avoid leaving a cloud
of "uncertainty" over the country
during the summer adjournment.
Harrison, who previously had ex-


In 1883
regarding posi-;
distributed after
scribed as "neces-
espect of public
ng elections, and
nl character"''

he Pendleton Act of 1883 and'the
e system to New York State's
established in the same year, Pro-
or Pollock viewed as significant
fact that 'the two largest, most
ortant, and most respected units
overnment in the United States
the Federal government and New
k state government."
Wichigan is not in this category,"
said. "It is still crawling along
he backs of the present counter-
s of the old feudal barons -party
e stated that it is estimated the
e of Michigan has lost $500,000
using the spoils system, and, inas-
h as it is necessary to train a
iplete new corps of job-hungry
e holders every two years, this
hod is "the most profligate and
'avagant of all our educational
Developed By Jackson
ivil service is the old and original
erican system, which existed until
time of Andrew Jackson, Profes-
Pollock explained. He decried
"excrescent" growth of the "spoils
ilval" developed by Jackson.
he spoils system is "based on the
rests of political parties, while the
it system is based on the interests
he public an government," ac-
ling to the speaker.
Ne are now definitely committed
nationally-planned economy, and
principal question for decision on
success of the democratic system
hether or not the New Deal or its
:essor can exist without a core of
-politically trained men and
nen," Professor Pollock stated.
lith more than 5,000 employes in
shington who are neither trained
their tasks nor the authority as-
led to them, the lack of non-po-
ally trained men and women is a
it problem, he said.
Defends Merit System
rofessor Pollock pointed out that
he two kinds of government posi-
is in Washington - policy-form-
and administrative - the former
Ld still be awarded on a patronage
.s under a civil service system.
he merit system was vigorously
ended by Professor Pollock against
luently-advanced charges that it
"a reformer's dream, academic,
fessorial, un-American, and even
ccording to the speaker, it is also

Tryouts To Be
Held Next Week
For Operetta
Music School, Repertory
Players To Combine For
'Chocolate Soldier'
Tryouts for "The Chocolate Sol-
dier," which will be given by the Mich-
igan Repertory Players, August 7-11,
will be held next week, Prof. Vlen-
tine B. Windt, dirteor. .announce
yesterday. All st'udefts attending the
Summser Session who are interested'
in singing roles should report to Pro
fessor Windt at 5 p.m. tomorrow
and Friday, he said.
"The Chocolate Soldier," written
by Oscar Strauss and Stanislaus
Stange, is the first operetta to be
given in collaboration with the School
of Music by the Repertory Players, al-
though several have been given during
the regular school year, among them,
"Iolanthe," "The Gondoliers" and "A
Midsummer Night's Dream."
The University orchestra, conducted
by Prof. David Mattern of the School
of Music, will play, and the musical
director of, the show will be Joseph
Conlin, who also directed "The Gon-
doliers." Mary Pray will direct the
dance choruses for the production.
The advisory board for the show is
composed of Prof. Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music, Professor Hack-
ett, and Professor Windt. ..
s 4
Tigers Defeat
Washin ton In
Close Contest
After matching three runs scored by
Washington in the thirteenth, Detroit
won in 14 innings from the Washing-
ton Senators yesterday, when Elden
Auker's fly to right field scored White.
The score was 9 to 8.
Tommy Bridges, seeking his twelfth
victory of the season, started for De-
troit, and, after allowing five runs
in the first two innings, pitched score-
less ball for 10 innings.
But Kuhel's double, Stone's scratch
single, an infield out, Goslin's error,
and a single by Travis gave the Sen-
ators three runs, and apparently the
Owes batted for Bridges in the
thirteenth and doubled. Fox walked,
and the Tigers were given new life.
Greenberg's single, and Goslin's
double tied the score, sending the
game into the fourteenth inning.
Singles by Hayworth and Clifton
put the winning run on third, and
Auker won his own game here with
an outfield fly. Whitehill went all
the way for Washington.
Victory left the Tigers still in fourth
place, one-half game behind Chicago
and five games behind the league-
leading Yankees.
Washington plays at Navin Field
, again today.

