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December 08, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-08

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Study On Campus'

The University's Bureau of
School Services, known better per-
haps, to the rest of Michigan than
to Ann Arbor, aids education
throughout the state.
Nineteen staff members, under
James A. Lewis, University Vice-
President and Director of the'
Bureau, and Kent W. Leach, As-
sistant Director, are trained in
teaching and school administra-
Staff members made 25 service
calls to schools between Septem-
ber, 1954 and June, 1955 answer-
ing requests for help in many
fields. These include teaching
methods, curriculum, guidance,
testing, school finance and build-
ing plans.
In addition to these services, the
Bureau provides many others, in-
cluding accreditation of Michigan
secondary schools.
University Pioneered
Michigan has pioneered accredi-
tation in this country since 1871,
when the University started it.
Secondary schools are accredited
in all of the states today, but
only those in California and Michi-
gan are done exclusively by their
own state.
There is no connection between
the Bureau and the Admissions
The Bureau provides an evalua-
tion of schools, with an interest
in all of their aspects: pupils,
teachers, administration, program
of studies and building facilities.
Evaluation is made only at the
request of each school, and the
number of requests indicates that
schools feel it is valuable.
Out of 835 secondary schools in
Michigan, both public and private,
651 are schools accredited by th~e
Constant Check
The Bureau accredits schools for
two or four year periods, but keeps
a constantcheck on them and
re-evaluates them at the end of
these intervals.
To keep abreast of current edu-
cational methods and concepts,
members of the Bureau's staff
attended 108 conferences and
committee meetings this last year.
Services in specialized areas are
co-sponsored by the Bureau. These
Include the Michigan High School
Forensic Association, with the
speech department; the Michigan

Schools Testing Program, with the
Michigan Secondary Schools As-
The Library Service, with the
Library Extension Service and
University General Library; Jour-
nalism and School Publications,
with the journalism department;
the North Central Association in
Michigan; and the Michigan High
School Band and Orchestra Asso-
Three Activities
In addition, the Bureau spon-
sors three activitieson campus for
people in education. The Annual
Student Council Conference was
held this fall. Four hundred
schools and 1200 people partici-
In March the conference of
school board members, officials
and laymen interested in educa-
tion will be held here on campus.
At the Saturday Morning Foot-
ball Conferences, Bureau staff
members and other University of-
ficials meet with various educa-
tional administrative boards for
breakfast, discussion, and a game.
Finally, members of the Univer-
sity faculty made 69 specific con-
sultation visits to schools last

with a broken wing, prosperity.

Genial Manager Pleased
with Club 600. Activities





Chosen For
Speech Finals
Six men were chosen last night
to compete in the finals of the
Freshman Engineers' Speech Con-
test at 7 p.m. tonight in Room 3S
of the Union.
Arthur Farley, Zan Jones, Karl
Liechty, Gordon Sheill, Aaron
Sheon, and James Street will com-
pete for first prize of $20, second
prize $10, and four $5 prizes.
The contest is being sponsored
by the Cooley Memorial Fund and
Sigma Rho Tau, the engineering
speech society.
Judges will be Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis,
Director of the Engineering Re-
search Institute Richard B. Fol-
som and Alfred W. Storey, man-
ager of the Michigan High School
Forensic Association.

One of the most popular gath-t
ering places for students is Club
600, located on South Quadrangle's
ground floor.
There, on any night of the week,
is the club's manager, Robert Har-
rison. He's usually' sitting with
a group of students at one of the
tables, working around in the cafe-
teria line, or at least doing desk
work in the back.I
Harrison, who has managed the]
University-owned club since its be-
ginning when South Quadranglel
was built, expressed his admirationl
and affection for the place where
he works 12 to 15 hours a day.I
Club Fills Gap
"The club," Harrison said, "is
definitely filling a certain need.
It has progressed far beyond all
our expectations and even those
of the University."
Club 600, Harrison explained, has
always prospered, even from its
very beginning.
Every Friday night, candles are
added to the club's tables for an
informal atmosphere of dancing
to a combo or to records.
London-born Harrison,swho per-
sonally donates his night off every
Friday, stressed that "everyone is
welcome anytime, whether they
just buy a cup of coffee or nothing
at all. Women, too, are welcome
in the club at any time."
Harrison, a family man with five
children, has been on the Univer-
sity campus since 1922. He started
out by managing the Union cafe-
teria in 1925.
After a year and a half, Harri-
Father Cowley
Will Speak
About Future
Father Leonard P. Cowley, pas-
tor of St. Olaf's Catholic Church,
Minneapolis and chaplain of Cath-
olic students at the University of
Minnesota, will speak on "What of
the Future" at 8 p.m. today in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Co-sponsored by the Student
Religious Association and the
Campus Religious Council of the
University, the lecture is the last
of the annual series "This I Be-

