See CORNER, Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
t= -
VOL. LXVI, No.62
*Guild Wants
Unions Pact
Agreement Could
S Delay Publication
Newspaper Guild of Detroit today
called for an agreement with other
* unions affected by Detroit's 9-day-
old newspaper strike under which
no union employes would go back
to work until all union contracts
are settled.
Guild leaders conceded that
such a pact could delay a resump-
tion of publication of Detroit's
three regular daily newspapers for
some time. The development came
after federal and state mediators
had .reported "great progress" to-
ward a settlement of a stereotyp-
ers' strike that shut down the
The guild, at a general mem-
bership meeting, also voted to seek
agreement from the other unions
that any return to work be con-
ditional on full back pay for all
union employees laid off since the
strike began Dec. 1.
Guild Represents Many
The guild represents 800 edi-
torial, business and circulation
employes at the Detroit Times and
Detroit Free Press and mainten-
ance workers at the Detroit News.
Detroit News editorial aid busi-
ness office employes are not or-
ganized. They are working dur-
ing the strike.
The 116 stereotypers walked out
at all three newspaper plants
Members of other newspaper craft
unions refused to cross the stereo-
typers' picket lines. So did some
guild members at the start of the
Contracts of all six newspaper
craft unions involved have expired.
So has a contract covering AFL-
CIO Teamsters Union members
who drive newspaper delivery
trucks. The guild's contract with
The Free Press has expired.
Guild Confers
Guild leaders said they already
have been in conference with heads
of the other unions about back-
to-work conditions. A guild of-
ficial called it a "blood pact' in
describing the union's proposal.
The stereotypers' new contract
demands have included provision
of extra help or overtime pay in
handling copy for advance issues
of the newspapers and for hand-
ling color plates.
The stereotypers' straight time
day pay is $3.08 an hour.
Another guild action today pro-
vided union defense fund benefits
to "needy" members and their
families. The payments, starting
Monday, call for $10 for each per-
son in the member's family, up to
a maximum of $55 a week, or 90
per cent of a member's weekly
salary, whichever is less.
GM Leader
Resists Senate
eral Motors Corp. yesterday re-
sisted suggestions by Senate in-
vestigators that it has grown so
big and powerful it might need
The suggestions were posed in
question form as the Senate Anti-
monopoly subconittee wound up
the present phase of its investi-
gation of GM, the world's largest
industrial corporation.
The questions were fired by
Chairman John C., O'Mahoney
(D-Wyo.) and James W. Burns,
his chief counsel, at GM's presi-
dent, Harlow H. Curtice.
Size Necessary?
"Why," Burns demanded, "is it
necessary for General Motors to bex
as large as it is?"
"It is necessary," Curtice re-
plied. He said GM "has grown
from within" by pioneering in<
some fields, by making technicall
contributions in others, and be-
cause it has been efficient.E
"Does'it have to be large to be<
efficient?" he paraphrased one oft
Burns' questions. "I don't thinkt
size has anything to do with it."
Sen. O'Mahoney ordered a group
of Chicago automobile dealers andx
others subpoenaed to clear up con-t
flicts in testimony in his investi-2
gation. He acted at the requestt
of GM officials.9
"No Reprisals" Promised t
fA'Puck Squad,
Beats Sioux,
Wolverines Notch First League Win;
Five Players Share Scoring Honors
Special To The Daily
GRAND FORKS, N.D.-An important 5-1 win here over North
Dakota sent Michigan's hocey team off to a flying start last night in
the Western Intercollegiate Hockey League scramble.
With only one game under their belts before last night, the
Wolverines outclassed completely a previously unbeaten North Dakota
squad. The two teams will meet here again tonight for the last time
this season in the second meeting of the two-point-per-game series.
There was little doubt that the Maize and Blue were vastly im-
proved from last week's 5-3 victory over McGill. The same, explosive
scoring punch was present again, as the Wolverines rammed three
World News
By The Associated Press
Jet Crashes...