Education School
To Have Program
Students and faculty members of
the School of Education will assemble
at 4:10 p.m. today in thehUniversity
High School Auditorium to hear a pro-
gram which will acquaint them with
the plan of activities for the summer
in their school.
Dean James B. Edmonson will wel-
come the incoming students. Mem-
bers of the faculty will be introduced.
A short musical program in charge of
Prof. David Mattern of the School of
Music and Prof. Marshall Byrn of the
University High School instructional
staff has been arranged.
Hinsdale Will
Give Second
Lecture Today
Dr.mWilberthB. Hinsdale, professor-
emeritus of the Medical School, will
give the second lecture in the special
Summer Session series at 5 p.m. today
in the Natural Science Auditorium. He
will speak on "Medicine and Surgery
of the Algonquin Indians of the Great
Lakes Region."
Dr. Hinsdale is an authority on ar-
chaeology, and is an associate in
charge of the Great Lakes division
of the Museum of Anthropology. He
is also a member of the American As-
sociation of Archaeology. Among the
books he has writen are "Primitive
Man in Michigan," "The Indians of
WashtenawCounty," The First Peo-
ple of Michigan," and "An Archaeo'-
logical Atlas of Michigan." He was
president of the Michigan Academy of
Arts and Sciences in 1931.
He attended Hiram College, Hiram,
O., receiving his Bachelor of Science
degree in 1875, and his Master of
Science degree in 1878. He also went
to Cleveland Homeopathiq Medical
College, and received his Doctor of,
Medicine degree there in 1887. He
also was granted his Master of Arts
degree from Hiram College, in 1897.
Dr. Hinsdale served as a professor
of internal and clinical medicine in
the homeopathic department of the
University since 1895, and served as
dean of the department until he was
retired as professor-emeritus in 1922.
He has also served as director of the
University Hospital.

Tie For Lead
Even With Princeton Man
In First 18-Hole Round
Of Intercollegiates
Will Play 18 More
Qualifying Holes
Michigan Leads Team Play
With 302; Georgia Tech
Is Second
WASHINGTON, June 24 - (P) -
The pair of unrelated youngsters
named Malloy, Jack of Princeton and
Woodrow of Michigan, kept even with
the Congressional course's par 72 to-
day to take the lead in the first half
of the 36-hole qualifying test of the
National Intercollegiate Golf Cham-
Michigan, defending team cham-
pion, easily outpointed all rivals to
the half-way mark.
Jack, 21, from Tulsa, Okla, carded
a couple of 36's for his par round,
while Woodrow, a year older and the
Ann Arbor city champion, came in
with an identical card.
They were just a shot better than
lanky Fred Haas, Louisiana State,
who was even par up, but lost a stroke
coming home. Lewis Johnson, of
Charleston College; Erwin Laxston,
North Carolina; and Charles Kocsis,
of Michigan, were grouped with 74's.
All of the former champions-John-
ny Fischer, Michigan, Walter Emery,
Oklahoma, and Charles Yates, Geor-
gia Tech - found trouble along the
route over the long, bunkered Con-
gressional course, with Fischer rec-
ording a 77, Yates a 78, and Emery a
The Michigan team turned in a low
four-man score of 302, placing them'
11 blows ahead of Georgia Tech, A2
"ahead of Oklahoma, and 13 in front
of Georgetown.
Even with par on the first nine,
with two birdies offset with a pair of
bad holes, Woodrow Malloy dropped
a 12-foot putt for a birdie on the 18th
after approaching too boldly on the
11th and trapping his tee shot on
the short 12th. Kocsis, after losing
two shots on the first nine, equalled
par on the way in.
The Michigan card: Fischer, 38-39-
77; Larry David, 42-44 86; Charles
Koscis 39-35-74; Dana Seeley 41-38-
79; Allan Sanders 43-46-89.
Blab s on Predicts
Dictatorship (Will
Follow Denms' Rule
WELLESLEY, Mass., June 24 - VP)
Roger W. Babson, noted statistician,
tonight predicted that' Democrats
would remain in power until they
"made as many mistakes as the Re-
publicans did -'and then we'll have
a dictatorship."_
Speaking at the opening session of
the three-day political conference at
the Beacon School, Babson asserted
that "democracy as now set up is
doomed, and it will be supplanted by
the same form of government that is
being planned in Italy"
"Our voters," he said, "will have to
be parents of at least two children
and before being allowed to vote they
will have to take examinations in
Federal, state and local government.
Only a religious revival can save de
mocracy as it now stands, and we'll
have that."

