.No. 1 75
7 ,4OL. X111.
MICHIGAN TO WIN. Remarkable Success. CIRCUS DAY, Yea Boks Sold Rapidly.
(1 'rgc .F. \Iaxiy, '02, Las spent iilosoiiea Mnaltgr 00it10 of tke
a h Stag S3ays Michigan Has Frst 1'011 n'ltl~t1111211 11011 1110mt it001
tt~ccta~ it i,(,inonit lnos ds-No Trouble But Many Ainsing I-In i 0 th 1 toni tksookon swer sold
lacs tahed-Records Will trei-tn of Neow xork and 1I'eoooyc.irataIj cident "--StudentAre i tlo dayli i-ote t111're 'o eti iin1the
Be Broken. nand htas sOeureid lea1ding iteris 011(1d 1Orderly afternoon1. 1110is xceeiis tii'firt
opions l in II 0 1011111'1111 lind colitmia10s 0111e ofilot year 1, y ijtit a11l1te
(0 S~ ('liad. Cehlell itagg f (Pit- 55ns.Hissuces n a 1filinancili way a-ndlit 111100 who i1ntend Jipurchsig aa
1110 110wt011se wh av Ii'ben tol est 1'i' 11ldo ii 1its lhe 1101- ( in-l ldytbrogtlar1111 'r110ds50oil iiigi i'oau sh01110011 sdiilIoig
01~ ~~~~~~ '1f111 Soe 01 a0'Ii'ediseverali touand doliltasfeiomlttill nn.o teile. and 011111-ll lassesto tthe h111r1'toiiay or1'tomoro0. niSevera
7 rd .ichigan ito Sa ul 1110e iofir- ''e-nt 0sle of one' of his Options5 11111nd oi- ente eie~ feime Yeste'riday tile b i oo, u 011oak 00
I litili t yeserda . Th 'old th-
. iii ii ell l l ay te il. '11(exloe1111' 11401 ~tevry ta elat night 00o 11110at ierybody cn
,, y$''1Fd1 f tm1'pll1. St""g said ns- tl'll ' tof'S Sy il ll~~e' 1lOe
I o 1111 00 Me ax'' 0 11 110 1111 tilg 1alaweso spirt 011 the li'olliit 1111' itiit eml''1'
1111 nit tillortanilybf.omlllofs1111'-11nce. 'Thei'11001s0will 11'10 onli'oa 01011112' eitnyinsyn ta gna tesuda~ I pteo h
iss io niiterests1heintaends fen 1t ill Sill t spito~s
x-Olta l ass of wha11 has11e10 h one nlt1111to i'Ollllite fis 11c10 00'll'Sl l5ecl''1S o tl 01by 'te sowmn nd hsewo'l ha11vel pt0-11 110i' asil ed1i100b ols
- 0110 i01rWiCOIYiI 111(0 11'. fSia Xey has10 1ha11s l l e xc nl tl 2l~'1 tl elesel-l iS 11101'1n111 u1111e'swell pleas[>'dt wit
1t11ntliff s tontero vtli' r 1 iltl1011ti00v t tor 102osie~2 lil'llg t hem nd'aei' t not hlS 110'110 eitatel to x-
At ooiso as I iego h oas tis fiith eentll t1l'iectn's'Olides 1t'o11' IIillfltl'lbteli.Ii0111 T'he aotlil'departetsl o f till
1 101)1 it 1111 O ol'onileng 11111 Sushos lon.111 1 01011 iiililll'otl'g1llitceellof 111 i al lii ot til' itilglii'amp11
.,-r 3 111 1e111111' o hacs 11.1 in aog ism ss ite.ol t '''1 1od-t111 dk throughil'honsk'a0e't11015 smi .dh000100 to h sO 1100
-i swc lied in 1101ors -s ilct o HIuIG~H SC HOO L L T '111e0' ' 11111112'smal sta polde iiiillil1 51110 ''The lnew0'fi'atr'e,.tillt
O osi W lbyI< 11011r10 t l 111and But1-frig1ht111d1 by15 i512' a l i f yeli g it 01- of till'lb iske tallite10111Iricti-les 1111
I itOw11111 th11is lassoof5efoerm- 1Varsty Will Play Them at 4 O'clock 11101lfie effor110 if severaml l ,epe11e to
ern0fiebee l'ut hthgmul 00I inh asil 10 Reserved Teats on Sale for quelOt t'eihuge' lii'm15A yonlg 1nian11 MICHIGAN ON TOP,
il: t-e1rSill' oerds10111110. fa-Illinois Game. 1h't'l 0'tt"5111I loei"010
'T 'Wee h badi'011',0-11 m-I iio llly u ihed1Sb02t1110crowd oirfi'his
1010 1 O~ohln 0li 112'to00e bi il'-1ao hieI 0ljlll t'ld'll' Il lidTennis Tham Des Not ose a Match
y "bO'&ill 111 00 nllil Ollg's tbeiefSinon Lst Pe t ept he boIys 1 11' 1120froe rowh eeiig the in Yestrday's Preliminaries.
