See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
:4 .ai4
VOL. LXVI. No. 65
Financial Report
-- ,.
Financial Record
Reflects Growth
At their December meeting yesterday the Board of Regents
accepted the Financial Report of the University of Michigan for the
year ended June 30, 1955.
Reflected throughout the 30 'page report is the large plant
expansion program being carried on by the University.
Plant assets of thef University increased by nearly $13,000,000
May Accept New
Driving Changes
SGC Asks Dean of Men to Appoi s
Study Group For Regulative Details
Daily City Editor
University Regents voted yesterday to consider specific changes
in student driving regulations as the first order of business at their
January meeting.
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis interpreted
the action as "approval in principle" of driving rule changes recom-
mended in the report by Student Government Council.
Lewis said the Office of Student Affairs will move immediately
to consult with student groups to arrive at administrative regulations
acceptable to the student body. All?
-Daily-Bill Van Oosterhout
A SHOT ON GOAL-A Denver attempt is blocked by Michigan's
goalie Lorne Howes (1). Clearing the puck is Wally'Maxwell (10)
while Bob Schiller (3) and Bob Pitts (in background) come in to
aid Howes.
Denver leers Rally
To le olverines-
'M' Blows 3-1 Lead as Pioneers
Score Twice in Last Five Minutes
Michigan and Denver battled to a thrilling 3-3 "sudden death"
overtime deadlock at the Coliseum last night in the first game of a
crucial Western Intercollegiate Hockey League series.
The two hockey powerhouses will meet again tonight here at 8
p.m. in what could prove to be the most important game in the whole
WIHL race this winter.
during the
12 month period
Dissappointment to 'M'
To Michigan fans, the game ended only in
seemingly safe 3-1 lead for the Wolverines was
dissappointment. A
erased in the final
Study Group
To Propose
New Plans
Student Government Council's
structure study committee will
recommend "several immediate
measures and some long-term
pjans" at today's Council meeting
at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
Chaired by Donna Netzer, '56,
the committee was established to
evaluate the organizational struc-
ture of SGC and to recommend
steps which would make for a
more efficient structure.
Also on the agenda is a motion
by Daly Managing Editor Dave
Baad, '56, proposing that all senior
class elections be held at a time
other than the all-campus SGC
Baad Cites Results
According to Baad, the proposal
Would result in a more meaningful
class organization and focus more
significance on class-level partici-
Up for discussion will be a re-
quest by the Hillel Foundation
that their annual talent revue
show, Hillelzepoppin, be approved
for the same spring weekend as
Junior, Girls' Play.
A motion disapproving the date
requested for the Hillel show was
tabled last week pending an at-
tempt to find suitable location for
the show at some other time in the
Regents Report To Be Heard
The Council will hear a report
on the Regents acceptance "in
principle" of the recently submit-
ted driving ban modifications.
_ SGC is also scheduled to receive
reports on the West Point foreign
policy conference and the Michi-
gan Region National Students As-
sociation conference held here last
Saturday. Discussions will take;
place on eligibility of 'candidates
for the Council, early registration
passes and a report from the con-
stitutions committee.
Hatcher To Go
.0To Far East
University President Harlan H.
five minutes of play in the third
period. .
With only 49 seconds of regula-
tion play left, Denver center Jack
Smith grabbed a loose puck in
front of the Wolverine goal and
batted it home to tie the score at
3-3. Only 25 seconds earlier Coach
Neil Celley had pulled his star
goalie Dave Broadbelt from the
goal and rushed six forwards.
Michigan was also underhanded
at the time with defenseman Bob
Schiller sitting in the penalty box
for board checking.
Everything that had happened
in the first 60 minutes, however,
was forgotten during the hectic
overtime period. Cries of "Let's
Go Blue!" from the remaining
majority of a 2,500 weeknight
crowd rocked the Coliseum in the
tense, extra 10-minute climax.
Both teams came close to scoring
but not close enough.
Wolverine scoring was divided
between sophomores Wally Max-
well and Ed Switzer, with the
former getting two tallies.
Unusually Rough Start
The game started in an unusual-
See 'TWO' Page 2
Regents Accept
Gifts, Grants
Of $24'7,579
Board of Regents yesterday ac-
cepted gifts and grants totalling
Largest grant was $30,200 from
the Foundation Fund for Research
in Psychiatry, Yale University. The
grant is for the Institute of Social
Research under the direction of
Ronald Lippitt.
