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May 19, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-19

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VOL. Xill.
No. 168
In a Slagging Match Fronm Wiscon-
sin Yesterday Afternoon-
Score was 15 to 5
.sc1sot't-: S'lANILNG.
.Illinois ...... S
-'hsesto....... 4
Wisconsin ,....2
Northwestern .1
2 .75
4 .t:!t
The t'niv'ersity of 'iiilaui basebaill
team .tefeaited tih' Universitysofiifs-555
consin yi'sterdlay by the score of t1
to 5. It Avs5thie seconid Haine inl the
series with isscoliin 551d1 trings Mich-
igan's ters'i' ie to 75).
The tae n tc islt 1eetniracterized
as a "logg4iIn iatclionsthe ipairt of
Mtichigan. ''ti i' 11 ganliunch sue-
cecitid in swselin tInir tere talge by
a totall of 15 hiits. niearly asll of tti'i
being cean strives oftt Lovis. the Wis-
'wonsin tivirls's. Ws consin o the other
hand Wsas Unalelii to hit Vtlo'y to ainy
extent. the i'tils ieiig ig elt scattere'i.
wisi'onsin'1", uss Were'i1i.' nais iistty
o1i thseer'ro's otf .siclsig 1s ptchedlsi
doss'isto workthaitdtitsys'ilveyctesd-
itabltetaltl. licilln ii shourt plilyed
atitod gains'~withthte excep~tiisiiof Isso
s'iithros whsssslichlivre exacusalte oi
ii'oiiiit it Iis iiiexpesriinieein ii tii'posi.
Interscholastic Dance
()IiI Fidayi i sissinse ii this sckiwill
occur i' Ii' ithe t fsirssilydne o iiilt.
ye i l i so 'uS ii usssis usci1ussisiom1. 'lie
ocainis t iisisulla s it cicill
hoo ofi 1I ihse.i' i'i in hin andiiti
mush is'-iitheIntieslstc il. swhchil
csoos',,ioff lis wsiool'Fridays111(i ut smiii
day. 1hess sisuisitteiii1'bugs' isihas'
snu11stwl i ii'time sitfir asucscmess sandi
'ill -will be espleciailly lpleased learinti
thuat ixineys fs no is orhestra Isiss
been' ii 's m"'s'esl fori'the muisii'. 11 is not
otentohlii'stindlnts -eela si a1c t
i111~ osel ie111i n seily't sum Ii i miwsprice is that wich'l
w5ill bei i liii edid 'may iiglit. 75cents.
Oni this Accounit it is qiit'tii'iibalelii
thai it iii insisitstisio. ''Si'' hasprm
idtolipulith ll oot i11 A No. 1 coniiii-
to so thiat iiitliiiigis li'ft toi li' de-
si' 'i Ihe d lic i ltt'u i'uni ui i - l
giveniitIeis' saiiii'sis'mibgyl tCle IHighi
Schsoi'oiiio'edy Clutb.
Wty 'this Bulletin is Printed and
What it ltoes for the
Ini thei' lst e'ilioif liii' University
Sof .'lim'ligssuu Nes-L'etter, silmlihsip-
(Nardon1 Saitii'iay. Slay 1li,.4a siit-
tlemuou>ut ~-as i'iiilosi'itwichulsitfot'ii'h
thelii'.iiii.i1gi. oosth smut works if
itue estpesial featureis oftIllei''' sinl'zesti'w'sit ii' ll i-reisin. hu heliii'
sibiels in ino hail laii'ks'ihlsueest. ins'"sItIis Nm's-ltte ell''sms. Its
Utley hutdsalmuost tp'rfe'it m'iiiltio'l iiand firm ailsi suppiyuslilts siiiil ews-
uisidi' sutueiltlii' lhits swill scattered j ).1111, hl ii il rsilgal ei
he struck iout six lt'ssl;eu's. Rhoi'lii'ablti hew.s iss s'ssiis''tiiig thei' li
-saintal ned his high li-ailgm ai'ter 5's'sit'iiindIitsaworkl. By'thlis imiisi
io yesterdasy's g;iiaIis'e yliknga liepulicis' maiiiii cqiouintedIsilti
triple. one idsiible asuitw ossssilglsout ss liii thu liii stiutisiiiis acmlsig
of SC's'tisses sit bast. IUts' s' 'it's -h'I'lli i' iii(iiiliof 'heNes tteeiis (l114
ures) iii the' shiing tcoliiiiiiithsiilzsitoisitiosi ils~eisIsby ils'he sitit sif te-
Ilocnue ronl. getsll I 11Sils-eus it \vsIaSli'sirts'l tit
Whstussilispslyest si gissisgsaie in Ihe geeraui l iublibegiili aii iii-
thefielst. 'They ssmre, lhowsever.t' inllbl sightitu I'llisieusilysiafsai's liy sosie
Co lilt -'tli'y fosliiy trtissuit it ssasmoans orsitotheist.'Ili' tisuilt Nvsi-ithss
heir inabsility ti it sslsii'lsgsive tl i sblissilisiinil189S5osithesi'rlstisose
-Michiginstheliigame.s lie' work of 'BlledI Cii' 'Ns'ss-te'tfist sliits''.
