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January 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…. .... . ..... y 1 ""'- G , .i' r 'J. r~ ,_, 'r G r r, "!, rr. '-- f. r' - r~" v % r , _. . ,.y. ."-, " ,-+ (a v " ' ~ v .f, r. r;. "' y r ^.. u "' _ (' r ~. r% ^' .-. , ~ 'rf", .-. f ,.... ! : u J. CID 77, Jv 'J ._. v .-" -' Yom.". ' :r i^ " . r- = _ "'.. 'f. iJ gyn., l^. ..I '/ . " r-! , i " f'!.' '_., f.5 JQ r f . .. J r z MM- 77: is .,7 .+ i '! '- J; . _." Z. j __ 77z 7 'IS U1 J . PER J 7 K? 7t J: ' a " raoq w+ K " 1 L: ' !~: J y "...…

January 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICIGAN, T;,S)NJN .RY7 30) Vor-. XNIX. 3.72. BOIJRKE COCHRAN LECTURES SATURD.Y (,an the People Rule?" IsILegis- lator's ubject; Witty lrish- man [ilks S. L.A.Number. 3333 ti~ tty a ' ~ \Vi o3'-3'. llwi 3311 3 t .3k !i111. l l ttl il i5?'t S;;t' llll. ttu{l lc'<zi>1rIt r, ' tt1?tI'V l 1137- '' t}1 h1 s ) 1;3 1 31 I S -1 . _Ath t il cats ' 1) 333 S 33 3331't\ r c1i t h prc33333ttr(, al1 1333333 t 11tts' heed13 The.3 3~cr- fI(\ 1...…

January 08, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… r T .S AIL i I i :. . . d , ... c< r= co I ,. _J , ; I '/: 77 r If, u l - .-. ,, ,. .. i 'v =- . J ' 'i. a J ' _ r _ . - : !; "!. :.i 1. J ' , ' .-.+ ..-, f J :may ' mil' ''D . ..! v 't. ..- _ _ .... C J _ t / _ ~ is r J " ..' f 'v 'I: '"! / w r ,. ti .i. ^! r . _. i J r. y .ti I .. t -Le f r l -+ ^r. .. / fi r- /' ..J .-. er"-i / 77 C) .. r, -r. i -- i , :. ;>, . .. 's v f, . .J ' . . v / J ._ ""l ^_ .- I 'JS . f ., r. . .-. _ ....…

January 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…1in heh ,1.9 Daily Xis. XIX. VARSITY OPENS i SEASON TONIGHT , Farmers Cash Wih Corneal' Men in Michigan's initial Bas- ketball diame.y 1u io %"II Ih 1 a(1 ilii C. If tlt I :Im. Tlit li\-i IM, ii n . in 1 in 1 1 1 14 )II r a l \0 : 1 i l, noise) lo k d llc;iu ch )iIs+)A < nw ic c m lialha X I %% I,;,- itii S ~eai~ l:ts u( a lIt n :c nc rin11°~In lcilc t ;h liu ;1:'ii~ an rc:l nc1;t ni, I1 II i c) cr, hi ncmxIn >f th" 1 ,tIl nIl ihi nullcgc mil...…

January 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

… '(P ZZ " ^ r-, ^"' n ~' -- r % '-= ., ice, 7 , ~. J r ,_; ~", ~Y v ,_., . 1. .--. r" '; ^. J i 7v r"- 7 !-*, , . 1 + \ ,--. v r- C1 N ('j N I I . ..j I' l' (y .- r: . . i r J: !J f I r i .-." it I .. ._ 11 I _ - - -- CD as ti H iy s . " ' U i J.; . . J u , '-. .. _ r. _ " v. -. .- r; - - r;. .-- ^ N f -J~---- - -Y-. ;CO c:N v .-, J._ O ~ t-a ,i i '' ( ,f t i j i i M ',',.., / 4 1 J I i N 1 '' Msr i o ! . . -- i - ! i r-- r' %. - ; I ...…

