Authorities Prepare Plans For Air Age Boom
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
Federal authorities are mov-
ing vigorously to avoid 'being
caught flat-footed by the advent
of the jet age when commercial,
pleasure and business jet planes
will streak along the nation's air-
ways at fantastic speeds.
First links in a 500-mile multi-
million-dollar radar network which
will permit visual control of all
aircraft flying over the congested
Eastern Seaboard are already in
The network, stretching from
Boston to Norfolk, Va. as shown
on the accompanying map, is ex-
pected to be completed in two
years. Eventually, a nationwide
network is planned.
Stressing the phenomenal post-
war growth of aviation - parti-
cularly business flying which now
logs a million more hours annual-
ly than scheduled domestic air
carriers -- F. B. Lee, chief of the
Civil Aeronautics Administration,
Run Out of Airspace
"We cannot wait for this rapid
growth of aviation to overwhelm
us. Already we have run out of
airspace. We must have new
tools and techniques to control air
"The one solution is to control
planes by eye instead of ear - in
other words, by radar."
Illustrating what he termed
"waste" of airspace, tee noted that
aircraft flying between New York
and Washington, for example, are
now spaced 20 minutes apart to
avoid unnecessary risk.
With the advent of far speedier
jets, only two planes flying under
the ,same 20-minute restriction
could operate on one altitude be-
tween the two cities.
Radar, Lee says, will enormously
speed up contiol of the sky lanes.
Instead of the present system of
"playing it by ear" via radio posi-
tion reports from pilots approach-
ing an airport, radar screens will
permit instant visual control. It
now 'takes several minutes to re-
ceive and acknowledge radio re-
ports - a cumbersome time lag
even with non-jet planes.
Radar to Manipulate Traffic
With radar, Lee said, airport
controllers will be able to manipu-
late air traffic, swiftly and safely,
with a much smaller amount of
airspace required by the incoming
To minimize expenditures, the
CAA plans to use military radar
wherever available in the Boston-
to-Norfolk network supplementing
its own equipment.
In New Yorr, radar loaned to
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HOND same altitude on On airway between Washington and New York..
(Each radar installation covers a circle 200 miles iaAP Newsfeatures
B1 ate.~_ diameter)
Jr. Theatre
To Present
Play atDAC
"The Emperor's New Clothes,"
in three acts, will be presented by
the Junior Theatre at 1 p.m. and
3 p.m. Dec. 21 and 22 at the
Dramatic Arts Center in the
Masonic Temple Auditorium.
The Junior Theatre evolved from
the teenage theater class which
began in 1954, co-sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Department of Recrea-
tion and the Dramatic Arts Cen-
ter. The theater class is part of
a joint program including classes
in modern dance, art and ballet.
Director of "The Emperor's New
Clothes" is Robin Hall. Curtiss
Cowan is set designer and costume
coordinator is Ellen Bonar Wilt.
Two casts will perform. Mem-
bers are Lise Goode, Jennifer Mc-
Vuagh (Zar) ; Marian Bates, Peg-
gy Hoad (Zan); Judy Gallatin,
Jendy Hall (Tsein); Ellen Prakken,
Frances Neel (Ling); Judy Gleas-
on, Susan Gill (Mong); Carol Gil-
lett, Philip Taylor (Fah); and
Martha Gillett, Linda Baker (Old
Other cast memebers are Susan
Greenlick, Peter Detwiler (Kong
Boy) ; Karen Lesher, Bruce Rae
(Han) ; Robert White (The Gen-
eral); Catherine Browder, Ed
Shawaker (The Emperor); Paula
Stamer, Marianna Hoad (The Em-
press); Lynn Hall, Judy Zander
(Child) and Paul Gilson, Donna
Linger, Carolyn Woods, Marjorie
Mauer (Citizens).
Admission is: children, 50c;
adults, 99c and DAC members, free.
(Continued from, Page 4)
Textile Consumption Gives
Chemicals Bigger Market
The textile industry's use of
chemicals increases yearly and is'
now a billion dollar market for the
chemical, industry.
In 1947 textile mill purchases
were in the range of 800 million
dollars. In 1954 the dollar value
of these purchases was almost
double the 1947 figure.
Consumption of cotton, wool,
rayon and acetate and other man-
made fibers have risen impressive-
ly over the years with a sigificant
shift in the relative percentages
consumed. Only silk has shown a
decrease in consumption.
