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May 16, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-16

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INO ,. x I .
No. 16G
::i 'ivo i Schools Will Contest
od ay for Supremacy on Field
a. Cider Pthi-Midti
o 'ioConfident
Interscholastic Dance MAY FESTIVAL
; ol ni~nccssf l ieitcri c Coocerts Yesterday 'Wero Larcely At-
' a1v lI.,1 onleIeatt'l I'm h e Ia' 511th
ii i iii aviilii <iiiiten ded-Soloists Enthoslastic-
;1( tI ci lall iii'aia ilhl ally IluceisEd
iIi it ecit~z . 'i fro lvi ofall' ii i at : l ci liti Slav l i\': t
io p irovl verb- *elliicll ,nl u c Il
fori -!vaoif iiai h l liae. 1'li i' m
thelie illa1ie i' ii
T", A11v riy ofI i~r r Ia l t is tel iii I m iii will i "Tl I''ia lil rt a s ;csmiell esrrl :111 r- 1""t.i 1 n1:11hall l 1111' al ' the
75 cnt-tc-n sa fvefy-iveBie . inrlur r01' at~ad of -ii lvits io:i n lniirsiy II[]brfiiia llie eartar to coresp nd t iii'e
3:-'t'i a' 5111 m ''' will arri viIeriie a llil cii i 0111'lii. I Itw s; Ie b rof hecia Iwie ty ar
nohisa oiiil i a nd a ke up iei l ill 1iiWoman's Press Cluohbia cii vi i' li' ' iiil be kc tIt'i rielicrd iiiiill i
? i vii l iiiIi I i a awi'M I illil Mlliia ili Iliwa' be 'ii'au1l
FlI i g .cilo trtd ot hl litc cv 'l liai'ai'ltioil ssiii ns11' iii ill ii ;lu a a cuic oi. "E., hw l ii 'ii1-11. 'Th i i'lgook vi cis oh vi vala
t O0 u'I.iaci' I ii'yesti rdayi moi ng"liii 'L x:11",111 iaswli l ivn ellil141 11 Mr. Ia - lillilc i'nii ciis- i in 'ep li2 ,liby ii'ili o iseiiii'',u. it{llii're' noiiii's. li
tht 1111 gi, ftti, oum lt11 ; en opeed th nu tuliii' t ord b il.'Plh is i vita tit tlui cnps Pvi' lili lll'se llrtary sh ll Sfo
ant'liu"cuuiii'i toIkeep i. la es ~ retihi BASEBigALL lan n lion andi iiw a s ly lo inamo' pl es th Alm i socaon1rn tme o
acsr1l 1 il l cli i l'i' and'i ssedii ' il T e of ie rs yheli-Class Gaieti ' 'il( usia c Ael r y i Corliii ofnayne s hic s______ av
ctaru ail fhr pe d IIl'l oli ff7. ii : iitB le ic r lio TousiMu h utroslt- Oerlis i lui iii cc'1liii ii'cccii' al inor.lOilil ililli'
Villa; atscer "" iailei'i u andcewiell i Not in InedteVarsiyneals I iea1, I '5liac lnn.I lilahcila' 1 ivi' 1lll' iecing o pla r-Binding Coly r-
P eial Iov i nn 111 iAr i'iiirth 'is ri l l iii iio o' to ils er ithiel iiil5' Aei l iiii' i iu oisev lsh i gcethr in thp ed to
it % , asina thec liu'uuToitiu t ti',, r r i l i i'' 11 cv In'hl ilea' lyilaa'. i 11 1 lrii ii ccaicalle ifr lconinued ns v telauci vii'hella luuu ucl iii iu ilcn
attriin in sy th thesillc n s ities' l~rit uill i Oii I Neo li- l ai 'id Illo w lh i lse renedh w'i thuu u tcuci 111i ' i a i l ilac nnava volitedi
Ac hu''ui 'niu'ci l ie iuiuwcnat111 eaious ' ilt huniancal a illica'cut' aul t lwhoarhdhotluu' lii
'ft lu hiultaluufi lcc'it t i I cll''i''uut uc''cuuu c' il- y'-i' ii Xii ch t ii''ii cciuu'upl ledc~icu h er pay- NO aTH IELD ii CONFERENuiii. C Ethi h
ii i' h' Sluul(, aend ition of it c eccuc'g' oleg anCPep Shol ee