January 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily X,.XIX. AX ARBOR, M2tIJ( tCX. 'I1-VSI)XY, JANUAXRY 12, l 0(). BASEBALL MEN IN ANNUAL MEETING Captain Sullivan Will Address Baseball Candidates Tonight-- Oberlin Comes Saturday. \ititt tn ieoitt preparatiition toe the seeterex'amit andu Ili( J Hop have Felon, hiton, he w r ill Ie for- hitl it tt r t i tone' ig ttt - Ie atainl tee f~ tt t candtda-te o te rntir- nc sitt ofl keein npclegt ok w ill ihitd i te topht roo toti ...…

January 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The ]"ichis n ANN _ RBOR. 1l IC IA [GAN, 1t"l DNI' IS1) )". rIAM'AtO",' 13, 1909. VIot.. XIX. FRESHMEN ATTEND BASEBALL MEETING Many New Men Will Try for the Varsity Nine-Fitzpatrick and Sullivan Talk to Candidates. I ls' than tlifty It trsponddtoI Cap-0)11 tanL ull i ti sfl o acalcn i outloo i 51 s 111111 551-, 5iasmuch 5as 11h illS :1115 mater.ii l i l 5 I iV well Iit ced.11l( held5 th1 i lls i ll eIV Tr, xctlt CHEEIR ('I>' YOU '11 11 II ...…

January 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan IN '\R1(R IIO \llt l\ 'IlLlI St) V \1,1:\ [: \ t Y 4.t 1 t O 78. V'OL. XIX. NEW CONSTITUTION JNI(Rl 1elN\Ti I' XS 1(11 ABOUT TO ISSUE1S 'itll),khistiegwiewrtya Long Deferred Athletic Associa- t"ieeclt i ite i ~ )i tion Document to be Submitted to B~oard, 'rhen to Students. ,- ;,;. tee c the auh tle. 11( --- -li~~~~ter Ciie ' inijitre h d el at~d I'he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t c1(1nite Iect d o rpiete toe wa; 11 c i'i'il i tio h i n ti ecn~t...…

January 15, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \N-ARBOR,\MICIGT(AN, RIDAY.. \NI NR\ 5 ',i( )No.7 No. 79- Vol-. NIX, NEW CONSTITUTION CNS1UT RI (0k 1.A>G1~ Ff HEARD SATURDAY > (ctnu ofthel~nfi-t iuhsoit ti Revision of Athletic Association c'giiwcrinii chairgcofte oiitrctio of the New I iiuetonchannel at I ito Document Conmpleted; Can Be loic-nileOtcotItc Voted on One Week Later. twertitvlestthe buildi of thlestcc ohnth te :Athlletic (-s-ociationluieet- edte faot 50o0...…

January 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…ltoThe Mic iganDaily \\ Ri~R\hIII,'a\CR)N\\tgliif10DCi Voil. XIX. o. 8«. FAST OBERLIN FIVE IS-HERE TONIGHT l''ractice Shows Varsity Stronger Than Week Ago-Annual As- sociation fleeting Taday. If Nblcn t defeaits Obrl' int tontight 'i 1-1111 n 1111 team that ha te turned nta h ) it schoo Ith Sea is noct cxeto i n 'I iii co iic of t .Mich- ix;1 1lII dii altl s h ih was A.C' ls Sauray has ilt i l reto lii '0 1-g Va tit ha c i i"a liii I liit...…

January 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- XIX. \ANN'.R Mld NIHIGANX, SXDA.j\I'\ldY 7, 1()()(. OBERLIN LOSES TO MICHIGAN'S FIVE Score Was a 'Te at End of Each -r HalIf; Extra Time Rounded Out Score to 27-25. 1 1I~ .- ( rc . ' 2t \f > sMfisgiss i1;dc>. 11°cnl~tr ~a 1r11h111ll ICSISTITCANDIDATE SHFOR clas" rela' loam, classtrack nmanager. STDN ONI tnt!s list year. 1I .Wahrod tot is t pintth enir° dct~eSSi \ ebscrrsociety. JosephliPristeau, var- one isse. he ...…

