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May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…r' 'Y3 a.r ...d tea G I'Z CL _ ( +" :f Cy V ' M - a .., r" 72 C. CD 7. t-4 rt fi . ;; ^ = Q .f arts :L " i'i n vI, rf -" 7s C e t 7 " , ' r- 7, 71 7.1 N Y.r 'l 're .-r f f . C L J ~ y j C'n ti C. r' t ' --r j v -r f tY r " _ r- _ u Q 7' " - _ if; / - _. ! - x' ti~ M _. - y .. f j ' " ... . ..._ .... _. _.. _.. .._. { r I .. ,. ' -_ _ - ... ;r .., ' . -- f a: - m : ,... - . - : = : . _ y y .J. ,- .r - a , = . .,. f r r. .- ti.- a .. ,f J !. }' ...…

May 29, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…aOl,: XI. ANiN 1AtPP= MICH..]RSDIAY MAY 4.129, 190(3 No. 77 M01iIGAN WINS Anual Baquet BASEBALL PRACTICE Js11.r.fEctaL ______ i ii'f,, iitii ii:dApio Ni 1e i Itbr .;n' I:n, t al Ta~ Ag inTll Big Tournament 9t ,,;toit r ir h uau gjont 1 r' 1ctice Yesterday Was Snappy 8a d . ; 0 fit rrku gy l -.cga inas Betwes Dan- '1t 1, rilytin.o iveluu -'at s [ Encouraging - Campbll ad . 7 71k0 - Pars idSt Jon s B (I lt . tlilisIIit ii ii 11 1011 Bid 1I1jrEd-...…

May 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…Vol '1x1. A NN Atwoi'=, 1 Cul.. TIIU17iSD)AY, m ' 2 , 190:311o. 176 'ADA.- OPENED FIRE ( Defeated in Plitics. DR. GABRIEL CAMPBELL, inet oph'st is-s. Atrits p ra- ('mines I. (lynia revs-oit'r-iitits_______f o t sin sslsnrtisitees till h e isn L ffronrriy C osnte-rs- slssli t-n it~s ie- ie irii tittiii cte~re "fr 11i\t~lyComttePr~ - \\ ho ha 5051n55tll l alsot 1realiti-u Grainlate of the University of TIC1-Idich l lcing tch sover the work rac- ...…

May 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…PIN U.0O 00 .No. 1 75 7 ,4OL. X111. ANN ARBOR. MICU., WEDNESDAY. MlAY 27, 2P03 MICHIGAN TO WIN. Remarkable Success. CIRCUS DAY, Yea Boks Sold Rapidly. (1 'rgc .F. \Iaxiy, '02, Las spent iilosoiiea Mnaltgr 00it10 of tke a h Stag S3ays Michigan Has Frst 1'011 n'ltl~t1111211 11011 1110mt it001 tt~ccta~ it i,(,inonit lnos ds-No Trouble But Many Ainsing I-In i 0 th 1 toni tksookon swer sold lacs tahed-Records Will trei-tn of Neow xork and 1I'eoooyc...…

May 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…-+ , $ =1 , yF y,. , "Ww Ny; 5 uAlLvl N>.. :4 \'uL. X 11. AX., AI'LOJI. MICE., Tt'ESDAY. MAY 26, 1"09) CON FERENCE THIS WEEK, 1 The Fnal ii ouches Are Now Being1 Applied to the i'raining of the Michigian, Track Team. W1ith1o1l18'lll'1 I I'n1 111,.s (It 1111ve jfll'! (1i:1 r~c o1111 :1v8 11111 11 j 111111lIIIte 111 111111111 11111 Iof11t' l) 1':T 818 111 1:11 will willtit181 1 m11 p-11 81118hl)11181 1081no11111 10 111111 1111er- of18this st1oll...…

May 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…,Now_[ z 0 a cd r _ :. r. = y = r -1D z: .. ._. .-. t w L . ..- «- r= .-. n-r +- -"- "--+ r + ,- H I .. r--. /. ems, CL) Cl r. i. - c .^ "- ., ;.. ^. 1 '"' : i. 1 J ". . A 1. r= " ... . . 1 J u J ... "' C w J 1..+ G 'r""ti r "+ " r"-" C H ./ f R"' J e _ r*+ r :/; at' N " j... ..r eo V :j _ _ 4.1 H J J =- ^- - -t 77-7* - : J. "t C .n r f p r. a r ^f. 7 1 s, ¢ 't._ .t. t-". u 1. .-. a t -" i _ -- r ri y 1 _. 1 r- "-/ " i i. ,,i, f - r l ,~ - y-"...…

