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May 03, 1903 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-03

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P112" Ilmw
ic(: Chicagn Uiort
'f -m 2in21 to 4i-Captain
'j 5Iwo 1101m10Runs
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AN\ Ri11(.i M1(IH. ;'UNI)A. MAY 0, 190 3Ni.15
1*I.i~l1i 131 t, ':t it 14~rv-*+'1 i . tll '' OULTER AND BOIJ GER teli i' -vs~ooitid-
1'~ l~i i ,:ti i'l ;l I 1 ~ itj " ) . ibe President aind Secretary- of llttl t ti I1i < o0-e shooiii lt
: li .rll il !iill ii it c -l Sl:. L. A. Next Ye r- Otiter ! il l l i zi iw--l tr'it w t
,,,,.i l~oI itt t i~i It 1{ < itc}li11c Ott ceis Electe -N0 C ntest
1'5 -ivt vii il i si Oit Ii,; it i o 11 ti
:F i al ll, W> i t t it !tt+I. t - - tir't'ti Il ii l. f il tiiti ii- i'iiof Iii--- l~, ili~ t t ;
Miller and Stu-geoniRoeport for Oti-
tinor Weik--Prepatatiotts ittPt-o-
gress lot'1l-g Mees--Ott-
look Bright
- ti l ior 3!it 1I - 'W is
I I li' iI It o(ti l(i lt7 r
t(.Iil)i ' iil''lil ii:1 t4l :!siii l II i 11 tliW
1111 tre ii 10 itooi thiii (lihiill ll] ou1
:iii 1lii i i e iltloo olli' 1.I I So l so
il l 11'il iiy w o lie.-' t het0 0111011,i i "
it-il ivoltes Slot'
tU i tototh high]22 ti-i-i hl ulit for
ih ll li I Sinthi t t Ind1 11,1(1ill 0
diln l a 1,Iii 1 1fet1 1 l 'i e
"1111 o' 1ano 1er lof thr l t urn1111
t I coltlfrill' ti-sithbeill oad
Sha ]: nd t.illlit ille ill i'il'iouilng t'iii't v totiio it >11 li}" l
ell Ip I mi tliiiJt ft an i t. 51 I
May 5i isv lttth h le AtennTeare
uleiservdtets nsl a t tSeehann~tor f'rBook
ir l s lee Clubi Prgr am ovbonl iltiil;N lii 'lne 00 ii
ihtil ii ifor lis IiiSo-ltilassielit igeIl ii i l
li-ll11-,h it-hntnsiiitswi:v, tl ii'work Utit 5 111111 ilt.-itoeil I StO the it
r'I 7,I Ii in t I llali'tliO Sl1: 111 ' 'h - I ii I \ I: 115 _iti r111 1 io ta
eaO uii~l' Ilk, ilo 'ttl iti eo uM, 'i tit6, tnse-t- -s tO tts is a sx
liii S it Hody ocII."t hei Sis.llotlr le t ft he -uelri Iton iia is.t i ol tat-
%irop il te po i ller. I tl ric-t nt-UD i s or lie I.Coli ext you
{ 11 i1 I- oiit~ins iit'li Iort.e11 1 4 t l s tt li1it:1Nl i lii
( e111t he ts onf ii 11e1111Irs- liti- rioils' Il i'oit~, rsd .-L ns A. ii 1111 vi t liet
uro. Woleiler. eli-iors, aslucy u-oe gis-et tuelcw.
M-kbI . e a fk itteilt of bark 1ike i-it' (ri- s poiv lt g S eerel arilil iiliv-it i
ii lill~h e t'-Watietnl t s tWig-li ong. t liic iio i5i s Oelte tios iit il n t if
( COMEDYtb.CLUBhe .nwis.olliresetli ii
Mayl Sr.SI5mthi,Si.at theSit-sholre iine eTeatreiestis
Cupd tad oe i teonren xfrat ',it8S7 ai.gliltml. t
fietlCl- of every MiilniiuTsui-'eriley, is-4ere ii
p. ort er t t rilts Fiiue ib soii. i Icst Hoyof .Sloe coil,'05ia r, T-
Mis. Bpn tailey. i a mi As t uden't an d --assist ut. Hailt,
fuoS. ' adting ut hen. rs. a s-br i) dn te rprlr col eot
rheiter.l oig oig ilb vn.alo.boiles P 1ts ntisyn mSedfall of 090
9- inblnteinSprti Sotg. Gle isi Ite :904law hiclass .f whrh h
Clubar. in sli amember.
