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May 07, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-07

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'[ or
ENTRIES CLOSE °TONIGHT of aall thae doss andi their residence ad FRESH MASS MEETING
__________Occititon in a chiss book. to be kept
in Ain Arlbor. This secretary to ap-
iFor the Big 'Varsity Meet-Lots o point sochlo si-talots as necessary. Clas: Spirit to be Aroused--Plans
Good Material will Compete and (2) A tax of 25 cents to be leviedt f'or Next Year-Meeting to be
Records will be Broken every t«,o years to cover the seee- Held at Old Cannon
tories exitealses of postage, etc.
(3j That it be the dty of the see-
Tile track men will do comparatively retaarv to wcrite at least onice each year All the freshmen of tile University
'l it wolrk for today oand tomorow in to mlemlbers of tile class to get changes and11patrticniarly the members of the
-order to) rest till in goodl shapie for tile of adhdress or important eventis in their liferary andt engineering departmaenlts
'Vasl awtTle001lte.till imeet Oil tile campus thits evening
Vriy me Saudy Th me MisNli .Haitno nwill do 111o1erate owork todaty before the.-rbor was1 ap~poiiited class secretry. at tile oldI can11011toIlisctiss somie
ball game with Nortlhwestern, btit to- A commlittee wasO also allpointed to questionls which iiivolve clatss spirt.
morrow tis exert-toe ill 1be limited draw tiltwrittenin istruictionis111111rules 'The10(tilme1011are very ethutlisiastic 0101'
to a littlejogging oil tile track and for tile sere'tary. It is iindterstoodti adoptig soiae reguilattions a1111 thintgs
good rubii dowin. that tis secretoxry is to fiiriiishiinl- to tie impilosedl on freshlmenl, espeily
It is regatrded 11 -erttin tat tile formaition of tile alumnili to is' prinitedi this cominig rear.
-pole valult 011 Saturdaty u-ill go to inth tilMiehigai luminiius, anidi.11180 to Tis semlester is itearly over ttnd
vtoraki, althotugh Woodhams. Reed.,Ibe recordledl inllarge clatss book: to theIpre'se'nt frishimeni willitt'soiphis
Sims, PackatrdHteiidry, Savaige aicid ibt keplt in Aim Arbtor for the 111011C-,inext faill. Thiiy idesire tot shios their
one or two tothers maly pring sme tionl of retnrninlg graduates. :ttmtdtiointndoiiginailityaolnd lthinkit
suises Di vorak clearedi the bar at dlesiraible to forimiilatte their planls
leven feet Tuisdaty inirgod lform, oiid rORTHWESTERN TDA eIarly so a. toiinsiure te ucs nNRH ETR O A idrf~oal ete odtoscryn hmo tiit 510-1055 il
shotild imbitbl to show his real ealibre. flu- Uiniversity move about just as
Stui-geon broad jumnpedl fully 22 feet Michigan Must Win--Rooters Out tol they 1110150etimd shore thteiiselves for-
yesterday aid oni this showing - houtd 'insure ;Success--The Game of ward 11110 places of promiinence as
win this -e-ent. though they were seniors. They
The -- )-yttrt low hiirdles -toill be a Greatest Importance smoke oii timecampus and wear hats
bhard fght aongn a oarge field, tihe or cops jii.t as they see fit, a11d11in
best of whmoimiore probabily Stewart, This aifternotuoil Ferry Field North- fact ore biotind in 110 respect btylily
Noreross, lletrnsteiit. Kaliti and oslin. western aind Michigani will cross btits' fixed rules. They swatgger' about
Matddock is picked to trili bothi the for the first 11111 this season. The with lii air of inmportance an1d1ca111-
'Ila.mmer ttrorantl thxe discus. with erysao aewspspndolnot ibe told from nt imtpper citissititli.
