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May 23, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-23

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Eteared aascodeta .lmt'tanler at Ann Aria'
Thei i-t and mst oERLE I. HOUSTON. '03.
tuii>iitiiptt:iici ~ ctc ~inr
-is tothe ffect thisn Ailljmveonth
ilt- the '1 lt'stti tistcttiti :111 Popular Priced
tt'th hetivikein tiche mtv l n
ou 1u ork'1.f'orthte tealn.TheI>1y k
witl he -',X1toreeiv nfuthe e- ennis R ckt
'Ili ctono nn-rt't'tItitt' li ilt These Racklets tare matde t
t onr il tin ther ii11 ' to h ' i it1- right & Ditsoo, the letni1 g
itin tt'111) t1tint tthiltI i t' a t l makes ofTennis g goils i1: tl'
iii t' t aihitta k ii in iitt'it' tfte I Langstottd-'.i l batlanttedt frame'
I~o d.s enst t i's lit of it ill ii i oftt iwhite tilt.,iralttt thin.t
'it c I and hr'ee. ofitt' it .. one u titl l itteceeed hatndile, is strait,
tich it s :1 tsniint m i :1 'tti wt tinte quality of ,ant $3.503
tiiho '' it t '' f 3im.t he.gu t..i.h ....tli .. . . $2.00
RO COE B. IlUSToN 'Il04-t..
Assignmenet Editor
it (.1H. \Will 'k Co.'s, 10.5
paiiints litvie bintt akeni in
Ihntis I3.fi bcttit.'t. Jt..t'Ralit,'f'.'
tle (n ititi oft,,'11.1 Stit- LoiA.B rot'3 llodNc ool"e - """ ___________-preciation.____ I nsadd tothe lig tutt t Clle'
Theii lts inOt s ubt iiti rittn ttric i ift'e Io'.Mi.etsCaimpbhell, Pinn t e.
cotig. fr thsSesn. Dilyty5i 0 for the railtge yriir. Nit' NOTICE l 'eitsiilsecT
tice. t tititii tiiii nlitsetc.. nmunt Ct utcnddTeitralstl11 .,..,.
inat i thtittofie beftore 5slp. in., or .Anlt' iittepe ie t whott lkeI car} o
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O N A l titn g e' in lia td e iti i g ia tte r t nu s tb e O O o
Oificer in the Batty Argns oefter. No. tiltSouath All kinds of Attints' and Photog
____________________ ain St. Triliiion Nit. 1t. rapthers' supplies. Cuishtng's Phatrm-
ary. _______________
Engraved Calling Exper t repiing-l of je'we-lry at
Cards -NewsLitor - 'Thoasi B. tRobertsn. I.1LLEII'S JEWELRY STORE.
1'ecili I to lpe rn i al lil ns ",ld altttsitz'eii' nat ivei t
lii' -h it.t'I'lleihoard iof 'ietorsftiin iil 'he id r't'ivt e rer. it
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______ad _l__ ilshShdd. yelw 111 le eiii I tlil ilt iof-Mctutughitti 3i' Fi' ne Artsili. ' e s id e n
"'t' cii'iilii lii' li' cit 'nt Ii nd the l ii l'ttty itChin . nit htitits
The letil 'it'iti'a rie :1. t rntAi ''t crote 1 nt' aeabgS c w rh u r
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An tconorsl.'iiiile inhr itlt.u tit n _____the__gol___on __the
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ljcin l~c h t ise.it isittunil i'i:11 1t .;: _t} _p.ill. _nd _frm_________- "
Univ rsiteBoo sellrs ir 't I i iinhllil t' t i. Ithtlit ("(11'1t'.):{)'Ei.II 'ST IIt.
when in need of a '
buy the
The Pen we guarantee toI
give] perfect satisfaction
Leav:DETOIT ail -. .0 . .
LearvedBUFailO Daes Si (1t-h5.30 P.twM.
Arrise at DETROIT - . - 7.010 A.
ConF ~ h ~rlet r tn ot telloints i'E
it'e .nt 1itt t t alpintrt end 'tilt , t us-cit
see- othdi, ti scWO, ynr.l $tluao lt ii
81~st hehtet
Sterice Line to i h
D - - BOKS!TO.Jr.-S -AA.ntCNANraaG.PTnM,Detotjich'
I 165 an tre anid corner of Sae dLi.crty Stre 1'v-
h,l>"i' t 'cat ttitiut h t F 3,tlilw ts iitli ' 'l AI-~
I'htziuit tuG'.sit andttu Eltet ' Iisti1(;tttees. OA T H iii
I ;lt it htawttt..,I2.}till eo >t: . ii s in tetu 26 lofr T9IINS T II I n LLL .-
Allt.n goodnless 1in the .$5..0 a sso ni u
'Varsitty Hats at" $3.&%0.
S. lam nStreet.

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