January 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…Th~e Mict n - )ily ;\,NN \1{B17R \IIIU\\ i s)Y.f L\iA' ) )) V\%t,. XIX. VARSITY ATHLETES TO HRAVE ADVISERS A\udent Conmmittee Is Organized t to Watch Over the Studies oft Promising Athletes. Nas eoo t the ctIolt- lo Jsi n Nilttlo- da ~ien Fc1111111can the Comtin tt vvil t he tls '.ltiitthe Iame o --leant tiho whosewoikhe ill atch I ad1 rep rt 1o-te ca111( \1t of the1 III tou t ii it Tlli; (it is oped. iad t eil yII ill it 1o lle 1111,,0 1 t ...…

January 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil \A\ \BOR \lisl'l~t\\ S~sID I Sf35--\\--16--o-1105) --.-83 Votl. XIX. No. 8;3. A TLETES TURD) ell ott ut not to the amte degree ats in iootholl.Some etcuse 5(or' lasehall A Oi EXAM NATIRN remains inab atiliv ie iof the 11to1tie TOEXMNAIOSgames had tont lem caicelled onacon Foloi ng i the' report as retiered Light Practice for the Basketball 1yIf. A. S uitishu. fina11clotscretry Team During Exam Period-- 'tftil(Iaesotio: 'To...…

January 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…The Mich-iga n Daily ANN ARBOR, MICIG AN,. THURSDA\Y. JANU"ARY 21, [900). Vol. XIX. N0. 84. f OLD CONSTITUTION POESSOI AI NEW- BLOOD FOR I II \I)("\ j.1 Ij\1i1>\' NO SCEMIC EFFECTS H AS ITS FRIENDS Thiroutgiltie wrk o rf.0 . ST DN1OU CL t1101 11tmtmesri l t etx ilek t~tl d of te lliversiy natdieo SUDNwCUCIlltttn>be o 11 tt GRACE SHAKESPEARE he11.itte rsate coottttoe co mmeiotsso t he1w101 11Ootlt il Members of Athletic Association ti Ir1ws...…

January 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The MNichiganDa'ly \N\1 kRB&)R, \Jf(lflfCA\ I 'ZIDV\ 1 \\A \.RN 22,'1900.N. VoL,. XIX. c . 8, I I- t) :t . ) ti C . i t t 1 1 K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e (IIP I~O toi h h oit o CO~~~CHOP 1CONCER'DTUTVLY A R110IlS SSEISS ClSS LI~~~~~ twenty~JIuJ i llVA AI minuVVtsitht titme waslAIogV VIUTAlN11141 1 :A\EI) 011) 1510NVITTIONrS Il~flTI~ IVV(enough for aises*rtgge. The gr''ADAAIL TO NIGHT i'CONTES11tanyenfet. ha giesthecotndIer LOCALtitVat (Vhi ct ...…

January 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail y A\ A RBO R. iItCTIIGAX, SATURD)AY, A \M RX 23, 19N. N. No. 86. Vat._. XIX. SHALL MICHIGAN JOIN CONFERENCE Changes in Rules Make That, j~Step Possible, and it Would: Elevate Athletic Standards. Th i ri lh-ispill ink iithe Januiary: \iA~lunnias Justissueat I 111Iatilipthe are that it efc tually prevssnts tiny hack- wairdid tepis. Iititl(licefar casier for onil uiveiyt o leii it downaitthe i-ale-, titan lfor suchIiani sit...…

January 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \NA RBOR, IFCITIG AN.SL\NI) Nk, JA~NUAXRY24,rc. 0 o 7 Vol'. XIX. DEBATING TOPICS AGAIN DISCUSSED W. D) Lane Claimis Warnings 'lam Against Misunderstanding Are Disregarded by Readers. Th ent in attemptedl by tite o1)l1- i< s (aatd i yeterays1'issue o1 The rail t c nar1row1111s1olit ( I si 0' 111 d11( ad an11110c0 rare 'oiousto e11011010 Nor these lopics, 11(1 111011nd 1poli ica ti 11nc, c t,11111 1 a1111111 and11( vittl. ...…