Ieston seconint iitime himmer trowvearystsi oi isPs~e i The timue 11a1 certainly comue when
'anid Kalle the itost likely main for ti-counlt of rain tindt-odsay's game some restrictions must be laced-'t on
second in the discus thirow. tIn 'thetrill lie-thi first real test of thi ttwo the freshmies. tt is riuimoredtaoutt the
shot pnt tiltre trill be a oiee coitest tenni11s strengthil. camuis that froimi now 0111111 fre'shimen
' efovern Robinston, Matldotk aiid Dun- Northwestern t-omies here stithiaiiisihl libe obliged toi seal' casandtill l
"tap, who tire very evenmly mait-cieid. almost uiibr'okenm re-ordl itt iefeatsts.hlt'caught wearinig hatts twill bei tdeprivetd
Thle entry blanmks toill bei'ready at latest land1 most humtiliting being thie at ontce of tithi- heath gear.
time traininig iquarters todtiy tilt as Illiiiois game of Tuesday. the st-tre itt It is for this reasonimsoliely t1hlt'h
lime entries osill those toitighit should wmhit-h was 219 to 2 iii six ininigs. Yet 'O itmist-ill hldi a moss mittimugio
be signetl tp before six o'-lot-k by till in suite if this badithsiowsimtg. Ntorth- the caiilpils 1a1thdeidie whehericillnott
,wid intemud to compulete in tiltemmeet.. wstlri stillicomiteeeideteriniedtItothei'y'siul sumtiti toti ti'ehpropositioniofif
"The itelrest in ft'e out-omie seems to ruetriev-c ierself it 'Mic-higatn's expaniset-ove'ring iteir seat of hei-o-iiig fill-the
hue ;trater thantini a Wtirsity meet forid111 it is tlthtity ouf et-try studen'mt ho rest ifthet senestt'r tithi tocapi. The
severalh yearstuta.asthieoteathem'seems :01111'outtn111111lpilour ttamii thleir freshmeit ari in oigiailt os-im-riitheie
likely 1tohbe favroraible time crowd osill effort to cat-hItlinmois, ticith at humi's- andi it is rumort'd that P'residet'nt Alt-
probably be itirge. i-mit leasithe lt' ueu'wtitm tiper-enttge geli will shtlt down omi time maittttr at
if I0I. It is aotluitely Ine'cetssary to time statrt.
Class Memorial ovmintday's andthSaturtdtysgamies if ___________
Michtigani oants t get ti look iiint time
Oine of the most imuportamnt mieeings chminsi.Toi) tllSatui~rdayltey Senior Social-
*of fhm- seniomr lit-eIkileterinlas1110wattstitlst still todaty, tndithtie stmidemts csil- Elabom-ate pmel'tmatioms hate been'm
Mel yiesterday afternotmi. The lines- not shiow thiri loyalty touti'th tam iniimadt' by lt-tmcommittee ini eharge of
lion (of amlas1100 memmorial wras tagainl btter -way thoanhrbytroiing omit to time st'nior sti-al at Granmigersttoiglit.
broughit up. Time menmoriml comtimittee thtis taft'rnioon's gaimme. This is liii last semior lit-'nginmeminig
wepntel in tao-or of turninug tiemeieno- ''h linhe u: social1lanen'hetitleeti large'attendtance
orial asinmey os-er to a comumoittee commm- shirhigimi-iboche. 1. f.: Utley.,it.: is exptectetd. That it osill lithtit'best
paosed of time prt'sidenut of the Umiter- Birth, 2?lb.; Cutting, 1it.; Campllih, of lime sent's theisi'' o 110 thalt-
>sit and time Dettans of flue literary tantd s. s.; Carrothiers, r. f.t:iReddten, c. f.; ever. Danimcimig still biegini irointhy it
eaginYierimug deptartmmets, to be mised Wolfe. 3 b.-;hDavis, c. 8::30. 'Tickets. $1, may be hadodfit
in thei momands a. 1 hloani'fund for Norxtlmorstriia-M ont'llitl.r. f.: Fleta- (Chairmniil Mcdtil..or 1(1-k.Bftronl,
at * ir tudtis. ft'i quite probtable der. 1. f.; Simberge, I b.: Itimuthe. in.; 'MsAfee, Couoni,Yon Winkle. Footte.
