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December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…THURSDA'Y', DECEMBER 9, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Big Ten Coaches Offer Rule, '' Rendall Out For Series At Dakota The Michigan hockey team suf- fered another blow when it was disclosed that second line center Tom Rendall probably will not seea any action against North Dakota. Rendall, who is suffering from a! bad tendon injury in the foot and a torn cartilage around the rio,. will make the tr...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…h. SihtyiganR al Sixty-Sixth Year 'fah---imnbug!" J EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: LE...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, DECEMDER 8 1953 MICHIGAN DAILY PACE .v THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAG! League, Union To Present Parties Performers I _.MJ A1 Will Entertain At Hospitals Turning thoughts towards those less fortunate during this holiday season, the Union and League will join forces to stage parties Satur- day afternoon at hospitals in the Ann Arbor area: "Christmas Capers" will be pre- sented simultaneously at the Uni- versi...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…c THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTICRtDAY, fDECEMBER8, 1903 'WO HUNDRED STRONG: Study On Campus' By KAY SMITH The University's Bureau of School Services, known better per- haps, to the rest of Michigan than to Ann Arbor, aids education throughout the state. Nineteen staff members, under James A. Lewis, University Vice- President and Director of the' Bureau, and Kent W. Leach, As- sistant Director, are trained in teaching and school administra- tion...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

…$r 'II Presents Accoune'Fr $ 44 $e $ t $ 4 THE ANN ARBOR*r"' $MERCHANTS 3 Of feryou a large Selection of} Christmas Gift Items $' $ $fYY , 4, 7 4, }, }, } }, }4 }, 4, 4, 3, $t Remember Only $T This Supplement is. $ 8 SHOPPING DAYS' 'til Vacation Filled with Suggestions To Solve your Gift Problems 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, $ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, t …

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TBSIAY. l .' iii V MTHTTR~iii . # AGE OLD TRADITION: Mistletoe Has Colorful History Hospitalized Children To Enjoy Christmas 4 By SUE RAUNHEIM "At Christmas time, young men's thoughts turn to mistletoe. This is the popular name for several related shrubs which are parasitic upon the apple, thorn, maple, polar and linden trees. The European. .mistletoe is the one commonly referred to in poetry and prose, but a relative ...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 9

… 1 im5 'A'SE M CHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 3, 1955 TIlE 1~IICWTGAN DAILY rAGE TUflEK Tie Selection Features Reps, Knits, Novelties By ESTHER MARGOLES There Is just one item that every man can expect for a Christ- mas gift every year from any per- son, and that is a tie. Christmas Just wouldn't be the same with- out an "outlandish" tie from 92- year old Aunt Matilda. But with all of the ridicule and tokery that goes with this bit of neckwear,...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 10

…THE MCMGAN DAILY THut) DAY, r - -ICHIGAN DA--------- --Y- . v uvaua aZ ++aV v 1 V ] Unique Nocturnal Ingenuity Uncovereed Sure, it's silly. Coeds like to dress up to go to bed. In fact, there are usually in all the residence halls great rival- ries among the women to see who can find the most outlandish pa- jamas to wear. When found, the pajamas are flaunted up and down the halls by the wearers, who are waiting to hear the coveted words, ...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 11

… DECEMBER 8,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Holiday Etiquette Rules Given for 'U' Students r c uire - the authority By MARJ BLUTTMAN With the month 'of December c&nes not only a round of parties, dances, open houses, weekend visits and, of course, Christmas gifts, but also the college, coed's number one headache - saying "Thank you" and being etiquette wise in general. A little ingenuity and know-how can make this choice an easy one, and it can ...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 12

… TSE MICMGAN DAILY MSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'HTTRSDAY. flECEMBER ft ThEN .AMA ,IW 'iY'?yy/i }s ai1Y V/ 1~UV ess the Michigan Way! Michigan Leather Sleeve Jackets... $17.95 shmere or cotton white T-shirts omplete with Michigan Seal and zipper at neek.... $3.25 £tei' & Setj SPORTING GOODS 206 E. Washington "WALK A FEW BLOCKS & SAVE $ $" WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? A nn Arbor at Night: Disappointing )* -1 On a crisp wintery eve...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 13

