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December 13, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-13

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Candle Lighting Marks
Chanukah Celebration

Chanukah, the Festival of
Lights, is being celebrated this
week all over the world in Jewish
homes and temples in commem-
oration of the, expulsion of the
Syrians from the Temple of Jeru-
The holiday stems from the
heroic battles under the leadership
of Judas Maccabeus, 'when the,
Jews drove the Hellenized Syrians
out of Jerusalem in the year 162
Maccabeus and the leaders of
ISA To Sponsor
Film on Salzburg
For 'U" Students
With admission free to all Uni-
versity students, a showing of the
movie, "Salzburg World Theater,"
111 be held at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Rackham Amphitheater.
"Salzburg:Land," the first part
of the program, will portray the
brovince of Salzburg and its capi-
tal, the efty of Salzburg, which
was the seat of-culture in Central
Western Europe for centuries.
Evolution of the city through
time will be shown in, the second
part entitled, "Salzburg's History
aid its Monuments."
A traditional play given at the
annual Salzburg Festival, called
"Jederman," which means "every-
man," will also be portrayed. This
play is held in August on the steps
of. the Cathedral of Salzburg.
The last section of the movie,
"Intermezzo," will bring out the
international character of this
festival, which art and music lov-
ers from all over the world attend.

Israel restored the Temple of
Jerusalem where, the Syrians had
set up a pagan altar and offered
sacrifices to the Greek idol Zeus
Altar Dedicated
The altar was once again sancti-
fied and dedicated, lamps were
kindled as a symbol of light over
darkness and spiritual freedom
over typranny, and a festival of
eight days was ordained.
There is an ancient legend that
all the oil in the Temple was pol-
luted by the Syrian worshibpers
and that only one cruse of pure oil
was found.
This oil, used -to light the lamps,
lasted by a miracle, for eight days
and so the holiday was celebrated
for eight days in memory of this
Lit at Sundown
The candles are lit each evening
at sundown in the synagogues and
homes. One candle is lit on the
first night and the number is in-
creased by one each succeeding
evening until on the eighth night
there are eight lights. '
Originally the Menorahs, or
Chanukah lamps, were lit out of
doors as a symbol of light over
It has now become the custom
to place the Menorahs in the win-
On this holiday the children
play the traditional game of Drei-
dle with a revolving top and re-
ceive presents from parents and
relatives called "Chanukah Gelt."
Latkes, a potato pancake, is a
treat enjoyed by the whole fam-
ily. The traditional hymn "Rock
of Ages" and other popular Cha-
nukah songs are sung on this oc-

Annual Dance
Will Feature
Paul Bunyan
Entertainment, Games
Planned by Committee
Will H ighlight Agenda
Paul Bunyan will again be fea-
tured at the annual dance to be
held in his honor by members of
the School. of Natural Resources,
from 8 p.m. to midnight, Saturday,
March 10 in the Union Ballroom.
The traditional statue of Paul
and his blue ox, Babe, symbolic
of forestry in the northern hem-
isphere will highlight decorations
for the dance.
Also presented at t*e"ance will
be displays representing all phases
of the natural resources field. Set
up by faculty members of the var-
ious departments of the School of
Natural Resources, the displays
will be found in the rooms adja-
cent to the ballroom.
Intermission entertainment will
consist of local talent groups, the
"Jug Band," and some audience
participation contests, consisting
Df log-sawing and other "feats of
skill" for mixed couples.
Guessing contests' will also be
held, with such mental teasers as
guessing the number of peas in a
jar or the age of a tree by count-
Ing its annual growth rings. Stu-
dents may participate in the con-
tests until intermission when re-
sults will be announced and prizes
General committee members are
"Bull of the Woods," Jack Schultz;
entertainment, Harry Kincaid;
publicity, Chuck Kelsey; decora-
tions, Fred Bevis; tickets and pro-
grams, Bob Walters and work, Bill
Proper attire for the dance will
consist of plaid shirts and blue
jeans for men and women alike.

