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October 31, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN. il ! ) \ ,c >"(t)( I>lC 1;;i. i0 oNo,1 VOL. XVI. No. 3r, ALL ABOARD FOR THE BIG EXCURSION Big Deeation of Michigan Men Will Witness "Strongheart- Excur= Leaves at 6:45 Tonight. \ idelegationtOf ttit-rsrity studntst, w rh f the play, will witnes Srotg- hcr"at Detroit tisieventitg. The -titner reervedI seat sale cottuttted by *lauiagerC aird atbeentpeomtttenll la~eattd thereo.s little dotlbutt that live ...…

October 29, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…0The Mic iga D il ANN ARBIOR, MICHIGAN SL'NI\ [) OI I RR I 2 1905. Vot. XVIl. No. ;io DiRAKE SWAMPI MICU Varsity Scores Decisive Victory Over Willie Heston' s Pupils--Barlow Stars at Quarter--Score 48 to 0. it cilhe a ot t i \-l "e c peotutdth toth ma \ihc li tt' t-tDrake pthel b-ill c-tlea i-atiek. ttt)hod\ite ga a vest- iii a bthe n s kit ftetir tteftsthe Vo~tls,, otitcs score four t le- hal epatedly afeMihgnadcr r ie it witin srikig itn...…

October 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…The Michi gan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA-N, S.VTI)\'l'.('k ) T( ) ,1( )05 2(191. VOL. XVI. WILLIE H ESTON'S HAW KFYES OPPOSE MICHIGAN TODAY Drake Team Will Arrive at 9:05 This Moring--Heston Writes That the Team Is in Crippled Condition. Tie Drake football team which plas Michigan tis afternoon wllii arrive in Ann Aror at 9:0 tisr morin1g ac companid by their coach, William ar tini Hest1n. Acordiig to a letter re ceved froni IHeton, the Drak...…

October 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Dail ANN ARB~OR, \tICHR0 \N, D\ i (f~S27.NO28 \N'c. X\Vf1. 0. 28. MICHIGAN'S ELEVEN THE GREATEST EVER Coach Booth of Nebraska Says Wol= erines Can Whip Any Team in the Country. 11cgetes-t foutotbal teaitt]everpoften ;meal isitthe verdict (if (Coachi Wltcr C. flitotil, if \Y r iikt-f-t. ii P1ichigan'- lto elevetn. ot oill lot Ile say that teamithtti HP ty- Mtclo th~t netvei lief~re a, a a(-rr Ott n of to i;- t yi~tde otterstog...…

October 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…. : _.... "i rt . a c o y ;" f T bG r .. 04 fD fUl _ T -. f'v J u F .'C - ti. J 0. - i. J ry^ ry ._ f y tG rn ,' r A tl4 O - , %n -+" J4 - ~ nv _ ¢ w , t Oo fL - ro 72 Y JP J w n - -. 7C _ J - = r J .. v T O 2 -f 7" - .. a ~ JQ , , - ' / 7^ .r J F >. - _ _ i ,I . _ rt U'. tl ' tlC 77 T o w ° e aLq o _, a¢ m x _ - C; r; a , rt n.; w s 7c .- J a s = rt J u, - f I ' O v V - C 7 _ "l J f r J _ r - v T M f - - K _ L Y F a^ J^ '; rye. - _ I ' ,q 77 ...…

October 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily No. 26. Vol,. XVI. PROSPECT OF AGREE- MENT IS SLIGHT, Little Likelihood of Union and Memorial Committee Com- ing to Terms--More Faculty Opinions. it an ostce n thta s- ice. W ie lu ots uld slut ()f ally rat>i ni e Nvollld it ccll ALBION COLLEGE IN LAST MID-WEEK GAME MhI odist School Conies Today to Oppose Varsity Albion Strong Among State Colleges. Tllc la st lidwselgste )ftl 1w arn 11 ts All i m tcois-s. 's. in. Uit...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

