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December 14, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-14

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Sixty-Sixth Year


Editorials printed in The Mich
and represent the views of the
IOn a A"& IK-L14A-

igan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
ie writers only. This must be noted in all reprints,

- . B N S O }

I1 ! N A

conflict is in a
The so-called F
the headlines for
does not mean t
fading away. On
the calm before1
The time has
review the situat
a revision of poli
is, at best, a temr
to pressures froi
Communist sour
Would it not1
which in recent
affairs in the ma
other nations r
own positive pro
offensive and at
nent settlement
before it blows u
We are in a
potentially unte
position and sh
ourselves while v

roIpo~ai .ri

r Far East-

Our recent eff
ficial and short-
the heart of th
outlook. The cur
be maintainedf
doesn't act whil
over the situati
hand and we w:
in which we aga
In turn, we ma
which' will not b
not be to our liki
States recom
that that body
the' Communists
following compr
relipquish its te:
Nationalist Chin
tion of re-invai
in the settlemei
affshore islands
should be joined
As for the futu
should advise t.
ment that we wi
Republic of Ta
permanent govei
further recomm
do likewise and
representation 1
General Assemb:
by Nationalist C
There are goo
experience for tb
alist government
on Taiwan' in 1
since the island
and stronghold
sweeping impro
been made and
evidence. Furth
a fairly strong
pendence movem
It should be re
are many cultu:
as an ethnic gro
Chinese. Many o
union with the
in power there
opportunity tof
This proposal
by either of the
certain realities
must. The Nati
Communist regi

Drop Support of Chiang
ld war, one area of East-West in Peiping. Chiang simply does not have the
state of temporary quiescence. military wherewithal to forcibly retake main-
ormosan question has not hit land China. This is not a pleasant fact for any
some time now. This, however, Chinese to admit as it leaves him with but
hat the situation is gradually two alternatives. If he wants to return to his
z the contrary, it could well be home in China proper, he will have to live
the storm. under Communist rule. Or he can remain in
come for the United States to Taiwan and build a new life for himself, a
;ion off the coast of China with course many have already chosen to follow.
cy in mind. Our present policy However one looks at it, the relentless reality
porary one and quite vulnerable exists that the Communists are in full control in
m both Communist and non- China an dthe Nationalists haven't a prayer of
ces. getting back without full scale intervention, i.e.,
be well for the United States, aldl out American participation.
; years has conducted foreign
in by' reacting to the moves of THE COMMUNISTS, on the other hand, will
aither than putting forth its not lightly give up the cry for Taiwan's
oramhero akeputheilomtic "liberation." They must be made to realize that
tempt to reach a semi-perma- they cannot invade the island without tangling
teof the Formosan problem with the United States Seventh Fleet immedi-
p in our faces. ately. To do so means to engulf themselves
and probably their allies in a major war. The
presently uncomfortable and most informed estimates today are that the
nable military and political Russians want to avoid this sort of all-out
iould take steps to extricate fight.
we still can to advantage. Several reasons exist for leaving Matsu and
forts have been largely super- Quemoy to the Communists. First, the offshore
sighted rather than aimed at islands are indefensible and have no real
e matter with a long range value from a military standpoint. They have no
rent policy on Formosa cannot economic worth to Taiwan but rather are eco-
forever. If the United States nomically, geographically, and culturally part
le we still have some control of the mainland. Letting the Reds have them
on, it may easily get out of may erase a point of contention and will rid
ill be confronted with a crisis the United States of a liability arising from the
ain hold the unfavorable posi- unwarranted importance placed upon them in
Nationalist propaganda, the intention being to
y be forced to accept a solution keep the United States embroiled in Far East-
e of our making and may well ern politics in a position favorable only to
ing Nationalist China.
In America, three major criticisms will be
lution would be that the United made of this whole proposal - 1) this is aban-
mend to the United Nations donment of the Nationalists and appeasement
sponsor negotiations between of the Communists; 2) it will lead to the
and the Nationalists with the diplomatic recognition of Red China; and
Dmise in mind-that Red China 3) this will lead to the admission of Red China
rritorial claim to Taiwan, and to the United Nations.
a, in turn, renounce its inten-
diag To the first objection, it is pointed out that
ding the mainland. Included the proposal is neither abandonment nor ap-
at would be the controversial peasement but is facing up to and acting upon
, Matsu and, Quemoy, which political realities. We would be according an
1 with the mainland. accurate degree of importance to Nationalist
re of Taiwan, the United States China in the current international power politi-
he present Nationalist govern- cal picture.
11 recognize a newly established On the second point, the United States must
iwan as the legitimate and recognize, at least to itself, that Communism
rnment of Taiwan. We should in China is there to stay for as long as can
end that the United Nations now be foreseen. To ignore this reality is
award the Republic of Taiwan d'angerous self-dilusion. Whether or not we
by giving her a seat in the accord China diplomatic recognition is yet an-
ly, replacing the one now held other question and one to be decided on its own
hina. merits.
d reasons other than political Thirdly, arriving at a settlement such as is
is move. Although the Nation- suggested here is not tantamount to admission
got off to a pretty rocky start of Communist China to the United Nations as
the post World War II days, the two issues are not directly connected. Red
has become the headquarters China must first prove her intentions of ful-
of Chinese Nationalism, wide- filling the obligations imposed by the United
vements in government have Nations Charter before she will be considered
economic progress is much in for admission.
er, during the past few years, Despite the unpopular reaction that negoti-
indigenous Taiwanese inde- ation of this sort may have in some quarters,
sent has developed, it is time for the United States to become more
emembered that although there positive and imaginative in the conduct of its
ral similarities, the Taiwanese foreign policy than it has been in the recent
up are quite distinct from the past. We've been caught off guard and put
f the Taiwanese are against re- under pressure too many times, having to
mainland regardless of who is adjust our policy to meet the aggressiveness of
and would eagerly seize the the opposition. By taking the offensive in at-
establish their own nation. tempting to negotiate a settlement with Red
will not be accepted happily China the burden of proof of easing Far
belligerents but they must face Eastern tensions, and contributing to world
as also we in the United States peace can be placed squarely on the shoulders
analists must recognize that the of Peiping.
ime is unalterably entrenched -DICK HALLORAN


