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December 09, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-09

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Well.Took Wo Trned (hit To Be The Mqsked Terror"



iTommy Albright' Proves
Thought ful Drama
J UVENILE DELINQUENCY, its cause and the means to combat anc
control it, represents a serious problem with which our governmental
units and top sociologists and psychologists struggle with daily. Although
much progress has been made in understanding the teenage mind, there
are several areas that remain unexplicable.
Russell Brown's "The Worlds of Tommy Albright" tackles the most
dramatic and sensational aspect of this problem-unpremeditated and
irrational violence. Tommy Albright, 18-years old, sneaks up behind


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

Lamb Finally Cleared
After Ridiculous' Case

A LONG, DRAWN-OUT and somewhat ridic-
ulous case approached an end this week
as a Federal Communications Commissioner
examiner held that publisher-broadcaster Ed-
ward Lamb is innocent of allegations that he
once had subversive associations with Com-
munists. He recommended therefore that the
Toledo millionaire be permitted to continue
operating his Erie, Pa., television station.
The commission has spent eight months in
hearings to determine whether to deny Lamb
a license renewal for his television station on
the ground that he had knowingly associated
with Communists and contributed money to
Lamb has called the proceedings "a most hor-
rible frameup" and fought the charges all the
way. He claimed that he had no trouble with
license renewals for any of his radio and tele-
vision stations in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Flor-
ida until the Republicans came into office in
1953. Then license renewal procedures were
reappraised and Lamb charged with being a
Later the charge was changed to one that
he "may have at one time been associated with
a Communist," a charge of which most of us
would be guilty unless we never went out of the
During the hearings that followed, the FCC
produced a number of witnesses whose occu-
pation was perjury. This is undeniable in face
of later testimony before the same FCC by
some of them that they had lied about associa-
tions with Lamb. One of them, Mrs. Marie
Natvig, who claimed she had an affair with
Lamb when she was a Communist and although
Lamb claimed he had never seen her until she
testified, was convicted of perjury thisFsum-
DESPITE ALL THE revelations that its
charges were supported only by perjured
testimony, which revelations excited no one but
Lamb, the FCC continued its investigatio'.
Lamb was able to continue in the case only be-
cause he had the financial resources and deter-
mination to do so. Now it seems that Lamb
was right.
THE UNIVERSITY is considered to be a
cosmopolitan institution. It attracts stu-
dents not only from all over the country, but
all over the world.
The advantages of such a set-up are obvious.
Students get the chance to learn about people
from other countries first hand; to learn the
accurate reasons for problems and beliefs
which may, at first, seem incomprehensible.
But, when any of these groups are isolated
all the advantages disappear. Such is the case
with the English Language Institute students
who live on the lower two floors of ' Taylor
These students, who are mostly from South
America, have come here to learn to speak
English, so that they may either continue their
education in American schools or go into the
diplomatic field. Yet,these people speak more
Spanish here than they do English.
THEE ARE two reasons advanced for this
isolation. First, the English Language stu-

But the FCC has not yet made a decision
on its examiner's recommendation. Even the
examiner has not backed down in the case.
Although he disagreed with FCC attorneys
that the hearings had shown that Lamb had
not told the truth when he denied past Red
associations and that in view of what they
called his "misrepresentations" and "conceal-
ments" he should be denied the right to operate
his television station, the examiner said he nev-
ertheless felt that there was sufficient informa-
tion in the commission's possession to warrant
the probe in the first.
. That "sufficient" information can be ied'uced
to "his professed sympathy with the underdog,
his espousal of 'liberal' causes, his prominence
in the community, his personal sympathy to the
Soviet regime in Russia, his feeling that plan-
ning was indispensable to an orderly and equit-
able society in this country, and his possible
naivete in allying himself with these groups
(various organizations mentioned in the hear-
Lamb's life was a personification of the capi-
talist ideal of individualism, which informa-
tion was also available to the FCC. Instead the
commission wasted taxpayers' contributions to
find out what it should have known in the
first place, that Lamb is no Communist nor
Communist sympathizer.
FORTUNATELY, Lamb had the resources to
keep.up with the FCC and its long, drawn-
out case and prove himself innocent. But what
about the fellow who does not have such re-
sources to combat the awesome power of a
quasi-judicial agency on a witch-hunt? His
constitutional freedom of speech is destroyed,
if not by proof that it should be, then by
the hardship of proving he shouldn't be when
the burden of proof should not even be his.
And, of course, being in sympathy with Com-
munists belief is not a valid reason for denying
a radio or television license in the first place
-not until such freedom of speech is abused by
advocating the destruction of the United States
government by force and violence, which no
one ever claimed Lamb did,
--JIM DYGERT, City Editor
dents are here for only two months. It would
be difficult for a student who is attending
school full time to make the adjustment to a
new roommate two or three times a semester.
Secondly, the students have trouble with
their English and it is necessary for them to
meet many times to have procedures explained
to them.
Admittedly a student would have a difficult
time adjusting to new roomates.,To overcome
this, the students could be scattered in pairs
throughout the residence halls, so that two
new men could take over a room every two.
months. If all the students were in one quad,
meetings could be facilitated easily enough.
Of course, this would create more work for
the advisers of the houses, but this seems to
be the only solution to the problem.
These students would be able to increase
their knowledge of conversational English by
actual experience, and all would benefit from
the friendships that would result.

