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December 08, 1955 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-08

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Mistletoe Has Colorful History

Hospitalized Children
To Enjoy Christmas


"At Christmas time, young men's
thoughts turn to mistletoe.
This is the popular name for
several related shrubs which are
parasitic upon the apple, thorn,
maple, polar and linden trees.
The European. .mistletoe is the
one commonly referred to in
poetry and prose, but a relative
named Phoredendron flavesens is
the species most usually found at
Christmas time in American stores.
European Mistletoe
The European mistletoe is an
evergreen with oblong, leathery
leaves and white translucent ber-
ries about a quarter of an inch in
diameter. The stickiness serves to
attach the berries to the host plant
until germination is complete.
The American or false mistletoe
is similar in habit and appearance
and has fallen heir to some of the
traditions and functions of its
European cousin, especially the
practice of kissing under a sus-
pended sprig.
In ancient times, the European
species was held to be sacred by
the Druids of ancient Gaul and
Germans and was credited with
magical powers by the Celts.
Druid Ceremonies
In celebration of the winter
solstice, the Druid priests gath-
ered mistletoe and piled it on the
altar of their God, burning it in
sacrifice to him.
News From Home
An ideal Yuletide gift that is
often overlooked, but which lasts
the year ,around, is a subscription
to a friend's favorite newspaper.
This gift is particularly welcom-
ed by students living far from
home, and a newspaper will keep
them up-to-date on familiar faces
and friends back home.
Simply contact the home-town
newspaper subscription depart-
ment and arrange to be billed
after the subscription has been

-Daily-John kirtzei
A CHRISTMAS CUSTOM - Two students celebrate the Christmas
season with the traditional kiss under a sprig of mistletoe. The
familiar plant with its leathery green leaves and translucent white
berries has taken a prominent place in holiday celebrations since
the time of the Druids in ancient Gaul. In England mistletoe
was used with holly in decorating churches at Christmas.

The priests, clad in white cere-
monial robes for the occasion went
into the oak groves where the
mistletoe grew and cut it with a
golden sickle. The plant was
placed on the altar and sprigs of it
were also distributed among the
people and hung up in their
This plant was regarded as a
symbol of future hope and peace.
Whenever enemies met under the
mistletoe they would drop their
arms, forget their enmities and
embrace. It is believed that the
custom of kissing under the mistle-
toe grew out of this ancient prac-

In some parts of England, the
mistletoe was used with holly in
decorating the churches at Christ-
mas. In other parts, it was banned
because of its connection with
Druid ceremonies.
There was a time in England
when the mistletoe was hung only
in the kitchen, and the youth who
kissed a girl standing under it
plucked one of the berries for every
In the United States, a sprig is
fastened to a chandelier or door-
way and youths regard it as their
privilege to kiss any pretty girl
who wittingly or unwittingly
stands under it.