Cotton has made the largest
consumption increase, using 68.5
per cent more than in 1925. Wool
has increased 6.5 per cent, rayons
and acetate, 19.2 per cent, and
others 5.7 per cent. Silk declined
0.8 per cent.\
Large quantities of heavy chem-
icals are required in textile pro-
cessing. In 1950 textile produc-
tion consumed 100,000 tons of
caustic soda, 85,000 of sulfuric
acid, 65,000 soda ash, and 30,000
of chlorine.
A high quality of water is ne-
cessary in textile manufacturing.
In 1953 the industry used 177 bil-
lion gallons. If the water were
not chemically treated, defects,
such as staining, dullness and low-
ered cloth strength would result.
The industry's need for deter-
gents that perform well in hard or
acidic water spurred the chemical
industry's development, of synthe-
tic detergents.
Chemicals not only go into dyes,
but importing of cotton. In 1891
only 100 natural dyes were known,
Today at least 2,000 dyes, lakes
and toners are used for coloring
Synthetic resins, the most recent
development in textile finishing,
makes possible the wash-and-wear
cottons. The fact that 38.6 mil-
lion pounds of urea and melamine
resins alone were purchased is
some indication of their popularity
to housewives.
The price of a Rexall pre-
scription is always fair -
always compounded with
pure, fresh drugs. Let us
help you the next time
your doctor prescribes.
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Swift's Drug Store
340 S. State St.
Your Rexall Store on the Campus
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CAA by the Air Force is already in
operation at Mitchell Field, Long
Island, and a permanent installa-
tion at Idlewild will be completed
Jan. 11.
Long-range radar, again bor-
rowed from the Air Force, has
been in operation by the CAA at
Washington National Airport for
more than three years.
At Norfolk, the CAA is install-
ing a radar unit, purchased with
Navy funds, which will go into
operation next February.
Await Completion of Unit j
In Boston, the CAA is awaiting
completion, expected early next'
year, of an Air Force radar unit
which will be tested as a possible
link to the Boston-CAA center.
C lass To Do
Poem on, TV
Both a television set and a
healthy imagination will be neces-
sary to viewers of tonight's "Stud-
io Sampler" on WPAG-TV at 7:30
Classes in oral interpretation
from the speech department under
the direction of Claribel Baird will
present the dramatic poem, "The
Trojan Horse."
The poem is derived from the
ancient Greek story of the wooden
horse and has been. given a mo-
dern adaptation by Archibald
MacLeish. Imagination is needed
to furnish scenery and costumes,
since the actors will use neither
and will read from scripts.
Lighting will be supervised by
Truman Cleveland.
"The Trojan Horse" is directed
by Prof. Edward Stasheff, and was
adapted by Prof. Claribel Baird.
"Dateline Ann Arbor" at 6:45
p.m. will feature Jim Neilson as
special guest, who will discuss the
highlights of the forthcoming re-
cital of the Modern Dance Club.
Newscaster Larry Keller will pre-
sent news of interest to Ann Ar-
bor viewers.
Sports Parade, with sports news
for local fans, follows at 8 p.m.
It may be necessary, however, for
the CAA to set up its own facility
Complete coverage will require
two intermediate radar units which
are now under consideration for
Atlantic City, N.J., and Quonset,
Officials said the over-all cost
of the network has not been esti-
mated, but the New York center
alone will cost more than $760,000.
Major control points in the sys-
tem will be Boston, New York,
Washington and Norfolk,.
Lee said that while pleasure fly-
ing has dwindled in recent years,
aviation has undergone a marked
boom as more and more business
corporations fly their key execu-
tives in company-owned planes
to save valuable time.
Flying Increase Expected
"Business flying today accounts
for a total of some four million
hours a year, compared with three
million for scheduled domestic
Myths on Russia
Subject of Speech
Prof. Lev E. Dobriansky will
speak on "Several Outstanding
Y, ohs on Russia" at 7:30 p.m.
today in the East Room of the
Rackham Building.
,rof. Dobriansky is a member
of the Georgetown University de-
partment of economics. He is al-
so the author of over 200 articles
and books on economics and poli-
tical science.
planes," Lee said. "By 1960 we
expect the volume of business fly-
ing will be above seven million
hours or almost double the 1954
With planes flying faster and
faster, even radar may not be ade-
quate to cope with air traffic in
the not-too-distant future.