son resigned his position to go into
the restaurant business for him-
His first venture lasted ten
years. Harrison said that he
owned a restaurant at State and
Packard Streets, which has since
been replaced by a new eating
Ex-Student Visitors
Later, Harrison owned two more
restaurants in the campus area.
He has been close to students dur-
ing these 30 years, both through,
his customers and the help he em-
"It's surprising," Harrison com-
mented, "how many men come
back and visit me with their fam-
Because of an unfortunate acci-
dent in his home recently, Canada-
educated Harrison is now carrying
his left arm in a sling. "I stepped
off the landing," he explained,
"without thinking for a moment
that there were more stairs below
"Eighteen steps later," the Club
600 manager said, "I was knocked
Charter Quadrant.
Harrison, who enjoys working
and being with University men, has
been made full and honorary mem-
ber of many campus organizations.
He is a charter member of Soutli
Quad's Quadrants.
Having been with students for
the past 30 years, Harrison com-
pared today's student with the stu-
dent of 20 to 30 years ago.
"I think the stuient has tamed
a lot," he said. "They're more sob-
er and quiet now in spite of what
many people say. I think they
face up to their responsibilities a
lot better."
The genial, bespectacled Harri-
son summed it all up by saying,
"I live this life here and I love it."

Mark 90th
Year Today
Renowned the world over for his
music of the last years of the
nineteenth century and fifty-five
year's of the twentieth, Jean Sibe-
lius celebrates his ninetieth birth-
day today.
According to many, Finland's
most distinguished citizen, Sibelius
was honored Sunday at a birthday
concert at Carnegie Hall. Conduc-
tor of the concert was Jussi Jalas,
his son-in-law.
Though it has been 26 years
since he published anything new
and 30 years since the completion
of his last major work, "Tapiola,"
Sibelius's music has outlived that
of many other men of his time.
Majestic Figure
Described as a majestic figure
with penetrating blue eyes, Sibe-
lius is known for his rare knack
of finding something personal and
pleasant to say to guests in his
Followers have looked for an
eighth Symphony, but there has
been no indication of work on such
a project from the musician.
Through past compositions, he has
become Finland's outstanding na-
tional hero.
Orien Dalley, Music Director of
the Broadcasting Service (WUOM)
studied with Sibelius in 1938-39
on a grant from the University of
Wisconsin where he was teaching
at the time.
Living in Helsinki, Dalley went
to Yaarvampa every week to work
with the severe-appearing, massive
musician. He said Sibelius has "a
keen senseof humor and is inter-
ested in a wide variety of subjects
beside music."
"Urge forDemocracy"
"The Finns have an urge for
democracy and independence that
is exemplified in this one man,"
Dalley said.
"Americans, Englishmen and
people of the Scandinavian coun-
tries are much more sympathetic
to Sibelius's music than people in
Germany, France or the middle
"People are either completely
devoted to his music or seem to
remain apathetic. I myself have
the greatest admiration and re-
spect for Sibelius' music," Dalley
Leslie Bassett of the School of
Music commented that Sibelius is
a fine and great conposer whose
influence was mainly felt 40 to 50
years ago. .
"He is one of Finland's greatest
men and is a fine symphonist," he

Exhibit Head Reimann
Aims At Better Museum

Many persons who have been in
the University Museum have never
given any thought to how the dis-
plays got there.
All the displays have been fig-
ured our ahead of time on an
overall plan. This plan is made
up by Orving G. Reimann, Pre-
fect of exhibits.
The manner in which the ex-
hibits are set up is supposedly
approved by the Operating Com-
However, members of this com-
mittee show very little interest in
the operation of the museum.
They are chiefly interested in the
graduate school, which has little
need for the museum.
Free Run
Having a free run of things,
Reimann has been carrying out
plans which he hopes will make
the museum a more interesting
place for the average person.
He is the one who decides what
the exhibits are to be, but by the
time the display is finished often
it is a combination of the ideas of
many people.
Often displays are made outside
of the museum by professional dis-
play makers.
Sometimes they are made out-
side the museum and then sent to
it, but at other times the builders
come here to install them.
Usually displays are made by
Reimann and his assistants, and
sometimes they are made by stu-
dents, who help those who are
supposed to be doing the work.
Receive Instruction
But once in a while the student
may make up his own display if
his idea meets the approval of
Reimann. Students working on the
exhibit are under the supervision