Sotol snore it. r. ry Clove Eijoy
OPleaant Feato-ILighte Mn At-
lvii Sjrari-Witty e-
llt 1 ilt ht'. ii' 011 lo l ililli'lcii -lly
I sr rl l-i' too lv v\ii titiat1111
t n iii d the tiit d tiirth ' one of
-v t l sit --i-voiitillitgoti-t elist
iciitt :500.\lii ov\tioeoi-'ile-ti
0 lv 11and 1010 iti;lil'wliii eeti
iv ho-(I h idv-tii liif i i tOilos te
lnotiii' slit'i-'v e-ittiwhoi 1-111 to til
-,l i lim n h herp intid'iii-illil'
:aihI Illhill 0 l'lutu forlitheii clss.l
'1'111111 0-Isli'iWiri';ill lill liieijtit-
11111- -1ant i Ow rI' - t of 11w toass as
1111M ..11 I- ,"slo~ng re m s
S-- }':till" i iu-iv'r
55 i v Ii ~t t li 0 i .Iu i;'loo~,
"il tt-li l 1- i-i' tt't-trrv i' iiis' i -e
sitti.lit' iI-totslc 'm it inot I ..(lss
siltilil n 11'lili lii:ltv ll t''i
it sll then totoli-- z Tp
. i t'.I lii H h-eitrksi I 8 iiili lt-to-
1110i tit tiit . i lt-he I li i- t i tite lti ht Osi
spirits :i- ioiin l' 0101 l t it lbs
pra to f til ss', .a lle nit--s ltohi
see such1alI;IrgPiottlindancetigorera-
s 01 tie ll'soi n 1go hs
itt-itt: Xto n it e n a in itcls
siithetda' loyalpottheiheso;ieretst
of-'i:ii111 fthrmerc.tnitaousifsii
Lood i, 11r.I li ttllri, ilit-re i sa
hgeat otecesrsed ftheIlit sliotnsrn
cutd s iOo } . eYougldiso h
~it-. sity and idused it-geto-ilhis fl
adi-loetas tbyt't-set'i0-1Sir os
adttiliottort i'.Kety.iihstitI
Tohefitloieo ih loutoltndithe 5suc-011
clsseel-lite o.iitt'i titou siltsolt
toit fthess holi e i "hWii ailt' tif ii
laIketitiowere welttl disott te Ilby ai.
hiM itl letr.IPotas s t-ot ithe
poig-rsm ith:life. no' fI'ei
ftItII.iay etlsttitg musoinhespoata
litokt"lby f gtivlingcisotneituaideme--
edrptansofain.A the c lotuaese of vShe
soud "Thbe Y otellowsanddBluena
stinged tytelsuwereglhereI.toe son-
detOlin cottiteeforOlin succmetn
She blasntim1et. sereTh eirwholad
-amitosited ar.air ere Rogeriss Ml-
focefuImer, orntasted tecriu
.Slsiar),. . ... ... 0.5 1
'SitiirI, . 0.. - -5 1
_1'1 1vii-k S 24l........ 4 0
ihst . Slxis'u-, it. 4 0
;3atil 1)~l.......... 4 a
P A Ii
1 2 0
11 0
10 0 0
0i2 1
0 0 0
0 2 1
Sotthtt ..... .... iS 4 8 2-1 1t 11
Ii 101111 ins-tley-5 (2s. Tv-base
hills I thu-s. P l-lil-tCaruterimls, Patl-
-ick' i i't'1.etorie ia ls-fly SM es- -I,
-l ihi-ti, ElCllihblli. Uniopire--By-ron.
r isne -Ass-siviits.
Last Seair Social
Next Thiursdlay evetning, May i, ite
sniors usill etnjoy their last social
-of lhesesasitti at Grantger's dtancin
,atv'd1t101115'lits iommttleebhas mtatde
AtabloraiteIpripartlionis for ihils lparty
and a plea-Isatevtening is promised
all who attemid.
Th snirib series of dances htas
prroven one of the Sappiest social suc-
"cesses of the year and the coming
fina1 pairty should be the heat of all.
a be C2equatuegon orchestra, which
bna' become ao well known here, will

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