13 May Make Up
Work In Summer
Sweet, Ellis Head List Of
Ineligibles; Many Are
'Honor Point' Men
Ineligibility dealt a severe blow to
Michigan football hopes for the fall,
according to reports released yester-
day, although a majority of those de-
clared delinquent may be able to
make up their deficiencies by sum-
mer school work. Twenty were
named on the list, but only seven of
them will definitely not be able to
compete in the fall.
Those definitely declared out are
Joe Callouette, Detroit; Frank Lett,
Battle Creek; Bob Schroeder, Osh-
kosh, Wis.; Harold Sears, Grand Rap-
ids; Robert Johnson, Youngstown, O.:
Steve Uricek, Flint; and Paul Gleye,
Grand Rapids.
In Summer School
Those enrolled in summer school in
order to make up deficiencies include
Joe Ellis, Frank Dutkowski, George
Marzonie, Norman Nickerson, Art
Valpey, John Reick, Cedric Sweet,
Art Leadbeater, Harry Wright, Harry
Lutomski, Harold Floersch, Steve
Faudy and George Shakarian.
Schroeder and Lett, of those defi-
nitely declared out, were leading can-
didates for Varsity berths. Schroeder
is a freshman tackle and his play in
spring practice stamped him as Var-
sity material. Lett, a sophomore, was
an all-state end in high school but
was shifted to a guard position in
the spring where it was hoped to ut-
ilize his speed and strength.
Those entered in summer school in-
clude -several of Vasity caliber, in,.
cbing twos letter-men ,. o ef whom"
will probably form the nucleus of the
1935 backfield. The letter-men are
Sweet and Ellis, both sophomores.
20 Named In Report
Sweet last season established him-
self as one of the outstanding full-
backs in the Conference, and may be
called upon to assume the kicking
duties this year as well as carry the
brunt of the plunging and direct the
secondary defense. Ellis, hailed as a
passing threat last year, was handi-
capped by injuries.
Although 20 were named insthe
report from a squad of 65, adminis-
tration officials stated that the per-
centage of failures is considerably less
than that of a year ago. A majority
of the grid 'candidates won "honor
point" grades, it was announced.
Honor-point gridders, whose schol-
astic standings are in excess of the
minimum requirements ',many of
whom approach "cum laude" stand-
ards, include: J. Laurence Barasa,
William Barclay, Dave Barnett, Frank
Bissell, George Bolas, Charles Brand-
man, Bob Campbell, Bob Cooper, Fred
Cushing, Chris Everhardus, Doug-
las Farmer, Jesse Garber, George
Ghesquiere, Ed Greenwald, J. M. Hin-
shaw, Jr., Ernest Johnson, Walter
Lillie, James Lincoln, Earle Luby,
Charles Murray, Alex Muzyk, Winfred
Nelson, Fred Olds, Tom Oyler, Matt
Patanelli, Ernest Pederson, Jr., Joe
Rinaldi, Stark Ritchie, Mike Savage,
Stanton Schuman, John Smithers,
and Chester Stabovitz.
UTANHED, Sweden, June 24.-- (P)
- Some 2,000 copper coins, dating
from the 18th century, were found
in an ant hill by forestry workmen
planting trees near here.

7 Out

Athletes Fail To
Required Marks ;

* * *
Eich Again Finds
Himself Introducer
In Lecture Series
Prof. Louis M. Eich of th6 speech
department, who also holds the office
of secretary of the Summer Session,
will again introduce the greater part
of the speakers on the afternoon pro-
gram of summer lectures.
Professor Eich holds three degrees
from the University. He was granted
a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1912, a
Master of Arts degree in 1914, and a
Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1923.
Immediately after his graduation he
'inedtie Ifurlty OP MKnox Col1ige;
but returned after a ear 'Since that
time he has been with the University
continuously with the exception of a
year which he spent at Ohio
State University and at Fort Sheri-
Golf -and not a very good brand
at that - is reported to be Profes-
sor Eich's avocation. During the win-
ter, Professor Eich plays bottle pool
in the faculty club, located in the
basement of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Last year Professor Eich also was
honored - "doomed" was the way he
put it - with the task of introducing
the various lecturers. As was the
case last year, Professor Eich will
take charge of the Summer Session
this year when Director Louis A. Hop-
kins is away visiting certain of the
camps in the northern part of the
Waltz O utlinies
Summer Term
Union P'oram
Membership Dances Will
Be Held Weekends For
First Time
A complete program of activities to
be sponsored by the Union during the
eight weeks of the Summer Session
was outlined yesterday by Stanley G.
Waltz, general manager of the Union.
All men students will be required
to register 'in order to be able to avail
themselves of the privileges of the
building, he stated. Tuition receipts
should be presented at the main desk
in exchange for summer membership
Although the student organization
will not be active during the session;
many of the same features that are
a part of the program of the regular
year will be carried out.
For the first time, regular member-
ship dances will be held on both
Friday and Saturday nights during
the summer. Bob Steinle and his
orchestra will play for dancing in the
main ballroom. Tickets will be placed
on sale at 40 cents per person.
All departments in the building are
being kept open with the exception
of the bowling alley, which is being re-
The billiard room is available for
use by members every day from 1 to 9
n im Ticker svvie on all habal

