The MNichiganDa'ly
\N\1 kRB&)R, \Jf(lflfCA\ I 'ZIDV\ 1 \\A \.RN 22,'1900.N.
VoL,. XIX.
c . 8,
. )
K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e (IIP I~O toi h h oit o CO~~~CHOP 1CONCER'DTUTVLY A R110IlS SSEISS ClSS
LI~~~~~ twenty~JIuJ i llVA AI minuVVtsitht titme waslAIogV VIUTAlN11141 1 :A\EI) 011) 1510NVITTIONrS
Il~flTI~ IVV(enough for aises*rtgge. The gr''ADAAIL
TO NIGHT i'CONTES11tanyenfet. ha giesthecotndIer LOCALtitVat (Vhi ct m~lcc
it1 ch1ance .to)limt he pIV.'tole but at hI--.d' S enon : lias(tax Iof $3.aideVI
resh-Soph Rush Rules asRe- "true 1111'e getting enog grease VonV so Musical Clubs Will Not Appear fo alduswste pybeoth
vised by Council Rejected ',n ltV ktbI'tll(I 1'AVCII0( Again Before Local Audience I r ltVIIV VVVV11CWVV
Tlr nuier f ffcias asinceaed Holiday Program to be Given "t 'hrheani rac d. hes
'his Account. . aVVnd or po0wer ws(i veA' eme.vl-cmitteVett wIVIVVtIIVVVI IlV Va empoVwVeVredctotV mVae
Thie fpostinVgfof tplcard w sI oriden(..Va gp nfoori(I( VVl'V ''VVIV VV . VVVVit aqut adVI danc'
1t g ms till' eie oflthetl'Stu ttd c hatllengesl i n thV isiVmannerV.I Tfils has trig faitthfullyiince f(( l Iit, lilv trpIll ((i011 IVV(VVI' ('V (f11 tI'(((I
f an ill VpIperyi ct r l Ct((((cit lul blt n( thce((I)ciauseVof. alVl tie pcleVVImina ((f reti ri on1111 ttor 'It a ill' t i r(( Hi ll i0 uc IsV i regard to a' II.smoker.VViIICr
offinnts, t(Vll tVVl--ftti ll~V ((V lr llllVV TlV V' cn~cetft ilc t wlf tl e rivlr tis1( VIl ((tfllealr(tletc I.~(I5
kind 11 till' ad' i isl Iti lu l' srif e CV (VV to e ((t ard t wa figued thlVtV ( i(i ill'Vi (.fll ie f ide V(((V p icc cav( e il ven pagitf in IIth 1
'11ch Iftc)l (i i (t oinPiVo te o tl et i ims ltitriff111concert011(1 of'V thleVV cAlubsmdurig fileIm yeariiil and il~l cli
f~e il i (ll ll0 I'l tl ('ilcil til'priaelc (1 nic V'lliwas foirb Vidd eVaV ~unuallndl Ill h'I'tl (lVl''V (( fIe l ireV for athlicVV tl s c
ve 111 ilinlvilitaVV(IriAVnllVIt gl lare.(i 1torelA I
01 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sac ff1ofh'VIll) 12(1 ilV ((I . il I V ve i t ims (1 vilild ot h'itatei o fl'cenI II tils II ((((C1(1arh VII l) ll il e (I (111 V
nigt iterlas cotess rust rem in se 1skeleon 'key, loreven tbreakinto anll'dI theV 1 e tra(V((g til o11 fill : ta o eicue i h a mnto h ls
pro ibi fd. ll int (((.1) ill' ((VI lb 01 I li ge hld ofI' h'ir. men. t(the wo lhve I.V (hddit, no( pbl icc ncer1 tic11It(11 11111 (1111 1 that toV get1p11(1
Sikh if sheVaction fV heSente( out-1 cufoul leii'rsCVndVf'rturt wrloteIasgietadim'A boIasno'adl 11th(1'chgiin a, eiors
V 'I.1(11 V l~r ie tle 11(1 I.V~lIV(V i
1ff hI I preseAted 11o it. Arbor residents.I ittfeeiV trig till..s V le:Mch fc oxintheV ('lI~ll I(Vl c('Vc'Saturdayi
. 'lh 11 IV shallll ((. "he ((V I VItle IIV heo ie (ffic. '~i ( ldrn heu i-tl tV 1nature of t Scocer.IllVl((I(VV( till VIf BR GH
I 0The~fe (111 1' c~V~itc okd tl eV i li ('( rec e i(lVt VVI 10(1CII'11(ristmV, 11(1 (Iifh
;. 1I1shil] CbIaIp le 1 11 ith the night as nt ( l fere ieli(111 ebl~li~l i'((V ( (le 'ilt m nd lclb is II 1rsalr. j d ig fr m te m t,
lnshm1lol n tecri.fICi'i(IIV (1 er lielucnto gpt((iIVtog Ileth V'er V llIt1(o(11 tilepareili rial1(1 il') 11( r0(1(111'11h1i ll th i ea'111 i stcn
-1 V i III tbanner tile beVnailedI -IoVhfltill'classed.YhcIVade(ma('11ifill'lr ,. b i n Vay be Vfrom the tlI 1(1u -
l VIIhe1(1 VIint concerftCV'l C tll I' whiich0( ftr wIas goero 1(1 1- i . 11 (il 11 1 11g((CI Vil(fVV - s(V
g fl'trn (Ird IV theI'(V(I'' uIshV ts 'fi t i epu'lt'ef''C e oI. '.1101 Ilf~ll ( II V~I~' S il VVV (11 ~l CVVc VIhe 1
V ill(VII (Is 01 lohlleted (4111 J . K OV~hinil Preideut tVoitmig0 he tr Vi. lhe gi r holeniSl a1(1.11 Vy11.eafr.0 r((V Of ~Ii laty's'l(
Il?'t'l .0 1 (ILgf IofTTheiObetgSlgl ;IV e11 club 11(cr Viel hal'(ro le II ((Ii 1111_ 'ee mcu Vhf Vilel01nh c o ll
fV.Vl'f 'h ie ofladders.ite Smers, 11111. 0 f(ras statedI inC ilt ihiegf satr~r iI ~e 15 Ill~ (I eIillle and I 0 ible t l'I II' (V'hs h ree, Capt.11 111
(111 1r (lli hhVstum pts oV fha'1Cvkindeis fll rV- OL siC' Illtride y f1'ld lIbe t h d th 111e 111. v) ill I ('f ((7 fl' I~ (V 11( V ~ i m e i m 1(1 fl~~V(hl
(Ill h frfm f ontha i hd o f e 1e> 1 (eltiiilr( fo C~rA il(hc irection(1 1111 .I( .l leenV of teIUl$uc,(VIIIcr1(1d(11 ill V(VV((I (11 11 V O(s.I e rf. tw'h1 rl1
I ded VilCo'uncil(1and'(it'(s'ntetiee( t t'aw('111ard (h~lS (Vl (1 led i i ing. lth''.'0 (1 iVVl( 01 'is, f (ll' ' (Viiat i l m, I.ho he (V ti IV.