SHEFFIELD, England-A dere-
lict United States jet fighter,
abandoned by its pilot at 3,500
feet crashed into the Lodge Moore
Hospital near Sheffield yesterdayj
and killed a woman patient. !
Five others were injured slightly.
Hot metal wreckage of the F84F
Republic Thunderstreak plowed
across one of the wards. A fire
started within the hospital, while]
outside a gas main was set alight
and several small fires flared1
across the grounds.
Exploding ammunition was an
added hazard.}
Strength Reduction...
nounced yesterday a further re-
duction in strength in the Far East
as part of retrenchments that will
leave it with 19 divisions next
summer, one less than it has now.
The 508th Airborne Regimental
Combat Team will be withdrawn
from Japan to Ft. Campbell, Ky.,
in June, and the 75th Regimental
Combat Team, now on Okinawa
will be disbanded during the sum-
At the same time, the Navy will
build up its strength in the Pacific.
The Navy announced it will shift
two destroyer divisions from the
Atlantic to the Pacific Fleet dur-
ing the summer. Eight ships and
about 2,400 officers and men will
bQ involved.
* * *
Farm Prices ...
THURMONT, Md.-The Eisen-
hower administration made- a two-
fold attempt yesterday to cope with
sagging farm prices and the re-
sultant criticism of Republican
agricultural policies.
A lengthy Cabinet session in the
sqow-covered Catoctin Mountains
closed rapks around Secretary of
Agriculture Ezra T. Benson and
brought plans for an election-year
farm program close to completion.
tallies across in the first' period
and two more in the second.
The defense, however, was
especially sharp. Coach Vic Hey-
liger also called the game a real
"team effort," with the five goals
being divided between five differ-
ent players - Dick Dunnigan, Ed
Switzer, Tom Rendall, Jay Goold,
and Wally Maxwell.
Rendall's Return Sparks Win
The appearance of Rendall, who
was feared to be lost for the series
because of a pulled tendon, was a
welcome aid. His play helped spark
BED FORD, Id. (ll) -Sir
Berkeley Gage, British ambas-
sador to Thailand and former
consul at Chicago, stopped here
yesterday for a 20-minute re-
union with Roy. a golden re-
triever he owned for seven
Mr. and Mrs. James Wade,
present owners of th, dog, ac-
quired Roy from George Wise,
publisher of the Bloomington
Herald-Tribune, with whom Sir
Berkeley left him when he was
assigned to the Far East.
"He's a good retriever," the
ambassador said, pleased by the
dog's excitement at their re-
union. "And I'm glad to see
he's happy in his new home."
U.S. could
Prevent Veto
- Efimenco
Possibility of Nationalist China
abstaining from voting on an 18
n a t i o n package proposal for
United Nations' membership was
seen as "good" yesterday by Prof.
N. Marbury Efimenco of the polit-
ical science department.
"If the United States puts
proper pressure on Nationalist
China, the Chinese delegate Dr.
T. F. Tsiang will abstain again
next week," he explained.
In an attempt to break a long-
existing membership deadlock, the
General Assembly Thursday over-
whelmingly approved simultaneous
admission of 18 new countries, five
of which are Comunist block na-
tions. But Nationalist China has
threatened to veto the package
deal in the Security Council.
Objects to Outer Mongolia
China objects strongly to ad-
mission of Outer Mongolia, one of
the five Communist states, Prof.
Henry L. Bretton of the political
science dpartment presented two
possible reasons for China's stand:
"Admission of Outer Mongolia
might in a sense admit the legit-
imacy of Red China," he said.
"Nationalist China wants to hold
on to the fiction that the Con-
nunists have no jurisdiction over
China and that Mongolia was
conquered by Russia."
Second reason for Nationalist
China's stand on the admission of
Outer Mongolia is that they "do
not wish to give Red China the
prestige" that such action .might
bring he said.
Problem of Ultimatum
"Basically, the question involved
is whether the United States can
issue an ultimatum to make Na-
tionalist China abstain," Prof.
Efimenco said. "It has been
rumored that if China vetoes the7
deal, the next session of the Gen-
eral Assembly will give that coun-
try's seat to Red China."