Lodge Kept News Front Ike

HOW much the White House
staff has been fooling the pub-
lic aboutdthealleged problems al-
legedly discussed with President
Eisenhower was illustrated when
he held his first meeting with the
Cabinet and the National Security
Council at Camp David on Novem-
ber 21 and 22.
When Cabinet members arrived
at Camp David and were greeted
by Eisenhower, newsmen were near
enough so they could easily hear
some of the conversation.
And they were flabbergasted to
hear the President remark in a
tone of great surprise: "You mean
to say that the French just got
up and walked out of the Assem-
HE WAS referring obviously to
the French walkout from the Unit-
ed Nations when the UN voted to
consider the question of Algeria.
This walkout occurred September
However, Henry Cabot Lodge,
U.S. Ambassador to the UN, visit-
ing the President in his hospital
in Denver had come out of the
hospital to tell newsmen that one
of the matters he had discussed
with Eisenhower was the French
walkout from the United Nations.
Ambassador Lodge made this
statement to Newsmen on October

It was nearly one month later
that the President at Camp David,
Md., was overheard to exclaim with
surprise over the French walkout.
* * *
ONE THING that irks' farmers
is the apparent lack of interest in
the farm problem in the highest
places in Washington. Farmers
generally recognize that the farm
problem is not an easy one, but
would feel happier if they were
sure some real attention was given
to the 'problem.
Two developments have recent-
ly increased their dissatisfaction.
One was the statement to the
press issued from Camp David that
the farm problem "had not even
been discussed" at- the first Cabi-
net meeting with Eisenhower.
Second is the litigation started
against farmers by Secretary Ben-
son for failing to mix or use up
dried milk purchased from the gov-
ernment before Nov. 1, 1954.
* * *
HOWEVER, an investigation by
a House Appropriations Subcom-
mittee claimed that the deal was
arranged in order to give a profit
to the big feed manufacturers.
Walter Berger, former President
of the American Feed Manufac-
turers, Association, took over the
job of No. 2 man in the Commodi-

ty Stabilization Service on March
15, just nine days before this
meeting with his old friends of
the American Feed Manufacturers
One month before this, another
big feed manufacturer, James A.
McConnell, head of the coopera-
tive GLF Exchange in Ithaca, N.Y.,
one of the biggest feed distribu-
tors in the East, had become No.
1 man in commodity stabilization.
THEY, ARRANGED the dried-
milk deal of such benefit to the
feed manufacturers.
However, here is the sequel. Af-
ter Nov. 1, 1954, Berger sent in-
spectors around to check on both
farmers and feed manufacturers
to see if they had mixed their
feed and those who didn't are
now being sued for the difference
between the 3 2-cent price they
paid the government and the com-
mercial price of 17 cents.
Second, the big feed manufac-
turers did not reduce the price of
feed, which was supposed to be
the primary purpose of selling
them the dried milk. In other
words, the feed manufacturers, of
whose association Berger for eight
years was president, got cheap
dried milk, but sold their feed for
about the same price.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