Regent Leland I. Doan gave
$10,000 in cash and 120 shares of
stock for the Hester Spencer Doan
Fund. The fund is in honor of his
mother and ;is for the President's
Discretionary Fund.
The Lawrence J. Montgomery
Research Fund, under the super-
vision of Dr. Frederick Coller of
the Medical School and Dr. Rus-
sell Mustard of Battle Creek, re-
ceived $25,000 from Lawrence J.
Montgomery of Battle Creek.
University Bands received $7,-
198.97 from Buick Motor Division.
Regents accepted a grant of
$8,683 from the American Cancer
Society, Inc., Research Fund, for
the society's institutional research
grant to the Medical School.
A total of $275 was received as
an initial contribution to estab-
lish the Jack Kelsey Memorial
Award. Kelsey, '54. died last April
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles flew to
Paris yesterday to help chart new
Allied strategy to counter "the zig-
bags" in Russia's policies.
"I hope we can reach agreement
as to the significance of these zig-
zags which have been taking place
recently," he said as he left by
plane with nine top aides. He will
confer with 14 other foreign min-
isters of Atlantic Pact nations.
Secretary of Defense Charles E.
Wilson and Secretary of the Treas-
ury George Humphrey, who will
assist Sec. Dulles at the Paris
talks, left about the same time in
a separate plane.
** *
DETROIT - Officials of the
three major daily newspapers and
striking AFL - CIO Stereotypers
met again last night in a resump-
tion of efforts to settle a 13-day
walkout in news-hungry Detroit.
It was the first such meeting
since Saturday.
Federal and state labor media-
tors, who have been sitting in on
negotiations called the two sides
together at 9 p.m. (EST).
A six-hour session broke up Sat-
urday without agreement on terms
of a settlement.
George Robinson, President of
striking Local 9, said the bargain-
ing broke down over a demand by
the Detroit Newspaper Publishers
Association, that the union agree
to a change in the old contract
and lack of a wage offer.
* * *
BONN, Germany -- Dr. Otto
John, a triple turncoat, has come
back from 16 months in the Com-
munist camp to this west German
capital where he formerly was
chief of counterintelligence.
The former chief spy catcher of
West Germany was brought to a
house on a quiet side street in
Bonn which is headquarters of the
Special Security Section of the
Federal Criminal Police, after
slipping into West Berlin Monday.
covered by the report.; They
-now stand at a record $131,838,037.
Yearly Increase
Increase for the year was made
up of $10,000,000 in buildings,
$2,000,000 in equipment and $1,-
000,000 in land improvements and
site acquisitions.
University efforts to prepare for
anticipated \ enrollment increases
are mirrored in the statistics.
Twelve major building projects
were under construction at the end
of 'the fiscal year with several
more in various stages of planning.
Appropriations, Gifts and Bonds
Funds for the $13,000,000 in-
crease came from appropriations
made by the State Legislature,
gifts and proceeds of bond issues.
During the fiscal year the
University spent more than $60,-
Two-thirds of this, or $40,189,296,
were for wages and salaries. Dur-
ing the preceding fiscal year end-
ing June 30, 1954, wage payments
amounted to $37,322,151.
Last year the University paid
salaries and wages to approximate-
ly 19,000 different employees.
About 7,500 were full-time mem-
bers of the staff.
General Fund Spends $27,052,996
The General Ftind, covering
teaching, research, public service,
student advisory services, business
operations and normal plant op-
erations, had an income of $27,-
309,049 and expenditures of $27,-
According to the report State
Legislature appropriations ac-
counted for 77 per cent of the in-
come. Student fees accounted for
$5,466,810, or about 20 per cent.
Publications, athletics and other.
student activities had an income of
$3,137,847 and expenditures of
Construction Costs Incurred
Costs incurred for the construc-
tion program of the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics ac-
counted for expenses exceeding
The ° report shows a total en-
dowment fund for the University
of $23,300,000 as compared with
$22,400,000 on June 30, 1954. In-
creases in fellowships, scholarships
and grants-in-aid funds accounted
for the increase.
Report on plant extension of the
University predicted completion of
the addition to the Michigan Un-
ion by the end of the school year.
