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December 13, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-13

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Committee OK's
pen Sky' Plan
IN to Give First Consideration
To Ike's Disarmament Program
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P)-The United Nations Political
Committee endorsed overwhelmingly yesterday a proposal to give
PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower's "open sky" inspection program first
consideration in new attempts to break the disarmament deadlock.
Only the Soviet Union and its four satellites were in the opposi-
tion as the committee-the main political body of the UN-voted
53 to 5 in favor of a disarmament resolution advanced by the United
States, Britain, France and Canada.
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., the United States delegate, hailed the
vote as "a very great day" in the history of the UN.
Lodge has waged a vigorous campaign to dramatize the effect-
iveness of President Eisenhower's mutual aerial inspection plan as

Couple Finds
Housing arrangements were
made yesterday for Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Dellabaugh who were evict-
fd from their residence at 3250
Platt Rd. in East Ann Arbor before
the structure was burned Satur-
The Dellabaughs have found a
room in Ann Arbor where they will
live until a larger home can be
found. Seventy-three-year-old An-
dy Shafen, who lived on the prop-
erty with the Dellabaughs, has
been placed by city authorities in
a private home for elderly men at
723 Morris in East Ann Arbor.
Shafen "Quite Satisfied"
City 'authorities said that Shafen
was "quite satisfied" with the ar-
rangement. They added that the
Dellabaughs have found a place to
store their goods, and that the
only complaint of the couple is
that the new room is "too small."
Eugene Hamilton of 3190 Platt
Rd., who bought the Dellabaugh
home and property in June, had
made a 90-day agreement with the
couple to have them vacate the
shack-like dwelling by October 1.
The Dellabaughs refused to
move after being given another
30-day extension by property-own-
er Hamilton, and were evicted by
sheriff's men Friday afternoon.
Building Set On Fire
They moved back in during the
night and were re-evicted Satur-
day morning. After their belong-
ings were moved to. the outside,
the structure was set ablaze at 11
a.m. on Hamilton's orders.
City authorities said that Della-
baugh said everything he wanted
had been removed from the build-
ing before the fire department
went to work burning the shacks.
The Dellabaughs refused city
shelter and stayed with friends
over the weekend. Shafen had
been living at the Salvation Army
Home until the present location
was found for him.
I-M Building
Fire Cause
Last night, a small fire broke
out in the gymnastics room of the
I-M Building.
Bert Stoddart, 14, of 2848 Fern-
wood Avenue was playing on the
gym's trampoline, when he scent-
ed smoke. Upon investigation, the
Tappin Junior High School 8th
grader found that a wall-canvas
on the east end of the gym had
begun to smoulder.
By the time, he had notified the
building authorities and the Ann
Arbor fire-department, the entire
east wall had begun to burn
There were only about 15 men at
the immediate scene of the fire.
These soon utilized the water
"bucket brigade" method and by
thetime firemen had arrived, the
fire was under control.
The firemen finished putting
out the small, but spreading, fire.
Cause of the fire is unknown,
but it is believed that it started
within the new swimming pool ad-
dition. The canvas had been used
as a covering between the two