Allen beid the scbit wuas sery good. svtllsP'tof. I". N. Scoit is isedit. Its
The scoeo is is follosss: sits' stslsis sisogrssduaslly incr'ts'seds
MICIGN.usti sow' itiisst. toi sll flei'e'tos
Mt~~i~il0AN. if the mioies's'li ssssl jotrnassili lll
ABtR in F -CIPA theCl geonstilss:slsos toi sll Kre s5asso-
'Rochie, .I. t .. ..53 54 0 00 ctionss, pstissasiIs sof schlsis, iii'iii
Vitley p5....... li 1S0 essof bohlbtranches ioftt'the 'neislsi
Rim ... . .4 50 1 0 4 2 lts'e. saitdmany0'ofthestalste' oti'i'ts.
,Cutting, 1 b..... 5 1 2 17 0 t It can thus bei'se's'n Ioss'fsrsthel'istlt'
tiCarrotlsetsr, f..'.4 a 0 t 0 0 ists isindsambtitiosus if liii'Utivierisity
Rieddes ..... 3 3 a 5 2 site furthe'tr'd by iseasis of tlisslittli'
dCots 3 ....... 2 2 05 0 1 iiiblic'stioni. iiy of the other co-
:1arste n,3b..... 4 1 t 0 t 2 tigssiiit tssittstiiss sissilsir to the'
Davls, c............ 4 3 0 G 0 0 5)News'Letter, but oftessni'urowsisLit-
- - - - - te'i's hsis's felt thi sws'sy silsils' ities
Totals ...........4t 15 14 20' 1S S tisave followeisd islsuitfoosetps.
AB It H P A iL Senior Singing Meeting
Persons. s' f....... 5 10 0 1 00 5) Otis's'oresti'he casmpus silll risigsiills
Hloeh., 3',.is...... 5 1 2 0) 3 1
- nekilssius. 1. f. . .. 4 2 2 2 0) 1 thi'sme fMssgisi iigt~ s
(hates. r. f.........5 0 1) 0 1 0 luty vo'iceiss of siss' Setiors cuiss. Ali-
Blluelii, s. 5...... 5 1 (t} 2 'I 2ottuir isis'tisug-W f siltseniors tassbeel'l
itorresost. t h. . . .. 1 t0 125)0 susallsd fis tonsiight sitx1:30 at Cli'essiss'
Biray. 2 b........ 122 I lsh s's l tast swees'ksoituthus'e'aulltmts.
Attest ..S.......... 40 20'th1is bas s esiis'Cito'ere'cogsnize'd sow
I.essis, ......is. 0 51 s0scstotmianditotis'wichiitthus'c51s555
i f 19037 sisy ielllbe' prouds. Forsst i's
'Totast........'... 41 5 7 24 131 5 esral weeks snssw' thise us's'tisugs hiss i's
'-otte ruts-iRediden, 0Utle.Tre-behes''~t'"Iisslltasnsutlsrge numtbessrs of 'is-
siei 1t-Roi'hei. Tswo-bIas,' hts-Cut- thuis~lsitic setllts io sts'avtetu'edslit.