*atthsfzdwill be atdfd to ater. iDavois. c. f.; itne. 2 bi.; Nitoll. :31b.;
~'he lais of '97 left such a fuod, lilssim, :s. s; Conotvt'r or Jackonmp.~ N et rdaeSuet
-wite now- ammmoumts to aot $1500-Ntc t rdut tuet
'It seemed to be the sentiment of time , ,_I , , .~ tx, lIRS NOTICE- All gratih studhiients of thet Unit-er-
tbs hat a fund for snch a puirpose city tir' earneitstly retquesteid itti e
wofn mle of mmom'' practical ,,ootlthatmi Tlii' iommmmmt'mmtmnt timiittiis tillhpresemit it tia meetimig to b edis' Imlig hc igt-apermreb ee teltehato etweFrdyafeona :0i ai u
ushow- timidi-tillbe'haitiulhy titteripaymenit of itll. titiatte's tof sthephinmterestou and1
In regardlto la.s recor-ts. the thauir- tt'e v-limos tax utof l . . .Tis lax is importanceuu' tre ipendtinmg tuu-or tcoil-
-in citthe coimmitt eBull-mm'Otis, 11110- due. aintl htiyalttul'to mime at .---till sider'iatntif till ttho atmri t-andtitdates
-mde arepuomrtowith time'followinig p'o- ojlti'muUihotvrityv Itill fbettyseo'nm12:4, for ithtir higheim degre'e's it the tomimug
-visi~ows: miin:15anlydliar exc-i'pt Satuirdaty. comiumiemmiemneit.
(1) Thiat a cltiss secrettiry be apt- E. A. ItERIINSTEIN, C. Wi. BASI3biI-tt
pointed 10 keep a ret-ortd of time irames -01 ''reasurer. Chttuinmutait.
Chicago-Micigan Golf Match
Thle golf mittchm oithmtie Uni-ersi
of Chicatguo owill tke hplmce om tie
Htomewttttodt course t ChicitagouMaSiy 22
ammii23. The te'amustill te seectedh
May 14, 15 1a11116I. 'he canditdiates
mutsthut' memibrs oftt' Annm Abor
golf clib ndmmmuilsthe tligible' tply-
1111iter ronferen'eut-'euts. hivi'memi still
hit stit andmileauitgi' toill te furniisied
byx tie Annm Arbor golf clubi. Enter-
ttiimmeit still bh umrised hby tie
Univiersity tf Chitago. Stutdents whot
av reanimdiatts for the tulm should
handinmlthetir nmes imetiteltto t
trot. Trueb'lootid, chatirlmani of tie tour-
Third Lecture of Series Given Yester-
day Afternoon-England, Ger-
many and Russia Discussed
Prof. J. C. Mtonatghatni, of tie Uni-
versity of Wisconsini, deitrtd tanother
lecture ibeforteiahirge number of ilter-
ested listemnemos i fit panu fal yes-
ti-rdty taftermnottn. Emnglmnu,. Germanmy
anhd itussitiwore discuss.ed.
Amonglikother -stiteimtProf. Son-
tughatnmisaid: tle Emglishi artetitled
toi a great udebt of gratitude for whtimi
thiey- didl inIndui. Esentowr'Engtand
is tie est Customeur of Getrmanomy. Yet
(Gurmanumy hatetis EnglandithandiiEngland
despises G3erimaniy. Their rivaryr is
to he motre tic-mte.
"Ini three hundruleu yars Englndu's
u-tut supplbly still hut exhatuistedi. Thetn
sh itsolhe greatlyhanduuiatped', for
etruicity, thet'gret'ip owof tie tu-
till-,i-,15going to uppuihltiotthetipost-ins
111111i-btgaiti still fall bhulindu tith er
sowly ritinlg icieurs.