-major step forward toward dis-
The resolution now needs only
the endorsement of the full Gen-
eral Assembly. A similar vote is
expected there.
The Soviet Union said it object-
ed to the four-power proposal on
the grounds it failed to stress re-
duction of armaments, prohibition
of atomic weapons and "the threat
of a new war."
The four power resolution as
adopted called on the UN Disarm-
ament subcommittee to continue
its efforts to reach agreement on
a comprehensive disarmament
plan in line with the instructions
of last year's General Assembly.
The four powers and the Soviet
Union comprise the committee.
The resolution added that the
sub-committee should as initial
steps give "priority to early agree-
ment and implementation of such
confidence building measures" as
President Eisenhower's plan for
exchanging military blueprints and
mutual air inspection, and to
Soviet Marshal Bulganin's plan
for establishing control posts at
strategic centers.
President Eisenhower had al-
ready agreed to accept Bulganin's
ground control measures.
White House
Board Seeks
Wage Boost
finding report filed at the White
House yesterday recommended a
quarter-billion dollar annual boost
in wages and health benefits for
750,000 non-operating employes of
the nation's railroads.
The report, submitted by an
emergency board named by Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, said
the employes should get a 14 -
cent hourly pay increase, plus an
added 2 cents per hour payment
toward their health and welfare
The 16%-cent an hour increase;
compares with 10% cents an hour
offered by the carriers and a 27-
cent an hour increase sought by
the dozen rail labor unions in-
The board recommendations are
not binding on either side, but
such suggestions usually form a
settlement basis.
The workers involved are teleg-
raphers, clerks and others who do
not actually operate the trains.
They presently average $1.78 per
hour. .
The emergency board recom-
mended that the 14'/2-cent per+
hour pay boost be effective as of
Dec. 1. It suggested the additional
welfare financing become effective
next March 1.
Under the health-welfare plan
in effect since last March 1 the
carriers and each employe have
shared the $6.80 per month insur-
ance premium for each worker.+
Monday's recommendation was
that the railroads assume the full
This was the principal issue
fought out in the two-month strike
on the Louisville & Nashville Rail-
road earlier this year,
Local Robbers
Hit Ann Arbor
Burglaries in the Ann Arbor
area totalled $114 over the past
The Guild House of the Baptist
Church, 502 E. Huron, reported
theft of a cash box with $50 in it.
Officers of the Church were under
the impression that it was an in-

Police Stop
Red Riot
In Berlin
March on French
Sector Beer Hall
BERLIN OP) - A throng of East
German Communists took a beat-
ing from the clubs and water can-
non of West Berlin police yesterday
in a riot that stemmed from a Red
march on a French sector beer
A tightly organized company of
250 of the riot police turned back
the invaders - estimated to num-
ber more than 1,500 - after an
hour-long fight and arrested 373.
Eight women were among the
Communists Brave Cold
The Communists braved 28-de-
gree weather and the riot can-
nons' icy water, which froze al-
most as soon as it hit, for a
demonstration against the Stahl-
helm Steel Helmet, a World War
II veterans' organization which
they call Fascist and militaristic.
They headed for Bober's Tavern,
where a local chapter of the Stahl-
helm recently scheduled a rally
for last night. Earlier Communist
threats had frightened the tavern
owner, however, and it was an-
nounced several days ago that this
rally had been cancelled.
But the Communists marched
Heads Clubbed
Dozens of heads were clubbed.
But there were no reports of
serious injuries to any of the
demonstrators. Two policemen
Vvere injured and taken to a hos-
pital for first aid treatment.
The melee spread over nearly a
square mile of town.
The demonstration had been
whipped up by the Communist
East Berlin press. and radio, which
regularly uses the Stahlhelm as a
whipping boy.
Stahlhelm President Attacked
The Communists particularly at-
tacked the Stahlhelm president,
former Nazi Field Marshal Albert
Kesselring was German com-
mander in chief in Italy during
the last part of World War II. He
was sentenced to death by a Brit-
ish war crimes court for execution
of Italian hostages. The sentence
was commuted - first to life and
then to 20 years imprisonment. In
October 1952, the British pardoned
and released him.
Technic Sale
The December issue of the Mich-
igan Technic is being sold this
week in the Engine Arch.
The latest issue of the School
of Engineering magazine features
articles on the pyramids of Egypt,
breaking the heat barrier, and the
University's power plant.