January 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…'N M CHIGAN tIAtLY _________ TH_ _______ iE 1MICIGA.N DAILY. ;SllI)EN7 DROWNS57DURING 105;i1 o re i1rs iaIbir G. H. Wild Colupally Ilhsaig da-;AynF.R- o.- I ele.s tIirric'nei\I 5,72n I. ilii cth Si.nircs-s n< FC BuinssMaagr_-JHNF.____(whlvene_____________ro__av . WURZ.S ,orti~ol, W4SV PL E through the ic ot thle rand rier ea i 8-I 7 EDsITORS hIisimeand was slotried Citesstta--Tobei te-ew Yarrih The Largest Stock ins obgnteNwYa ih Le City ...…

January 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…THEitMICHIGAN-DAILY G. H. Wild Comipanly Thet Larget tck i the it of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear 1 vsythtng trequred ot Sutts, Ottrcotts, Fancy Vesing, and ftoaseatngs, and of high cla- fabhrics tnd speial Style. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Coipany 3ff South State Street Calendar FOR 1909 Now' oni sa,ie AT Sheehan & Co. Students' tBooktre A, G. Spalding & Bros. ''II Latget-lMntuaitctuers ttnthe Fot Ball, Bask...…

January 08, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…THEI MICHIG AN DAILY ow THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ignrnf. It l{h t it ititing fr- Fiiki >tyn 'St-itS iitarit. IS'S o ral taar- and each e itttaeicemto t< <'. "ittia . g c a t an it a -ll itttga dta R ae F i amit. nae . callingtit aStnaurl Sppyt at'. BusinessManager -JoxN F. WURz. 73S-;ath ' tter-m -; - - h e tyini ~t ttt nt ler t h itt Larp'eat Sackin tiiTna teaatnp irstrda-. A fhi ltt't mu - 'ft']lI _. f\ r dncana- i a To begin the New Year right N...…

January 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…TIHIR MICHIGAN fDAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. UN1IVESYlFX1717CIT17 tSi \ i, Sth tiiirit%. vf - G. i il i~lldlY dilr ncna ~tnt. lIRINCS 5DM PIt 'TION .5 .. i<, ;pusicon 2 0 FF1 C E lAr W ld O ~p~ y +a ir - dt -\art~xF.R~ t ineOut f lhe benttt c-en the iii to}°icill 3 i Stdn t apply Si Sto e. ___________Manager-J___HNF.___________country, both for reearch : , n i iic-4n uiriy 3. SVPPLIES) -.. - - tion, 3 od one iintaled aite rIn o __________________...…

January 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY' _ iHE M1ICIc GAN D I~AIL1 ift h I rijboftit acitect, e t-ii eriti t h\ I , III- NDK ,Ib G H.W i1 JO p;lsaguIUVI d No A cue iF. Riest. hii hite lii ite tl. \\ edcli iy i , t lt iiir-d e I Sat 1 I C l'uring1't tit Ioni1igDimi.l-:oth I -ri it\rd- To begin the New Year right \i ~. .........Lee A Whie - _- . tdlci cl I n- p c. t i a, you may need an Athletics....... .SE. lidridge l I e tis.' ltting ntittii dl mun:> thUil -mi ag ...…

January 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comlpally ifhe Largest Stock i the Litt of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemlen' s Wear Piv ,iticii., icquired fur :wits, iii cccats, lunty N tings, 5a(d fro'giI'mgs, and if highcls id sn pecial tsti Full Dress Suits a Specialty THE MICIGIAN DAILY. !tie p cciIci dcd c ci if iima, iug ditor-c ArclIcusF. RIectur. I tisciioffc iicr i i cccirtin i ini Bus isMager-Jucs F. WUse. tlid.Tlcci61V opei11licttic 1 L ...…

January 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…THE MICIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpally th Cit al'.' "1 of ExclusiveStyles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Full Dress Stuits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street IC HIGAN GOING AT 25c WHILE THEY LAST THE MICHIGAN DAILY. '~ill 1e1,itt ill ,fe do'.y-It '.tslu 1 ' n, Eitori'.er jiI;NF. RWuer. 'm j '" o 'News. ....... Lee A White l11111111 11 ch11 4 .an , 1u111 Athletics..' ..... . . C. E. Eldridge s1 11111 ad 011 il(11of1t1le...…