Journalis Honorary Initiates Members
Theta Sigma Phi, national hon-
opportunities for women in the Lepine, a copywriter for radi
orary fraternity for women in field of journalism including every- tion WKMH and Beverly I
journalism, pledged 13 new mem- thing from radio and television to eanrBever, l
bers yesterday. advertising, newspapers, magzines Detroit Free Press society wri
The pledge service was followed and public relations.
by a coffee hour in the journalism Moderator for the discussion was ITErSKATIyGsCUB
deprtmnt' Cnfeenc Rom. Lois Bryson, who is a house organ The regularly scheduled mi
department's Conference Room. writer for the Michigan Bell Tele- ing of the co-recreational
New pledges arfe Barbara Myers, phone Co. magazine. Skating Club will not be
Robin Montgomery, Joan Slater, Other panelists were Edith Good- today.
Sally ,Ayling, Suzanne Smith, Vir- -manahfe-anewrditerMond-icy
ginia Robertson, Linda Ruben- man, a free-lance writer, Monica
stein, Mary Lou Sauer, Marion
White, Wendy Warbasse, Carol
Otto, Margaret Patterson and
Marian Ellias. COLLEGE WEEK in
Membership Basis
Membership in Theta Sigma Phi
is based on scholarship in the
University and in journalism, and
on character, professional intent ER M U D
and high moral standards.
Officers of the fraternity are
Sue Alstrom, president, Joanne March 31 - April 9
Hartnett, vice-president and Judy
Wilson, secretary-treasurer.
As one of their projects, they
sponsor a Cinema Guild movie. 8 DAYS of leisure among students
Among their other activities are
sponsoring two jobs panels a year
and a matrix table. from all easternU colleges
Many Opportunities
The last jobs panel told of the '

t--Daily-Esther Goudsmit
SAVE ME! - Freshmen of Helen Newberry Residence present
"St. George and the Dragon," a part of their annual Christmas
dinner. Jack the Giant Killer is played by Suzanne Bailey, while
Julia Gibson portrays the role of the Dragon and Jean Trishman
is the Good Knight.

State Provides Winter Skiing Playground
For Enthusiasts From Faraway Places

Parents Announce Engagements

Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Levy of
New Rochelle, N. Y. announce the
engagement of Mrs. Levy's daugh-
ter Peggy Goebel to Dale Parry
Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford E. Armstrong of Cincin-
Miss Goebel is a junior in the
t. College of Literature, Sciefice and
the Arts, and is affiliated with
Alpha Delta Pi.
Mr. Armstrong, a sophomore in
the School of Medicine, is a mem-
ber of Chi Phi and Phi Rho Sigma.
The couple are planning a June
Kellogg-Van Otteren
Irene Kellogg's engagement to
Gerald L. Van Otteren, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Otteren of Grand
' Rapids, was announced by her
mother, Mrs. Verl C. Kellogg of
Grand Rapids. asno nte
Miss Kellog a senior in the
School of Education, is a member
of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Mr. Van- Otteren is a senior in
the School of 'Architecture and
Design and is affiliated with Phi
Sigma Kappa.
The couple plan to be married
Saturday, Feb. 4, in Grand Rapids.
" *
The engagement of Susan Wes-

Among the many students keep-
ing their fingers crossed and pop-
ing for a white Christmas are the
ski enthusiasts, who have been
busily hunting up skis and equip-
ment for the coming season.
Ever since the 1953 Winter
Olympics at Lake Placid, N.Y., the
nation is becoming more ski con-
Inhis 30th year of watching
Americana ski, Pat Hardy of the
Boston Globe noted "I've never
looked up slopes in this country
and seen so many. good skiers as
I have this year."
Proper Outfitter
Prospective skiers should con-
sult a proper outfitter for the
necessary skis, binders, gloves,
poles and wax, a ski expert sug-
In planning what to take when
going to a ski resort, the first thing
on a skier's list should be a heavy
sports coat of camel's hair or
tweed, a sturdy greatcoat, some-
one's raccoon relic or just any
warm covering.
Important incidentals not to be
forgotten are boots or galoshes.
Knitted Shoes
Soft moccasins or Norwegian
knitted shoes will come in handy
when the skier is relaxing. Long
underwear and flannel pajames
will help prevent chills and colds.
A reminder to the skier who
travels by plane or train to his
destination, is to strap the skis,
tag and binders firmly togeth-
er. Otherwise he may arrive with
somebody else's skis, or his own
minus the binders.
Skiing is not only down hill rac-
ing and jumping. Beginners need
not be afraid of learning or of
possible accidents.
Adaptable Sport
Enthusiasts say that skiing is
actually one of the most adaptable
of all sports and lends itself to
any age or any terrain. In the
eyes of some, nothing can com-