of the regular displayers and re-
ceive some instruction from them.
Besides this instruction, an in-
terested student may take a regu-
lar course in museum techniques,
in which he receives individual in-
struction in a field of his own
The student is required to have
had at least two years of natural
history. The course would prob-
ably be of more use to graduate
students, but the fact that gradu-
ate school will not give credit for
it has discouraged them.
Response has been very low for
this reason and the fact that un-
dergraduates do not find they have
time required for a program of
this type.
(Continued from Page 4)
for Research, Devel. of Petroleum Pro-
ducts and Processes.
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Darius Tale
To Be Told
"Darius the Great" is the tale
to be told on "Tales of the Vali-
ant,"at 8 p.m. today on WUOM
Darius, one of the greatest of
the Persian emperors, is a classic
example of one who "talked soft-
ly, but carried a big stick." Leader
of the Persian empire, which dom-
inated the civilized world of the
middle east during the sixth cen-
tury B.C., Darius represented a
power which was not equaled until
the military tyrannies of recent
of diplomacy. *
Darius was faced with a problem
that remains one of the most com-
plex of our twentieth century
world, the rugged individualism of
the Iranian Bakhtiari tribe.
These independent nomads test-
ed the ability of the colonial
British and now vex the Iranian
government, but were skillfully
guided by Darius.
Thursday's episode tells of Dar-
ius' efforts to build a great dam
directing the Kaun river into the
valley of the Bakhtiari, providing
needed irrigation water.
Again, a modern parallel ap-
pears, for opposition from the
tribe- was an extremely difficult
problem a short time a'go when
an Americlin engineer was hired
by the Iranian Government to
build a dam at almost th same
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Organization Notices

Alpha Phi Omega: Today, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 164, Bus. Ad. Bldg.
Pledge Class, today, 8:30 p.m., Room
58, Bus. Ad. Bldg.
* r
Baha'i Student Group: Meeting, to-
day, 8:00 p.m., League. Informal dis-
cussion on the Baha'i concept of cul-
tural evolution. All interested persons
Christian Science Testimonial Meet-
ing: today, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane
Episcopal Student Foundation: Infor-
mal House party, Dec. 9, 8:00 p.m.,
Canterbury House, 218 N. Division. Also,
evening prayer, metitation on "Key of
David," 5:15 p.m.
* s s
Hillel Foundation: Administrative
Council Meeting, today, 7:15 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting, today,
4:00 p.m.
Friday afternoon coffee hour and
Chanukah candle lighting ritual, Dec.
9, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Friday evening Sabbath services fol-
lowed by symposium on Chanukah, Dec.
9, 7:15 p.m..
Saturday morning Sabbath services,
Dec. 19, 9:00 a.m.

International Center and International
Student: Assn: Today. 4:30-6:00 p.m.,
International Center. Guest: Moham-
med M. el Said, Professor of Civil Engi-
neering at Ein Shams University, Egypt.
" r
Michigras: Campus Publicity meet-
ing, today, 7:00 p.m., 1405 Hill Street.
Ticket Committee Mass Meeting, to-
day, 7:00 p.m., Room 3M-N, Union.
Newman Club: Christmas party, Dec.
9, 9:00-12:00 p.m., Newman Club Cen-
"* "
La Petite Causette: Today. 3:30-5:00
p.m., Rumpus Room, League.
Phi Sigma Society: Initiation ban-
quet, today, 8:00 p.m. In the Golden
Apples Restaurant of the Tower Hotel.
Dr. C. Levinthal of the Department
of Physics will speak on his work with
* * *
Student Government Council: Edu-
cational and Social Welfare Committee,
today, 7:15 p.m., League Conference
Room, No. 2.
WCBN-South Quad.: Elections meet-
ing, today, 7:15 p.m., G103-8.Q.

PIttsburgh13, Pa.



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