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May 07, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-07

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If you want to know
what smartly dressed
Q ' o men will wear this sea-
son ask to see
VESTS Sftin[ Af
We carry a complete line of
Standard Apparatus
Qualitative and Quantitativ
Urinary Analysis
According to the moot approvcd and
Practical method-.
I 112 S. Main St. and 342 S. State St.
L D Tat's the place where yotu
get tup-io-date work, with
the leas t trouble to your-
selves. Domestic finish a
specialty. M. F. DOWLER, Agi.
Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St.
For 1903
Thy only almanac published that
contains a complete list of Amer-
ican Best-o-Records and Com-
plete List of Chamipions. Over
530 pictures of prominent Ameni-
can and foreign athletes.
Price io cents
A IP -nuIdinr&.Rrn~q
Have You
That Spring Suit
or Overcoat?
Patterns to please ev ery one. Sty lesothat
Haveseen them? We ss illbhop1ese
togieetmts ideas ansu bggestions
.H.LUTZ, Jeweler.'
are right. Workmnshipi 1)01fet.Pmrices
lowe tit aiiSvslicme econsistent 1(1 SIlides
go od qutalmty. 65c per gross
td Ir& vrM Boxes Sir& H - c, 0,5c
Wec cammw in -stoii i lull line
of so iiing malteriailtfor iu-elin5
MICHIGAN NOTES. Fresh Alteeitunocailates at RUih- Histolis yPittolog,,,andiul
_____ lg'a Phirmav i elioo i
T.« \"tt r CC . CV liii ii- hisi ad-I lIL-RI
lie-s- firoiii412 lTiomon si ttto 52e Lost-.n Alphai 1'111pin. Quown;'
E'. Jffersn. 1.11110 (u11emaod oil 1 1 iidrIv IS
1 / I IUUUIturn U --to . Islpha 111 huciii- e~i e W 1..W
YokAhcgo evr B li 1 Liillie' rbiali ofi lth lehral ,ireivIrdi. I Campus Ti
mole, Buffalo. S t :4 n RoomCii . It is iii o ie Ci c c.Llic l ___________________________
ill)it ht.evr ois pri s ent. lL offie furniture. i 1oil cuwn of5,0,
RA I RA he(Ll I -1rucais mnet yesterda~y A sna.li . I. .1.MiiWlI':, TRY THlE
_ 'Iftleniiii lollt i-onsii r thei-p1,i1 if il 6- 2\Vfalto svii, S. 1).
latl wi th heil li Aliiilo iee liiiaise. 1111
Assi-niblies will continue throughout A 11cr a short licuissioii, itiwsldie- A N (stPI I 'NlTIY to icra ayearsOny anytecleeyaicuigtesme id opspnecininhenterxossntolgatim rsn-WenYuatHmeMe'ades
schiool season. IPrivate lessonis $1.50 till fill. st it l i il-ti gradt eiiioiositioni.______
each g~e tiy Mr. r Mr. (iang r Cinlce tonlnI. seedl-f e d i iasi-ha1 ISpeci--l ia l iueentli sl ffereid Wi-shern E. 1M. STOI'LET, 115 N 11AIN
Oil '1 s- ' iby Ciinell lyv,1 score if t 10 l i s tuidenits. Address at on1ce, -
I io3. ' m t his Cl ich, tiiiinih P calli ii sil-o.fo ll prop111 KNAVE liut received the Largeon i=C
liii diliiif tennsheDire-IIc lt liilii i ne loctine of
CorneLlEu her sitan ing ieeast- 2. lrl-it l,Idl ., ra11111 itilds, 'ic°1i TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES
____________ 1erl ins.TII"1 C A 'GEIIAl-NT tells u-hatsEer broughit tn the ciy.
- iloilig; -i-cam- CiOcc, sit- Ilonllts trial 1dc. FINE LUNCHES in coitiectiom.
338 S. Sc"tate St. lass Teams Gooi l llimiem- tositions offered. Te ESerythingneatI amid cean
Ttie flttlinimg is a piartial list of canm- Yamikee Ag-i-lt, D~ept. F-, Lawtomi, 3o8 south State St. R.-E. JOLLY.
didaties or class teams: Mici. 6
C. H. nIAJOR & CO Si5 LACVS AGENTS-oumd.a nwmnyD O
A rtis tic Decorators teorsj CurrilGerdesmBrown uinnmouseoldSpring Termilion$2,il 50
Specilts ine interioirldeiorativeswokI m ilill hs, ctiimBlsi;co-its 7c esi-If om 2,iPesUniversity Acadenmy
Watt ape. i nti ilt ms inidglass. 1imp Dinss,c.MClintock, Demieff, G.-L. everything as a mIoneCy miaker;,aenmts1I
20.3 E. Wish. St. Phone 237. B)wn, Lu-sell, C. I7. McArthumr, Capt. mritac 40 to Si) sales lien diy; sendl PROF. SCOTT. Imstrimctor.
I.c fun sale utf liit. IDomestic Mfg.
STUDENTS USE - A Comerceial-Cisitite typewriter, Co., desk 25, 'tinmeapolis, 'Mi. Gt ROSEV'S
jo-it receivedc fromlithii factory, fur sate.
Giasoline Lanmps x,0. e.,mam ricie $50iand $55.sCll 11 ATLERS E tRY STORE. Bllar P rlr
Fine Cigars and Tobaccos.
W. S. PIPER, 308 S. M'ain Street.' i JAMES W.REID, 312t t
Eyes Scientifically Fittted Stale CmO 5..
SPRINGs 5U1 ING il_. 'hwCe Pictures an Franfn ,
Fimie svmich and i ill' We, - -ltec la u ~lic cllll# il f , z[-
nc-js-ie nimmg. t4olii onsli-tc iii.sisnn-,- e-Li berty St. Art -tore
-rCoV ,'toeur01lOe ru a 0iiolllo-o. to ilisill~'pimi- I iuu l ~ N ar li oi :-01
i. L. (IAPMAN, Jeweler, 206 1 Il at iole p iion.wearurlyhejectliii - 111tstoc
toI -lt ()uillpIc soliil. A lrv ip~ctcI ~ r cii.
THE V RSITY BF R 4..S.- ECjl Xtt T A ;, r
DA 1RD i .. t T NT I- ilENiiT mU-i--cv CU 1 i 1 n
S trict l y O . F b i l - t l , - - - --1-T I
1JTeSH .E rnLt oP..a.° l :1P o
411 H. 57th St., Chicaga - J,~h
order a rii ch-i. t
fraterntaiies a'etl eitII
Class Pilils, Class amid Teaim~/
SEND FOR CATALOGUE an 00 e 121 E. Washington Street

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