January 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…THR MICHIG6AN DAILY lT H 1VMICH-IGANI DI.IILY~.!rx bxets ill pxi rbbly b1 irnel t xleable ' ',lNSv' i L F t(1< 111) TT TT'11to thoncxxxei lxxx ha l t of ]At ()RI" St. IY1V I i I I tI ii) 0 r r I C G. .W ll1UI rGl3 luranxxg Idir -Atc~rx F.RITCHIE. fair Indxl popuxlarx xWas fxtinxkxi. At 0 A A ________________________Managa-JOHN F. WURaxy o iexxgeioxxxlx lxiiil 1 xx xxlx ixl1SUPPLIE rai.xx. III, i small1lecture l(-111ion thex i nesIixx -,-.-- ii...…

January 15, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. I. Wild Comfpally Te Larges Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles isl WOOLENS' For Gentlemien's Wear Lx cry thing required for Suits, O~vxrcoats, Fancy Vestings, and 'Prouserings, and of high ('1ass fabrics and special Styles, Full Dress Suits a Specialty G, H. Wild Colmpally 311 South State Street lYIC HIGAN Calelld af THlE M lliixixiginag1 Bxxxsixxesxx News.:..... Athletics.. . FExclxange. M1usic..... Drauma..... «Ftx...…

January 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ccitpli-hcd b}Ih(ci. dtit fmfhe A natcififcial oatt tigitt Ill acol a-. ia G . ii. 111111 Comfladly t g t I iar lictc . nt: toithe idttcret tifell ,, it,,, a ite 1 ica rtn 1 Riit i sManager --JoiN F. sWuz. 13 lB i n- ~uo -raoical ones The Largest Stoc kia News... \e . . . . .e A hite, tt t B tiitti]al-t~nh; (uat h a !iii e th fCtyAthletics. .... C.... . E l dridge! Net-.. t hc i nit-rit ana r w ttttt i a ...…

January 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…r i G. H. Excu For Ge P vtrythin; Overcoats, TProuserint fabrics an iTiuF MtCIOAN DAILY ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. (1t' t xl 11111 a3 leki 1lmcstt.tllt ) Mantogcr---JoosN F. WljOL. I not he better Ito elve it ui .1111 11111 ix I -- Frt be sure ht 1 1 ar rgn (ad 11I'Iottletils1 thfatl1.0 11 h ve th1 1eI'e t 4 1tl thNit~ewcs............ c..Le A White 'tett.it111151CIIH th tsAthletics . . C. E. Eldridge exjprill 51' 1f1thes.Lin1and C \houl ti...…

January 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

… G. H. Wild Colipanl THE MICHIGAN DAILY Exolimive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemen's Wear 1 lytiti zi qlel fori tsnI. O)33.coats, IFancy 3.tirigs, anti I iomuserirog, and of high lass fabri.s ond'special Myles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State street ILICIIGAN IC&1ldaf GAN DAILY. (\333'> 3h1333 3o f7 3 Koirlwhi'1h( a bi-c.d\V3rr'r 333Gild3Cultural c ' .ca- 33 313333.3(3331 333.and till 3]lot h(- (''3arcd fl(...…

January 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…- - ______ '14R MiClIfA TN IL TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY. it hi swi, 11,1 lc c ~tt-I - t0 hat oldtoIi I t ccigaidfathei- G H w r uo n nv * IdiA ciiiiiiic ccci a-' iiti- c cl is d c ti Ba tilers jewelry ~ J ~ . I V s r ln I \V s i nj. theis enii l ears i lli\r~thl I'~[ t n ,> n 'v-_. the Cityir- } . , i at I eticX vl aee;e. i~ ~sNews . . . .ellcA White grtu atit cud t h cid iLoin S[ 8 ofAthletics. . . C. P ltdridge lIWsele Ishild cIii he idi old.ii Ex...…

January 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…1119 MIC14iAN1AILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. -Athleltic soci, ol. i lt Ie - lefet r ,'t free to tile tolic. Tle thi n w Ioeiiett htpld be pontedt' ollwtyiio' . * .il te i it linrt ong I d'ttr- Atztitton F. RITCH .i lie to.' i t G. II YV1IQ LOI~lflftlIIV w hs it shoutll tot lie adopltt (diti. Owe i- Bmif t ott1M aniger--JotiN F. Wi -i. reatos Itsotultd be ottle o' l lett d wsthose who t iti r oolle The f avest Stok ittnto' hol i uli-tt...…