…THEI MICHJIGAN DAILY OUTMODED CUSTOM: Students Find Diaries Large 'Pain In Neck' By RENE GNAM "Diary -- a register of daily events, or transactions; a daily record; jour- nal; a, book of personal notes and memorandum, or for details of ex- eriences or observations of the writ- ing; also, a blank book for personal memorandum." In the light of Webster's Inter- national Dictionary's definition of "diary," most University stu- dents do keep a d...…

December 08, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 60) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. DEC -r+rrwW+Y n... "--'-I1iv TLKk :EAR-CUT SOUNDS: Campus Hi-Fi Use Rises By GERALD DeMAAGD What is a high fidelity music stem and what makes it differ- xt? There is no real reason to feel ferior if you don't have the an- 'ers to questions about the ins id outs of the high fidelity pho- graph or tape recorder. For- nately it is not necessary to be electrical engineer to under- and the basic fundamentals of ...…

December 09, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…LAMB FINALLY CLEARED See Page 4 Y ir i Latest Deadline in the State itv MOSTLY CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LXVI, No. 61 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 SIX PA Police Force Applicants Considered Chief Enkemanns Still Needs Replacements By LEWIS HAMBURGER The names of two applicants for positions on Ann Arbor's depleted police force will be brought before the commission this afternoon at its 4 p.m. meeting. It will mark the first f...…

December 09, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBERS. 1'955 THE MICH~~~i.A AL RDY DCME .l +.s ++as.s3 ,wPaayAyi ii/alaV Vl AU.Aw p WO HUNDRED STRONG: Revenue Agents Enrolled At 'U' By CHARLES KROHN There are government agents on te campus of the University of ichigan. Two hundred employees of the ternal Revenue Service are pres- itly enrolled in the School of usiness Administration. The agents, who entered last iptember, are being trained to. iprove the...…

December 09, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACV VP'Icers Face North Dakota For League 6 Wener DOINGS By tED JOSEPH Wrestling... Before a small crowd of scream- ing fans, Alpha Tau Omega and Gomberg captured the I-M wrest- ling championships in the frater- nity and dormitory divisions, re- spectively, last night. ATO, amassing 27 points edged Sigma Chi by only one point. Dick Davidson, a 177 pounder, representing, ATO turned in the quickest match of the night b...…

December 09, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…I 0 Sixty-Sixth Year "Well.Took Wo Trned (hit To Be The Mqsked Terror" I EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: iTommy Albright' Proves Thought ful Drama J UVENILE DELINQUENCY, its cause and the means to combat anc control it, represents a serious problem with which our go...…

December 09, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 61) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, x.955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY W'RIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1955 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY Students To Perform In Concert Members of the University Bal- let and Modern Dance Clubs will present a joint winter concert at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in Barbour Gym- nasium. Theme of the first half of the concert is "Thoughts and Moods at Christmas." With choregraphy arranged by members of the group, their first act will be Bach's "Wolcum," as danced by Vi...…

December 09, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 61) • Page Image 6

…su THE MICHIGAN IDAILY RADAR CONTROL PROPOSED: Authorities Prepare Plans For Air Age Boom By ROGER D. GREENE Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer Federal authorities are mov- ing vigorously to avoid 'being caught flat-footed by the advent of the jet age when commercial, pleasure and business jet planes will streak along the nation's air- ways at fantastic speeds. First links in a 500-mile multi- million-dollar radar network which will per...…

December 10, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…LEARNING TO BE PRACTICAL See CORNER, Page 2 Ci Latest Deadline in the State Ib COLDER, SNOW FLURRIES G t= - VOL. LXVI, No.62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1955 FOUR PAGES *Guild Wants Newspaper Unions Pact Agreement Could S Delay Publication DETROIT (A') - The AFL-CIO Newspaper Guild of Detroit today called for an agreement with other * unions affected by Detroit's 9-day- old newspaper strike under which no union em...…