a middle-aged woman, a complete
midnight and murders her by
smashing her head in with an
empty beer bottle.
Such events occur more often
than we realize or want to believe.
Mr. Brown has strikingly drama-
tized this tragedy and has search-
ingly attempted to present its
motivations. He has succeeded re-
markably well. This is a thought-
ful and intelligent drama and both
Mr. Brown and the Speech Depart-
ment are to be commended for
coming to grips with these com
plexities in such a professional
* * *
identified. He's today's high school
student from a middle class fam-
ily. He has parents, loving and
hardworking, dedicated to provid-
ing him with every comfort, happi-
ness and the chance to succeed in
his own right.
He's an adolescent, with all the
accompanying immaturity, but
with a fierce ambition to be free
of parental restraint and to assert
himself as an independent human
Such characteristics are repre-
sentative of millions of today's
youth and when such a boy com-
mitts murder, the reading public
wants to know why.
BASICALLY, the author tells
and explains too much. Brown
believes and attempts to demon-
strate that the murder is under-
standable if we know enough about
Tommy's family stresses and
undesirable outside influences.
Granted, this is a moot point but
there is a severe cleavage among
phychiatrists as to just how far
we've come along in our ability
to explore and comprehend the
recesses of the mind.
Whether you accept Brown's ex-
planation or whether you feel that
all the motivations presentedleave
an unfulfilled gap to understand
Tommy's crime, is not as important
as a realistic apraisal of the prob-
Tommy is faced with a smother-
ing mother (effectively played by
Tommy Albright .... Russell Brown
Police Officers .... Richard Allen,
James Reindel
Police Detective Ernie Roberts ...
Thomas Crane
Radio Announcer .. John Schubeck
Mrs. Albright ....... Gertrude Slack
Mr. Albright .......... Angus Moore
Michael Albright ...... Mark Gilson
Kathy .................Joan Westby
A boy ................... Allen Knee
Girls.............. Ann Elderman,
Patricia Turner
Jack Wells ........... Robert Brown
Barb............Margaret Goldnoyi
Bernice ............Katherine Fodell
Countergiri ......... Greta Richards
Gertrude Slack) who won't ac-
knowledge that her boy should
have privacy and responsibility.
In addition, Mrs. Albright is suf-
ficiently domineering to influence
her husband who possesses a deep-
er appreciation of a teenager's
problems. Mr. Albright, (beauti-
fully enacted by Angus Moore),
struggles to provide guidance to
Tommy's troubled mind but, at
18, his son has too many years of
mental resentment to trust his
FAMILIAL STRESS is one thing
and association with immoral
companions is the othe that
causes Tommy to turn to lawless-
ness. The strongest counteracting
force is supplied by Joan Westby,
portraying a girl deeply in love
with Tommy, and doing so in a
highly creditable fashion.
Here is the climax of the play
for these are the moral forces that
Tommy must choose between: the
evil attractiveness of his rebel
friend Jack Wells (excellently act-
ed by Robert Brown) versus the
stabilizing goodness of his girl,

Why Tommy turns to murder is
the crux of the issue and here is
where reasonable minds might dif-
fer as to whether a dramatist can
supply the answer. Nevertheless,
this is a powerful theme and is
presented with proper deference.
Tommy is played by the author,
Russ Brown, and this versatile
young man further exhibits his
talents by giving an outstanding
performance as the emotional, tor-
mented youngster. Other credits
belong to Thomas Crane, Mark
Gilson, Margaret Goldonyi, and
Katherine Fodell. Valentine
Windt's direction is expert and
Jack Bender's sets and Marjorie
Smith's costume received deserved
-David Marlin

