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January 09, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-01-09

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1in heh ,1.9 Daily

Xis. XIX.
Farmers Cash Wih Corneal'
Men in Michigan's initial Bas-
ketball diame.y
1u io %"II Ih 1 a(1 ilii C.
If tlt I :Im. Tlit li\-i IM, ii n . in 1
in 1 1 1 14 )II r a l \0 : 1 i l,
noise) lo k d llc;iu ch )iIs+)A <
nw ic c m lialha X I %% I,;,- itii
S ~eai~ l:ts u( a lIt n :c nc rin11°~In lcilc t
;h liu ;1:'ii~ an rc:l nc1;t ni, I1
II i c) cr, hi ncmxIn >f th" 1 ,tIl
nIl ihi nullcgc mil ll : i .. ii lk
- lain i l thei ti-nam .tnnlo =
t cN (ie not ii do I th isiPi :.
airim n in th m id l inci 1

'II II \\
IF' ~ )V( i)M D1 'Ii i

in 74-
New Magazine Needs Consign-
ment of Smiles--First Number
Will. Feature Juinior Hop.

Vill be I11 11t tlt-awd
Itttil))ll- III \ ill <]cv
>.tl-t (0 it 5pac(- I a
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1 ),tItii , l,,SENAH T A NOT
i l ir1 il tl)Only They Mustn't Have Their
i, u l lcc is Flag Rush in the Dark- Coup-
" rl1>uI mm cii clay Save Situation.

-,~acil htit iiiil imcec miii I to
all. Xii,1iii ta.stliiii Illcmi 1 mli
ii ii liii ii 'iliiiiiilnic iii Inn11
iii lad icc c lii i lastiiiillii 'ii

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1.cic c<1thr f te utc Al ul ' T e om n'sIxi iiiih rtiiscr
ihittherash mm alla shsttnte daywas ditint sncc~. Th \l adw
t A I dcc ntncdiumiI te "ni i noi i n m cn iiimmii id
tc, he c(>\\d h~h tiernRitn nd iii t
annna i a- and Im~crush nd te i fll+}\ Inas I iedthc ancI'. ~ r us\
tcan au t II A n th tr njIi h in Ic wasK ('1K' IanI thXXIII, ll
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M. W II i> lic.t i
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qusin Imlocal option
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rt~ ;po ib i. iiii5 cn 'bei1
:t 'i-whImI I(1 r nilli' ltcisnl
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11 iii iii Io te irs'gl lu
Wl iii i \ K l 1iic ii tda a
I 5115 Sl. Mr. Ikt AsI ikV
! mL li te le cubN61 ik b w
th ecue n a heci ve X i t. Ai fter-in'

U .iii -lcl
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''IXIKIK K'.XIKIK I In 51 1111
S.'X'i'.'K I

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11mm G P.I i I X R I ii in' niiiiii 'i.
Situ, Ii-ill bei at thMli c\ Mlilla [fl 'n- P o.C r DcA ir
naumnu SaImuriilay ati230 10iii iii mimi all ii' p me~l iiiii i lliiI
interesteiniifencing.mThI Fence1rs' iliil1,Janayiii t ~te
munde whiiInn ausipices he in'cm et:;,ii' in- abeIiic~c V
clb ori n otto tte d. f sffiieilln

\V C() 11 t
KIin "i 3i


i'm , ,t o i m i(
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wi"t°i m c iti il

3 ii n. tthi ou h ih c n W o ' ti m r um' i i in i iiiimi iniig
tc;tofo t( knd hti m hecls "sin "mr i uli li'ni'iiiniplmiy. '"'Thml ii n -
< I thatiii inso yer W htH yc and 1. ii J. m mi''lIi'nn whilli ,.: 'Xiiyon ian
toii iiii'iih n w at iheunai mm o.Aiyn prsne ten Xi ili ii i de
,td°t linn i'in mni iiiiOn o tht sth pr- O erfa ues ofnthe programi ni dedm
rougnilhoise"miiitulmlmmi m ny thatIi ai . theiiII li i t Ar Galy, an a i-

A rt1iiiiImy mm' ph r I c i nn i h'Iiiiiii tKhe
A cn iybiinlgllast i ght aiiiii eiisec--
in mmmadin Idsli coili eti on of thi
stnd-. D an tof ofthe entl deart
lmnadesel ll>m mbr C D na
ifruc, n aydseh etO
:Aftr t e lctur. r fr l iii t is Nilr
weve. t Slm m ndwminiin j u my
shor I) us ijics mi nil ~ r lc atr

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