Session Secretary

Incomplete Figures Have
Already Passed Total For
1934 Term
Final Registration
MayReach 4,000
Fifty Per Cent Gain Is
Disclosed In School Of
A large increase in the enrollment
of the Summer Session over the 1934
term was shown in a report issued
last night by the office of the regis-
Figures, which included yesterday's
enrollment, disclosed a total enroll-
ment of 3,519 students to date, as
compared with 2,735 for a corres-
ponding time last year. The figure
has already. passed the 1934 total of
3,272 with strong possibility that a
final total enrollment in the neigh-
borhood of 4,000 students would be
The most perceptible gains were
registered in the School of Education,
the literary college, and the Gradu-
ate School. In the first, 241 had en-
rolled, an increase of 49.7 per cent
over last year. The literary college
enrollment was up 171 with a total
of 651. In the Graduate School, a cor-
responding increase of 29,6 per cent
over last year was evidenced. En-
rollment of 1,726 in the last named
was the largest of any single unit of
the University.
Increased enrollment was also not-
ed in the Engineering College, the
College of Architecture, the Medical
School, the Law School, the School of
Business Administration, the School
of 'krestry and Conservationand thi
School of Music.
The total gain of 784 students ov-
er last year included 470 men and
3'14 women. Men also led the total
enrollment with 2,252 as against 1,-
267 women.
In the Engineering iCollege, 266
students had registered; the Medical
School listed 226; the Law School
totalled 163; and the School of Music
enrolled 119. Other figures included
the College of Architecture, 34; the
College of Pharmacy, 13; School of
Business Administration, 29 and the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
Industries Are
Threatened B
New Outbreaks
Kentucky Governor. Sends
State Police To Quell
Strike At Clearfield
(By The Associated Press)
Strikes developing last night (Mon-
day) disturbed the industrial peace
of several widely scattered sections
of the country.
In Kentucky, Gov. Ruby Laffoon
dispatched state police to maintain
order at Clearfield, after he was in-
formed local authorities had been
driven from a plant, involved in a
strike, after more than 100 shots
were fired. The governor was told
Clearfield was without light or power
because electric company employees
were warned by union men against
stringing lines to the company prop-
As members of the Tacoma, Wash.,
special labor council gathered for a
meeting, rumors flew they planned a
general strike in retaliation for use
of national guardsmen in the north-
west lumber walkout.

Shipping was virtually at a stand-
still as longshoremen refused to load
as long as guardsmen remained in
the city.
The strike of the lumber workers
started March 29, when 35,000 men
walked out to enforce demands for
higher wages and a 30-hour week.
Across the continent in New Eng-
land, the first serious employee-err-
player dispute since emasculation of
the NRA affected operation of six
plants of the Uxbridge Worsted Co.

University Summer Session Camps
Now Reach International Proportions

The vaunted boast of citizens of
the British Empire - that the sun
never sets on the Imperial Lion -
now applies in some degree to the
University Summer Session as well.
For, with the addition of a Geogra-
phy field course which has attracted
23 men and women to the Yamato
basin in Japan, the Summer Session's
array of seven camps in regions far
removed from Ann Arbor has reached
truly international proportions.

last year, and the School of Forestry
and Conservation's Camp Filibert
Roth, at Golden Lake, in the Upper
Peninsula, reports an excellent atten-
The combined Geology and Geog-
raphy Camps in Kentucky and Ten-
nessee, the Georgraphy course for
graduates in Northern Michigan, and
an extended trip later this summer by
students in field and office practice
in the landscape design department
complete the summer's educational

eas" of the country. It is expected
that the group will return only a few
days before registration begins for
the fall term. Professor Hall's group
includes both' graduates and under-
The Biological Station ,established
by the Board of Regents in 1909, will
devote its eight weeks' session to
teaching and directed research in bot-
any and zoology. A forested area of
more than 3,900 acres, known as the
Bogardus Tract, with a lake frontage

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