May 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…HE am low ddpftl p A Lyle VOL. MITI. OPENED YESTERDAY 3ia Interncuolastic Meet is On- I Lewis In t tote Strong- Will Have Htird Struggle With iotroit Schools .-I-I-le i " h t o cl It . i-I fsinn tra ken pc- Tc-rnn nter-y-tield1-ith I latgeti ANN ARBOR. MICJI.. SATU RDA~Y ,:NAY' 23, 11903 Sin Y AlH) VN. I riid Rnpit irdu. llie,t-nX Secod het-Cok, levland1'.It. ADELPHI WINS CUP Lits Win Dehating Cup Frcnm Lawe -Amberson, -olderman and Sctntitz, ...…

May 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…Till D.Oor N.DIY NO. 1171 VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1903 INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET "Miss Hobbs" Tonight This i-tening the Coateia-tt lut of the te Largest Meet Ever Held Starts Antnt Arbor high school presetts their annual phay. The east w1as given in Taday With 539 Entries y 209 «v dotsdays Daily and is one that Men-Play at Athens and warrats the expetaion of a good Dlance at Gymnasium lerfrniance. The attention of all thtoetles...…

May 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…Vol".Xl. 0s OF 0M No. 170 AINN ARBO3R. MICH., TIIVLI,'SI)AY. MNAY 21, 190:3 INTERT-HOLASTIC IEET Nicol Cojot Klno -inos. Itinins: Largut Nnmbbr of EnIesEver :s-it o. Atis,. Ct'*-~r-.Mothn Knon-Odas on Exiition liii ,OW -Dlance Friday L220 Yk;tli-oASIl. __________.AdtriniC. Wet -m~i, iti t r l I-~ 1-Lit-ti Delanoi-(-tusitis tari- siati Fintl 2'r:1011ntshav hon ~ld jArio, IL-iks. IDodd,,s. nil: 1titit for to'hi ti- ts-o-tistn letti- Is o-i bieiC...…

May 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…HE 0l Vor. X111. AINN4ARB(At.I MICII., WEDNES)AY, AY l20, 1903 No. I (1) *E.T TRN CONFERENCE j. i "i' t"+ ';.1 ~i.\ ~~tliiC poiSCo if Records CGives MIen- wt:1 '!-v :.It.i ttiii L -a n rt Piace-Chicpo atnd Xi?' , t il rii 1!ttl~ vi seeon::' ,ed for Seconde -THE NEW PROFESSOR" Lastern Track Meets I ii ick i mlliii iii- o r S o ; !otin 11 nvjillnet iiIn llts-o ,eile;-i nilft: 1 ui , ' ii <l ni . 1 ,," ,ti-mi torusi slii oi s I i 5 5thin Whi- Ini...…

May 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…VOL. Xill. lo OF iM ALS. No. 168 ANN ARtBORI. MICII.. TUESDAY, MAY 191, 1903 MICHIGAN WINS AGAIN In a Slagging Match Fronm Wiscon- sin Yesterday Afternoon- Score was 15 to 5 .sc1sot't-: S'lANILNG. .Illinois ...... S -'hsesto....... 4 Wisconsin ,....2 Northwestern .1 ler Inst.LCet. 2 .75 .571 4 .t:!t The t'niv'ersity of 'iiilaui basebaill team .tefeaited tih' Universitysofiifs-555 consin yi'sterdlay by the score of t1 to 5. It Avs5thie seconid ...…

May 17, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…HE m m t Au r 1 r ' _ ' ry ~ VOI'. X I 1 . ANN AtZ'11. .MICH.. rV'NDAY . MAY 17, 1903 No. 171F MCHGAN WINS ( -.1.o "Track iXam XOv'X00 Cia ''aXoYes- terad o' v Score of 'II 1-2 to l 0 r1C 42 1-2 -- XlXXv ('{ 1 F Ii 0 'ln .]tsc --('II;( t' V, ut'n 1 .( 1 I 'XX I I 'XI t I h "1" 111111 XXXt tAIII ,, ,,,in e ,c re1'' S:;,. X I the ourterlc XXI('11(11 11'il l X iX SioX <,XXL 1111 n( oI' inL thI XXI 1 11111 XXIXs,'discs. 111 ro -'I XX 11 111111.1 X...…