… C Q b4 U 4 ~IW W o c 7 l J = -4 V A ovaf J a^r, - ,=! . '~" ^' :: G ' tom. :... yJ., '' ,' ' rt- ._' -. ,.' ~ CG s"' - __.. tic r 'r. _ 75 H Q S U f _G J . . a1 V U r I . yyy V n ITT . / n r+y V l N 4 . , a r x . , J f rr< - _ ' i ' f J ^ 1 it +- ._ r r. : j .. r ? r 'l .. i" _ j y, w r. 'l; . i, J J T V . .-.. .s .! 'f, i n J r v i ^ ' ... J r *^y v-i . y .r 'r. _r ,-, .' .,r-. W,. N _ ,f. , f fir' ~ .- 'f. f >> q G " tel./ (" ~ ...…

October 22, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

… The Michigan Daily ANN' ARBOR, M1ICHIGAN, St \I).11V. ()C''t)1;1Z 22, 10)05. V~o1. XVI. NEBRASKA OVI ERWUELMED VAND Buat Sc Ain( recived11 lilt'l( iIli I' i ; I t% made111 la. th1 "Mid Tlle Ithc I t 1 11 ITle I 1won11a the He-, the MCC lrcktit llm'tc'I Belmset classd., ERIL TAM MICHIGAN ROLLS UP A LIKE1D MICHIGAN 121111 ii,\Y',°"s cf110 0. (ero ad~anin SrukSCORE OF THIRTY-ONE POINTS I rs' Heat-,. h ~1tn.t W 11111 o - 1 Wolverines Win Fir...…

October 21, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

… The Mic h igan DaIly ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN, Sl\]I ' RI[).11 t > ( ) I 1 ,f -l Q105. VoL. A"T No. 23. SENTIM~ENTS OF FACULTY MEET WITH APPROVAL Michigan Men Want to St e a Mem-~ orial Club House on the Campus. TheDaiy oucedtheabtlCthong'llcfli'- av its [(ilgt1hiatthas ilstaitc ca'eda lol M11icia e.Stdnan lo st are at altiot th n eingcitat at cl ilt t~c is c t Jliliiltinta cto -Stop 1thi a q ibl 1 laain. L t tleydfaitll ba ,otla ' i lattert I ...…

October 20, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN'"k\RBOR, MI('IIf} \, FRIIAY ()LE \\ f( ii . yi VOL. XVI. MEMBERS OF FACULTY FAVOR COMPROMISE The Miichigan Union and Memorial. IiSliitltilll'litl Comnittee Should Get Together riniiiiiti tI ht f teLie n t criIeel the Prevailing Sentiment -What latToqetosaestld is Faculty Members Say Tl ~oi of ihe, luni ,sca ni to resuIl itin tatbuildingiii iltil i n clii i - a conp liltliii N ii s t te t tilt ii liii ii ill 1c51an 1the...…

October 19, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

… The, Daily \'of,. XVI. ANN AII ,)Ib. IiI['lll(GA\ 10Y, ()('T( I o. I o ).:z GAME WITH DENISON WAS CALLED OFF Wet (rounds and Fear of Injuries to Players Cause the (ame to Bie Cancelled. rier)i y ('Coatch ot andi)\anage ar thaxt the lDenison igmte wuld ie l l- advi~e. It as fered tat astc grouds ee iiterrIihtle cditian saoie cii iandttttic e kept ciii f lhegae ;a au ichNerasa Stturday.Cacih tact eile f liythai t ihe ceef i ftl itt eh if \I...…

October 18, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The Mic higan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDINESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1905.No o No. ao. VOL. XVI. DENNISON UNIVERSITY OF UNKNOWN STRENGTH Michigan Plays Another Ohio Team Today-No Line on opponents' Strength- Barlow to Play Quar- ter- Nebraska Strong. Today's game wils Denisoo is not only the last game before the Nebraska teamttcottes, bst it swill also e te last chance to see the varsity it action unttil they clasht with Booth's Corthsktlers ...…

October 17, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N XARBOR, MICHIGANk\ "I N's-sj)\\ I 'thlR 17, 5905. Vol- Z V [. FULLBACK LONGMAN IsVS 'XdXAT. AGAIN IN PRACTICE Te smaoker held by the' Iowa clh -asinesay nighlt was a ntissikcd sa7css Big Fullback Again tIons Football froant start to Finish. It was field miiiiiiiIII Togs- Will Be in Saturday's5 for thlieeit of the newttesn and ahott (same With Nebraska. siityii eittfereereesisesnit. i)n-ins th eelilggreetitags Were s sit ...…

