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May 26, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-26

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Ga .l. Wil t
108 E Wasingtn St
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University Bouoksellers.
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j xtv"1111 vit"tclry tm r c111r 11111 tW YvaW ' Vvey truly ytllws,
'ri". t'trllOrclim was l"Ol hit winivr '1'lit)MAS (", 't"1:l"1:Iti. tt311.
Dlan Mc ugin
encovr~r e every movemen
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"AllresMa God
,roc and i 0. All shop-
keepers, in Ann Arbor
C. A;3 ttART"CQ sircF. CO. k
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First The
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When in need of a
buy the
T he Pen we guarantee to
give. perfect satisfaction
116o S ilAin Street mnd cornier of State avtd 1ilerty Slrect±
M oir c MAMAY li U
Leav DETROIT.Daily. . .. 40 P. 7L
Arrive at DETROIT . . . 7.00 A. M.
tHHH-Httiug with (ri t trinsH(fora ints in NH
ioH , hitickIsii. ito . llWoits. oHHdI. I1(for is
and Niagarta Fals..
IFthrog ikt, lease buyuat-loa
ticket toBufflo ioirDeArit, a nd pay yor
transHer cha~rgesfruomidept uto iiarf. By
dinlglthisv-weuwil saveyoll$2.060t to ly
A: A. uCHANTZ, . . Al., lDetroit, Mith.
tFi1'rrrir n.(t;tIsrlit Ic, ii1i It t i iit f T ~ P iRc2
H t. Slul t W Ii~ lrtii atg. itt ( ;as.rct . 2 - u~tA l3tNS .-I1 2 LLI). 2HiH.
ve11es Line of Lig,--ht=WVeight Cheio uiigs i
Town. You're invited to look.
GOODSPEEDS, 110 E. Washington S .

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