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January 23, 1909 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-01-23

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Money Loaned
0 tiIat c. lb tiaonds, awIonoks.
ootheor persxonalpoperts.
Watches and lewelry repaired..
Bdargains in W~atches & Diamonlds
ofite ati residence 331 E. Liberty St
Ann Arbor.
1iours: rto :0a. in.. I to 1:30 and 7tt
9 G. to.
(hnm l( y - $t.75 to $5.0
Darll & Malleaux
V. of MI. sBA BER SH0t
0 bill 1011:151' C ilren'11,0 I tin"Tlt
Phn 5 Bl t e l Ann Arbor, Midb

MUusic ana urania it ci - i
Ma damerNazintova. thte great Rusncc o u tcol~td snake $to per dad next sint
actressx "-tokt 0 te bcgi nntlt0 fIheitet l d at i theibcsameo'timeshots vhuctthetl
Ametrican carecr twco earsago beccatmxe c 1110 101t t'ctlirttcl
th "grle ateitc lc'l11lil cpei ngltr c tress.Nco' it fr lstitt 1111117ab ve hi
.llt per ithaps1 lthe Ii °h t firs 'al:.y u 11l1atles tke tme t
Y r's leaing1 crtic111s . All the it tri i cs I1y 1111eoo i tltr pir dttiabl ti-
1ged 1 t Ihe tii :Itheiiditonly 6 1 idisPo nc tt sance 216dS.oMh tteSi. cat1
p te was lovert'et dgi e i ftir greaionmelt clc 11h1e111Y.N 11M . . '
eveliltndc I eIt'll nt11' ll uperla.' ti ve'i ad ' cl' c-r A 1111111111 C cli it'lriic il 1 11 Pitt1
Iives to iglcibethce.i t he111 s'spoke ofl'l' I ib 11rgl 8c0
her Ium-emi t S. Itll it d "c t11a t il_________more______
'nd Strancd. l'rt' orl in. - 1111 s lnsesil lxurt opitill'd11111rtll113111'Hal-1
1 ouse"11and1che1111f 0 xlt'in "It''Pclt (al)-ll i (l' (1 tllrs itlroSor, 16S.Min t.itt eoit
it 1 lse),imposi ~lel ihatP o cin Ite I1112in 11d 1 tl'llt'llltt L AWS.ll' ti
ttt' Ill impr11ssitill' Practie ourtis iin. Iia tillou1111111'
1111 111111'llcimm- htll Nttgrea ltc n- t itn ln t jlif e a si
- ag over1''iilltl' Berhar t and Duse, in ta Ou ex rienciatn-itt I111111'tilt ci ill'
pefet lt 1 't'i it pe c ta dtill c li rt If 111 1111. S. It' I'3lt6 lt codl i li
1111 (lr ' 1harm to her I a iting. She iltl c,_8i c''sctS ol02 1111
present "The Doll'tHouse- 1Saturday-
W.c cx1tctf dclii HO11W1 iL dtOUin ateSCiReSinFOancSaLE
Charles Clnscwit rated 1 (cte11role1 boAT uet p ga m".SE all a&SON' cM SI

I . . _ . . __ _ _.__e_ _ ._. __ . _ .._-__ __. __ _ _ _ __

Throudhout school days, college
days, business or professional career
cd tine Conklin Pen will serve you faithfully attt 01ake
wrriting a pleasure. You don't have to '01axittor
ftsse with it to get it to write. Because uSfis won-
derfllfeed principle, ink responds i sitity at lte
The College first stroke and maintains an even, steady fl~o to
Standard the last dot. Another great advantage of owintg a
--you're never without ink. No miatter wvhere yctttnt It
h e-in your room, lectttre hail, at tine pont office, telegrapih
office or hotel, or on the train-all yotthatve to dotttt
your Clonklin Pen hegins to run dry istoil dip it itt anly ttl'
trell, press thte Crescent-Filler and your pen instantly fills
itself and is ready to write. Trhe satme simlte 11111 111 11
alto cleans it. No mu~ssy dropper-no sptillingofttlitti-Ino.
interruptito to your train of thought. H'alndtsomte catlog1
direct from the manufacturers, The Cttonlin PeorCt., 310
Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on request.
Sold in Ann Arbor by Gee. Water's Two Book Stores and Sheehan & Cempany.




.A Buying Opportuity I
I Enormous Price Reductions I

$28 Stil $30 Stits 1iton'
$2 8 attdl$211 StitS 1tos
$i5 aintl$20 StlitS 110W - -
Sii 5 ittd $16 Stits flowt-'


$30 Overcoats itowv - - - - $22.75
$22 Still$25; Overcoats nolw - - - 18.25
$i tS anttdiA20iOvercoats nou' ' - - -14.75
$t Mil stll o Ov'erc'oats tow - - - '- 11.25
$ti.oo Still $1.25 Shirts - - ' 800
$r. so Matithattani Shirts -- cw $1.20
$1.73 atidI$2.00l Manhtitat irts ' -1.45
$i1.7,5 aticl$2. ,5i Manhlattani Stilt is - - - 1.5
HAT DEPARTMENT-All stiff andotatslf I lx do
Kttox 2511( less thtani regular price.
A cdiscoutitioni heaty wool undierwear, ittelttllil17 A, C
Stailey attd Sutperior.
Kexxle, Conlin (%f~lFiegel
M~ack's Tea Room
The best Service and Cuisine and
Pleasantest Surroundings in the
City. All home cooking.
Prices Moderato
MACK & Co.

Have you noticed tiat l i lllies lt f~it tmito'<et'c a1 TheIII,
Many Ye rs Iitilav tudctlid tie art oIll liiet. lOur t((atrnstlx "Ill
IVA GNTRc-CO., [iepotiiig Tailors, State St. uIn,- l-blp
J. L CHAPMAN, Jewel ei
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1ALARM CLOCKS $1.500
~tu~uts lecure~I~oiatou 2 VI Y JEST VA '-. ALARM CLOCKS $1.75
ully Oaroioi'ed
RS R E E TSWthRpsregW ON SALE Rowe's Laundry
Noted Magazine Editor THOMAS ROW, Prop.
S C ^ vO TL O M U ST i326 N. Fifth Ae.
WILL SPEAK ON SC O L OJ1L I New Poeo 45 ell thnc 0.-
"UbYC (Iaking~ of a (Hagalne" MAKERS AN])~ DESIGINEIRS
VriivrstV 1Jl1LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE Haler's Jewelry Soc
- - - ^-216 SOUTH AIN SI hit
Catis.and laggagt -Sngl atd Dolle ltxIgs .nyi viS t n______________________
Hoises all coin stocktPhoinefoittmierly idnuc 1)B,150 i ~
Single Admissiom Tickets 50c..
Tickhnentedsf.syttk nforIsoc tn Al x Lre Collection Antiqes in
qIiktsfr Allthe Numbers . . . $2.00 iceelis t all Orice t14 N Stae StFr rass, Iron, Copper and Chiawar
Forateirnity 'nd orrity ilillexI xa'i
orsale at Box Office. V. 1. mFRED C .H ET N T N G R Adrestdndnc
Oif i ~~* .~~i uAd Miss Florence S. Babbitt


r rr I

319 Last Huron Street

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