stranger, walking to Work about
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Naval Reserve Officer's Training Corps
Testing Program' (NROTC) will be given
Sat., Dec. 10. Candidates taking this
examination are requested to report to
100 Hutchins Hall at 8:30 a.m.
Late Permission: Because of the
christmas Formals, all women students
will have a 1:30 late permission on
Sat.. Dec. 10. Women's residences will
be open until 1:25 a.m.
Social Chairmen are notified that
Women's Judiciary hasrauthorized 11
p.m. late permission for women stu-
dents on Wednesday and Thursday, Dee.
14, 15. Post-caroling, or other Christ-
mas parties may be scheduled on these
nights in accordance with this an-
nouncement and should be registered
in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Building on or before
Friday, Dec. 9, 1955. Chaperons may be
a qualified singlechaperon or married
Student Government Council: Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting of
Dec. 7, 1955.
Approved Minutes, meeting of Nov.
30, 1955.
Reviewed final report as submitted
by the Auto study Committee.
Recommended unanimously that the
Board of Regents act favorably on the
recommendation of the Auto Study
Committee that Regents By-Law, Sec-
tion 8:05 be changed to read as follows:
- No student under 21 years of age
while in attendance at the University
may operate a motor vehicle except
under regulations as set forth b the
office of student affairs. Any other
student may be- permitted to operate
a motor vehicle which has been regis-
tered with the office of student affairs.
Any student violating these regulations
shall be liable to disciplinary action by
the proper University authorities.
Approved: Calendaring for Fresh Air
Camp Tag Day Fund Drive for April
12. 13.
Dec. 13, Jr. Interfraternity Council-
Jr. Panhellenic, Caroling evening, 7-10
Dec. 16, Wolverine Club, Willow Hop-
per, bus trips to airport.
Dec. 10, Wig and Robe dance.
Elected: As second member of Board
in Review, Eugene Hartwig.
Tabled: Motion relating to presenta-
tion of Hillelzapoppin on March 24-a
calendar conflict with Junior Girls'
Student Recital. Alonzo Sherer, vio-
linist, recital in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Sun.
Dec.. 11, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. He is a
pupil of Emil Raab, and his recital will
be open to the public.
Academic Notices
February Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be ad-
ministered to all Feb. eandidates for
the Teacher's Certificate during Dec.
in Room 1437 U.E.S. The office is open
from 8:00 a.m: to 12:00 noon and 1:30 to
5:00 p.m. The teacher's oath is a re-
quirement for the teacher's certificate.
Events Today
The Worlds of Tommy Albright, by
Russell A. Brown, '56, winner of the
1955 Avery Hopwood Drama Award, pre-
sented at 8:00 p.m. trsay in the Lydia
Mendelssonn Theatre, auspices of the
Department of Speech.
Scenes from Opera, Josef Blatt, musi-
cal director, Valentine Windt, and
Henry Austin, stage directors, 8:30 'p.m.
tonight, Aud. A, Angell Hall. Open to
the public without charge.

Placement Notices
A Representative from the following
school will be at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments to interview teachers for
the second semester. Mon., Dec. 12.
Pontiac, Michigan (Waterford Town-
ship School)-Teacher Needs: Kinder
garten; 2nd; 3rd; 5th and 6th combi-
nation; Jr. High Mathematics; High
School Biology; High School English;
Orchestra and Vocal; Special Education
-Mentally Handicapped.
Foruadditional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Representatives from the following
will be at Engineering:
Wed., Dec. 14:
Elect. Eye Equipment Co., Danville,
Ill.-B.S. in Elect., Mech., or Physics
for Design, Field Service Engrg.
Wed, and Thurs., Dec. 14 and 15:
Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., Union
Carbide Nuclear Co., Oak Ridge, Tenn.-
all levels in Civil, Elect., Ind., Instru.,
Mech., Metal., Nuclear, Chem. E., Math.,
PhvsincgSciece.o and !Enere. K'fnPr

Krushchev Telling New Stories

Zinnemann Avoids 'Sensitive' Tag

Associated Press News Analyst
NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV,. who has been say-
ing such nasty things about Britain while
on a state visit to Burma, will probably say
when he goes to Britain on a similar trip next.
April that it must have all been a mistake by
some other guy who has already been purged.
That's the way he tried to handle some
previous Russian nastiness toward Yugoslavia
when he went to see President Tito last spring.
There has been discussion in Britain as to
whether Anthony Eden should now withdraw
his invitation to Bulganin and Khrushchev, in
view of the unbridled attacks which have been
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad.......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert............................. City Editor
Murry Frymer ...............Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag................ Magazine Editor
David Kaplan .....................,....Feature Editor
Jane Howard ........................Associate Editor
Louise Tyor.........................Associate Editor
Phil Douglir .... .. ,. ... . .,......Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg................Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz..,..,,.........Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthaler............... ..... Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds ....... ...Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel....................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom .................... Business Manager