-ing,-,itochse. Kastttn.Stlenh'tiasess ishutliet they csold sisug sit'sut. Cii
Colhe, Dais5.iRsches'(2),'iiiski'hstsi (3). sowst hssst their goodst aill.Cmi fist
Struck sout-Bhy Utle'y, ti; iy L'iis, 4.this' uell. tuder u 'sthshsap 'ble 'sieslstit
Btassobls-O151Le'is 1.3 Fitt by'5of severasl if this' sssll-kliouss'usitugers
pittiled hball-Krs55i ~i ltsnhd, s i- f thus' siu ss sss ittae ula 'idtohire''ndes'
sitost. t1Umpire-ByrS'on. Attentdantce- Sosuls'of hue sonmgs itslus issy whis
s00. masktes peoles'ot ck'tus awa'5y sltssitnd
listens and byhrthis'entdsof, thus'ys'srt'thes
It has Ibeentdectesds'byit te umuatge- setniorsbldstfasir Cii mushrust Ithus' 7'iot'si
tmenst tio sssy the finaul "'ustus'oti this tuIiot. -Nisarly es-sty ie'k's' o metis w-
,lss seius osiTh'ursd'ay iati4:11.Ill Iiivisal hf'eatu'srseuis tussicedosiim isill
isstsst i f Saturtilay 'us wissreios usly add zitegst toi hss'gstuinsig. 'thlis titus'
5Itioitti'i'i. 'he 'chasnge 5w55as 555made i is'inmatrg ss'mb'rif tiisiltSsuitdgiti.
ordit' to allowsa'thus'high sehoosils -sif Clue sars ivi lbe out ilhu fmorc'e to assisf this
ints'rscholsastic mee'st thle fre's'ehis of simgirs. It is inuut'edtho hol1 theise'
jierry tFieil nSit urdasy. tus'stiugs r'gulalstytutil thus's'suitof tlu
ys's is' sit IIis ess 'sisthy r'squet'sed'lthast
ThueHighs School Cotmedty Clist wiltlmitt snomw'thesir luystilly tu~ srsuing outt
gis' its anuatlusu terforusesnext Fri- Issiighut its good siiubers thiadsitheir
'day sighut its the Athesns Thesatre sare'tim the usitsic.
BIG CONFERENCE MEET l-is iahis s ssgm", iil he
hi i i s'h''sti'' litinolesh ii.u IhSsi-
Stagg Estimtateo Results of Eent hussums.fiii Shsmiis'ss'- hosm-isis bisi
for Different Colleges-Concedes "i loi's Itus\i111ifilehudl.bh'5ii the
thte eet to Michigan ihiis''-cot lts hli 3.isuabiieti
ti'oi Iompehtameiiinil'h-is' thui ra
Stsagg idsomemis'figuring sumsthesm'o'-minmjuredsibsslegisn' praicesm'yot1it is
muss's' met this'omuherm'night tbmfores' huh-mIm-ihat ihes wu' ill h bus leit'cor -i-
hem lt folicabimsgou summthelea etiPtsehms i inteitu'r-colgites. IHis ijusy
essituusil he 'puts isihelii'shatiustini is .affe'ctihis woisuosails is abf
deteadi thatsuevcint Sissitl. sof
ofi thus'pouints inithibihg wetern't'rachtih sum, siill ptihuhistmie hm'onssier''e'd
loos-ysard idssh-MIihbigan ii5 Chiisagos4 ____________
Illinois cbigss 7 lus. o Good Government Cluh Election
440-ard'irun...-'tiiisigi . 'WSiscontisitu Yest'siy' usas hdthis'siutitslhsele-
t, Minnetuisi3 . tiossof this'GoodssGoveSimust't.sutClust.
i"bs-ysas'slrust-11t i-bism1mI Shicago OniSimai5tudaylstust situ's'45 ickets-hlds-
5 SSiss-ustisiti:. itra mush ii Hoorni1' osibthis'awsutiltdi-
Miii't'tu-Michigan us3. SW'sconusssin.,rtts''his se.ms'theuscii h f el'ctrs.
sa--i'uus'1. itscnsmt ush ss osei-iasnslshexciting
Twsimits t'11s1-Michiganui : 5a, umChicgosthrughom'buut summitthus'resuttu-snsthi
3,Wscnsinsst1. chimemusOf ti'ete-lstosi~lisays't'day
t2o-t-utrdhudles-Michiigani1, I hS-bus t mlthis'folmlwssigun sumsin soffice:
higo3,Mineot 5 (ha. .1Sandall51, 'S4 lsaw', it'site'nt.