Plans for the $7,000,000 Medical
Science and School of Nursing
Building are being given a final
check before final approval, ac-
cording to the report.
-Photo-University News Service
University President Harlan H. Hatcher welcomes Paul L. Adams
(left) of Sault Ste. Marie and Eugene B. Power (middle) of Ann
Arbor to Regent meeting. Elected last spring, the two Democrats
take office Jan. 1.
Medical Education Need:
University Study Topic
The Board of Regents yesterday authorized University President
Harlan H. Hatcher to use studies and surveys and to form recommen-
dations on future steps to be taken to meet expected needs of medical
education in the State of Michigan.
President Hatcher told the Regents such a move was necessary
for the University to continue to discharge its duties to the state
concerning medical education.
Power, Adams Present
Present at their first Regents
meeting yesterday were Eugene B.
Power of Ann Arbor and Paul L.
Adams of Sault Ste. Marie, who
will assume their posts as Regents
Jan. 1. Both Democrats, they were
elected last spring.
One of the outgoing Regents
who attended his last meeting,
Regent J. Joseph Herbert of Mani-
stique, concluded 16 years of ser-
vice as a Regent yesterday.
Regent Herbert was presented
with a beautiful silver bowl by
his fellow Regents, and cited by
Prof. Allan Smith on behalf of
the faculty for "distinguished"
Testimonial Read
"His purpose has always been
to decide what, in his own good
judgment, is best for the Univer-
sity. When that becomes clear, his
decision is clear," Prof. Smith read
from a testimonial for the Senate
Advisory Committee of the Fac-
ulty Senate at a Monday night
The Regents also authorized, at
their December meeting yesterday,
Vice-President Wilbur K. Pierpont
to enter into an agreement for the
purchase of the Ann Arbor High
School building.
An 1955-56 operating budget of.
$355,150 for the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics was
also approved by the Regents. Ex-
penditures for the 1954-55 year
were reported to be $327,328.53.
Bentley Calls
For Respect
Of Minorities
"The Role of Labor Unions in
Politics" was Rep. Alvin M. Bent-
ley's (R-Mich) topic in an address
before the Young Republicans Club
in the Union last night.
Quoting the President and the
Secretary of Labor, Bentley wel-
comed organized labor's participa-
tion in politics as long as the rights
of minority groups within the
unions are not prevented from
freely expressing views which dif-
fer from union leadership's.
Expressing the belief that the
Republican Party has little to gain
by appealing to labor leaders for
support, Rep. Bentley called for
Republican efforts to gain sup-
port from workers as individuals.
Pointing to the favorable condi-
tions created by the Eisenhower
administration leading to current
national prosperity, he noted the
job of Republicans in the coming
election year is to see that the
present administration gets the
credit for it.
On the possibility of President
Eisenhower being a candidate in
next year's election, the Congress-
man commented no one, even the
president himself, could predict
the answer at this time.
the details will be worked out in
time to be presented to the Regents
at the January meeting, he said.
SGC President Hank Berliner,
'56, saidhe "had every reason to
believe the Regents have endorsed
the plan" to modify the controver-
sial driving ban.
To Ask For Committee
SGC will ask Dean of Men Wal-
ter B. Rea to appoint a commit-
tee with student representation to
work out administrative regula-
tions for presentation at the Janu-
ary Regents' meeting, Berliner
The Regents raised questions
about parking, enforcement of
modified rules, and administration
of the proposed new regulations in
an executive session prior to the
regular December meeting yester-
day, according to Lewis. SGC
raised similar questions last week
before approving the report and
its..recommended changes.
The. report, prepared by a study
committee of students, faculty and
townspeople and chaired by As-
sistant Dean of Men Karl D.
Streiff, calls for permissin to drive
for students more than 21 years
of age.
It also provides strict penalties
for violations-fines up to $50 for
first violations and expulsion for
a semester for second violations.
Need More Time
The Regents deferred considera-
tion of the specific recommenda-
tions until January to allow them-
selves more time for study of the
report and Lewis more time to
work out administrative details.
The Regents highly commended
the study committee for its work
on the problem. They mentioned
appreciation for bringing towns-
peolle onto the committee to study
the driving ban.
Under present Regent by-laws,
only students more than 26 years
of age or those having special per-
mission are allowed to drive. This
rule has been in effect since 1928.