Taft Wing Getting Restless

to the
To the Editor:
I WISH to express my thanks to
you for your interest in the Uni-
versity Museums, as indicated by
the space given us in your issue of
December 8.
However, certain statements
greatly distort the trth, and it
is quite important to clarify them.
The Museum Operating Commit-
tee, which is compose& of the Di-
rectors of the four museums in
the building, is vitally interested
in the progress of the Exhibits
Program and has made every ef-
fort to insure its success by staff-
ing it with competent people and
providing it with an ever expand-
ing budget.
The fact that the new exhibits
of the past few years have uni-
formly merited approval has re-
duced the necessity for close and
constant supervision. The "free
run of things," alluded to in the
article in question is free only
within the prescribed limits de-
fined and approved by the Operat-
ing Committee.'
The exhibits planned and pre-
pared in the last few years rank
with the best in the country, and
credit should be properly shared.
I have prepared the general plan,
I do decide what exhibits shall be
next on our agenda, and I do
prepare a general outline for the
individual exhibits in the Hall of
Evolution and the Hall of Biologi-
cal Principles. However, from that
point on, the final plan becomes
a cooperative procedure.
The statement that the gradu-
ate school takes little interest in
the Museum (meaning exhibits)
implies apathy. The exhibits are
not designed on a graduate level
of education, and the reason that
the exhibits in general are little
used by the graduate students in
the natural sciences is because the
research units of the University
Museums maintain tremendous
collections of research and study
specimens, many thousands more
than are on display.
The previously published misin-
terpretations of my statements to
your reporter present a false pic-
ture of the independence of the
exhibits program from the Uni-
versity Museums in general. There
is no one among the some one
hundred employees in the build-
ing who is not interested in the ex-
hibits at least to the extent of de-
manding that a high level of tech-
niques and accuracy be adhered
-Irving G. Reimann
Prefect of Exhibits
University Museums
A Note of Thanks...
TO THE Christmas Capers en-
tertainment, the acts, the song
leaders, and the accompanists, for
a great performance; to the host-
esses, for putting the show on a
personal, "just for you," level; to
the sororities and dorms, for the
favors which will remind the
patients of a few happy moments
for many days; and most espec-
ially to our wonderful Central
Committee, for the countless hours
of work to which we attribute the
success of our Christmas Hospital
Parties; we wish to extend our
most sincere thanks.
We are sure that you, like no-
one else we know, will have a truly
Merry Christmas.
-Ursula Gebhard '56
Michigan League
-Russ McKennan, '57E
Michigan Union