'220 sm-strd turdils-MSIichiganm , (il Wstr 1. 'Mourisnt, '4 lsaw,' se-
5ag 3,. Minntatsila. ipr'esidtent.
I mis "hi-Scaterinsg . SSintonsuS.Hall, 'Siti eigieetre''s-
"humusput-Slii-ligamu 1, SWisconuusitu 3, um-i'm
Illioisasi. P Pamris'l'5awsi, ss'crtaryss'.
Hamsumerss itssu-ii-tigsi 5, Chiii'he tow-'direclistsersuitso silsct'd
cao1, Wscon-sinu :. auh rs' s followss: 5.5. 'irieG. u
mPiies5vittt-Michigiosnuu3.SChicagougs W.5'G'regoryc smmit I. 1:. his Is.
Illis ] im si- 5mus h e bi' im ly-i'hs'iti'u lirsesien't,
Highs juuuut-MiiS.him'i' i 1icago 1.iths Yr. Nu'isuhand itshwas pmi-
thusususijump ---M'Slighanum1, S'is-inusgo I3mine tin ts sift'inin i thi'high sihsol
scatmerigi5, fr m ihsheum' gu'smti's. Lits's'he
WSisconu si i itriehit'iM1,Ills 5.55 wt.isi lpresiden'ut 51'this' etis155htiisit('tib
sc'atte'ring 15suitdaisbusiess 55555555g'l'ofitheticotub
(OS'h-LiOIOS1"I iit'tOi's s I i papei. Anosshies-uiissmalluhonorusus
thatsiSsgsg thinks sit liii ofi 'shim o umImm''simhs'ut sub'thus'Sts'e Assoitionims
sndMmiluof.CsitcIsgo,''m uilsimsise is'ai of s RepulianiiC'llehg' Clusdsuing limo
summitard'd'm suhebs. I 'lm(s sum hss tisi'smistru
he gvs s mm's' sits's-islustssdIrunnerus The 1902 Drinking Fountain
sit WSiss'onusuiusthi ntsmutsaus's m tushesuMay - ialh s'meuuu'sndsgone
si's-m smtasnsh Tsylor, ot ( hums iuuithirid. and mumng (sts's'thin~gs umost o hie
alhosugthu'ebtlmshof51Mihigsnsbeatoissilts frou umusbrsadhavesu.as-ie'tshawiay
sush this'atteirk umthis'miiehilSaudasy. u-is themuas vu-i-huhisutusssiiuuositthus
(u s thperfsorsm'sasus's 'abiltsub' (li- new -1K12 founinusaitssus)thei'iprssions
c-sig,sougihisuswmum this busts-mieisesvenht. wasssuallt5 ty accompniedsiii'lby 55 clean
lehis donettu witshinmmuas frtionms sf a fac. h31,stiiss timu'seyoneu'oughtb to
sis uhsittiuofutwo muitts's ut 'Sstuthe" bus' slos itml switt his funsti.
hltt5'itsStsltseaittikeifiii llau in tasFrm ans srtistic'amustthi'stuchig
srist Saurday.ihiSta1gg thsinks Bieit- tpointosiews-isis is remarksiale' wstue
kr'eunz sito55Wisconsini. tiill bu-t out iits 'ansig uapabilitiehus sit r'ather''potb-
Hlltsub'Mich-tigsan,.lust'secondimlactub 5 tiete mussnex'elsI'le. Itip'e'chasne
Wiscossiuinsiasusgoods msils'rihKa'snhisseiass'lut s'eseltititd let Wiliu
iIis' austtie factthatsthIbis'i(abusS--s's :Ii out. Wh'en'uuhei'sess'a u brigti
iioau-I doslo utus it kay pitushlsp tu hsitoo-sor sit mttluarrange'm'nt
fist Iis ositesasm in this ieven tieasitstskuisns lie ts sitabutsit hre's'feet
thast hum' si-ll ptnt"Maritoon"'HItlsiniof a s ikly yllowit'oyx pillar. li he-
its' two'muili'esvent. Its'graiousil hoiss thus'190i2 fssntinuu. If his is
suitcushis that itthet Pry or Conugr thir v us sts Iishadss'si fisasr slwn
sill ig'et sondshptisce Ir tim een ut issothu spitutoon ssummiossibl iti.he thus's
GO5PHIERS H-AVE 1ti'icLit vito presses the u' hutou anss)the founstains
Mtinnuestsa hums tproby tie getet sdoethis'Pes, icludsing usshoe-thii.
