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May 07, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-07

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The lart a"t d Ilost
ill Ann 1Arbor' vwi li e folini
at G. If. Wild & Co', 108
E. Washington 5t,. Great
panna have beell takenl ill
the ,eleetion of all suit-.
THE U. OF M. DAILY French Circle Reception
I' ichaiclei' viil_i e le e
Enteredas ase cnmatter at Ana ArtobllcaIt ich} H venuin Sil ara c:1 We sell
CiceNvl teadlil e aitonier ati
the eniienre near at the IUnivers' t itMichi- 'iiG lttuii(olf j Llb
nt by tMicianaii tly-Nean 'ublisiaiiiaC tO liii hi :iii
MANAGJING EDITOR, is theii ocea:ll
EARLE I. HOUSTON. 'I3. i ret> '_ It'.
BUSINESS rflANAUFR, it ital tis it Ovitix's raiiiti C odl dependable otne-
ROSCOE B. IHUSTON, i4L. I i aiti' tl a iii ........ made from the xviy pest. tma-
EDITORS,......ar Altfirtdi de'Mlls-it terials in the beottlar. iTheiy
Athletics\lit.i'. 'ti-t i ttitBtel l iel t ire cotrret in outlinue antd
Assignmet EdIitorta
th'ttitii3. Rabaitvi' J...' iey05
xMa r Foot i,'sa. rankuJ.iu ti ooiii
LoiiitoA. Jiiieiiu, '0t. Cifr lcuoi'a;,
II. si'Iii'iis tiout taivaruti's.i
.'it .Att'ru' incit . sul
III. it's N iis te 'ditiii
... . )I . t. A cn
Mlletuuui. Geti.rtu e renu''u t.
finei'ly itishted.Speciil at-
andl balance of the elubo. The-
ironis are hntial ititiered
from theIfinest taildite ael.
The grips tire xwoiittiid xtt
htoroehuile. Tlhesee ntown
as tile "H.VAIRDO\"Golf
Clubas anad sell for: Drvers
and Blrassies, $2.50 eacih;
Irons, $2.00 each.
eva 1150 II.iii i - 're tstuxsc iption tr i of the U. af i.
coatiugs fur thiso seasoni. Dtay ist3F50 tar theil;evitaar.'Nie
in tth ei Daity uiticeibietforte S01. i., or
mailttdIto lteeiitoir ibefoe'naoti of the dayi
TT El ~preiouintiotitat oittihthlieiy at'e'aexecte'i
1111111ibesRl on tao b eotn
"uumtit this fite tnt'tailuaeofart'iersii
T ~ ~ ~ ~ t deiver paiver. ytitte
* ~ U Ui . . JLA }/ .Jc n' eofice by 1;l p. m. ~;onl thit'day previiusto On It:ti i~r
108l VE. W ashington St." tt th t n liwhiih they' ire to appeirt. Mliitfir'liiss'tiitits I ee; ro.
Officnti hit'Dai r Atsa ofitee, Nti. 3iltSouith ________
Ma il t . Telithoae Na. 1i.
fi ~ ~ tle <llnlllle l" of the 'vis-,
$1.50 Copyright I'l Novels tK'''Ij7ltry ('itt oo ehl l h
tiii'titii's' o iiiud beprtil t i f poiissil'.
8s itxpei'tidIill bei liatox i neied iiy uu''t'u t Itriii IPr
ix 'esiiipxvitititles (litiee qinntitytI i ittittit Cat .
it tisoeery lot iietx tit s clitll nly i,,~t
____This_ is a itittuuiiti a' itt of tile idtea
'li'Th tii 1 t iiti xxit e w o xishto i
The 'iatiey aif taecisiutti byii~x tittti fundi. ttuit' 'itmtedy thits tmotey xwiii Iii Cu I ta the ele ti o ttn iay iiG
Ti 11ti'M oltit'ettllhlidrstofaN-'rexnt0 I ii t tti 't'iii'xitiyi'i't'iitiia.tMay1it1 btiGNL.\ Ni Fit
iUttitt. if idi R ber G an. le ts wh u ld''uuivu tiu o'. (havedi i- i , aea fttat el 1 tp
Soth Vrno Hdon Halul, by ii ii iiini ii both 1ens mt.i 5i~'i titti tt hoAt iliite
H u ne sit y Booksre llShters.,Iby i l iigrtLawnoeiaeP atre i otitiiaiiigo e'it tat
320obl S. Srr l a te e S 't. o ll, t 'taalllla1e. 1-:dly I il- sxi on I itS Je'i eld l l ST .o l7
Dan McGugin
encourage every movement
of the body. Guaranteed
"'All Breaks Made Good."
50c and $1.00. All shop-
keepers in Ann Arbor
orty mitpa i dfo
Bax 286, Shirley, Mass.
- Whenin need of a T
buy the
A A. aterw"lano'I
'he Pen we guarantee to
give perfect satisfaction
116 S Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Street.
The University of Chicago
Professional Schools
"I . .. .
Law and
Eacohtias as peviat CtrcularnfottItformatioxwhich xwitt hesntt on apptictiion
Eaahxwitt ho intsnssiotn duaritug tue Summer Quarter (Jutn 7-S(tlvlbr 31
-Te ctarses in Medicine arc:givena ittcoannection tithvuthetitwoark
Roth Hedical Collece.
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
laeti o stu tioansuplits(satady THE ATHENS RE SS , 111 1
Town. You're invited to look.
GOODSPEED'S, 110 IE.. Washi~ngton St.

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