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January 09, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-01-09

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY. UN1IVESYlFX1717CIT17 tSi \ i, Sth tiiirit%. vf -
G. i il i~lldlY dilr ncna ~tnt. lIRINCS 5DM PIt 'TION .5 .. i<, ;pusicon 2 0 FF1 C E
lAr W ld O ~p~ y +a ir - dt -\art~xF.R~ t ineOut f lhe benttt c-en the iii to}°icill 3 i Stdn t apply Si Sto e.
___________Manager-J___HNF.___________country, both for reearch : , n i iic-4n uiriy 3. SVPPLIES)
-.. - - tion, 3 od one iintaled aite rIn o ________________________
CelehCtitoiLant oofrrtir Tn rsaon\Stfookpielf oitni fr To begin the New Year right
. ii E LN w .. ......Lee A White prprioticin irnias iiaiefor the complte it i dc n tr he 1ppay i aiFy-t r oghyou may need an
Y ofAheis. ...... C. E. Eldidge! reuilding of the oh-en ii in an i ie ll-fi 1 iii 5 1 h uii 3l a 2tMay
lxehange. ..... Robert Mountier cottrctin of iiit ew i trnien Ciii. aid C ' 7-4 1 xcelsiorDairy Or a
\ , . fusic.... ... I-blilK S. Baker loter is nii earingciiimpetinind oni-i-i Desk Calendar
E xcllsive Styles 111 Drant.......Raymond Visnher pat of it, the greait,;;n7/ l op n-hlits c iei >~ C5ii o i xiiii I P aoichlIm Letter file
\\ itten sF.itr .Loise Van Voorhis itirror mittiteby the Joniti at hr-i i en S i f1 pcinf iiititir te ledger, Journal
c01 omtpny. of . I m ft s tntd t I1 ,I A in Clcd c e!fnC a ii Cash Book
W 00 NS ai ft chrLentardt C. Reid dieirei eIcitself illh ii . Quart o Ink
0 0 14.N DiI. Lte ise.l.1"I i f i aniii it fi Iflol Pint ot Mucilage
NIGT EttITitiaS'otom rdri 1 u o ih- 1 kiea frte lsd friiii colut Jar of Paste
For entlelliel's Wear ilrtIi,( B. Mceilught Fred E. Godintg aiirig tiiiwer futhis t c C illhfi, Uiv. 7tii Box of Pens
Dotiald IL. Kinney Dana E. Jones "eellit"ttire itficien nt he Ii iii lIC inoen il
\\~rK oes Lus!atLickint rmentts, tiasinhaui er-\i w t ri in i fi nc.pAl ozn PCabinet
C~et f ii reqir fif to orfnit, (ll Ietoirioithiste ileo Ni ll rii i g t S l ,i co t ;n ra lsat iii retn
tivi i tt, t tny Vtin fts, antiLwel . Crrofalt watt legh t hesaetocsreierdi liii icn te It- 't.Afii Box of Clips
i'o una ntlof ithtbob irtotainen iwhilihr eract or teohrifele- 'if 7tf Paper fasteners
Pauif(frer Smutiel ..Morris scps ott'li i . Thefit cl t oll vii i Rubber Bands
Full Dress Suits a F . IC. illiatts Patd Leidy ie ueitn t iettwo nays iior iti I nu f i for in t iltsar
U. ItAttIinef ied Laton t o trigrapthy andl tiiiiiiCiocoictili : ii ,llrcn. 'w n i rfct it-i The most complete line it
Specialty lIf tIar t lilt flrry . Fol itt iti le-firthditt t i~i i wN 5 C . Nthe city.
S.'\\ Davidll 3 kif i8ifee inahighthuililiisld in
3f1SuhSaeSre. IE. St, Jr. foundatioinu Cliir ei i~1igh ct ep n- te c~n c 'iril l( ;tc to S University Bookstore
31boyhSat tee na brick 'tIfterrn teftre 2iif, tIie'.l;iitt \c;o f~ sfrtev
'" '° -BUSINSS SAFF 1 ii tw -suny rik titlititi 2 -"i rn,,ri ct e) t-i ___________________
Cul1 11.:Ad tutu L. I. Litili loug taitt}} feti-u ittlt in g et-tl i it____________________________
-te tresni tiei tto - Ifins f iftfui -o 1
tdress: MICHIGNasDttYPress Bdg. i w tiiti c tii fce l abrfi -i ea
M' aynard Street. a d oiit iuftit i rniiiii?. I ild iii theii~(ii!pii V /w ii is's.
Slo'n u t M nagec's Hours:1-2 P. i., 7-8 P III. hmot cimlteh set f sei' lirall -ii l, ; m ra f i fithepoe
dilatyecept Suttay. Both phones s utum n ilm tein t iputnoill h "t pf t nt.Sae t ;-n BO K
OFt-1 -airDswlllit'fiititistt furom r ifi iifi r lcth f B O O K S ,u icrl, n ;l
cl o t tenh ituil flestu-lu onu erukn d tts-i t I hit. - fnd .~ m C'. 1tiii-i