1U010I"tmthe0l' urtill'ii venin 'l1tshe Cent1110 nsh''l h is 11wa-gonl triktinlg 110til' e i retFom
c - 1110<l'inna11te' 01'till' chiie. 1111; linoam 0 4 0 S otmS 011110 iS 1111'ii tl ti'12 was1111 ledmb 51111115Ghat Form.
In ',1(A "4 olllhllhl hl' oweOOid tlht tnIl; 1tim I la l - - -i.. .. t,.G 2 cIl fr111 111,110 0'igillla1n11 5lllhluli'l'lS iy
=711014 11oere ce eetill 0iosin ..........- - 2 5 p vyla0 Iipi hi 51opponInisin ell10r1' lmlatnhilap11-ni 11
0 IIIsevenInark es 00'tii'h stndl i stl t 11 N e st ' .1.1 . . . 15 s 10 1 1 '55ii'ilstclllwllsl o ut 1111 f1ul111foreu hca h es-' &I1~11 1t u' e lts o f 2'i'tir~'l' 1"
r1'u',colgit eordls. n.e00110 lici tmu 111art10in1 a1giod t obo urslI' alnd 11 tits 'i0b itril'ves0' led1 0111h111111rocessi'o01110'n1110 01 111
1111' ae .feinlov S lo a fmen- tim' cum i dmu nemaroly ll' nttr u lilliglI t auu lul nihg ttim''- thme-uVest uecesin1111e1 nim-nu nless11' t he000
p11"} C ac1tgg ae1I-ft k i ut ini l u'l bat1 uten:;tu' i -- ufaikia tugh o si ng thng i t "ig n 1 c m ie nmtu2 ne ltumooe nuulll
iii 1- 10' ii Il:li IlI'iO ll gll'hlh I in11' byh'l's'e 1110'nitftheg p~i il 111 Sllac] oQn turedllll~ . Sittl' kous 1t1tin lO Luelit we ltuu ie t h in
I'll lute-yar 100ash iham fi lule iiglsowedi 'ti' il 1in o 0'syeill'''ftnIIs loi Cr fod d' enthS a lo''shtud nt II'"to 10tear. 0'1
ii. z1,111uolsLicecdttuilio s h ae 0 00101tin0110th11o1ndaahn~ nonisTe ernt o hep~eoinre
.m1- i 'u weslil'th necle i nie r5110woeu-u-lullS layinluieCeeky rawfrdt(A a fw1. uleluwerettsufolou"
illI: 1 ~ l111 f te 10'fasttd a go i t Bi ra i a n h lty Sot ete eo ca s to ccl h irstoui. ndllii5'll 'l . acu A m n'
'"t N Oliilsileli-nCait ill 1 C1111 bsafeno7teewllb sra-fr frtVsie ilSd h -i oin- li '.hSismu hcgd fne 'oly
ts h fav 0110iuuorale toi ti 1ii 00 Wis*coNsin
? a~ll'equa1 Ii 4515 IIthIe0 0eiordof D111 nnfar~j~ f ~ 0 1111 thiuilih. uli'dfetedS Ife-ll
i t 5tilt'by''a l'it leofn Gti l mni21iu0ll l, or h e t. 'tmo il. i-
I yo-mol0100011111coer01111'111' O'wiNllE S I Y EI) IeBO Q I 1Iowa.~i I 11Ili'n.t'llll.S'
no ,if14 teui'ttis i ood'u'i Botfi'. tohn, Michiga11115 efO~eatdhboson.