"At brtsi-mt tigriuumturnm' (it et:l
Bitmiainlth eiimo11sf exttensiv-e-ini lie
wornil. andulsitu is gletin m mumfo-t-
uring. Whenmyou wanot inliit'ootens,
lute otel andthfimit'sills. youmlutst gt'
it ini Engtanid. Still Englandui is fid-
mg tcompebtitionum.I she sto hold ber
oss-n owithmGeirmaniy and1t thu Unitedu
Status, slit'mutst estabiha s yste'nt
of indusrial art amd commumeutitm
si-hools. 'ue s a mnaionmhatt' suei in
enomouuus itmounmt of resourtes tatutwoe
toill sufr mun11o00way. Bumt Engandhs
tiulonits miitte mu a measure agtist
htr. Av'e'stil hold tie bulkb of tie
trtate swithm Ctaaditanuprovinut-is.
"It is unfortunautte thaut Engaha bts
not ti coimumeurcialediuationatlbsystemu.
She maillotrtimganmizethu t'e chouol
systemma11111thus osill dmnd salitonum in
tie great inidustitl 0011' ltist ttn.
Nev-erthelebtss t1ml' counmtrits it Europue
in uoumbhining is0111'gm-tltatetpotnto
00ar1 tgtainst thet'tUnit'diStits.
iRs s of mautrtelu-s Import-
mimi-i." Itt-ne the spetake1r tod of
fRussi's tst resources ini ivory fur,
fourests tandthBlatkland. Shl asbus
ai greatututuumbuml petroleu-um. Rtussiat
is making puans t get touthut'sea
adilora ch5151101 ing1 to3lvartitiit' East
ft thl:gretueu-tal prodhucing Sibitia~.
Prouf. Siuuttiuii~ musaidthel t' au-Slav
uuoveti-tit watst-co temphtibletuh'tituS also
dec-laedlluislf opposed to soct ial tuismt
sshiuelu.ihe milledtinned ait 1114ttle sruc-
tinof tithomeu.
hilltilswerlto queti'stiostilit-so-tu-
sail tat hut, Su3titutStateswas thteu
gut--ittst :app1t-leicutry itt: stwtimlhu
butttt dheyt bad tbeit-unt excuded frb Iom
cuts:mug I tbttausi- it ;vs m-ruips-tushthat
the fruit;wstsa ffu'cteduS by te Stilt Jose
I i-uiithtsimttlie said: "athlithis
treatfgametutoftt utu and bphoter. Iis
beterthnttcess gor pt lokr.'
All 14x-, olturn humuit ltto thulutst-
ball 11'game tibe tween ii- sphomore ills
andiulfresumetea tms tuunlFri a It--
nonututui t I-p. mi.at b-tiritgrunduus. (tuni
tit andiirouth hor yourmctltss.
All lie ills inithi jn'.lmiorm'lit uals
time requeusted bto thte'di theliii' emtitim
onu Fidaty atenioutumuat 4:10t ini Roomli
f9 (south wiing). hImplortanithbuisineuss
osill bedis-ussued.
-Vice-Pro ititmt 1904 Clas.
lb Lit
o6 'Lit
' o5 Eog
' 0 Eng
Fri-May 8 4:10 p m
Varsity Field Tries May i-
Fri May S 4:10 p m j -SoittliFerry Field
South terry Fieldj
1Fri May .9410 p m
Fair Grouncis 'tues May Ia
Sat May 9 9:30o0ani Fair tGrounds-
UsFir 'rounds
103 Medruics Sal May ti 9:30 a m
I o6 Medics Southi Ferry Field Wed May-.a 3_
3 4:10pm
04 Medic.s Sal May 9 9;30 a m SoutmhFerry Fi 13
105 Medics Varsity Field 9
403 Det Mo May mm 4:1onmm I
1'oh Deem Soath _Ferry Field T Ihusrs May 14
,4 . 4:1lo pm
04 Lamw 1Mo May. mm 4: mo pm Souh Ferry FieldJ
x'05 Law Varsity Field '
(03 Law (To Maym4: 1IOpm01
High School - Varsity Feld Fri May 15
4:10p m
04 Hag (Mo May, 114,1IqP -Soauhu FerryField
X~0 3 HEng -air Grons
Sam May it
9:3o a m1
Souih turry Fiel
Sat May- u6
Fair Grounds
Sit May 03
9:3o a i
Varsity Field
Tues May i9
South "Ferry Fid

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