October 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The, Michigran Daily \1O%..XVI. ALL-FRESH AGAIN MEET DEFEAT Despite tame Fight Turner's Pro- tges Are Unable To Score--A. A. C. 24-Michigan 0. tot' ing. tMich. Ot N f1'peial to Alc i~ tT il.)-Ti te motlt it)1)1 cotcld oclga e f te season te' r'ln ll tcttt'tlt tamthisfternoon11 It i oe f g toit .T he git nttoo ('Irsp l it.ala total l Ott) ti l acfltft The tre l ilu ttt it''ftCott ed tiry i ch f gocitnd btccyIv- mitb to retit the i trili 1)1)1)...…

October 14, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

… r: B , ' R5 ; .. A ; ... .-r .Sb+ .'i ?.''+t 0an z l ~f J-r >C > " 0 LL ~. - . "- " J J J J f. y _ f .i r i _ r . . J ! - "" /1r f ++ /O0<1 r! , ^ t J U - 7D 7Z 7 :: tf .. 1 ..- . .f V .., _ / _ J .- J _ f + :--t J r--+ V ~ 1. .. .--+ :f: - . Iwo r. v ... J r+ f tT bjO U - --: 7t ti t - l = f J 0 z 4 ARM 'i tJ-R A z 0 ~zii r : : - . - . ..., J J c - - _ f y f f , LL L 1. ,f.E r .00 0 i - y f r . ^ f . ,. - - ,, J ) ii.2 V JJ " 'l, ...…

October 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The MihinDily VOL. XVI. ANN-ARB-OR, MICHIGAN, VIDA, OCTO BER 13, 1905. Noj 16. STRENUOUS PRACTICE IN' PREPARING FOR VANDERBILjT The Two Germans, Schulte and Schulz, in the Game-Yost Works Men Until Dark-New Men Are Showing Up Well The varsity prceice last inight was one of the hest and lngest yet pated off. Coach Yost started tie pefosm- ansce by ssteieng Rtrioey, Magoffi. start, "Oty"aotGillrels hose soie- ceive tile hiallt id iget quic...…

October 12, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…The Mi1*chigan Daily Vol-. X\I. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIJLRSOA'\Y, OCTOBER 12, r()05. NO. z5 OHIO NORTHERN HOLDS VARSITY TO LOW SCORE With Crippled Line-up Michigan Was Able to Sore Ony 23 Points-- Weeks in the Game--arres and Mtagoffin Star tetliin ie im~ad athat tg thehor IFtFcry feed estedav after- , t~ui mt~itin <: atleas in iff rent ti Ow fact that they had ben titl e - 1 ort: illthe nin tee wiut ofteli het'al w ilitheten111minu itill...…

October 11, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, '[TBHR0\VIG N, l\ ;DJ,.I AY, I C"l'( lli1 rI It. foo Vol1- O I NO. 14. OHIO NORTHERN UNI- 11lANSIIIN(, l l, CHAMPION SHOT-PUTTER VERSITY TODAY FO11{a 001 -('OttYIV YIR COE TO REMAIN S. cond Mid=week Game Today on ~~Ci0iitCfitttI10 World's Champion Shot=buster Has Ferry Field-Tom Hammond o _olit frio1 Entered University Will Be Out of Game.Rotttit Eligible Next Spring. itl thteam ''imoretcheditiI up iii' tha ' mittt cl n h \t iig...…

October 10, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

… J r - 4-1~ r 'f. '/ ' r - .- ;j i f .j ,-. ,V r ' I. j ... ;; ,..., ,-. .-. .- :F .-. 'f :J'. f /, - "l.. . '"" J Q ,. . f f Y-. , . 1... f i ..-. , + n ,. .. .. -- , f --1 * -. -J 0 r, U ' cr i f ti 0 f z T J ^ J J~ r r r. J . i V, % v ~ , r i : -, i i p I 3 b4 I 0yb J J 1 a '6 " /u- ~ ~ 'J ~i . .f 1. t, J J.. 4- rte! "'"' '!. J f v-i J ... v/ . , - w f 'f _ ~1 _ -tom r i L-. 'Y+ ' HH gY+ J I --i y.. 'y" ~ J r . ,- .., t. ( ...…