thuudls iniuwestrns s-m hgis tstoda. His .Aftr st'angigoa fe'w'minuuts',.he
nameu' issss'tsusit udhit is guer-lit' Mtkes' Isis'tie dhoors'looking Ilkea
('sutms'i' hattshis'ititt aptreboho wne'dscs'rat,ito iigt us breath o mi..
e've'nt". Staggtdtus Ctln,.of Chi- Ifonsums'd'uit)asies'stoodsl b'yte fon
ng, t sntchswa se-slumae i t i afewsminssuutessurisgSayF'so'
each-evest-sitfromtuSte'wasrt ofSMichtigans. tivalititmus'anustjotted down'iithis're'-
In this'discsothruwStaugg puts thuse titss utered byth~ los' tho wstre sur-
ninet' poinsisin thisessctring scoumnusp1ised31itheirltfrnti att'mptts to get
mswingiliactle thinly sthis i've'nt vrya rikhe wuilt he mtiueil-fit'a
is os-ittan. ' tibook. (Oits'of thus most prominhset o
Rthigth, sitIllinois Gly'sn. of Wiis- tin 'siclty uuesusti's this'othr'tsisy at-
e'55s555, sash either't Maddocsk si' ihius-t'temtedh toigt his mouit over'tthe
5055. of SMichigan,. is this' srdehr ilichstimistotsof tiiiescream iiatnitoitsliesving te
Alouuno sins'ss ilthiss'shutpt asil io rsie Iis fuss'' twithmhisiscapac0ios
Madsdocks-t. osithigauns, Is titppest fisp t' - ssbhai uishithusastd iremarki~etto
fit titmce initeihsamumet hruow,'wsith illuishrit'tis' uduiue: '''iell, bovs,
t~st.si ''iis'Oi~ht ss-utd. this is u sosrt of acmuinathisoniiisn'sut
Lnsofuisshytmei tisyon mete i? Y'out get mu rustsandsush r'iuface
s'trumCsr Sthinsishis stwl ('mit. Masgee wtsshd fte -u'sosi esus'nudhthi sasmeu
tus'' Suits is thes'1>U2m'mrisl.
till re'etish Iis ictory os-r exCapst.
- it-usast, ofSis-higsmut.ini thishasle vasuit.
tlr'uss' slshSlihu. st Sistsisss. ue 01 CLASS S'hTEINS.
Thus'rdr''fuss']410.3h Clsss Seisu hs ii
gustsn Oustatd second nnithle high
jsusup. hum iss' troadun upmta lsgg doslum peen p'iilutsed, ni theii'stis isill u' sit
mut Se'uusursut-cst-sisstill get first puse,'.hasndiaboiuitt Juei'G,1 providig ble
oisi- Iiss tsble shosit'shast he dlt os mutstim'd hs"e-gvestn tieitelh'y. 1t
coisusider's'either'' Michtigan sor hicagbosor'dt'rtous ssit'hi steins at thSic ule
sto snogssorfie oin.unaed($.5) 5it siill tnsbe ''nssry'i tat
EITIt'~A'hTES AREtit Ai muttteeus' t'i'' tsite.stuht sast-latinshto
AMtichbigsanme'nthitiss susulsa sy orderlit sims atssubnuse. Theusesluswtill
thtntaggcuosmittedseve'ra'l'shisnlgs hum bus'iliFyl'owiand'bmush shtsihit ulargie
Ibis'"'yel'ow-u'asms tlue''coumtun. Resb- yel'ltowi ''Si' suitthis'fruits:. Thei'pewster
stc oii'1 sugtitol be it ointhu h i'i i niii' I overi'sh'isill is ''ve ii '55 '0: gi'ave'dh sassit,
the uart-mile aid tewart; is cunt-sulasummtihe s' sits st1ilhbu'oinsaus12-osuncme
cut sumisbt'ter'tChuan thilts its thus'apity 15. (irdrs us-lte beseived'shfoir
hurdless. Certahs in is sm i ssis g l~ilii'the I 5.5flt/' isi's tiyStuasrt Slims sums
masde.sSsturdiay, Stsagg gust's'this'MarsoonmI Louits is thus.

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