am low ddpftl
3ia Interncuolastic Meet is On- I
Lewis In t tote Strong- Will
Have Htird Struggle With
iotroit Schools
.-I-I-le i " h t o cl It . i-I fsinn tra ken
pc- Tc-rnn nter-y-tield1-ith I latgeti
Sin Y AlH) VN.
I riid Rnpit irdu. llie,t-nX
Secod het-Cok, levland1'.It.
Lits Win Dehating Cup Frcnm Lawe
-Amberson, -olderman and
Sctntitz, Adelphi Society
tme-it tho Wohtooi- ity if thoIm- t
No. 1]7.
of i- njtitit iiitt
i~i ddiion L~ i-'t tt -m titin-n,;. I mii
Insurance Lecture
Tlitinnittin nit mitt inil(, - foinntti of
.-i m io. -f nit tim-n mottI inni :11-i n o was
deltini v t il'1:np t 111Itit iY Mr.XW. .1.
n)) il twit -:Indiil iinennitn n-fr Iien Trd ihat-. ieeleri,.I). 1'. e".4.,irnt:
nl,0 iiiitin t-ta1d i oe nl nofIl li tii I iin n.11.Panw i,,c id:iti t I on
:t Ii 1 ini iitiniwitii' h t'prd t itni(2- ti -Liiid. i 58 secndsi. nittt
ih4,vlo-e oi-he nletito ayI ti-dlwl itt-N -ico.1 . I.l ,i rst:ii
(~a littit tid:it\II. 10d-i-ti-i-.lIo. )3..S..
-li y i t1r lr e f nltlllc il th Il;- I- itn l,1it- i: tine. Leis i i ti te
(l; s 1 tast~t~i lon - - - - --he inutin stittittlil t. Itt1-i of ecn s- 11onit I 1)
1t.7 '1'i.t i11ts The attel(101ee iti's Slill itttt I)(,olC lt'1. T le 93
T-itt-itt4-w iiit -litititihe- 'lootitt:tnd
c :F~2- titti1t12 Sand afb- crow istt.
lri d T()4:v frs . Ientl ittit ei I nsiti t u i ntt ilt ti-i-nld
_ ate ; t li tii tt.1 nO11 l t ittit lit-n tilt, ii. ia
nun .-4,iti-ti I -tiit-.I tn r niiIItinilei
nnii;, -1en t~Wilt thel i llitot itnltnof
al tb tt ~ sis eItt-it IteIi mutt. inh it nti
nix l o ut ii tii l o"i rseti l acin temi
beItinnsen Iniflit, vt ori--. itt Ionted it
.Am-mn-n n-n - Iuthitntnnie-.oi-it d n-
-)ti-ne ilttltiiero -Senilitywionloom
_ iut in ii-l toleiSliIweei ttirn-
,tn- it ised--ictenbtwenittithoe t-
n I nniin 5ittl litimlatlti
,n1eni in intitute), Shawn.Satintge, Nit-itt.
it. -{felitr I Deak i, Ditttit. rntd ,
3'I ncinolloingticarete sunitmaies:
ist heat-lSith, Dtitn. ntitt
Saa_( ei ti.tLi-mmeondi-
lThnind It -nntin n- Dtr o it.T. Sl
outt lt-i t--titi.tannLein Itnti-
n±n' tnt3' CI-1(C-,ltiid!).l.iitl
T Ituslihet-cIsI-uutn, rbirnitirsti;5
i s, nihartteviix n secon . iiie,1 ..
Se (Tint hotDekiIiwsi1 ti
nTidihiat-AI2CSeler(tettroitlI'T. S.
a inst; Torrntt tMsegonit endii.
FiftIlienSatRogeinonLewis tush-
-tefiest;SAdiams, Stiginawm, secndu.
Finshet-SR. BeetorDetroit 5U. S..,
SmtDtoiYt t Il:AShg e
I toitniie I nt:hinDtrCult . S;Sv
hei-,ILtttni- nsn:titt:i-n.Feeler.in
2ll-YAISII tLewisItiute.~t
440i-YAlSI IIUN~.
Lewtisti, CIa-int I it tiltrkeritt.Atit
itolHoinerIt 'm-u-I Ridslt;ICoonel:
ClevetlnndttV. S.: iittii I tL eisti -
intute g iltketnt- gin-ti. s h
nttittl tin ttGrid apitmCids: inn liii--n
n~isI n sti fn toiitntute;t1'.nteler, tm.