pare with cross-country skiing
across soft winter landscape.
In Michigan, over 250,000 skiers
annually visit, the 34 ski develop-
ments. These range from Iron
Mountain, site of the world's tall-
est artificial jumping4 scaffold, to
the for-members-only Otsego Ski
Club. Here a member may have
his sleigh-borne copy of the morn-
ing paper delivered to his room
with his pre-breakfast coffee.
Sites in Michigan
Other popular areas in Michi-
gan are Boyne Mountain, Caberfae
at Cadillac, Elberta Mountain,
Echo Valley, the Missaukee Moun-
tains, Sugar Loaf Mountain in
the Leelaijau Peninsula, Newaygo
County, MountiMancelona, Udel
Hills near Manistee, Briar Hill,
Petoskey, and hills near Traverse
Popular ski developments in
New England are located through-
out the northern region.
In New Hampshire, Jackson, Mt.
Sunapee, North Conway and Fran-
conia are among the well known
ski areas. Mt. Mansfield, with the
longest and highest chair lift in
the east, is located near Stowe,
Ski Areas
In the' western part of the
United States popular ski areas
have developed in Sante Fe, N.M.;
Flagstaff, Ariz.; Aspen, Colo.; Alta,
Utah; Jackson Hole, Wyo.; Sun
,Contest Winners
Winners of the doll and
model airplane contests held
at the annual League-Union
Christmas party Sunday have
been announced by the judges.
In the doll contest Kappa
Delta sorority placed first, while
second place went to Klein-
stueck House.
Winchell House was the first
place winner in the model air-
plane contest and Trigon fra-
ternity placed second.

Valley, Idaho; Mt. Hood, Ore. and
Squaw Valley and Sugar Bowl in
Few countries have such a mag-
nificent variety of mountains as
America. Some skiers regard them
as "pure paradise."
The University ski club plans
trips for weekends and vacations.
The club arranges all accommoda-
tions to different ski resorts.
Beginning skiers can also obtain
free instruction from club mem-
bers in the Arboretum when wea-
ther permits.
The group is also organizing a
ski team.
School of Music
Offers Instruction
In Various Fields
Upon reaching Maynard St.
from the Arcade, curious students
may hear varied strains of music
in the air.
The School of Music building,
which is a few doors from the
Arcade, is inhabited daily by
choral and piano students, while
those studying an instrument fre-
quent Harris Hall, which is located
on State St. near Ann Arbor High
Students interested in musical
activities or careers, can study to
be band or chorus directors, vocal-
ists, instrumentalists or teachers
of theory or harmony classes.
A special advantage which music
students have, are the small
classes, usually fewer than ten
people. This gives them an oppor-
tunity to get to know each other
The day of a music student is
greatly taken up by classes. As a
freshman, he takes about eight
courses, one of which is the usual
requirement of freshman English



ley to Philip Jacobus, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Jacobus of Plymouth,
was announced- by her parents,
Nir. and Mrs. Robert Wesley also
of Plymouth.
Miss Wesley, a member of Gam-
ma Phi Beta sorority, is a junior
in the School of Business Admin-
Mr. Jacobus, who is a freshman
in Law School is affiliated with
Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Phi fra-

A late summer wedding is plan-
Pledges to Carol
At Two Hospitals
Four hundred pledges of frater-
nities and sororities at the Uni-
versity will serenade patients at
St. Joseph and University hos-
pitals tonight with Christmas
Men and women who are parti-
cipating in the carol singing will
meet at 7 p.m. today in front of
the Rackham Building. From there
they will go to the two hospitals.
After entertaining patients at
the hospitals, the group will re-
turn to the League Ballroom where
refrespments of cookies and cocoa
will be served.
The carolling party has been
arranged by the Junior IFC and
the Junior Panhel.

Events Around Campus
JGP-There will be a meeting of 5 p.m. today at the League. The
the JGP central committee at 5 room will be posted.
p.m. today in the League. * * *
* * * BALLET CLUB-There will be
BURO-CATS---The Buro-Cat re- no meeting of the Ballet Club
teptionist committee will meet at today.



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No Women Allowed
at Jacobson's on
Wednesday, Dec. 14th
From 7 to 10 p.m. Jacobson's will be a
"no - woman's - land," reserved ex-
clusively for the Christmas shopping
of the male animal. A quiet and help-
ful period planned to keep you out of


.a rf4
^ ;.

KEEP HER WARM and snug in our
warm, wonderful nighties, pajamas,
robes, dusters.
ABOVE is quilted
Ion with quilted
shortie coat. Coral
and Turquoise at ABOVE is quilted nylon
10.95. RIGHT is nightshirt of robe. Pink, Turquoise,
cotton with matchingC
RIGH T is flannel scuffies at 4.25. If C.
cotton plaid dust-'
er at 5.95. Others still in doubt, give her
of quilted cotton at a GIFT CERTIFICATE.

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