New Book at Library
Kovacs, Imre-The Ninety and
ine. New York, Funk and Wag-
nells Co., 1955.
Moody, Dr. Joseph P.-Arctic
Doctor. New York, Dodd, Mead and
Co., 1955.
Kempton, Murray-Part of our
Time. New York, Simon and Schu-
ster, 1955'
O'Conner, Flannery --A Good
Man is Hard to Find: and Other
Stories. New York, Harcourt,
Brace, 1955.
O'Hara, Constance-Heaven was
not Enough. New York, J. B. Lip-
pincott Co., 1955.

THE Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preapding publication. Notices
.for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Since both Christmas and New Years
fal on Sunday, the University will
observe December 26 and January 2 as
holidays. Personnel Office.
Automobile Regulations - Christmas
Holiday. The automobile regulations
will be lifted when classes are com-
pleted on Fri., Dec. 16, and will be
resumed again at 8:00 a.m. Tues., Jan.
3, 1956.
All Students who have not registered
an Ann Arbor address with the Univer-
sity or have moved and failed to report
change of address, please register this
information with the Deans of their
respective colleges before leaving for
Christmas vacation.
The Following Student Sponsored So-
cial Events are approved for this week:
Dec. 14 (11:00 late permission): Delta
Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Lutheran
Student Association, Nelson Interna-
tional House, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma
Chi, Stockwell, Theta Delta Chi, Tyler-
Dec. 15 11:00 late permission): Alpha
Sigma Phi. Alpha Tau Omega, Delta
Chi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Forestry
Club, Helen Newberry, Kelsey, Prescott-
Dec. 16: Korean Students Club.
The General Library will observe the
following schedule during the holiday
Open: Fri., Dec. 16, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.;
Mon.-Fri., Dec. 19-23, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.;
Tues.-Fri., Dec. 27-30, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed: Sat.. Dec. 17, Dec. 24, Dec. 31;
Sun., Dec. 18, Dec. 25, and Jan. 1; Mon.,
Dec. 26, Jan. 2.
The Divisional Libraries will be open
on shortened vacation schedules on the
days that the General Library is open.
The hours are 10-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.
unless otherwise noted. The schedule
for each library will be posted on its
door. Information as to hours of
opening may also be obtained by calling
University Extension 652.
Academic Notices
February Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be ad-
ministered to all Feb. candidates for
the Teacher's Certificate during Dec.
in Room 1437 U.E.S. The office is open
from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:30 to
5:00 p.m. The teacher's oath is a re-
quirement for the teacher's certificate.
Chemistry Department Colloquium
7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Mr.
L. Bruner will speak on "rgnar
Reagents and Azides." Mr. S. Shore will
speak on "Reactions between Borohy-
dride and Ammonium Salts in Ether;
the Preparation and Properties of
Ammonia-Borane, H3NBH3.
Doctoral Examination for Edwin
Charles Blackburn, History; thesis:
"Stainless Leszczynski: A Study in the
Enlightenment," Wed., Dec. 14, 3615
Haven Hall, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman,
B. W. Wheeler.
Students interested in the Work-Study
Program in Counselor Education at the
National Music Camp are invited to see
movies and obtain additional informa-
tion regarding this work on Wednesday
evening, Dec. 14, at 7:30 in the fencing
room, Barbour Gymnasium.
Sociology Colloquium: Professor Nel-
son Foote, Director of the Family Study
Center, University of Chicago, will speak
on the topic, "Role Playing with En-
gaged Couples" on Wed., Dec. 14, 4:10
p.m. in the Michigan League. Room to
be posted.
University Lecture, auspices of Dept.
of Journalism. Charles Schulz, creator
of "Peanuts." 3:00 p.m., Rackham