January 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…THE.MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Company Thielargest Stoc k in the Qtts of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentleeu's Wear 1 ,erthinrg 'eq~uiredt tot Suits. Ov'enats, Pany Vesting. andi 'inr-useitigs, and of high tlas fabreicstand special'Styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty THE MICHIGAN DAILY. keei'n"O\ictitgan t i i thela i l the coll__ ii> it 'nw o f i tthtiticste. 11aiiigiiig IEditor--ii citittF. PReITCHIE fitii.ttiti ?i D io 4ic - "" it ii...…

January 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY G. 1. Wild Company MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MIER in (Meniom, Lighf, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Greciao Drab, Light Mole Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pel- ham, Astralia, Cymric, Bllion, Federal, Empire, Raebrn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds, Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G. HI. ...…

January 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TiIRH N AIOS ''jH MICH-IGAIN DA4 IY. lshessostinused. TeNaahs sabii tfr 1iih~errr'piates insatiy, and qisekls G1, . H Wild Companystne F R r u! t oIcr nrnc nlitsr ': opot~a eoe i i or8S Idj lxargL ar-Hma 'is ~ti5P-5rt h s ia St, sssss'sis'rstill t e l1rrti~ acgr Ja .W RZ st>md. Apeoiint iigt i-_________ OMRCAT ALl~lYMnrJ 'ORS.isadIpolYstiPl.t sngW RRS e il sel AND a TYPE-_________________ - gas one of tie greatest torcsuG st...…

January 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…Sam Burcimfild's Fine Tailoring Trader Can , diver The ' Goods Sam Burchfiel iX c.EAT106 & Co.EASTHURON ST. You e o.Get. Ga Hot Lunch At T'uttle's, 338 S. Soknte JOLLY'S} PIPES ('1 ~t t Ia$1.75 to$5.00 $1.00 1. 50 PILLODWS and BANNERS AT D)arling &Malleaux V. of M. B AKBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. BATA 100101S 71'1.5 1N ')11" tHOT AND C(D011t) 10V II ?TIl' ldie3' sod Shld 1i'.''.) lao'h'll" 322 5. State St.As Photne 359 Bell Ann Arbor, Mi...…

January 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…TI4t MICH! 1AN lDAILY = AT 1, Watch a t 0 fit at 0 rit 13 71>> _ ; _-_r : _- _ _ _ . F r 't= ,., , .,. i i T IlEO R C I IFIST RA. .__..- fll8u1c a C 1ra -The :\et(ei my Orchestra str~asorgant- a izd ty 1r;raniger six years ago andt _____________________________________ is tiindei his tstaiigeiricit, assistedl by "r1F I T ot 1 Xat" lEtgeiie Fischer. -'On several occasions., Wiho ase iiot read) iii Ifamous;athee part Ga the orchestra has ....…

January 08, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…Sam ii Pl; 1 Can Deu : The THF MICI-IYOAN DAILY mUu ic anz) Irarna I( I-.O N(I i ~ () il' 1 itid ilw t 1 guic~ttll" ..i. ,... ii i l r; 11l l Hol 1 -fii l , e' C sa c P1I, 17 i1i_ iili ii Ii'1 tI.3llty ca lcl 7tltotl 0Nith Sam BurclifjA B -- BEST t PILLO L~riAT Dri & 5 kCtt V. 9f M. BS.~IP .t. R. TROJAN O1 , '-, 151 idiii ii- I 322 S. State St. Aq- A Phonec 35VBell 31111Fp , ,- l i iit. iiiiiiivIiii < 'a ", t i Il1 tii- lli iii ii t 1!<:l <...…