Enough is sometimes more
than enough.
Daily staff member Tammy
Morrison, '58, went home to
East Quad's Prescott House at
1:30 a.m. Sunday after spend-
ing all Saturday afternoon and
evening working at The Daily.
She opened the door to her
room, flipped on the lights, and
found the room stuffed to the
ceiling with-you guessed it-
crumpled up copies of The
Five of her "friends" from
the house had been saving
Dailies since the beginning of
the semester with an eye to-
ward the poetic justice of the
prank. It took them about half
an hour to fill the room with
Under Miss Morrison's super-
vision, it took them only about
ten mintes to remove them.
Paris Reds'
Poll .Future
PARIS (P)-French Communists
yesterday seemed likely to gain a
score of seats in the Jan. 2 election
for the National Assembly though
they may actually poll fewer votes
than in the last election.
The prospect emerged as non-
Communists continued to pile up
rival candidacies before the mid-
night deadline for filing.
The"situation arises from the
French election law, passed five
years ago partly to cut down Com-
munist parliamentary representa-
Rivalry Reduces Efficency
The law succeeded then, but
rivalry among anti-Communists
promises to reduce its efficiency
this time.
It provides that parties may
form alliances and an alliance
winning a clear majority in any
district can divide up that dis-
trict's seats-sometimes as many
as 11. If no alliance gets a clear
majority, the seats are divided
according to each party's voting
strength, a system that favors the
Communists since they get more
votes than any other single party.
The alliances worked so long as
the middle - of - the - road groups
stayed together. They captured 40
out of 95 districts in 1951, leaving
more than a million Communist
voters with no representation at
More Alliances
But this time there are two or
more rival anti-Communist al-
liances, plus many independent
candidacies, in 40 districts.
It seems virtually certain that
the Communists will pick up seats
in some of the districts where they
were frozen out five years ago.
Communist representation was
reduced from 174 seats in 1946 to
103 in 1951.

Arab Posts
By Israelis
Success Reports
Differ on Each Side
JERUSALEM (P -United Na-
tions truce observers hastened to
the Syrian border yesterday to
investigate the latest crisis in the
wavering peace between Israel and
her Arab neighbors.
Israeli forces attacked four
Syrian fortified posts overlooking
the northeastern shore of the Sea
of Galilee Sunday and by Israeli
account blew up the positionsbe-
fore retiring to their base after an
all-night battle.
Reports on killed and wounded
differed. Israeli sources said 55
Syrians were killed and 29 cap-
tured, against Israeli losses of 4
killed and 12 wounded. A Syrian
army spokesman in Damascus said
Syria's losses were 25 killed and
28 missing. The Damascus radio
declared 100 Israeli soldiers were
killed and wounded in the battle.
Action Described
Syrian spokesmen described the
action as a surprise assault by
commando units and two infantry
brigades which were backed up by
tanks, artillery and armored boats
firing from the Sea of Galilee.
The four posts fell, the Syrians
admitted, after four hours of
fighting, but they said the Israelis
were forced to withdraw after
three more hours when they at-
tempted to seize heights behind the
The Israelis said the attack was
a punitive raid to silence Syrian
guns which have been harassin
Israeli fighting boats on the sea.
A four-pronged assault was
launched on an eight-mile front,
they said, from the north where
the Jordan flows into the sea, and
in the Kursi Naquart and Beth
Habeq sectors.
Units Aided
The attacking units were aided
by others which moved to block
off Syrian reinforcements.
Later an Israeli Foreign Office
spokesman commented:
"Quiet reigns on the Sea of Gali-
lee this morning. Israeli fisher-
men set out to cast their nets as
usual. The Syrian batteries which
for so long and so often attacked
Galilee's peaceful fishermen have
been silenced. If the Syrians keep
quiet, the Sea of Galilee will re-
main quiet."
Israel Claims Galilee
Israel claims all of the Sea of
Galilee, which is 13 miles ong and
3 to 7 miles wide. Israeli territory,
including a narrow strip half way
up the east side from the south-
east corner, forms three-fourths of
the shore. Israel also claims a 32-
foot-wide strip from the waterline
along the remaining eight-mile
stretch along the northern portion
of the eastern shore.
The fighting was likely to have
widespread reprecussions abroad.
Syria has a mutual defense pact
with Egypt.
In Cairo, Raif Bellama, acting
secretary general of the Arab
League, called the Israeli raid an
attack on the entire Arab world.
"In the past we answered such
aggressions with a protest," he
said, "but now Arabs are better
armed than ever before and have
concluded bilateral defense pacts
among themselves. Differences
among Arab states will disappear9
and Israeli aggression will be met
by a.strong and united Arab
In Paris a French Foreign Of-
fice spokesman said France "de-

plores" the Israeli attack on Syria,
a former French mandate from'
the League of Nations.
LONDON (A')-Prime Minister;
Anthony Eden said yesterday the
Arab-Israeli dispute is charged
with "the utmost danger."
He said the United States and
Britain are agreed on the urgency
of working for a settlement.
Prime Minister eden spoke in a
parliamentary debate on the Mid-
dle East. He diverted briefly to hit
back at accusations hurled at Brit-
ain by Communist leaders Nikita
S. Khrushchev and Nikolai Bul-
ganin during their Asian tour. Hez
said the accusations were fan-
"While we are ready at all times
for discussion with the Russians,?"
Prime Minister Eden said, "abuse.