oo,ouhhoIii' atlu HIJimnly Kelloeglof eerrg'eli'e,
000 wbIh o"'ll'ol. )2'he uh odu i lle ,c-tO-
~ryaiitr at rl 101 1111 11. 224A-dled ('ahIit rou1 Indldoble s010'o Ol il
3a Luo.q f C1011' 0 1w11lnhenut heu e.11111 11 1 001and'1111 1eoftf 1Wisconsiunu d0111 111 10 '' 1e-il
ot - eeowasOotht111 lfiirs --s-o"omet!it which 110' UIVEiS'IRi'thi'uSIY YEA10 tuSO ~OK4011ott elp0"ted inghamlS r0 and'001Ntlson,' Cican'o.
I xxiO ;o rk10100l1111""0112lv un'111me. ll H 'ee n '1iu' iuiho s-il o lland t fl'hh'ln. 0115 i Jlggoe. lugit t
fla-aa111i1110 1h1wsten1rk Wllbnonsae oeyut Tn'ppan iHa O~lllhiuLagwlu'edu'imcalng111151110' oresiadent.rgohnatLnsig~
nh rmolu4e Ihhlic:1' uluit S 1, 80-ierinlBuldigsandUn.vrsiy'Hliinesern
r~nsnros o l''-111-'f u't disue n l~1 e~tnnu ~ ihollg 1011 l~ 2tohrnoil) hgn11100 Min0n1es'lit 01 ttsa a otet1 t15rigv200
-lra -' 'Al hsesee1ae1one-1eseday 5~l Whhhri ll ,ad to ilt 'h teob
sin (~rOSI alete t Stlg IlyScoo lo 1 0lhthlner f ue Ointer-lss itlwaslo''0undghauS it s t o ' i l uolo
/00r0rtt-15' exeptthatitt he'300 "s11 es51.e 'me ill'eoalle 111 I'llr Ilschualjnglerl..leihtlo'is itandgeaty fo tody'scon 11's
1 innOeeoitl SitltitlO se,10 od hltt2 llggrsays011 gthe' iusthge '"Mal.-Nu
;eoo ecoori 1110d ahihf-lii 0011 b pheino' huet in 1l o of00'li nkedgluldoulheglgthelirut 11 m sp11111e ilis lan111111ir Prehs1100iet 51'00h0 t a n sing.l~elt
ni-lioetrnitrnleiaercodPrsdn 04110ugi ello and'1111 u tu' '111- oliclO'llrle1101 111' 1110
ance ofof 124 illbroe1 ; °1101111' l ArorforLautes
~lu o.flit' 0 in'lh1b s~nrigh 111 prs rn hit ffIcl s in this e h i ~rChu'- l h y"lIII'b e111 st~bm n "We w 111nt o te a o rni h ng tlb by l st t Rte1111
to ;os day's0 m g; ovlkbmt II ti i 1 t S it II u'rt1'2 b l liyllhh 5111' oluS 111' s'0i11(l'n " uti' l e ht l e I 12'. il icit is Sl t' Suuuconiu' e1111
buui'0 itt [uulegmli 0151t011' 0211"s1ouri'l'hc'oacht'l" ttu i bhuu n itt u'ulmeentuig 11d111 .tlt'Pll-
bau y ocl bslnt, s et adeit 'ny'i)!,nbtotigCaword proed Ranallha lliillgdroped hi
o~o~l o f u-le l-'e olle1011, os-Shi' Il- II l llbpr11rIllll t-i e l 11 tlt 11111~ 110 tlS Sd '1'o-l it bui i ol t1 10i
01-pe-i' iii'at-u asebl l lt' game dri nhi mse 11'lin kou n d a 111'b~l ut n Su le i l ug tl eesu hauke"layhed
t;O 415 1111so u hl ua'halsoi hne u llr ''1101i'0 bll'whoI''o-llht 51u''u-blln - lOllbO . nt111 0 o,'l _____________