January 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…THE MICtHGAI4 DAILY Tofile AT Money Lo ned 0nx Watches, i s nginin lx atixh x. x& i moxx _ Offic tri d '0e,31 IP.1,1 y Ainne Ari Sp . WAIT B17ixix tx Nxinx. nO . . . li' x BIOST T''TT Own l Make ii BSTin T I11~u i it <rt n " t t lf x il ilay ;lx o lt t l x o(J'c. i j i~lc~ ; 1 1,_> t xl. a i 1.1 'i -? , 'l i t1 1 .3 xi lca - r l s 'rho est ( the ctuii y avr lt ilx~ thian xcii, L ice M " ra'e Nllvl\ 5v)ry well.. E R I11 P1 1x'DrESG SCCiiiE b...…

January 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…i4E MIC 14TIA D IA GAS- ASSOCIATION- ASIDS UNIVERSITY. FITCH PLAY COMING, "GIRLS" ENDS WEEK " "Honeymoon Trail" Friday Will Be Followed by Clever Comedy. Management Has Card lip Its Sleeve. Maintains Experimental 'Station for Scientific Study of Practical Problems,- -Geologcal Survey Co-operates deli-imII f llti i'c itc aotict whicht littl i_; llMNI M i te Steictint I-)tdc am cim iih cerim.eiiti'c plan fo nt t sof (hi c oma tr tutu out tit: ...…

January 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…THD MICHIGAN DAILY Toilet Articles' AT Quarry'is Money Loaned or oherperona 3nperly. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Blargains1inAWatches & Diamonds ()10033 t .rsidnc 31E.Liberty St Ann Arbor flous: o 11330: 30a.n.Ito4:30 and074t JOSEIPHIC. WATTS JL LY' S IOwn Mnake BSEST BRIAR PI PES \ trt t +I n 1 3 13 13e r li~r Owji akk, - 0$175 to$5.03) $100 33to $150 3 PILLOWS and :BANNERS AT 1)arling& Malleaux V. of M. BARBERW SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Pro...…

January 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

… Sam Burchfield's Fin Ta lring Trade DEII LA(1 YS \VfIRfK 1 h c) \I ca (\Vr f he af1I.1c 11. lu u' c a IIg r a m n C I A .1, c1 ,44 'yj S. i Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burciifid &EO AST HUON ST. Ycoax Cma,..Geta% Hot Lunch At T'...attle's, 338 S. State BRIAR 1,0to$1.50 BANNERSn A T Ddrlill &Maleaux V. Of M. 11 0 ;'EK L.SHOP' . R . TRO.AN WSIProp. Ii III( 1 I ' i 113 I t}] I 3113 II II 322 3.5 fUit, I' SI rb ,M ch E hoez ;31 nnAror.Thli n...…

January 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…TWE MtCR4ICAN'flAtLY Toilet Articles AT Quarry's i :G\V('N ' iN1OR'S 1Nil)I RES lI 'liii frecciiciic ci ccii met c uno coca in an open ganmc ai ilicic cc Ei i- nasini.As usilctcci nivcity ii)womeni gcii ibe admcititei free, but tickeis will hec socl o tni ciili-of iiecWif \. ,1.ia ielcent eaiiccii. \cicAlc rthi c i f thes miores aiiilseniorin 0the ci riic~olc for the caonhip, theteis (iiiccihiicanii ici2 gamieillidckcie whlichlieim cIiiol th...…

January 15, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine 'Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiekl T 0* 10o6 &Lo. EAST HURON ST. Hot Lunch At TuttlI.'o, 338 S. State JOLLY'S BEST BRIAR. PIPE;S M VII i2,tl ° - $175 to$5.00 t ct a('1 I,, iltt 5 1 C(),1. \il' iTT',7'ANNOUNCES A\NAID IN ESSAY CONTP'S'i A ardSxin teres'cting ii to tudl'of x te Unxivesity oxf\iMichigant have benmad by i omitee of economts for toehe best ess-ayssubimttedi hy coiietp-oi...…

January 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ",1. \SiK.\Ti 'IIIi C1i)lL'\M" 1I i~iISi~l R O LD1.GRA1.1 ,.3323 _. 000_. 10 I . . Toil et Articles AT Quarry's Money Loaned 0t)c Watches, Diamto ndsol. Lzm Bocoks, orl oter toroncl Iooletoor. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Blargain ein Watches k IDiamnonds 0111cr aot residecer 3371 E0. Liberty St Ace Arbor. flours:t o 11o:30 al. In.. Ito ,130a 7t ot JOSEPH C. WATTS BLRIAR PIPES \1 Pr~i i( ol 1 rc } S r (N-1 111io- $1.7c...…