To New Farm Progra

High Courts,
To ConsideraePly
preme Court agreed yesterday to
rule on whether a company which
says it cannot afford to grant a.
wage increase may be compelled to
open its financial records to a
The court acted in response to a
government contention that an
employer could shut off wage ne-
gotiations merely by saying it is
in no position to grant a wage in-
Involved in the case are the
Truitt Manufacturing Company,
Greensboro, N. C., and the AFL
Ironworkers Union.
Company Books Opened
The National Labor Relations
Board ordered the company to
open its financial books to. the
union when it contended it could
not afford a wage increase de-
manded by the union.
The Iron Workers Union, in the
summer of 1953, had demanded a
wage increase of 10 cents an hour.
The company offered 2 cents an
hour more. The company said a
strike was called when it rejected
the union demand.
In numerous decisions in the
past, courts have held employers,
in connection with collective bar-
gaining negotiations, must provide
unions with such things as wage
and job classification data and
seniority information.
Other Action Taken
In another action, the Supreme
Court ruled' that an employer who
fails to comply with a NLRB order
to bargain collectively with a
union must do so within a reason-
able time or be guilty of contempt.
In a unanimous decision written
by Chief Justice Earl Warren, the
court held the Warren Company,
Atlanta, Ga., failed to obey an
NLRB order to bargain in good
faith with the International As-h
sociation of Machinists District
Lodge 46.
Plane Crashes
TETUAN, Spanish Morocco (P)-
A four-engine United States' C54
military transport crashed Sunday
in the rugged Riff Mountains,
killing all eight airmen aboard,
Spanish authorities said-yesterday.
The accident occurred , in the
Gomora region, near the border
between French and Spanish
The United States legation in
Tangier said the plane was pre-
sumed to be on a flight from the
United States to Wheelus Field,
Cause of the accident was not
immediately determined.

-Photo-University News Service
... to conduct concert
'U' Concert
To Feature
Bach Music
A chorale' from Bach's "Christ-
mas Oratoria" entitled "Break
Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly
Light" will be the opening selec-
tion of the University's Choir's
annual Christmas Concert at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
Under the direction of Maynard
Klein of the School of Music, the
Choir Will continue with the
chorale "Lo, How a Rose E'er
Blooming" by Michael Praetorius,
"Slumber Song of the Infant
Jesus" by Gevaert and Palestrina's
"Hodie Christus natus est," motet
for eight voices.
Michigan Singers will sing one
choral part of "Today is Christ
Born," the theme of the Palestrina
composition, and the Choir will
sing the other part.
The Singers will continue with
four songs: "Only Begotten Son"
by Gretchaninoff, "O Savior,
Thow the Heavens Wide" by
Brahms, "Cantate Domine" by
Heinrich Schutz and "Jesus and
the Traders" by Zoltan Kodaly.
Before intermission, the Choir
will sing Anto Bruckner's "Psalm
150" which has been edited in
English by Klein.
Accompanied by a chamber or-
chestra, trumpets and organ,
Pachelbel's "Magnificat in C" will
follow intermission.
Concluding the program will be
Virgil Thompson's "My Shepherd
Will Supply My Needs" and Ver-
di's "Te Deum."
Piano accompanist will be Wil-
l1am Doppman, '56, SM.
The concert is open to the pub-
lic without charge.