Events Today
Christmas Concert by University Choir,
Maynard Klein, Conductor, 8:30 tonight
in Hill Auditorium. Open to the gen-
eral public without charge.
Film Preview. "All I Need Is a Con-
ference." Audio-Visual Education Cen-
ter, 4051 Administration. 12:30 pm.
Free Films: Dec. 13-19. "Biologist in
the Tropics" and "Introducing the
Reptiles." 3:00 and 4:00 p.m._daily,
including Sat. and Sun., with extra
showing Wed, at 12:30. 4th floor exhibit
hail, Museums Bldg.
Placement Notices
Evangelical Welfare Agency, Chicago,
(Continued on Page 6)




L ATEST medical report on the
President's health has deep-
ened the conviction among the
old Taft wing of the Republican
Party, now led by Senator Know-
land, that it would be extremely
difficult to run Eisenhower at the
age of 66 again. It has also deep-
ened their suspicion that Dewey-
ites around the White House are
stalling for time, not necessarily
to run Ike again but to groom their
own candidate.
The blunt inescapable facts,
when drilled down to bedrock, are
that the load of the Presidency is
a crushing one even under the best
of conditions; second, that Ike
himself showed every sign of not
wanting to run again before his
heart attack; third, that he has
actually done little since the at-
tack, compared with what he
would have to do if he ran for
President again.
UNDER THESE circumstances,
grumble GOP leaders of the Know-
land-Taft camp, why should the
party not proceed to warm up a
few pitchers on the side-lines in-
stead of waiting until the last
minute to put a cold rookie in the
Republican box.
Newsmen who have covered the
President both at Denver and Get-
tysburg know that he has been
subjected to very little strain. And
he shouldn't have been.
At Denver he was positively
bored with inactivity. It now de-
velops that he was informed on

few problems. , And that Cabinet
members who went to see him did
not even discuss such matters as
the walk-out of the French from
the United Nations or the basic
problems of the Geneva Foreign
Ministers Conference.
ALL TIS is natural. In fact
it's necessary and inevitable. It's
also natural that a man who suf-
fers an "acute" heart attack at
the age of 65 must go through a
long period of convalescence, and
that Dr. Snyder when he reported
"fatigue" obviously was telling the
The job of being President of
the United States can't be done
with the left hand, points out one
resentful wing of the GOP, and
those Republicans who criticized
the Democrats for letting the na-
tion drift downhill during the ill-
ness of Woodrow Wilson should
be the first to recognize it.
to demand the resignation of
Douglas McKay as Secretary of
the Interior when Congress recon-
They will base this on a give-
away of 300 acres of Douglas fir
and sugar pine in the Rogue River
National Forest in Oregon which
McKay's colleague, Secretary of
Agriculture Benson, did not want
to dispose of.
Oscar Chapman, when Secretary
of the Interior, had refused to sell
this same Rogue River acreage,
called Al Serena and belonging to

the McDonald family of Mobile,
Alabama. The U.S. Forest Ser-
vice and the Bureau of Land Man-
agement also consistently and vig-
orously recommended against the
sale - under both Democrats and
* * *
BUT McKAY reversed them on
the basis of an old mining law
which gives timber rights to any-
one owning mineral rights - pro-
vided those mineral rights are
valuable enough for development.
Earlier assays of gold found on
the Al Serena mining claim were
without real value. But when Mc-
Kay's solicitor, Clarence Davis,
consented to ship ore samples all
the way to the home town of-the
McDonalds, Mobile, the assay
showed significant gold and silver.
Then mysteriously the ore
samples disappeared. Here, ac-
cording to sworn testimony before
a Congressional committee, is what
"Sometime afterwards, Mr. Mc-
Cormick came to (see me)," testi-
fied R. N. Appling of the Interior
Department, referring to the Mc-
Donalds' engineer, D. Ford Mc-
Cormick. "We picked up the
samples from the State Depart-
ment of Geology office and de-
stroyed them."
"How were they destroyed?"
asked Committee counsel Robert
W. Redwine.
"They were shaken from the en-
velopes and dumped into the riv-
er," replied Appling.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