No formal statement of ap-
proval in principle of the changes
was made. Regent Alfred B. Con-
nable of Kalamazoo suggested an
amendment to the original mo-
tion, which called for January ac-
tion, that the Regents officially
indicate approval in principle.
Thought Statement Unnecessary
But Regent Otto E. Eckert of
Lansing, who made the original
motion, thought approval in prin-
ciple was indicated by the Regents'
past interest in the problem, and
that a formal statement was un-
Placing the modification of driv-
ing rules as the first order of busi-
ness at the next meeting was also
considered adequate indication of
approval in principle.
Members of the study commit-
tee that prepared the report were
Chief of Police Casper M. Enke-
mann, Councilman Norman Ran-
dall, Rudolph Reichert, Prof. John
Kohl of the engineering college,
Prof. Roger W. Heyns of the psy-
chology department, Eugene Hart-
wig, '59L, Bill Diamond, '56E, and
Bill Hanks, '56 BAd.
Mayor Asks
Fonr Pavf ip
India, Russia
Sign Trade
NEW DELHI, India ()-Prime
Minister Nehru last night signed
a joint communique with Premier
Nikolai Bulganin and Communist
party chief Nikita Khrushchev of
the Soviet Union urging disarma-
ment as the way to peace and out-
lining a broad program for coop-
eration between their countries.
At the same time, a trade agree-
ment between the two nations was
signed. It provides for purchase
by India of a million tons of steel
from Russia, as well as equipment
for oil production and mining.
Culminates Tour
The communique was the culmi-
nation of a four-week tour of India
and Burma by the Soviet leaders,
who have been widely acclaimed
throughout India where they pre-
sented themselves as "exponents
of peace."
The Russians' leave today for
Kabul, Afghanistan, to continue
their political-economic barnstorm
ing of South Asia.
Generally the communique fol-
lowed their public pronouncements,
calling especially for the prohibi-
tion of n'uclear weapons and the
seating of Communist China in the
United Nations.
No Specific Target
The trade agreement announce-
ment did not give a specific vol-
ume target but said the intention
was to boost trade volume between
the two countries "as much as
The million tons of steel will be
delivered to India over a three-
year period, starting next year.
Terms and conditions of the sale
will be "settled by subsequent
negotiations," the announcement
In return, it added, the Soviet
Union agreed to increase substan-
tially its purchases from India,
both of raw materials and manu-
factured goods, "with the hope
that- the value of these goods will
equal the value of Indian pur-
chases from Russia.
Confined Vets
Greet Season
Patients at Veterans Hospital
last night saw entertainment'
ranging from "Dixie-Land" t6
western ballads.
"Rudolph the Red Nosed Rein-
deer" played in ragtime brought
forth laughs from the audience
and recalled memories for one of
the veterans who said, "Reindeer
remind me of sleighs. Been a long
time since I saw a sleigh. They
don't allow many here."
The half joking, half melan-
cholly mood was shared by many
patients. One summed up his
complaints by saying, "It's not
cnandvrinr Christms here ,that
U' Choir to Giveh tCt
": {°Presenting its annual Christmas concert at 8:30 p.m. today the
University Choir will be accompanied by a chamber orchestra while
"' # performing Pachelbel's "Magnificat in C."
«}::>r>:::>::":::;:>::;,:< Trumpets and organ will also accompany the selection which.
includes the forty-sixth to the fifty-fifth verses of the Gospel according
}. 'to St. Luke. Marilyn Mason Brown, of the School of ,Music will be at
the organ.
Soloists for the "Magnificat" will be Hildred Kronlokken, Grad.,
soprano; Mary Mattfeld, 'S6SM, contralto; Donald Nelson, of the
music literature department, tenor; and James Berg, 56SM, bass.
Klein Conducts
One of the few choral conductors in the country who conducts
both choral and orchestral music, Prof. Maynard Klein of the School
" " of Music, will direct the choir in its presentation of Christmas music.
Representative of the middle Italian madrigal period in that its
, chorale form greatly stresses the idea of word-painting in music,
the chorale "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" will be sung by the choir
v,, along with Bach's "Christmas Oratorio," Gevaert's "Slumber Song of
1the Infant Jesus," and Virgil Thompson's "My Shepherd will Supply