President, Party Hea(

To Give Priorit

Federal Aid
For Schools
Road Building
Also Outlined
WASHINGTON (/P) - Preside
Dwight D. Eisenhower and his Re
publican leadership agreed yeste
day to give top priority in t
next Congres to a farm progra
The White House said the R
publicans expect the program 1
"win widespread support" froi
farmers and farm organizatior
throughout the country.
This was one of the highligh
of an all day session of Whi1
House conferences lasting eig
and a half hours.
Schools, Highways Planned
New programs for federal ai
to school and highway constru
tion were also listed as underscore
parts of the planning.
President Eisenhower, under do
tor's orders to slow down the pac
of his activities, put in 'nearly
seven-hour day.
The holdings of the conferenc
was accompanied by a new bate
of statements from Republica
leaders expressing confidence th
the President will seek reelectia
next year. Reps. Joseph Marti
of Massachusetts, Charles A. Ha:
leck of Indiana and L. C. Aren
of Illinois, all House GOP leader
were among those taking thE
Politics Not Discussed
Sen. William F. Knowland o
California, the Senate Republica
leader, who has been advocatin
an early announcement by th
President of his intentions, sal
politics was not brought up a
either the four-hour morning se
sion or the four-and-a-half-bobt
afternoon meeting.
The morning session brought re
newed expressions of hope fro
the administration that the bud
get will be balanced by next Jur
without any harmful cuts in th
military and defense programs.
The farm issue, one of the mo
troublesome for the Administra
tion, was dealt with at lengtl
with embattled Secretary of Agri
culture Ezra Taft Benson outlin
ing his suggestions for a progran
While the Republicans gathere
at the White House for an ad
vance look at the program Presi
dent Eisenhower will submit t
Congres next month, there wer
these related developments:
'Productive' Year Ahead
1. Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson a
Texas, the Democratic Senat
leader, predicted the election yea
session ahead will be "effectiv
and generally productive." H
said he expected that major issue
would find the Democrats with
"reasonable amount of unity."
2. Sen. Walter F. Georg
(D-Ga) said he looked for a
income tax cut aggregating up t
$3,500,000,000. He said he favor
first of all an increase in the per
sonal tax exemption from $600 c
Ford Grants
Half Billion
NEW YORK (') - The Fori
Foundation yesterday in on
stroke gave away half a 'billio
dollars to colleges and hospitals-
a sum roughly equal to $3 fo

every man, woman and child i
the United States.
The gigantic gift, the larges
single appropriation in the histor3
of philanthropy, was 150 millior
dollars more than the foundatior
had given previously in its 19 year
of existence.
The sum of 210 million was ear
marked for all 615 regionally ac
credited, privately supported col

'H' Bonmb Ingredient
May Offer Illumination
CLEVELAND (P)-One of the ingredients of the hydrogen bomb
offers possibilities for emergency illumination in public buildings and
other places, a nuclear science and engineering congress was told
An official of the U.S. Radium Corporation, C. W. Wallhausen,
said that tritium, an H-bomb material, and a variety of other man-
made radioactive substances producible in the atomic program show
promise of providing a new and improved method of furnishing "self-
luminous" illumination.
That's the same kind of lighting that has long been used in radium-

dial wrist watches, enabling a per
Rep. Bentley
To Give Talk

rson to see the dial in the dark.
Atomic rays from the radium acti-
vate a so-called phosphorescent
material which "glows" continu-
Wallhausen said that tritium
and certain other substances offer
an improved means of activating
such phosphorescent materials for
application in such things as
"safety markings" in public build-
ings, commercial aircraft, mines
"and many other areas where elec-
trical failure may occur, or where
other sources of illumination are
not available or may not be desir-
They've also been successfully
used experimentally in such appli-
cations as markers for ship chan-
nel buoys, in signalling equipment
for use in life rafts, and for "low-

World News Roundup
Ry The Associated Press
Warns Speculators .
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina-The provisional government, seeking
to keep Argentina's economy stable, has warned business speculators
they will be dealt with harshly if they raise prices too much.
Authorities announced such activity will be considered a violation
of the state of siege in force since the September revolution overthrew
Juan D., Peron.
Upholds Post Office Experiment .. .
WASHINGTON-A Post Office Department experiment-carrying
some ordinary first class mail by air-was upheld yesterday by the
U.S. Court of Appeals.
The court said it found nothing to prohibit the experimental
program but did find "statutory provisions broad enough to encompass
Under the experimental program first class mail is carried by
air when space is available on a flight after all other traffic, including
mail bearing air mail postage is taken care of.
No Political Consideration .. .
WASHINGTON - The Commerce Department said yesterday
"neither political consideration nor personal malice" was involved in

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