Among other things, Lee com-
mented, airport controllers will
need new kinds of computers, elec-
tronic memory devices and other
types of special equipment to
"minimize the human element" in,
the dawning jet age.{
Opera Scenes
To Be Given
Opera classes of the University
will present scenes from several
operas at 8:30 p.m. today in Aud.
A, Angell Hall.
Director Josef Blatt, of the
School of Music, will be assisted
by Prof. Valentine Windt of the
speech department and Henry
Austin of the English department
as stage directors.
Joyce Noh, Grad., is pianist and
assistant to Blatt.
Humperdinck's "Hansel and
Gretel," scenes from Act 1 (in
English), Massenet's "Manon",
scenes from Act 3 (in French), and
Verdi's "Il Trovatore," Act. 4, scene
2 (in Italian) will be presented.
The chorus in "Manon" is sung
by the Opera Chorus Class which
is directed by Edwin Glick of sta-
tion WUOM.
L. Bamberger and Co., Newark, N.J.,
is planning a Career Open House, an
annual event designed to acquaint col-
lege seniors with career opportunities
in the main store and its branches.
Anymen and women, students and
faculty members, who will be in the
New Jersey area during the Christmas
vacation, and who are interested in
Executive Training for Personnel, Mer-
chandising, Management or Retailing,
are welcomed. The Career Open House
will be held at 10:30, Tuesday through
Thursday, Dec. 27 through 29.Ch
The First National Bank of Chicago,
Chicago, Ill., would like to extend an
invitation to any men from the Chi-
cago area who are interested in the
banking business to attend the insight
to Industry P1rogram, to be'held during
Christmas vacation. All those interested
are asked to cali the Bureau today or
For further information c tact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
No Women Allowed
at Jacobson's on
Wednesday, Dec. 14th
Frpm 7 to 10 p:m. Jacobson's will be a
no - woman s - land," reserved ex-
clusively for the Christmas shopping
of the male animal. A quiet and help-
ful period planned to keep you out of
the proverbial dog house and deep in
the hearts of the opposite sex. Have
every purchase glamour-wrapped ready
to put under her Christmas tree. This
is your night, gentlemen!
Thirty university fellowships
and 40 teaching assistantships are
available to American graduate
students who wish to study or
teach in France.
The French government awards
to be used in the academic year
1956-57 are available to U. S.
citizens under 30 years of age,
who have a bachelor's degree from
an American college or university
and can speak French fluently.
The fellowship awards which are
available through the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs are for students
with definite academic projects.
The assistantships, a v a i l a b l e
through the Ministry of Education,
afford language teaching exper-
ience and an opportunity to be-
come better acquainted with
Closing date for application is
February 1, 1956.
John Kennedy asks:
1317 S. UNIVERSITY PHONE NO 2-9595 OR NO 8-7942
"The finest in Hi-Fi at catalog or Audiophile prices"
HI-FI -The perfect Xmas gift.
How much
is there-
in technical
sales work?
Come in and see and hear these and many other lines
at our studio.
JOHN T. KENNEDY is working toward his B.S. degree in chem-
ical engineering from Notre Dame University in June 1957. He's
a member of the student branch of A.LCL.E. and is active in the
Young Christian Students and in the Chicago Club. Because
John feels one should make employment plans early, he's starting
his investigations during his junior year.
5:00 P.M.
A. HICKS LAWRENCE, JR., earned his B.E. de-
gree from Yale in June 1940 and joined Du Pont
in the following month as an analytical chemist.
He progressed steadily at various plants, from
line foreman to shift supervisor to senior super-
visor. In 1949 he applied his technical training to
sales work. Today Mr. Lawrence is a sales man-
ager in the "Kinetic" Division of Du Pont's
Organic Chemicals Department.
WANT TO KNOW MORE about technical sales
at Du Pont? Send for "The Du Pont Company
and the College Graduate." This booklet con-
A. Hicks Lawrence answers:
Well, John, as the Old Man of the Sea told Sinbad the
Sailor, "The quantity of travel varies with the specific
situation encountered." Of course, you'll never be ship-
wrecked or encounter the other travel problems that
Sinbad did, but a man shouldn't seriously consider a
career in sales work unless he really enjoys travel. Most
of our sales personnel do just that, because the work
itself provides so many rewards and satisfactions. It's
not unusual for a representative to be away from home
base 30 to 60 per cent of the time.
You see, John, for a good salesman, every trip means
meeting new people. new situations, and new chal-
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