Prof. Bretton agreed that the
United States is in a position to
bring pressure to bear on Nation-
alist China, but he does not be-
lieve that possible seating of Red
China will be used as a political
He believes that Nationalist
China could be voted out of cer-
tain committees and positions of
prestige in the UN, rather than bek
expelled from the organization
'Dificult To Predict'
Under the circumstances, Prof.t
Bretton finds it difficult to pre-t
dict what Nationalist China will
Commenting on the Unitede
States' stand on the issue, he said,t
"we should not have any difficulty
in voting for admission of Outer
Mongolia because we will merelyc
be following a precedent."f
Ise .decision
Next Month:
NEW YORK (P)-Sen. William
F. Knowland (R-Calif.) said yes-
terday he believes P r e s i d e n t
Dwight D. Eisenhower will disclose
by the middle of next month
whether he will run for reelection
This would advance the date of
the President's announcement by
six or seven weeks over previous
Republican National Chairman
Leonard W. Hall has held there
was no need for the President to
speak out before late February or
early March.
Knowland Refuses Information
Sen. Knowland refused to tell
a news conference whether he
himself will seek the GOP presi-
dential nomination until President
Eisenhower "has the opportunity
to make a decision which I believe
will be made during the month of
He recalled, he had said after
his meeting with the President
that the Eisenhower decision
should be made clear "in mid-
January" before the end of filings
for state primaries.
In referring to his talk with the
President, Sen. Knowland said:
"I wouldn't want to mislead you
by saying that the question of
1956 didn't enter the discussion."
Dinner Address
Sen. Knowland made his predic-
tion prior to addressing a dinner
of the National Association of
He said in his speech the United
States has retreated from principle
in "acquiescing" to the United
Nations "package deal" to admit
five Communist satellites to mem-
bership in return for admission of
13 "free world" countries.
He also told the association
times were too, serious to permit
"waltzing around" on fundamental
issues by presidential candidates.
Candidacy Rumored
Sep. Knowland was reported
Thursday as intending to an-
nounce his own candidacy for the
Republican nomination u n 1 e s s
President Eisenhower made clear
by Feb. 1 that he would seek a
second term.
These reports said Knowland
was ready to support President
Eisenhower in a bid for reelection.
Fete Children
Interfraternity Council will give
its annual Christmas party pro-
gram for 2200 Ann Arbor school
children at 1:30 p.m. today.
Various fraternity houses will
entertain the elementary school
boys and girls with carols and
games. Ice cream will serve as the
major refreshment.
While the children are enjoying
themselves, five Santas will make
the rounds of the houses distrib-
uting presents.J
Invitations in the form of par-
ent permission slips were distrib-
uted to the first through fourth
grade pupils earlier this year. After
counting the signed slips, the IFC
divided the children among the
fraternity houses for the party.
-Daily-Sam Ching
UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher and Union President
Todd Lief, at yesterday's Student-Faculty-Administration Con-
ference in the Union.
Conference fields
Results' .Hatcher Says
Yesterday's Student-Faculty-Administration conference at the
Union "yielded excellent results," University President Harlan Hatcher
commented in closing the meeting.
General theme .of the conference was problems of the University
occasioned by increasing enrollment. Conferees broke up into four
discussion groups and later reconvened for a general session.
Development of North Campus was a theme stressed in the
discussion on physical facilities. Assistant Dean of Men Peter A.
Ostafin predicted in a decade it< -
v Ties
--Daily--Chuck Kelsey
. . 23 saves, one miss
the second line, composed of the
two scrappy sophomore wings,
Neil McDonald and Switzer.
Approximately 3,800 violently
partisan Sioux fans knew they
were in for a disappointing night
when by 8:34 of the first period,
Michigan had already cemented
two goals. The Wolverines appear-
ed "fighting ready" for this one.
The first marker came at 6:06,
when defenseman Bob Schiller
slammed a rebound shot off the
boards toward North Dakota goalie
Tom Yurkovich. Before the hard-
pressed goaltender could - get to
it, Dunnigan had poked it into
the nets.