Wti Antttnjw nmne.; tDe in ne
Cl);Ilovoi: 11. Ile i a muHowit.
tied thet AIm-. l-lmti socit ofill,,t-lii m-ttiml Fischertim '111timspetam-riiti-i i 'tititit tut
I lufne t i t; lt-m- Int em-ittiin i""- Iof it i Nith i - i-mi Ilt- r
I t t..o e r iait -drtnil
mntmtmttt ntin.auiemncemi. T u it inorithe uinss iora- - if( ihs ispn
ideba u Sit a n"R ltl im tuttut i is n tiiit met andutu ntuttntttiltitS itmi
wiefrtl,"ftsttteptIotx f - m kn : ptitt inf thet-largerim
In l f tit-eveninig tts in S titti ii , s, ti !it. - - - st. n Its le tre h
Si moimn. omit oitmmi t. e u n s we -t in.....lthi.n ei t l to gooIn nim tttttiiti
W . W .)- t V c o .m y o . J n u ; u n l,-i n- t t i n: 1 h 1 k . r s c m
it I tituS -] fe e ii e . b il i g :1 1 o e o ia i t s
11mm mti mmmmi unu n:i-teincu t int vertm-ut itt mim-itisn iici 0 aii tug anut
invth lm i 1tin-n. ie rthIthei. itciii mlii f -i-tint- t io s
pmmii 11m-iit ittititischertistiti-n mtuml-mitritan
indstral ingith runmim1tiimtii ENGAGED TO TWO
i-ito tttm-iedthtt mutthIt ersonmilu prop-
u-t mmutmn--tu -tuimu intitiifPossihle Rn 2sun for Patt3t sonis Dis-
tuishitilecaaterimappearatce-F'oltiPlay StryyGeo-
Mri. IItutmnlemm--ui, ' it- tli t, u-ner f erally Disceditd-Stains on
lotit .Suti-tt -t lii fil- Hat XW ere Not lood
it-ut oi tei a e t n t s I i 1~ td n t otm uiipo:t tim sit:: mitoiiotitit
cm e ofutu t-. -ra i n i muft e
b~il- nf talc i itt ti iiinmtinttftiio-.-(inst. i nit-mtmittis-
SItl, liit Iit-ne::ofrot t y l i - - I - a -- i~or 1'iitin mm
ieronait yt Im i-t n luittils o ti, Lwn ht" i iilit: tu se nt cl
ciea d co nr iumt i i i-id whi it-torIv t h, i l n dt i_- mt
I-mi itto1' i-itonaltyt.-un e : - Chmicat it-xi Seledtlit itt rs
lin.tittt suhit steimm ituis ei Itim ~ln hee n tion ti-N mo-.'.t
fu, tomi u ictiim li i n .i itt eit itm _\ndisptch - ill, mliigo R cod
tofrud p iju tin dtm corrummttionttrndsaestai tteso n i m-m
Dt.E ns ,ci nn -i nimtum i it iun'int.-the nitttitm \ isIt i I irer of1-hu
Sumk r orti e e tt t imivc tniti tha t n tmttm 11.i i n t tm nh. I(,mimi
MIf. .1titihem itti i ii'0:; It'. itt-dnt nii n i Sme. i If t M t sIfild ft1
th -cii i 1m m e Irti iit- -of t h it tim-itto i-t mi i tiitt . l's e~a en ii mtino
ttir iumutt Hemtattem1-mndinolit-itt hatiMtilt- lit-ti Miss. Hiit ani reti iedithti
Summw r ihreitS th smsSI atutu knw Ihutas ttomerit ,n 'git t
sIevidencedSto the atulm t haiI tiun1 ntut eY utti 55 It-it iiin'rnle btt
ttuiutn' ~ t-temmmrefo m had fatilted. Hlutt,.f-heha rv n n e ttmto mut ttutimthtu
feredtn ni-i-Isiitt utesttfitt th nern altt ti heint tm-m Sit' mitd oonttbroketntigoff li
proin t u mntax,-i Sta) Iop rti-I Itt ,Itill t i'it The torg that fit(' y Iii 15 1mm 1:11m1n Waums