'w ls Sucih'l 'tiucl s :nta lihc' ic ic ' Nt i na Inter-Varsciihity Le gau' h id \C'ul'Mu ss litcc' nsi' angilheri. 'IC ii 11 Becoming Popui uila -i di nguu C'l - 'ui'u
tiasahi flrnncu i d it i consitred'ot i ;liltch r manyuAnn rborit(1111"(1ll
bu., a'ci Ihr cIi ~e' po liu i i itiah 11ar t o ihg n bie ohdhertic tv I i ci hIscc'c'y'u' 11 e. h uh in tuhueuas 'tccl
"01e1 11 a'uct iu''will iti lli tutver''tlit ballicam leftlalt nig tihmihO'lIniwihhloud vail iig'hetlost'ul culll
a3slu i cu'' ctheuuati i fc 12(c1"uki'i thi e pot m w :4 rpoi k.G L a yeacabo1: h nnn o n
'hes~ 'cC Si 'lii lila 'Op.Igibm'clWtucac lu fuit, aoiliiattend ied i t h uot 'u h ugld cummu ut
1 o iIIliiil uau to ii lIlele tllt for tccli f l d sth -~n a nllt toI A grIeat I RIItusal e np~ . o lt " C'n' rcmi il At thh'culi taitiiiiu.c he 1c
a.rr ' ;in's illihhItlc'a cclmu C cila f Cii11 1 1 3 I II N n M l mccmum nd etveun ig'smereg e t i n i
fel ast ii 51a lwch in s l ihi n 1C ar I, rI ;lmmclr nllululcl r~i uu ui uic i ileuc m riri vl u
thexecution of JtR.SIT difti B O O i ill mu u1. tu a~rsiuu e f iinh i' uuouflChia.t Cmn
Th 'l i i m l imeof aua'm u'ibes111t a'cut 1in'tha''inter-t hi' 'll ill'l' ii' iI'ccihiltl
cime'-wm c il Ialhl hchi''hl ii ;T1 u n x mu uaIiune lsl hmi i' lmtfi' .ucon-
Ci ls t tadlhue'' arCumuli til i ren tihuc hull' tenot sgcieit'stammalhhlyhird coa'ii llI'hcl' yvall:t ";awrumu
aigS a urpia pst mbil' t 'h'm'myder e (cl t. m.'ihieshism h al e;incIhc ulc hls' Iltiium ltimesmul'fmil ha c'um ulig. 'fia lcl1ui'teiutmutc 1u I
wil I P1 i ilu m caWaicii ailfa c' thcl c we'ust to a llow f hat ho trai' liuu c uihu h . mi lu'eii picr llh iIl'i' ulluc',kb ime lmmutlu'iu'ul' m ll 1:5'l Ir,
'ti'i'C K ihr~ll j u' m -Cut icll ub e ;1 lisi gu .It (Ci] 'te ::mai , of thiu' ya Il iu nnI l i i C I ofuu seC l eth c uutuur s f l I herla. n loIels y-l f undC'. :t1' i ' l'l' cfroth oar.l lega e,~c
Ya '' ir ' liiio d aw' i,piz'' umcei fa lthogh tii huh liiieb l i liui t yccil Il um cim C'Cand consisC d ohteiu O i' v er1' tc''ue tad till' hula i ef Cruem'chlhliurco Ilcales lan
l'irshuln th'l i h l iicum iii'l'ulfu llyn il.' i lii i ll]rb by h 'tilt hui, irl' u'sAr' hiammcl heir. attIer'uc O il'Iu iiifo lllucmude t il luthi'a if til msh olsl'
'vth i Isa :nlwln l ibl o b cali"rcm Iialfcciii tiiir lainand t. nalt i'' " l elli Bonla tollhl hill: C' ll 'low topc .c 'l'u'muu'I'withuha il' lst~uv l e
'511i '5uuu'iu"im u1um iIuiIcImu(ul Mast'hu u'ucuc mul tu'ltP muu Ci Ilu tllr 'lh'I csd llin''ll'itfclmi(tmu'21ceill,-c1,i cli i
)man ill rt ofii'' c h iga ou'' h" toI illrl lllid IIII'l'{am'hl'C 0111 I ii iili 111 ll imwi cui iau I" mor l y ee r e. u'ilin-lilt' 111 Iv I'be 1n
aciK! -20'wull i thu l'u"le stii', f i I te h a 'hmua. Ci ramh'lil uc atillmvCm htvs'.llon cfi_ e ii lusl a ms'c nd i 111a' ulluf'n
ui'i h~lalu aiaiIii. 11. ii liucnt t l v a s a'e l hulccl tithec'te uglau 111"iAlCilI 'l uhluih iha''Amlericas.l"' c'. Aec c'mmi lc'ua'mc li'S '
bcin ' tti' hel' fll' 111' lowii hurmles.fi Onea o1' ' c ii7 lll O~ll i il I Ihl li 11''h f 'Safmil.' Caut' Cul i ll( . s i tereCstm.ing Cl. lullof