October 08, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…N- Ca . _ f% r ~' rr i 'r' T C: ! l 7 J. I 17, icy " -- s .. --- - r.. y' r V J Co e w T 5 .-- r /, 7 f ' 0 W C A 10 *. C)!, .7. tv % . :v'- _.7' ., c ^. J. s . - _ 1- 3 : , :f" ' w C ^- , . o .,. f; C '- k'r'J C/ -3 1"-"r Q C/) --+ '..., .. t-" O p r 'a H 'id C/ r f …

October 07, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…-l I - A ,1 J4 ~7 _ r'* r r .. J I. f " .7v J. _ _ .: _ cr, _ r i. J ! !. ': _ .. f , f is ; J J:. r J. ;; L -r C .. ,.' ' C ^' T " ! :; ' ./' y 1. I .. J,"'. ~' I.. r i ~, f. ^' _. 1: r _ _ . . t v 7: c - --_ -~ _ - 0 rri ;7 P! (/ _ m o Ht T: mm c~ n / ~' - _ _ - r ' l rte ,, N . --' 7-; ., t, ~: r '" _ ,; :% ~, r - ,. r r, r^, %y .-. .... .. C ..- Omi f - -- - "% -, r Uc,; . a r .- r y " !, r r r J I i V 'l, ' f. J< . .% r _. f' . ...…

October 06, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily MEN WORKE HARI). Varsity Squad Thro' Severe Train ing Stunts-No Scrimmage Yesterday. Althought Coach Yost (diinot gis e h laueo cimg lst right. it was plainly evident fron tetworkout goven tetsq-iuadthat Is didi not expect the mitstakes made il t irs thItlf of the Klamaztoo gametcto brpae oorwi h az g i. Ce. acling the (lttttpy signal prc ie sitli pacise-thtanl in g pnswral« h rgaadk,;afterduts the iseiswere llowtied1 t unt...…

October 05, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily, KALAMAZOO ELEVEN FIGH AEY U AN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THLCR SI)AY, O)CTOB-'ER 5. 1905 No. 9. Varsity's Work Marred by Frequent Fumbling-Defensive Work Good -Garrets, Stuart and Workman Star. cii ccigaui cwadedt inon hui cnch of -r prises eserday cafcirnoni iwlen the pluk aanmazoo ctcgclven eldi-i the to 44 pont: iin irlityli ii. te 4t May,' te ivr-citinmakig into i tocdw s in the cfirst h f I ctit cintii tiecworkc ofithe vr...…

October 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily %oc.. XVI. RUSH POSTERS ( CAPS FO Threatening Proclamations to Freshies Distributed by Sec- ond-Year men--'08 to Wear Special Headgear. HiLACK FRIDAY! Ocoe 1905. lear y! Her ye! Her ye Wh lereas: 'iYe most v erant gec andi iunspeaae 1offsourcig of the ie testable' genii' Ire shma a v ie i the past teeas beectwihed ill the bal anecie d feund riceveouscli'w iatng l' ricer elecs re cembelered'! Oec inrsocasein.e hav eopenl inc...…

October 03, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily V~OL. XVI. A\NN' ARBOR, C. IIC.'II"\X. 'I'i'IK, 1)\'. ( )C"' 1()IllI:ii3, 10 . No, . LIGHT WORK YESTERDAY. Fight New Men Added to Training Table-Harry Hlammond Out For Practice. Garrels, lDtstlatt. oe.Barlow, W'ork- man andI Rumnney were added to te list f nmen areaty at tie training table Suttday, ott acuttfthst ieir godsl sork in te gatme Satitrday. Clettett was addied Sttttday mtrinttg atttl BI ut- eltlil stetttontt...…

October 01, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…The 1MicIigaItiDaily No. 6. ALL-FRESH ON RAMPAGE. First-Year Team Opens Season at Ypsilanti With 30 to 0 Vicsory Over State Normal. Bt'IR. PH. Ctauiy.Staff' Correspodentf. Ypsilnti, Mich., Sept. 30-09 has madegod.Iow otldl they help it after C ontire ssman 1401(10 non nipa sisicil appeal andl"Spide" Coes ot- iimrt lbeedicrtion ot 1Friay enig: The Miuchga Uton's oproitesiinaedei he.hitotri.townl ot Ypteayesterilay iani tree ithe pedIagsoues ...…

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