chorused by the Russian press. Eden won't
withdraw it, of course.
KHRUSHCHEV, boss of international Com-
munism, began to hit the world's front
pages only after the ouster of Malenkov from
the premiership early this year. At first he
assumed the pose of a sensible, convivial fel-
low who could and would do business with the
That lasted until the July "summit" confer-
ence in Geneva, when Bulganin; Khrushchev's
new premier, arrived without any evidence of
intent to do business, and Molotov knocked the
rest of the facade full of holes at the foreign
ministers meeting.
Even after that, however, the Russians gave
lip service to the sweetness and light campaign
until Bulganin and Khrushchev went to India
and Burma.
TRYING to play all the anticolonial tunes
which the Asiatics love so well, the Russian
leaders declared their war on the West. Bul-
ganin started it with a boast of ultimate victory
made before the Indian Parliament. But that
was only a political statement designed to at-
tract Indian support.
Khrushchev began to work up steam on the
theme that the Western powers have not
dropped their colonial ambitions, and went on
from there to accuse Britain of conspiring to
foster Hitler's attack on Russia.

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
THE dirtiest word in the lan-
guage, in the opinion of Fred
Zinnemann, is "sensitive."
Zinnemann, a slight, pleasant,
shy man, is a motion picture di-
rector, as distjnguishable from the
run-of-the-mine Hollywood crowd
as an English Sparrow in a flock
of cardinals. He is walking proof
that the film city does not always
confuse gaudy trappings and
studied eccentricity with craft-
Zinnemann's camera has some
magnificent notches-"The Men,"
"The Search," "High Noon," "From
Here to Eternity," "Oklahoma! "-
and the fairest prize of the season,
Hemingway's "Old Man and the
* * *
picture credits has made the 48-
year-old Viennese one of the hot-
test -- if not the hottest - direc-
torial wizards in a community
where the word is rather loosely
used. But although at the mom-
ent he's on a mountain top, it has
not been an easy ascent even for
a veteran climber.
"After 'The Search' which was
a story of children torn loose by
the war, and 'The Men,' which
was about paraplegics, I was known
as a 'sensitive' director." he ex-

BY THE TIME he picked
up his megaphone for "Oklaho-
ma!" chores, Zinnemann had won
three Academy Awards, three
Screen Directors Guild Awards (his
most treasured, for they come from
his colleagues), two New York
Critics Circle palms and the "Glo-
bal" Award of the Hollywood For-
eign Press Correspondents Assn.
When he was chosen to direct
Rodgers and Hammerstein's per-
ennial stage success in a wide-
screen, full color musical extrava-
-ganza, it seemed a little strange
to some that man from Vienna
who had never tackled either color
or a musical would be tapped for'
the job.
"Actually, it is not so strange,"
Zinnemann said. "I sometimes
think perhaps I can see this coun-
try better than one who was born
* * *
AS FOR HIS lack of experience
with musicals and color photogra-
phy, Zinnemann said that his own
deficiencies were more than com-
pensated by the ability and ex-
perience of his staff.
Zinnemann is a forthright man
In talking of "Oklahoma," he ack-
nowledged there were some se-
quences he wished he could have
made better-an unheard of con-
fession. When publicists were
beating the drums for "Okla-

white to pale green. "As a matter
of fact, I want to make my next
picture in black and white."
* * *4
LATER, he explained: "To have
said that everything should be
filmed the same way would have
been as silly as to say that all
photographs should be taken in
color; that all drawings should be
painted in oil. Certain subjects
and styles demand certain mater-
ials-in art, from a pencil to wat-
He added earnestly : "But I was
sorry I had to disappoint the pub-
licity men."
Zinnemann, while enthusiastic
about filming "The Old Man and
the Sea," figures he's going to be
one of the world's steadiest con-
sumers of dramamine. He was
magnificently sea sick while en
route to Cuba for a recent four-
day visit with Hemingway to dis-
cuss script and location possibili-
ties. When the shooting starts,
he'll spend most of his time in a
* * *
PERHAPS EVEN more on Zin-
nemann's mind than the Heming-
way film is a project, in which he'll
join decumentary producer Her-
bert Morgan, on a story about the
misfortunes of the Navajo Indians
of the Southwest.
"While we get stirred up about


,4 ,

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