Pass Play
Then followed one of the most
beautiful passkplays of the night.
Rendall outfaked two Nodak line-
men and one defenseman to the
right. As he skated in on the cage,
Switzer was closing in from the
left. A pass from Rendall to the
See RENDALL, page 3
'Interchangeability" of Russia
Is Common American Myth
The most common and basic American myth of Russia is its
interchangeability of the terms Soviet Union and Russia, Professor Lev
Dobriansky said last night at a lecture in the Rackham Building.
Dobriansky, a member of the Georgetown University economics
department, spoke on "Several Outstanding American Myths on
"The significance of the interchangeability of this myth is one
of sheer scientific accuracy," Prof. Dobriansky stated. "There are 16
republics in the Soviet Union and
one is Russia," he asserted. "The CALENDAR CHANGE:
others are national units."
Problems of the Ukraine and #i
other Soviet countries can not be
properly evaluated if they are O rie nai e
thought of as being part of Rus-
sia, Prof. Dobriansky declared. He By TOM BLUES
cited the differences in Soviet
culture and language as examples As a result of University calendar
of its lack of homogenity. changes the orientation program
Prof. Dobriansky criticized the for 1956-57 has been shortened
U.S. subsidary parallel myth that and revised.
minorities in Russia are similar Because classes will start next
to minorities in the U.S. "There fall on Thursday of orientation
are 177 different nationalities in week rather than the following
the Soviet Union," he explained. Monday, it was necessary for the
"These are not minorities but en- official Orientation Committee to
ftipg and ~nnatintit thp mainy ~ begin their schedule earlier than
will be considered just the north
end of a single campus.
Colleges To Be Moved
Present plans call for moving the
music, architecture and design
and engineering colleges to the
North Campus. Dormitoryshousing
and a fraternity-sorority row may
also be built there, according to
administration representatives.
Hourly bus transportation to the
campus is now being provided free
to University students, and it is
considered adequate for the pres-
-The present ratio of students to
faculty members is 14 to one, it
was brought out at the discussion
on admissions. This compares with
a 13.5 to one ratio last year.
Present Ratio Good
Administration officials said
they considered the present ratio
good, but as high as the University
should allow it to go.
A movement to standardize ad-
missions tests throughout' the
country was described.
Conferees also mentioned that
there has been no proven correla-
tion between class size and schol-
astic achievement.
"Whole Man" Emphasized
Emphasis at the discussion on
extra-curricular activities was on
the "whole man."
Prof. Shorey Peterson of the
economicshdepartment expressed
the view that many students could
afford to disperse their interests.
He added that the "whole man"
is the product of a complex of
specific institutions.
A University, he continued, is
a specialized agency, and as such
makes special academic contribu-
tion which should not be ignored
in attempting to develop "well-
Social Pressures Mentioned
Students mentioned social pres-
sures from housing units as ' a
majority, if not a healthy, factor
in inducing someone to get in
and stay in an activity.
At the discussion on the aca-
demic and social counseling sys-
tems interest was generated over
a suggestion that upperclassmen
be allowed to fill out their own
election cards, subject only to a
counselor's approval.
The suggested system was prais-
ed as freeing time the counselor
Work Begins
On Antarctic
LYTTELTON, New Zealand VP)
-The vanguard of the U.S. Antar-
tica expedition sailed away from
civilization yesterday, heading to-
ward the bottom of the earth to
begin building the world's coldest,
remotest laboratory.
First to pull away from New
Zealand will be the Glacier, the
newest and toughest icebreaker
the U.S. Navy has. The expedi-
tion's six other ships are expected
to leave within a week or 10 days.
Sometime later, eight N a v y
planes will take off on an unprece-
dented flight of 2;200 stormy, haz-
ardous miles from New Zealand to
This is the muscle phase of
"Operation Deep Freeze." These
are the men who will mark the
trails past treacherous crevasses
and through towering mountain
passes; scout icy, forbidding areas-
and build the facilities scientists
will use next fall as part of the
observance of International Geo-
physical Year.