May 16, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…THE us o DAILY. INO ,. x I . ANN ARBSOR. MICH.. SATt LZDAY. MfAY 10') 1903 No. 16G Ml HIG. N VS. CHICAGO ::i 'ivo i Schools Will Contest od ay for Supremacy on Field a. Cider Pthi-Midti o 'ioConfident Interscholastic Dance MAY FESTIVAL ; ol ni~nccssf l ieitcri c Coocerts Yesterday 'Wero Larcely At- ' a1v lI.,1 onleIeatt'l I'm h e Ia' 511th ii i iii aviilii <iiiiten ded-Soloists Enthoslastic- ;1( tI ci lall iii'aia ilhl ally IluceisEd iIi it ec...…

May 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…THE us of Me DAILY. 40L. X111. ANN ARBOR. MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1903 No. 1(3a MAY FESTIVAL I ir Concert:, "Caractacus," a Suc- ese-vie G(lgorza Not Present- \'"iiou lttoooy 1. 51 ilot. 5 oattoititt of 0 co' i t ' o tt'.I l i NN -V t 100050 c°1,1 o o' oot totleoIs the t itofpfsor MADDOCK CAN COMPETE t'(~1 In fte Dual Meet With Chicago To- o morrow-Michigan's Chances for t t Si. Howland Distinguished Dotche eenWinning the Conference 0 V . Sloo ...…

May 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…Till U.Or NoDIY VOL. XIII. ANN AIIBOR. MIH.. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1903 READY FOR CHICAGO (ik i 1; hildci h deiht. :vMAY FESTIVAL cSee featiureofel dnceflintehow's irosgil od judgenie . iesele to Track Team will do LigttWork Until of the llilci-, viiich i to b ve- cgoodI'OpnsnoThis Evening XWith "Carata- S turday-Michiga n Expects to wiiid ihe ai-aiiieieut of ite iiorii cus"-The First Production of Win tashoo and Quarter-Mile twii calzeso iiivsrey...…

May 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…. . m 0 Cy C+ i. _ J r . r. i t f r r V r J ~ ti. I o Ct7 + n " . sn cn O c3 c cl _ Q i. i - 'j 0r a~ ci [I C.) cn CO '^ : , ' r _ J- __. r' r _ .n v . i .t. "J. = . .-, J .. : J .-. !- ,- ^ .-- I. J 'J. 'l. , r r '"' . , - f - ... r v...+ _ 1: 1- ._ _. a y t-; .- ^ r., ; . '" 'l. G -f: .. 'I i C ' - __ - i - .w , - J !. i, f. .7 7: C-. f: 1 r _ +n . r . n i.. .t.. r wi 1. . . FJ f " ~ r ""' C rr r v1 ^' " ~- " J u r 7:: J r U ;f i f; r=, c S ...…

May 12, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…IIE of M DAILY. DUAL MrEr WITH CHICAGO~ .Micigan Tucak Athletes Meet TheirI Firer Oppixruts oe Ferry Field Nxxt Sata!xda-TlFe Eetries Allii iii lxxi ll truckixix xi M ic., il ill twx oex'"i 'i x I Il 11i li:I1, xxx lcx - -llx xx :c (m 11'iv Vi~d 1x tlxiii ii( xI s, o w ih ofIx ll(,tw ullvi,-stio i:1 ho hos ( iII'' iiof 1i 1:;,1 '-illxxin Co x 'xi Alo izo I~r313113t ,:I' 3rof ixl xxl c ix ilix: ti,13:?13k 'it"t~ t 1,0 xxo I(.,11ii)~ 1I lho 10-)...…

May 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…THE us. oi: Mt 'DAILY. VOL. X II. ANN ARBOR, MIH.., SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1903 No. 161 S RECORDS WERE BROKEN Rastn.seold; hayes, thirdi. Tie MICHIGAN DEFEATED i Half-Ml tie e-I hlt. irt; Di litwiay. I 7 the 'Varsity Meet Yesterday-Moad- seeond; arpham., third. Time. 2 f he 'Varsity Lost the Game to Ili- dock and Stewart Each Won mnlnes4 eld.nis Yesterday in a Well Played TheeEvnt-Tre Aci 0-Yrde Low htrdles-Stewart. Contest-Score was 8 to 2 The vnsTr...…

May 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…1111 U.F0 N. DAILY. V'OL. XI II. ANN ARBOR. MICIL. SATURDAY. M1IAY 9, 1903 No. 160 "VARSITY MviEET TODAY the tine is. They play the senio~r lit, tnest Ttuesdaty.' The linietui of te Nwitiicti teem was Hird Competition Today for Places s fiillow : Staciik., p.; Cilark, C.; Stew- an the University Track Team- tirt, Sttixtt, 1: Ftwit', 2; tay, >; Flii- Seventy-Five Contestants meii.: .Lewis, .; i'. itstoti. i.,Vce. The sopihiioiore entiteet's jii...…