((Ic Vi(g' f Il ('~eI lllihttor '('A 10 tVure ofhe o ffence.11(1(11 e ~oI ler slif 1( 0t} scho etIof'MuViV, whom the ma--
lion 11 11' igtf1(11he((I fenCa deStIr culd'V letakroetitcoice oters ilct(iV( I tuhi VofftVaI' Istriongll.VI sil cad.((I(In ito
saesCI-te f ICIe Ill tilefolt t iCaun c(ileVnia'y ill gie ((hitil's lleVIX (11rI ii plVfI'Cllaccr1 be- t'(I h eseV monoVin(ellon, i Do(nIii(van IICandi
hVV(VV~~~~~t freeis feS of ho 'oultta e acion gleS x'ei'hee w il be1(71 the( 1 eigh- 10 hl V f V.1i1(. 5 llc V (l'i'Ig 1
the (lhVInln l( 111 (1 el nhtIr eep- tl'C ice ((lrttti( ie $i oo.- I I. of( fifty(1( ,11'("r ill the le cb(l iv(f I 1 1eVr1theill (no Vdoubt(VmakeI1some I(of fit(Sr
I.( ho. "ie lsll(t- i f on tt ge 1(1 00 IVI)cae OV. CI l hAerIiC;o el o S gr' Sr '1 m J l I 11 11 lt, frl a es11 (m 5.ililte Ivrity~l''V
\ f.C c tc(I (('(1 i niV b}V the f t ((1 iur- flThese Vldi wi~y'~g A~rAI lle aKes ((1(11 rmtli N(rhe l d (stiff ((squad. I
New Constitution Does Not (o
Into Effect When Accepted by
Association Members.
shouldthe til'hltl'ic' AssociationV(adopt
It- deveI(lpedi'fll' (ba fdiVlfhcontrol Vof(
attcsf musIt'still' 1111(1 f o00.tCb(fre
-c1ha ir a f Vile board, last V i ght.1111> ff1I'.(
tefcu(V~VVVltymerof f the'01 oard'( wre
ts'd hiroionlofVthe'l'roposedI'lln-
11(Iitu 'fonthey leded ill nil fS(ilVV, Ifh
Vttm lt uni-a VV(C('V'V'rIff( h;(V 'I ' d
could he(1' 11held. e e11 1
(111(1 f 1th 1(tdentVV eihV rf I I 'Il VI I
rcctor ofle II..(hil~ l l (VhfV l'ViftiV( ff
regent ' at heirl st. Sh ell inIg.l Vhf V ,
Patifk.aIdlVV('hVV h V (1 ' 111 f1wVose
temseir(11111. emberVIII I f VIwoV
1il 110155'I'I ac5 f wiIft f'Ic f if I n ti
thefO'1510nn of the refenff 1ffn11.11aNV-
h'I.'f'IV tlc l ' 0(1(1 0Vn'fdlVh ' ('VII V
fopp VIC fi t.VI ' 'IV(t' ((11 th'1inkiteV i VI '
t.h fnIeds(If Vile assoIcl'ito'"11h(1 11(1
'The1prposed c(oii;rinlofficer I, l not
('(IV VII the (pre fen llmode oflei on1sV((Vf i V
( Whenl asd i s )p'( ill i'(n '(( i cl'(l (VI-
ing he((C l it l ltlb t ofl' .10 .f(Vflfn fI ll IVe
(IIaI'lll Patric V i , -rlIVhVal il Vi
tlh acsIVconstitutllon hiVd'tV 1111V1411
(Vcila'i 1)5s((h(h'V beVincororat([ ff1n
S .F,51R LA P1(1.'IN
G'hlt'ShS~r'th. e. . FM(I W1 1,1(111
treets anti'C l'l:mVII r' orff111' V I
t semil', I.e if. ('foler. IV) \tore (V rI
laboragor,,Illou ne turI llflr-tr
Inaetsiof th '(21 1(10.t0(lir,1iJ 00
aMetion u, lt ilh ett h u
1. .".'
I i
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