The Glacier's first stop will be
at McMurdo Sound in the frozen
Ross Sea, where Navy air officers
immediately will scout the area
for a landing site for planes flying
from New Zealand.
The first three-month phase of
the operation has the principal
mission of building bases at Little
America and McMurdo Sound and
picking a site for additional bases
in Byrd Land and at that magical
point in geography known as the
South Pole.
Rear Adm. Richard :. Byrd,
officers in charge of U.S. Antarc-
tica programs who is aboard the
Glacier, makes no secret of the
fact he would like to land at the
Union Sponsors
Sport Show Today
Sol Friedman, former chess
champion of Illinois, will demon-
strate his skill at the game at a
To Break
Ignores Claims
Of Red Regime
BERLIN (.'P) - The West Ge
man Republic warned yesterd,
it will break diplomatic relatio
with any nation that hencefor'
recognizes Communist East Ge
Like the Western Big Thr
powers, ,Chancellor Konrad Ad
nauer's government ignores tJ
claims of the Red regime in Ea
Berlin to represent the 18 m
lion East Germans.
Only Soviet Russia, its Euri
pean satellites and Red China n
exchange envoys with East Ge
many. Bonn is in the process
establishing diplomatic relatioi
with Russia, but has no ties wi
any of the others.
Commitment Will Be Fulfilled
A Foreign Office spokesman a
West Germany will fulfill its con
mitment to set up relations wi
the Soviet Union. Russia is 0
of the Big Four powers most co
cerned with Germany, he e
plained "and such relations cou
contribute to German unification
For all other countries, he sai
the warning applies. As an e
ample, he said recognition of Ea
Germany by newly sovereign Au
tria, would end relations betwe
Bonn and Vienna.
The.declaration cante as Foreig
Minister Henrich von Bretano o
ferred in Bonn with 25 WNest GeU
man envoys on Russia's new co
war maneuvers, including the SoV
et drive to win recognition ft
East Germany as a sovereign n
Warning Directed
The warning was believed d
rected especially at Egypt and It
dia, which are tightening the
trade ties with Iast German
Bonn leaders say they fear the
moves might be the prelude to 8
exchange of diplomatic envoys;
The Adenau\ government wave
the diplomatic cudgel as the Ea
regime announced its border poli
have taken over from the Ru
sians the job of controlling ti
frontiers of "the German Dem
cratic Republic," including Berli:
The Eastern move set the Wes
ern world wondering how it eve
tually would affect the isolate
and surrounded city of Berlin a
its Allied garrisons. On Sept. 2
Moscow and East Berlin reache
an agreement to transfer bord
controlsfrom Russians to Ea
Guards Get Orders
The Communist announceme
yesterday said the German guar
had been ordered to be "courteous
and "correct" but also to resi
any effort to violate the soverig
ty and the laws of the Easter
It added that the regulatio
are based on the East Germ
laws, "as well as taking into a
count the special provisions of tl
agreements on the control of tra.
fic of troop personnel and goo
of the garrisons of France, Brital
and the United States which a
stationed in Berlin."
New Atomic
Sub Planned
announced yesterday it will build
new atomic submarine with a ne'
hull design expected to give i
"superior" performance to the tw
present nuclear subs.
The hull will be patterned o
that of the high-speed test sul
marine Albacore, which reported]
has exceeded the underwate
speed of the atom-powered Nauti
lus even though the Albacore ha
conventional diesel engines. Th
Nautilus has a submerged spee
of more than 20 knnts
ion Period Shorter
cause of the relatively few new
students that begin at the Univer-
sity in February.
The biggest cnange in the pro-
gram is the elimination of physical
examinations. New sta-lents will
take their physicals from home
town physicians before coming to
the University.
6000 Physicals Taken
According to Health Service
To ease the strain of registra-
tion, freshmen will be encouraged
to take advantage of the sunier
counseling program which will en-
able them to pre-classify prior to
the regularly scheduled registra-
tion period.
Recommend Investigation
In a memorandum sent to all
deans and department heads an*,
pouncing the new program, the