M'iC 5 t hitllllulc' hf tiu' cl'eiito liigil'tmuufirs n e- ern l'iiat'hi s iuhica. P. iu teiuui
[l'ia imi c liihe'hhighil vjhu'lip throuagh111111.1irlul I'X cu'ucl'ui lil muouuamJuly Siim'auihI cclCucut Ci whichi. a' tillcil
Jsir ii lm ee rgm lia fh Mtichigalllilluahul. ca''iiuIiahlthe'hllm.1111'('ll lic t I'l'fil'eld ayvis ld1
OF CIII' il hc u I i ii uum i ''''i 1 t. Ci'aill'tlu'cI Ihlil i iiu'iif lii 'mith nn 11 io" o Ci t ld ie c ill s.i' I nitl
m il-un.s -l depet. ndm'cma. Cl'ldcel. huaut w11' 117 ui ail u i 11 Xi il, ha u'g l ha iiii l u'' 'e '' s ied la 'esinmil(,Ini e C'uilh''ll
wht ,agli. oesal i thumu edCull. .Itillbcc'uc't.W @K I ci '1mev'and' to' ci h'u'n the ii PSI hau
'fltma'ry Ciiici'r ' 'maul runtsla C I Cn ltlhe ildeii 5C'. 1umiuc h hmitily cut nth colfhulege mye ll 'elnd
wil av al h i l'. C o t o t' frleriuiirobl'td y.tral'. . I' ' 'toe v.ca ndl' er singutu in 111 Iuul dlllt uca.fmollow d y llt, Icdepu ndenemuil thu
'aicC'l 'acii. 'laiL ]lillIm.u'c'gth aceu''. TheCii'aaiiiy'sterdliay has lultil'i hu' ha Iihieruuht c a ashd i'iiii 'tiu'c'thiig'yearitoileu guuivn'b'uJu'dge
-uar"'Kelog' u h t mc.utoh idv i noICgnat iIt'"conu'aiuted i of t h sualashor il-l eued i'-the wua ci clueof apl ui ase.Se tug '.thu pencer et St.uuu Lohu u is, uMoin.
tSfin iluluh l Ii aui C le wmlup 11ie u. 11fi ll p actit I 1ollowed .later by t heT l, c l u Cli' ;111(1mi i ld uic uiuhuhi cci ii lt,(,boi rel. isu th'n1ig 'h~t iuu'all
Evei f 1:11i svesuilsf or he iilucia hh' 111111 sa'lved'h apiill good'i' 11.' of uihi l c'ugrtuulc'wereiu'uuh ivul u i ''' I ' u it'tof tperformaniceu' ng aged'ct i
lrwo ' ac' 1taiii lii'tiu:ire ni d ent cii ci hl f ltoil'hllrmluluumL'mc''''uu c ' ' '. nd1 NJ r.A ndrela a s11i ppac''" i si l he sm'. l hu rs oftti li'hw id t' '111
that c'u'Ke 'l l iii c''ih'Il'i l-dll ilthseet.sn i ioeIgCl I-ii s.'iNaai ve."h.h11 lh 'ieonfer e e t hi lullar ctaktiuluceu
tilruaru hi t tic l tdiha ifirstt to-ay The 1 igl C' l'Coo CC'C.'nd teC104C ;1 - D55ipp huh 'tenorlvoiceIwasuclilaexcelenmurwiu ne 211 tol Julyhi'ui'. It'wll l n
cuyil lau'li c a il'i'iliyI 1u's" s a j hi ~es lit da he'ila-ided'ig'iiIudcu cu'ntheulform'ul:il'u' its s' iging wal al so re t n ha represmen cativeuandh ave asll'll'
A lehai, 'cc iut iouadaici mult l new imn u cc t ccii l forgi he.cc'i11s'ho l 'I The 1903d Ctlas tn w adwel chiiihec A ee t.hul Ia pehenscul .' .
whftuelli cciit iot hei i iccit ula mmuform tilli cul ''' sl ' 111au d car oi3t i u rn:t rin ieoea f ic liiedl'' Prol-tic bertiH.aSpeer, I tulluha .u1g.ia pontll ,Il
thci iclme il l gie' l.ii. l" ull god p y l, u(Iat er' iu'h,'u.( Ially'unoneu'c f thei'lisemlct ins on'' o Ansn hels 'I a.amp el
ta'k C'uil SOn11( Cllf'C miapllt IN',uhi lull' anau'ede tisihucuu'aut'1111uuu'lun J inucAof.wh w l
imuileIc almleetac'wTihou'ncicl 'illr a il 'rl ae ah. ens w o hall I I m illi fle ohsta",'i itlluaio pres 'id 'uu'h e u Ii ' a.tll i i ghc'ut.

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