December 10, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY q"ATTt'WnAV YL'Pi["!Y.""wvlm 4A tinrrr QA TT A 7.. .Y H 1 UKloax, Irr UETVIBER IQ, 1955 I el I Wisconsin, Purdue Face Tests I MSU Meets Illini; Hoosiers Favorites at Northwestern 4 A m By The Associated Press t -- - f_ _ 1 FREDDIE BAER, Michigan fullback (30), rambles for a long gain in a scene from last year's battle for the Little Brown Jug at Ann Arbor, in which the Wolverines romped to a resounding 34...…

December 10, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. "Would You Say You Believe In Moderation In Running For The Nomination?' To The...…

December 10, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, DECEAIBE.Rf 101 4953 i'.HE MICHIGAN RAIL Z FAGS' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 195~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TCU Edges Miami, 21-19 Ann "2 l 4 I- BC Engages' Marquette To Standoff MIAMI, Fla. (M)-Chuck Curtis, Texas Christian's big, rangy quar- terback, hurled two touchdown passes and plunged for a third score but Harold Pollard's extra- point kicking made the difference last night as the Horned Frogs whipped the Miami Hurricane 21- ...…

December 10, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…14, loss THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAMP Or 10, 1955 THE IIIICHIGAN flATlY U A f~ rai 2: Robinson K's Olson; CagersOpen. Here Tonigh Sugar Ray 'Drops Bobo In Second CHICAGO (R)-Sugar Ray Rob- ilison rolled back the years and summoned one swift burst of vio- lence from his youth to knock out Car "Bobo" Olson in 2:51 of the second round last night to become the first man ever to twice win back the world middleweight title. The Sugar Man from Har...…

December 10, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…TIRE MCHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DEC MRni 10, TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUBDAY, DEC Center's Tree Recent Army Trainees Now Treated With 'Kid Gloves' 'S By DAVID S. BROWN Ever wonder what happened to the first Army trainees under the new national reserve program ap- proved by Congress last April? The Army reports that the first 265 men to graduate from basic training recently are receiving the "kid gloves" treatment. Instructors at Fort Leonard...…

December 11, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…LOOKING BACK AT DRAMA, MOVIES, TV See Page 4 Yl t e Latest Deadline in the State :4ai ti- " 0 . COLD, SNOW FLURRIES EIGHT P) AC ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DEUMIER 11, 1955 I"xujl lirm vnrn . .. v.W -0 i VOL. LXVI, No. 65 U'Regents Reds Hand GOING UP-Michigan center Harvey Williams goes high into the air in an attempted layup in a scene from last night's basket- ball game with Nebraska. Ron Kramer (27) sets himself for the reb...…

December 11, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…h O, lNjt] l/.LC.1ZvAA5ALe t lip .1 } Save up to 18% on tickets to Chicago, New York and other By JOHN LaSAGE BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING - Manuscripts, Thesis, Disser- tations, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone NO 2-5336. )18J TYPING -- Thesis, Term papers, etc. Reasonable rates, prompt service. 830 South Main, NO 8-7590. - ) 15J RE-WEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nl *elsArcade. )4...…

December 11, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…EMBER 11, 195 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Nodaks Stun Icers, 4-2; Cagers Whip Nebrask lowes Gets Minor Injury, Needs Stitches, But Finishes' Tillotson, Williams Aid iii Cagers' First Win of Yeai Special To The Daily GRAND FORKS, N.D.-North Dakota's pucksters came storming back to take a 4-2 thriller from Michigan here last night. Smarting from their 5-1 loss of the previous night, the mighty Sioux were hard-prkssed all the way and were not ...…

December 11, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…- . Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. UNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY ANN THOMAS Leaders Lacking Motiva...…

December 11, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 63) • Page Image 5

…ilha THE MICHIGAN DAILY U" Libraries Hold Two Million Books Color Leads Television Advances in Boom Year By DORIS STAR University students can use an extensive library system. There are 2,055,139 volumes in 31 different libraries around the campus, excluding the Clements and Law libraries. Other libraries include: business administration, engineering, transportation, Lane Hall and dentistry. The center of the vast system is the General Lib...…

December 11, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECE Committee i BER 1: Begins Plans For Pulicity Now completely organized, the Michigras publicity committee is starting a program that will acquaint not only Ann Arborites, but the U.S. reading public and television fans with the Univer- sity's biggest carnival weekend. Functioning with five subcom- mittees, the committee has already made tentative plans for Michi- gras activities to be featured in an issue of "T...…