tui n s t u n u ih(c ) mn u - n d t a x , o r- u m(nd ) i t im d me w a y m m u mtwi t ub y u m: t M x c n s c e
spia frau n Itn. ti-iutax.ltslimittin iiis Ihgmnttumy mtu isci'ymtm tte, mandntn
Dlr.ntL.uCnn tn lit I cumosu timltd(- semstt itmtttSytih ivbett ittumn--m
I to fortmhem-tetnu b1mm uiv~ o nliy inogmntsoyiune -iwioul uinvment
shu i ( that themunmutiutnnuhStimulid nuhina tuyarn toutcovtr'itracks.ltmmt mDean
lutis oppoimnen'utiwrent oti apptlianit .hi m it til t ed yesterday nm t hnt aituit nthit
mMii tug oftt)(1mmtulnhuuum15-tInSmt.iowspktfmtto uhitnnse ntutrsonnwoldt
myv Sun imthmu tes mmihin mutt Ihlii In not lhtugivnhm yndilma hetten inhu
thi patlot he dmi ebamitetu-t.mmt n ht n shoun d rei rn.h uuun-um htmtumu uut
ofi' ti muttun u-Im-cldtt T hemSuu exce utl- iitehurgmt hul itt i tmmu Hiumum ifln
Shnentuitar Stu' dititmtt'byMt mi ater apmatumemnu-tsi 1::1 o Wensa
tif Ithe ttlitidec t itIisiont--.t letri in -hih lft-naf t t tu
liitlititt i mninilai Sy p11mm' ite hourittttittni1 51and ihthee wtsol 'ne asitm
tin th npreisente h mmuilvm rtpizcupgn g ht o ti-t n mm--e mtof, muof utintd tilt
ttoloaneirtmutof iti ilt tmhessul teiititi streim t. m ttut'inu tiy lmt
Tnmi-t cll, tt-uulu'utlt'gives its himetnt'm Depiuty m liiihid m ffiten mnnq i nmtt
Sitathin agobyuthemin t oi ttii n tuiiSo nbtum- ud wno sw P ttro e
hum iths.bon Lttn-S ogncn. I ttl im' Sum pa t frot ii I mityI-. ht ttntthltmSa
wichit is Smi-imstdelintes it we ntnlimi t mum amii i gh n o etife
Yeariu'sto Sit- remhpermatneTtpnie- ithA uhem exul in tilon oftil muIh eeSin
simu i-im- he mmipy.Th . rut iiareit a ight mitItttttrs'intm-itih uttm tie iu-
yto tn, Inco n m ulated1eumtup teirBardn- n eni i mu nuiii it tuent Shaim d1t
Law Revew Edtors tougituumueuu-n thatut tunsatertuhin
haveimannuotuct h ~e appitme ti ofit ill1m
flmlowintg sixenhie ml-u n im mustudetuCommunication
editorsn it Ii'I uoItf it utu'te Relit-or n t I-tttmunI.oI. t I tilt-
ni-tin: CI N. ItmunimI I. I. IDucker, IDetrSii-tntbhalf ofl uitmmiia1tlrgi
htm. I D ton ny. tIs-n Iarritttett in umu. ummutru oftItllitnnsit tumetmns, te-
NthtI' lumi lR HatS I.I. ]lomt-- e to iit t prtesmut tagtint te
tun W . Le"I GuI emilS Xmtttt . It-ittiito n wih theu tutlmltim huarndlinnsai
I'tigm- 1). CI Si-lmtz, 1m3. Sit titti t o hitimu'etknin imgrntinug ta-'Xtrsity
nm-hmuinm P.. I-. - titt ni-n VW 55W. -emmtle mtm utndtit(,m e t otfmthliii' vt ity
Webbml, It.S W ihnuh mmnmm-i W. K i l XI-tmoorsh tmhnemm liinummumltnof mt gilt
liti-un Ste m-ifit uummnnuu.T thinprt-t it i
Lmm-nCyeamr lt'e stuimenut eetors mn-re foundmedumito ttnomspe itttivetsinithumgolf
eecumtn'mt tntmei(i -tnasut ndmm-t im' e- tt I Ottlat imt implt ah olltuIniy Out
nult ni-is f-iyatstnorniyastmn umthin( t {;cnutiud on Page Pour]