A ._p_____andt______________NU _\R _'__7______ hean, dehl intftlie lt Irondifnillp-inils.(I f tilea.sfl-i
A tuutetf-th i-fro hi i ie gliliti itil ifi n I I ~ cr p - I il
a n nIlIll. Jl S15 i 111 tue hm~ ii itimheti h e lfuit rdthus ict hey c-ig:(i iii Ldia
I'1" \f,: ' IIOENN.t A fLt.wu . . i___________ gone___ ich_ will_ be_-_
- lii Cl~ttiltiti tug lie an ii filedtilenin Fnf I te ia 1
pl~c:ict e n the v ritytC . uutiam and has hce n ein th le lutierrif i .hopnit-i tilt
I it li t il tt T hiettd ost it iii-t tieiar ts l itilti ita\e c I :ei 'ii lii I nifiiitit. Ioh-
II 1 5 1 ttuthut uit~n Ilt- frit a n it itlst tiuht fcl ite'. taiiiui ihciii ffstcS. i-i
Eaof 1he i t-Wileteiiti O l ass t es ft hiatnte-ill tin t iti'nieler ndC. . iiiit --L trgest Stock hut M ichigaut
Ilfilfi-e past t t iliarshadhn' s tisfhu totryI worklionit h i l ttiit if ig fill I Second-and law g ooks
nfiihiiiht 1 tututn. t e i thlti tla tm uf hhpa ts ill nu i h e -iii ii I ii- 11111 \ich ;n C' ii, '1 tchi-i
A t C o st a ca ion has int.itil this yea al-TI hf old te i-esoepi-ainfeeclt elyiiliiii nt-u - I,waysnd Meiical Dicioaie
npi~ut-uutiiuhi-a . emo eld t i- h le- 'Sitp';-idtil<uff 1 -.'sir c1:.', ,t~s m l ,it Q uiz Bocks etc.
cousei pni ds1up n th tit ttte fi ou - vaunitf fC ii i fliiI Conplete line New -atilSec-
'Saa afew days on-ly iiMlt it i elie-n aitehin dstu tu heit - i i uandi-i lteuhhand
s iiifitihock and1 1 m)A rbortatt tit whoeit Iii TO wit s . 1111 n i o - I fit ll i iyiu it-l le s tisfie. Ial- )1 It ks a ettu fxc o t
pltclb iecassnterta ssne T e ya oo it te fn h lliiiii -i \ .-Str, ' Mif t. lcoil
ni ~C1 ififuf timstllItoftsle toiith leit ttytuut i i h iifniiiili C. E BARTSHELL
s i..111ahl1c 1 ain uu~in itint tt 1.5111itt ifll tinfieluil 1326 S. T'TE STREE
Students' Booksttre n li fifielon1 1whichfb-u int t asccsspees fi~t ii 0Fo au~if t;?;iSecond Floor Tel. 761
___________________________________ t____ n C ss the coe'rii altion t f te- slutofiiS udy i ng, ueutti'tff n litileipiI.cnil
rit boiyi abin ut lynu t ssa}hT ee oft heie'en'tn'a cin h 1 C S s it
A, G.Spalding & Bros. aii ioa n hlt lt, t'n stiit~i t ti s Sot ttfIht etflehtisit1111tlTo111 i let S ets
Il I-i- i tilii ' IitC~ ii tt ii iiloin t~e'f-eIbunt s inesthitutd tmptttl thet'ifei tor aCIpi nt ei an it h SasnoO y Tw frWeH v teSler oit
ii ii hl-ii i f i- Aanra tieiititine 'lie i i .1n ii thle iiist1'ha itiou l t t d t th iinttub li sini i tutu eah I fi i 51linN,,RE TO es o esg ult
Appartus.i r il heift atnttltgriiti. andi i i ifettsut i t h's reersie Mae 'awit itEasy and Price
Ho0ky, Gol, Gymnasium ---nEvaet tidee Spaceanutud2-Patented
Appratsic mned a n htitiha ifr itg tin lithedJiftil fte-slidIngiipicelentnl c'iPaBetter
bhun ttartiitnicetihcie do thratettleAleui t i Jnuayir leiiiLord Lock Fot"4pie Qatrer Sizes s oo } $Q O ur
dw i~ p r se nie rn- ice ii1can 'uto ti th httt llrt h ei / fl-r'l EW LE
G. PAL ING & B OS. utuh lttu- liuitittti& Iiltotts. Syet Cf is it' Iutten 20 othMisSret
Ii XI tsd' c tp tm pint.tiueslis - t Oct. ottD, JE EL
______________________72ff at Lint"'s36 eid UIoTDSHIoTau OLLRtO.tMkers,Trsp.N.Y
-". The "MUTO" Over-
" -.,, coat is absolutely orig-
Oil all lines of merchandise. 1
la and te process o
w _. constructing it is pro-

CA EN AR , - 1- oftected by atent, as
CALE DAR , - - -2 of jshown in (le ilustra-
JEWELRY, - - - 1-2 off ty ion, it is two cots il
1 ocINK PAS E Et. -- a 6cone--the first as a dressy
1 GoIK ATEc t6 street coat-the second
''-I---'-' t as an Auto-Driving or
s stormi coat.
Buy now for future use.
121 Washington E. _The R an dall Studio, R an dall & Pack Props-. Phoe 5S

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