December 11, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 63) • Page Image 7

…DECEMBER11,1955 TEE MICHIGAN DAILY Students Bring Cheer to Shut-ins Traditional Party Held at Hospitals Around Ann Arbor A bit of Christmas was brought to shut-ins at the University hos- pital and others in the Ann Arbor area yesterday, as the Union and League staged their annual parties. "Christmas Capers" at the Uni- versity hospital consisted of four shows, three from 2 to 4 p.m. and one at 4 p.m. Moving through the Bone and Joint Servic...…

December 11, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 63) • Page Image 8

…ET' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Grade Schoolers Attend IFC Party UNIQUE CAPITAL: Washington to Observe Anniversary Tomorrow By DAVE TARR Washington, D.C., one of the most unique cities in the world, will celebrate its 155th anniver- sary tomorrow. Since its construction, architects as well as the average visiting tour- ist have agreed that the city is one of the most beautiful and skillfully conceived anywhere. Prof. Harlow 0. Whittemore of the ar- ...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…CONFERENCE LACKS PLANNING See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State ~4aati4 UW 0a 0' , v PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVI, No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1955 SIX PAGE Committee OK's pen Sky' Plan IN to Give First Consideration To Ike's Disarmament Program UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P)-The United Nations Political Committee endorsed overwhelmingly yesterday a proposal to give PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower's "open sky" ins...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…T-E MICEGAN DAILY TUESlDAY, DEEMBEU 12, it* _ I - -.. Quintet Plays At Rackham The University Woodwind Quin- tet will present a public concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Three numbers will receive their first performance in Ann Arbor. "Trio No. 2 for flutd, oboe and clarinet" by Henri Zagwijn; "Quintet Op. 35" by Sparre 01- sen; and "Quintet" by Jean Fran- caix. Other compositions to be played are "Quintet, Op. 67, No. 2...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

… PAGE THREE TUESDAY. DECEMBER 13, 195~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~7PI leers Play Denver e r Tonight MR. LAWRENCE CHARFOOS and MISS ANDY KNIGHT AMERICAN YOUTH ABROAD- Pioneer Squad 'Toughest Opposition Yet' Heyliger Basketball Team Optimistic With Vitory Over 'Huskers By STEVE HEILPERIN By BRUCE B.ENNETT Michigan's once beaten hockey team attempts to get back on the winning trail tonight as it opens a two game, two point per game series ...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Sixth Year EDiED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Help!- A Giant!" Wen opinions are free, truth will prevail." Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, DECEMBER...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Candle Lighting Marks Chanukah Celebration By JUDITH GREENBERG Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, is being celebrated this week all over the world in Jewish homes and temples in commem- oration of the, expulsion of the Syrians from the Temple of Jeru- salem. The holiday stems from the heroic battles under the leadership of Judas Maccabeus, 'when the, Jews drove the Hellenized Syrians out of Jerusalem in the year 162 B.C. Ma...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY URAINS COME AND GO: Terminal Remains U-neftanged Road For Style Changes Pioneered by 'Journalist' *t * (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of two articles on the :_Ann, Arbor Railroad Terminal.) By VERNON NAHRGANG Trains came and go, people change, times change, but Ann Arbor's railroad station remains the same. Built in 1886, the small gray brick building down the hill from the foot of State Street has re- ma...…

December 14, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

… FAR EAST PROPOSAL See Page 4 L Latest Deadline in the State :4 .ai4 Ce COLD, SNOW FLURRIES .r. VOL. LXVI. No. 65 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 SIX PAGES I Regents Discuss Driving Plan; Approve U, Financial Report -- ,. Financial Record Reflects Growth By LEE MARKS At their December meeting yesterday the Board of Regents accepted the Financial Report of the University of Michigan for the year ended June...…

December 14, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY VMNESDAY, DWI THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. DEC Denver Sextet Rallies To Tie Al' 3-3 . _.__ Two Scores By Maxwell Pace Icers' NOTES IN THE MARGIN . . . by alan eisenberg Daily Associate Sports Editor (Continued from Page 1) * Sauter-Finegan Orchestra, Jan. 9 0 Pianist Don Shirley, Feb. 11 4 Dave Brubeck Quartet;March 14 Attend all three of these outstanding jazz concerts in the beautiful Toledo Museum of Art Per...…