Looking forward to spending
Christmas in the hospital?
Perhaps you aren't, but there
are many who do, both among the
old and among the young. In fact,
at University Hospital they say
that some children even plan to
have their operations during the
Yuletide season. And employees
are heard to say, "You never know
what Christmas is like until you
work in a hospital."
But why this joyous expectation
of a hospital Christmas? Perhaps
it's because the holiday activities
of previous years are remembered
or, too, because the shining faces
of the patients give Christmas a
deeper meaning.
Santa Claus Visit
The first of the seasonal excite-
ment comes early in December
when 'Santa Claus makes his ap-
pearance at the children's Christ-
mas party. He distributes gifts of
dolls and flashlights, and gives out
balloons and candy canes, too.
In this way the hospital reaches
many children before they go
home, and in some cases this is
the only Christmas the children
will have.
Funds from the Galen's Christ-
mas drive help purchase the gifts
for the party, and this year Santa
is the state governor of Kiwanis,
Aldrich Locke.
Gifts for Women
Later in the month, just before
Christmas, the adults have their
party. Bedjackets that are made
by the Kings-daughters are given
to all the teenage girls and woen
patients. The Kings-daughters also
provide gifts for the men.
Cookies by the dozens are baked
by a local church group for the
adult and teenage party, some also
being used for the children's party.
But the very special time at
University Hospital is Christmas
Eve. It is the time when the child-
ren want most to be home, but
some have to stay.
Christmas Eve
So for these children an all out
effort is made by the teachers, the
doctors, and the nurses to give the
night a special and excitng atmos-
On ths night each child is given
an empty stocking to hang on his
bed. Then in the wee hours of
Christmas morning, shortly before
the penicillin shots are given, the
night nurses turn into Santa's
They exchange for the empty
stockings well-filled ones which
have been previously prepared by
the hospital teaching staff. And in
each individual stocking are as
many of that child's personal re-
quests as possible.
Next Morning
And thus, early on Christmas
morning as the children are awak-
ened for their shots, there shines
a wondrous brilliance in their faces
like that of the star above Bethle-
hem so many years ago.
There are hundreds of University
students, though, who also add,
and perhaps unconsciously so, to
these festivities of a hospital
The toys and other small gifts
which are exchanged in the dorms,
fraternities and sororities may
seem silly to them as adults, but
when they are turned over to the
hospital they are dear to the hearts
of the children there.
During Christmas they are used
in stockings and are given to in-
valid mothers to send home to their
own children.
Some of these toys are saved,
however, and serve as birthday
gifts and as surprises after opera-
tions throughout the year. Because
of the many uses these gifts are
I, a.-S~i ~~msu~~~eee

put to, the hospital never has too
Although caroling is not allowed
in the hospital, student groups do
sing outside. There the traditional
songs seem to achieve an even
softer and greater beauty as the
echo upward and through the hos-
pital walls.
And so it is seen that Christmas
at University Hospital is both work
and fun. But most important of
all, this hospital Christmas is full
of the holiday spirit, a joyous and
a religious spirit.
Men Desire
Varied Items



For the Extra-Special Christmas Gift
There's a style, size, texture, and color to
suit everyone.
Also a beautiful and varied collection of

"Pardon us, sir, what would you
like most for Christmas?"
This abrupt question was put
to many of the men on campus
and the answers were as varied
as the men so questioned. Re-
quests ranged from a new pair of
skis to a 4.5 average.
The collegiate influence is re-
flected in the desires of the fresh-
men men, the majority of whom
want only "wine, women and
song." While rubbing their tired
feet, most sophomores dream of
receiving any form of automobile,
after walking through their fresh-
men year.
Juniors are Practical
Getting more practical, the "Joe
College" juniors are craving for
new wardrobes, which, of course,
include an assortment of crew-
neck sweaters.
Many seniors, no longer con-
cerned with the grade-point aver-
age, ask longingly for just a di-
Aspiring playboys are going to
make Santa's Job tougher this
year if he intends to bring Gina
Lollabrigida to Hal Slawsby, Grace
Kelly to Bob Kleinberg and John
Kleis and a reproduction of Mari-
lyn Monroe to Bill Marin.
John Mendel just wants "social-
ized women."
Academic Wishes
If they're good boys, Santa
might bring an acceptance to
Business Administration School
to Bob Jones, a passing grade in
just one test to Jack Roth, all A's
to Sam Riggs, an A in physics to
an anonymous sophomore and a
3.7 average to Dick Floyd.
More accessible items are muk-
luks for Carl Stern, a hi-fi set for
Bill McHattie, golf clubs for Larry
Taylor and a tape recorder for
Roger Schwing.
Roger Barnes merely wants his
name in The Daily.
Transportation-wise, Norm Sag.
ansky wanes a black Oldsmobile
convertible, Dan Hegg requests an
M-G, Stewart Sucharman asks
for a Jaguar, Bob Qade needs a
'56 Ford, Wade Hargadon dreams
of a 36 foot blue sloop with all the
trimmings and Bob Ginsberg
would be satisfied with rods for
the oil pan of a '48 Packard.
Santa's list also includes a
cleaner Mason Hall for Jack Moss,
a wallet for all his money for
Herb Shubick and a job directing
for MGM for Steve Kabak.
Alvie Ziv longs for rest, peace
and quiet.
Santa should take special note
of this-please bring Jim Gold
something nice because his main
desire is unobtainable-a ticket to
the Rose Bowl.



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