May 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…'IL Ui Or N. DAILY. ''VL. XtIIL ANN A R3OR. MICl.,FAIR)AY, MAY 8, l9 03 No. 1 5(, 'MICHIGAN-NORTHWESTERN i"1-hce tln bss~ei ;Ann Arbor Wis Game by Score of Aire'-Iittkit.attu] i'e- t. 18 to 12--Team Leave for Chamnpaign Today Iterscolatic Dance i'10athlut it Asocitinit will giea TeNorthttwestern l bosetoilti Itut;ochime' Io the Itero'thulstie athletelts kteptnop its losing strek by roingitin Watermano gytnlluito t' ight of \tlay 22. Atamo has ...…

May 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…1111! '[ or NM DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR. MIH.. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1903 No. 158 ENTRIES CLOSE °TONIGHT of aall thae doss andi their residence ad FRESH MASS MEETING __________Occititon in a chiss book. to be kept in Ain Arlbor. This secretary to ap- iFor the Big 'Varsity Meet-Lots o point sochlo si-talots as necessary. Clas: Spirit to be Aroused--Plans Good Material will Compete and (2) A tax of 25 cents to be leviedt f'or Next Year-Meeting to ...…

May 06, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…Thll us oi: N. DAILY. VOL. XI II. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY. MAY 6, 1903 No. 157 SPARKLING COMEDY nceesto plifeltiiiii. tliialt inotisitt, lovble sh-gir -l vt-txreat-il Comedy Club Performance Last Even- ity. int-Eclipses all Former Efforts 11is oftethte cas iteprfs --Society Iturned Out sitlt raniks tail:ti iat p111 hrotaght into r iiitin i-i lyt iiitat- Attati ito it iti ha, atllso it swas Ilst u_ Agi h otietly I. iltblhs at-kiit iss Aay i...…

May 05, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…ifli! v.Or N. DAILY. VoL.: xII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY' 5, 1903 No. 1.50 'VARSITY MEET SATURDAY !:Many Excitin Contests are Promised in the Annual Meet-Chicago Hes on May 16 'nlu' yes of te athletically iun'tlned poriull of the Uiersity' are now4 torowd towad The annual 'arsity raknmeet.oinetrwvilt take jplaeesuet Satilav afternoon on ctery Fel. I nerest in 1the succesn of Iihiiawn tirick lamifor 1 510010 s mreilteneG 11hun m fr sme ti...…

May 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…P112" Ilmw CI GAN WINS ic(: Chicagn Uiort 'f -m 2in21 to 4i-Captain 'j 5Iwo 1101m10Runs - '(I ''''iiteI iliri liio ':"i,._°tIi :b i'<(tt: I ('l i tt fI1ii ' )I '(i' 2ICS 1. ~ ii'li'i i11 l'i- l e l 1=11 ' l to ) lt to a i }n F5.-1) oi, ;::l so il (((l( ii ii lit I i))< Oil 81('7 1 IisIi-ist II} '. w i 1 lt liii11 tiiiie.1 Iii liii- Ii :+ Il 11'11 1^, it eII 0 I-s ;..1:II(t liii- li-ill ))))il i ii Olil Illov lIiid)lei- it L ii))ii% ) i it1iit ...…

May 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…Nob,. XIII. AiNN ARBOR MICIL. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1903 No. 1:54 THE SWING-OUT ( ROOTERS OUT VOJD GOVERNMENT LECTURE BASEBALL RULES Fine Showing by Senior Lit-Eng ClassI Chicago Toda y-Noise on the Side 11ir Franklin H. Hed Spoke Lst The Followin Rles Govern al11 Class is their First Appearance in Lines May Win the Gaie-Cloe Evlsening to an Intersted aid Gams ad Sosud be of Interest Classic Garb -Dr. Angell Contest Expected Wel Pleased Audience to...…

May 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…FL j . - r " Y' J C 8 Vol.. X111. A N' .. B'1, \ICH Fll- IIDAYI AILAY 17 1,,-)103 No. I 71 1181 ii 1.c 1111 : Tonght -- 7011811:i.Fou Lctre ('1. . t . rm li . lb :d v, il 1 - o1,, n II I (;o ' 1 +r~i11(o <'klo ; 1811 Ni' 1118' 5181: 00'1o Wo 1lcte 1100 t~s1t 1 tvi1a:r 10i -t111:;is 110in 1'E 11 i 1 o~e[11'':n11116 18ao11811111 . iII '1 1:1 in' 11 i88,o' s10 1 1w0 0110 01 0111 'ydc~ 01111i111 1111 11011 of 1110of \c is ' 1111081in 11:.. 11 1111...…

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