December 14, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

… UNESDAY, DECEMBER I4,195b THE MICHIGAN . DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan To Face 'Rough' Hoop Card Western Conference Rated Strong For Current Campaign By Perigo A 2 9 t ROBIN FREEMAN ... OSU ace returns Former 'M' Icers Eye By The Associated Press Two former Michigan Varsity hockey players, Willard Ikola and John Matchefts, were among the 22 men who were selected to try out for the United States Olympic ...…

December 14, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…f Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 .1 Editorials printed in The Mich and represent the views of the WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 IOn a A"& IK-L14A- igan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff ie writers only. This must be noted in all reprints, NIGHT EDITOR: GAIL G...…

December 14, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'THE DIRTIEST EVER': Colorado Humor Magazine Banned By TED FRIEDMAN The University of Colorado's hu- mor magazine, "Flatiron," was banned by the board of publica- 4 tions last week after their latest Issue was described as "worse than obscene" by the Denver Post. The 'issue, advertised as "the dirtiest ever," had been complete- ly sold out. The board action was the culmi- nation of a turbulent history of the publication. ...…

December 14, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…I THE MCHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDA7 .... . .... AILROAD EMPLUYEE: Operator Tells of Job' (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of two articles on the Ann Arbor Railroad Ter- minal.) By VERNON NAHRGANG While Ann Arbor's railroad ter- minal rests placidly at the foot of State Street, the employes and workers in and around it are con- stantly changing. Yard men, baggage handlers, porters and ticket sellers come and go as the years pass. Bu...…

December 15, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

… llajor Campus, Local Events Of 1955 By LEWIS HAMBURGER The, arrival of the new year is always a nostalgic affair, crowded by overtones of future promise and tales of the past. For this campus town and its University, 1955 was as all others, a year of dreams - some transformed to visible realities, and some never leaving the dewy-eyed state. .. . A Government and a Vaccine On campus the leading stories centered around the dreams of some Un...…

December 15, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DFCEM M 15, My THE MICHIGAN DAILY THThSDAY. DKCEMB~ iN. lANE i a is + + /va a 1<Ii/aV iV ipVY w ales To Rise, Wernette Says Total Christmas sales in Detroit, 'lint, and Lansing this year will ise between 10 and 20 per cent ver last year, Prof. J. Philip Wer- ette of the School of Business dministration predicted. Christmas has become one of hie most important factors in our otal economic system. Sales often ve...…

December 15, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

… X} DECEMBER 15,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~, DECEMBER 15, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . . POSSIBLE CANDIDATE: Bentley Proposes End To Indian Aid Organization Notices i By PETE ECKSTEIN -Daily-Sam Ching i CHARLIE BROWN: "LIKE ME! LIKE ME'" Creator of 'Peanuts' Talks To Over-Capacity Audience By TED FRIEDMAN Charles M. Schultz,, who draws "Peanuts," is a quiet sort of guy- nice-almost like one of the people that go around in his comic strip....…

December 15, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS .OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "WOwW "When opinions are free, truth will prevail." Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent\the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. [URSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 195...…

December 15, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY International Center Will Sponsor' Following their tradition the International Students Association will give a Christmas party for all students from other nations from 8 p.m. to midnight tomor- row in the Union Ballroom. All international students at- tending are invited to bring their American friends. Married students are asked to . bring their children with them to join in the fun. To Present Program A program will b...…

December 15, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…..THE MICHIGAN DAILY TH r .r r [URSDAY, IE Pucksters Rebound to Blast Denver \ 0 - j ; " & FOR MacFARLAND SHINES: Pitts Scores Twice To Lead Michigan YOUR XMAS FUG. I (Continued from Page 1V then skated in close and master- fully flipped the puck past the out-maneuvered Broadbelt. The final tally came at 16:06 when FacFarland passed the puck in front of the net whereupon Maxwell blasted it in. Meanwhile ensuing events and high tem...…

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