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May 26, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-26

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\'uL. X 11.
AX., AI'LOJI. MICE., Tt'ESDAY. MAY 26, 1"09)
The Fnal ii ouches Are Now Being1
Applied to the i'raining of the
Michigian, Track Team.
W1ith1o1l18'lll'1 I I'n1 111,.s (It 1111ve
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111111lIIIte 111 111111111 11111 Iof11t' l)
1':T 818 111 1:11 will willtit181 1 m11 p-11
81118hl)11181 1081no11111 10 111111 1111er-
of18this st1oll 1r1whlt '1 lel iz
Patrik is :1l~il- no ("11 liii" 1111 till'
Inel .11,'',81' '1 111111 ill 111wi 1th 8 1811
("+. ''118hie(.Ire. T1h1e1111.1o818o*18
1(,:In 11r~t vill e t~hollto th co 111l.
i: 1 81 11ie -l:t t wlc olls1111ist of more
th l 1. yr '_")11l1'll8 1li1i8ni 18111
"! iii 18 8l)tt1 11i i l 1111111118 . -111
1110 (nwst ~ ~ '8t() 1114, ih1 1
w l I ('I. :1 e l in t11 he l 18 111(111.
18l18_1' e111111 111 111 1118 111' ill8 111(-
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New P111 lUli1II'et18 ['iiblin'ti1 '1 I MICIIIGANENSIAN OUT. 'h'III .i '4;1111' of the 111118
The1I1' 1111111 itl.- ;I ie.111 d4__ i lel___thti e_ - l__ \4'11"1. :111d 11 4
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{ It'll i~ie f~' il' 1)'11 0-'1111,. zMost Successful Year Bank Ever i b . i 1 m8 iI :;i'8.to1d 111118
Iltl 1iq e 1,( ill( I1n111811 lot I lished at Michiuan Placed 01l :11111 111. 8111 liili t 1111 "11118881f
] t ' Sale 'his Morning 1111' 111
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i lch i I,111 i84' I. 1111 is .)1111 I ii i 'l I 1tIii 1, i l i' Th81111.11 8 1111: :181ld ;I_. ii. I'li i
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11.111 8111108 1 i:y, 1 . 181 8 11111 .1'11111 0f111 'll. 1 1111 1....1it'. 'l 41 it i lls old "\8.1 11- l ii I~eriilf 81-11tint
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\Ii.111111 ' 111.-eIc 11.11118 1.- u 111111 The1.1. 1111 111. 8 lii 111' 111 1114'11111 1 111111. 1811t 1 11114 11)1 } i. 11111.11
hi 11 111,4'4,1111':I 1, 4,( 11', te1 4o1t1 11 4, i 1~04,i(ii ii.-.1. 4( 111 1 I il e Ion l..- hi s ,-11 1e;'1 ii e ,1 I0
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111. l'.'';1lli')I-- till11111 1111 11 i,4 il 1\"t1' i '1 i ' :,11 I 'f.lit ii Ilt'i iiiitii liii.11 11118 'I~i'l'. i'i
_ t i i t'? .3E . 11 v(t1 '. :18 ii .ltii -
of i I ill e'i~ t:l .'.'01e i . 1111 1of1thI
l'iliI'li'1'i l tilt' i 10211111 o h 11s 1Ie 1 ld vd d n o is iii {G l l ll 1:, 1w II a d d :il t
11.18 ill-ill ccliii W i beon s le dayiat allppan t) hall, 11iioLaw h1ieical, Eng11.in-
()itl'slt\!_T ia~'i)il l'II IIeis ulig , n nv rst al
14101 1 ' it'd Il-cel Ilitci,4 S l' .1ii 1,:Nt - -ci t'lli. ii -i' 'e .ci li i clci-l 'ei li Iilc h e m t e
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lei-c ' lil t e lo 1i'ichi.'ii-:111i' 11118.ecilcc -ic' ictic '11c ieireei'eut
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I),"' ll1''8111'ti118 cii10.cc11t1 -t188 118 c ii. cc tco' 8,1e
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High School Wianners of Iiter-Class
Series-Defeated 1905 Engineers
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