'i n 0111t ' o 3a lictso'itg iti h oil--i m l til l t tiS2l'nou111000 Ot ortiethne'01'slut' uil usildinaSl'011 l'stiht'l.'1a1d1 0 t55 y01' iSA ll 0attempt'0tN 1400
-S-dna- the siah'zeSuat in trdeu't'.nliirigIb ii wih oa11011H
i :avr ofh'224'l'fe1111]n atiLome.thi'm (it' 'nIoolll' p 15u' tg 110' t I tth. The p11111 5 ofm the ' 111
1051 l the41101 tul neou wluu't'u' anto ,1t ecIliod-Cnlats cs ive gm ' toiti l iehnopSo'ucsivhu lyl andtl" Slollhl'0be 1111t i'te urui tltthettlO uut
i Mi bencsayt nnis Me et. oIld t5ill iond'ers to he111 ibtdin1 bit uup ty,SandiiSt 1111s ut i'i o dthat1
tO 0Onnfsuo f p4o'010 ,0 wl not. bue ll to'anbnlsile1 l 51t 11-1 0 Siiut
s ^r~e~t. he liibiit rSuit il m hut'so esi''il lo ul~ilO 11111e1 111 oil gtyl."o' 0 is nel- th rin s o u a t onti and0theltt lnit-
ae ",.ucaT car efrauce condition, titlethuSieSh llS hut'n lumunsmdecimedytolru 'ltctor inutht'mh4nsltit)Sshowlanblled''versit will bell'bi iit kill it at '0.
':t00b000.'40-Saturdaymet i01111eep oMi it 'gu' Ylhlset ialit g nlstuidu'oues tudents U'u1hu II ltic S lnn 111reI 111' sxloforhlueacht't hetarinfllgItoday,11'
- I litans T eyw llb paed a tist. rli'eventweti soli r a t oft euni t'i'i 101
~j):,i he ' heN g ing met. miu th s eet'n, s turbth- on alel attS tumitut netls tin lt 1111' funhliteu-wi th th - l - a n '' itt I ' (1 45 :1111a~4 h C A'NllOO i2 . N -
4 '''Sth"iJimiu't'l(iml theturdue hitu-k; nlntb and res stuIn hisluegilous i-sbnei;
- ', C r p00-10. tI'1llI 111) in ill0.bog sto- H gitutit et-ubuil',fouretlintlu t'ita001
- - ttr r. Ilalndo lt debow, o.h Ob -in-mlltouli-tti I itu muetStue-hinnlib'e1l'11b0'0'1bi n ssa dte IltS'' l'psuitionsu'h'ueui
-5 It" oS h enlhonn hto bei' Sec't'-11a11o'Ttg nis , Meet.'ca ; N015IO~al. m co ' 'itcs a
- - -.v 1 51 5 - 01115ro Su racestio 500- 'tu it osil li ~ti-l tbg I s n I011101' les bs naisk imltll bS h uss lll'hliil um2ig-t 0
ll. Wi' tnt 'ut0I 'Olg t i'11051102' 111115 till Ibeione1111 h l'llht O fitthe l'<Iti- 1100Sne!h t _e -tb 10 t- l' Asnv to 0so, tt'e tib.1l'ililu'.
f r 0-0ol~piSlt0 cohbesu-n-nnlllCan110otillNamesunmut PVli' ihtl~lS humeil l thiie bfoe -my 2).Ofle C.l1-NV'S 0'SAI I2SACY-.
('Con-s.Coleo,2251 La Slle '50.1 Sort-nt 01'0olhi'.Alm1 'iluS~ il'Otu'be- lao- ur010512:45 to 2:5-). HAlLEWts .JmwmN-f.ty 'STORM.
tf f O ort' (; o'cock'00tougtlt 11.STU'AR'T SIMS- Eyes tested 140( 1 , td fhtt