January 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…T1HP MIC1ftGAN rt tLY Sam Burclifield's Fine Taloring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclified & Co EAST HURON ST. Hot Lunch JOLLY'S ]ESi.. it IEs Own Make BIEST B3RIAR PIPES \ i r iif i ni (1 ra!i ri ur t)« i i>>tE, _ - S$175 to55.005 Skwowl$1.00 to 15 50 PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Daring & IMalicaux mIusic aub Mrama The nce shoew that till opeti at the Majestic Monda-y night will lie one titat will especitally appl)CIto) the stuident toty, i...…

January 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…TTF NI ChITGAN "DATILY . AT -1. Money Loaned oh'- ooo 1oe niy repairnted. Ilf-rir i n \Vtlnnn10 Diamonds Utfic no at(1 rsdnce 331 tF. Liberty S5t Ann Abo. linnel- oloio t:30. nt.. In to :0 nd to JOSEPH1 C. WATTS JOL-LY'S On Make0, B3EST B1RIAR PIPI&S (N 1 -iao - $1.75 to l $5.00 ! aeco d, - $1.00 to 1.50 PILLOWS and AT Darling & Maleaux V. of M.3 BARBER1; SHOP1 J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. I OB1S GK11010 A s11(0I lI C. ..) CENTS 22 5. State St. A...…

January 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…T t tHI A MAILV S Barc1-fil .'s Fie Tailoring Trade J h fr t} ti h tt a i ti l> ti fl l r t Deliver The GoodsF T'IR1 LPIlC TOEFIRST YEA:R (11112fF The juatio medact'arc ermianneud to [ma cretlit for the gaoodlauthrkf thir freshmtan year. During tihe tirst year then placed a clan metatnial in the ana- tomical lal .ortote anwhich consrinted of a largeun atrnrtoftpictures which they took fromatthe Solbotta aad Ic rieurrich atlas etf anatomy a...…

January 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…fi Ct6A41 A A tL Toilet Articles,. AT Quarry'_si Money Loaned On Watchies, Diands.LanwiBooks, ordoterperonalipreperty. Watchf and teweiry repaired. ,Bargain, in Watches & Diamonds Oloi atresidence 31 E.Liberty St Ann Arbor. fors 8ie to 11:30 ia. ..Ito4:3dand iiio 9 p m s i Ii e1TSnF ' 8CONFIi N neAL JOSEPHI (. WATTS JOLL.Y'S 1308 STAiELST. Oen Make BEST BRIAR.. PIPES PRICES Mviite - - $t:75 to$5.00 Gv1, , 01)lass lP5pc PILLOWS 1 and BANNERS D...…

January 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Samt Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfield Q,. 106 & ..Co. EAST HURON ST. (ioI t UTLEi& CO., 308 State f1. I I i l ( 4 i HOT WHEAT or BUCKWHEAT CAKES JOLLY'S. aEiSi- '-1E BRIAR PRICESN $1.00 to$1.50 PILLOIWS and BANNERS AT Iarlinlg & Malleaux V. of m. B 4RBER, SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. i iiiT oal Itt() t ( R EI(AI\ N I HOT iAXND((('tI) allOWER B tATHS' (IR StFAt SPECI ALTY, 2)i T S 358...…

January 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN'DAIL.Y Articles AT Quarry's Money Loaned 0 tiIat c. lb tiaonds, awIonoks. ootheor persxonalpoperts. Watches and lewelry repaired.. Bdargains in W~atches & Diamonlds ofite ati residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. 1iours: rto :0a. in.. I to 1:30 and 7tt 9 G. to. JOSIEPHI C. WATTS. OwnnMdke BEST BRIIAR PIPES (hnm l( y - $t.75 to $5.0 $t.00-to$1.50 PILLOWUdS and BANNERS AT Darll & Malleaux V. of MI. sBA BER SH0t J. R. TROJANOWSII P...…

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