DAC Deserves Stronger Direction

About Questionable Dr. John

AP Foreign News Analyst
IT WOULD seem reasonable to suppose that
if the Communists of East Germany and
their Russian tutors wanted desperately to keep
Dr. Otto John in custody, they could have done
3o by the same methods they have always
applied to their prisoners.
There is a decidedly piscatorial odor about
the escape of Dr. John, the man of a thousand
secrets who, on the record at least, has double-
crossed just about everybody.
There were many dispatches from Berlin
hinting that John was under close surveillance
by the Communist police, that he was planning
to skip to West Germany. It is quite unlike
the Communists, with all this forewarning, to
let so obviously an important man slip through
their fingers. It is also a bit odd that appar-
ently a number of people in West Germany
knew in advance that Dr. John was about to
V VEN his wife in England, it would seem from

cape. It is hard to believe Soviet intelligence
could be so stupid.
Unless Dr. John can prove beyond the shadow
of a doubt that he was kidnaped into East
Germany a year and a half ago and forced into
doing the things he did, he is utterly worthless
to the West except as a piece of propaganda
against the East German paradise, and thus
should be put on ice for keeps.
The West German government at Bonn can-
not afford to overlook the possibility that the
Communists deliberately let Dr. John escape.
The Bonn government will have to explore the
possibilities of why such a thing might have
been done. It may even wonder if John is
back with his most important assignment.
Germany at the moment is at a crossrdads in
her history. The Communists are employing
all possible devices to "increase contacts" with
the West German republic while undermining
its established authority. Only a year ago
Dr. John was the cause of a near-crisis in the
West German government.

Daily Drama Staff Writer ,
DRAMATIC ARTS Center people
are busily romping through
Moliere's "The Physician in Spite
of Himself" this week, a satire on
17th century doctors.
Moliere's farce seems an ideal
property for the company, and
Director Joseph Gistirak has used
his players' flair for slapstick
comedy to advantage. What is
most amazing is that performers
who have not been particularly
outstanding in dramatic shows,
prove engaging and absorbing
comedians and comediennes.
This is not the first time that
Gistirak has attempted broad
comedy, but it is the first time
that the business of doubletakes
and bellyflops has come off so
well. Last season he used the same
approach in interpreting Gold-
smith's "She Stoops to Conquer"
and Checkhov's "The Boor,"
neither of which is suited to this
"Conquerer" is a drawing-room
satire and "Boor" a subtle study
of nineteenth century protocol.
Farcial approaches seemed totally
** * i
BUT IF Gistirak has hit unon

fellows-but they are also human
beings with a wide range of nec-
essary expressions and emotions.
Further, in selecting Elaine Sin-
clair for his ingenue, Gistirak fais
to give her necessary direction.
This was particularly obvious in
"Seagull," which Miss Sinclair
played exactly like her previous
chore in "Thieves' Carnival.'
Checkhov's Nina is a "child of
nature" for three acts, naive, in-
nocent and terribly romantic. Be-
tween the third and fourth acts
she undergoes a change: she ex-
periences an unfortunate love
affair, loses an illegitimate child,
is proven a flop on the stage--
becomes a humiliated and hard-
ened woman.
MISS SINCLAIR expressed none
of this transformation--except for
-Checkhov's words and minor cos-
tuming changes she might still
have been the child of the first
three acts.
These people have talent, and
they can put on a top-notch
comedy that pleases audiences very
much. But dramatically, they often
do not know what to do with their
hands, or how to walk with ease.
These are the fine points of acting.
They can come after much hard
work. but they need the aid of a


by Dick Bibler

...,a hit, a miss

"The Seagull") and
Bannerman (Anouilh's
Carnival"' can carry a
their own.

show on

ttr r
/ r' 4 i-

However, the in-resident per-
formers are generally inexperi-
enced people who require a strong
director-and Gistirak does not
often give them enough support.
He will relegate a fzally out-
.+nrfnff anreto rir Ralnh nDris-

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