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January 24, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-01-24

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TiIRH N AIOS ''jH MICH-IGAIN DA4 IY. lshessostinused. TeNaahs sabii tfr 1iih~errr'piates insatiy, and qisekls
G1, . H Wild Companystne F R r u! t oIcr nrnc nlitsr ': opot~a eoe i i or8S
Idj lxargL ar-Hma 'is ~ti5P-5rt h s ia St, sssss'sis'rstill t e l1rrti~ acgr Ja .W RZ st>md. Apeoiint iigt i-_________
OMRCAT ALl~lYMnrJ 'ORS.isadIpolYstiPl.t sngW RRS e il sel AND a TYPE-_________________
- gas one of tie greatest torcsuG statiostt ' TYPEWRA's iIs l AND atype-.
ruEuI--Rs ilthe C ronst muss t helo uteght to a s to o tpwie rd
News ......... . .Lee A White successful concuiofo he. quiseioog sf wrier, tn o vertr rd
- Athetics.... ....... ..C. . Eldidgeitilesubjeyouro iebtes hisingredftr yyost.pwrioni fe y&uYourlffDRAWING RAOUTFITTIT ii
Have received a large line of Esiau . . obr sonser-ir s lietiusatm . aaisii, 350 S. State St. eodl if not complete without a
woolens for SPRING and SUM Mnic.... F....ollis S. Baker tieressuay h .ss 'som hmaisr aits uh)ssUATER SAWED OAK
Mrt hn her)ile ra, ghadDark rius ..s.. . Raytmosnd Vissher liornsttieisear fisitr. lacis ie ittRII iif SKA\'IiNG st te .Armosry
Art ,Ligatr Silver Drab, Grecian \Woe'sEsditsor. .I . ossse VastVoorhis l issu s sosritioas]ri.sssa prsblemsietat Insdacil iFrisiyss nd ai tussra(of ah C rytg C s
KDrab, LgtMole, Royal Gray, and is h ins-.ht of i r ussis'g sfiinss 5 sri, aftrno tsrtts "ystsiellitng. i
Kings Tan. ;D1 i ssssssr Is fun s t mplete te 3emoriaI Hasl.
We have the BaneHodson, C1 tustry oucher Leossrsi 5C. Reid iss iesssofueiusg e
Cusmberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- AV. ID. Lase stosdosdsrinig le secssissi sesser. Tisre$ 2 , 5
ban, Australia, Cynmric, Bullion, 'tes's cDITSsa tre prroisns t eai ss. f sisistissi, buts ___________________
Boating Tweed, and Landon Wor- Dnl .Kne aaE oe n htetotayuncsaydeiatter ofrigaIpeni
Ies, lrsadC iisy Dn .Jos ssi lttsiiss srits'rstsgloves long, wear
slter IK. 'Issuers Louis IDraft ieesuse usee itst iterest "s o i chfitgant O NE
st'sstutcii dean i. ___IC Drawning Table
yuSutrsre. Pautl Greese Sa istirel H. Morris __________________ GLOVES$ FO
Piea se come early and have h;. G. C. \Villi' st Paul Leidy T hey wear longer. O
yorSitrsrvd . A. ilistles Fred Lawton hcan vna _______________50
itisartiHillif iarry Z. Fol' ~caaMam
V___________ . 'I. Conkilins \. D. Elliott ASK TO SEE TiIEI
ti\A. iDaid D. A. Kahns___________________
CS. M~cEwinaus IL.A. Mikesell hAlsser t ct'.sissssi ditti yits1) Welrih
G.K iT ld '"Com pany' " Ir 1 s is Isis J. K. Bresstoss ssill isiss'a listctsuse -rifo ticsi h sistO's f th si ffs' oil hss atnsibassgs.ecsrs-
311 Soth State Street ausdioriumst. It wril be devtidisass & ~ \falilixs'. 57i University Bookstore
BUSINESS STAFF catr'ssisisstitus f te' sisse I fSchlissis.si. _______ _____ __
Carl 1.iiAdrami L. IH. Larswill se OliiEngsishlsflotr ssa. Btoish ________________________
C_ suit its n Noirisass If. Iill ussj sr s rts s le itisti t'r x: ri orr. pii isss237. C.'.Ii 3M tfaj r i& itC o r odtf
A sdress: MICHIGAN DAIsY, Press Bldg., latss l isso els swilirep'5rducte islift
te geaii imasterpice's f art a lt 55l'tt t'r t'" t De iter iitswsattestsr'l
Mfanard Street. . \lie ir Is isel. 'ls trfisssstr'ltfs Issl' isify F
I FOIJNIAIN ~ ~~~Managers dors: I-2 p. m.,7-8 p smss~suefi'lse laie5O~ilABA~n BUh~a2 ~ m
daily, except Sisnday. Bols phones S m
cia onueeln i''rowdedlyhouses in l o lst 00 4. S u tti st Ass bart Mie
ff 1co' sst. 1t . siuus leffs hirsu li t (.su iat
Mosico -l blt e ii istliiiistt lu rilt u ti lluiiith ue huhe sleur he n re G O ]1 N's Slightl
iin' siithes city. . iiits''s' . u' 'itue itall. s'es'ui us *ar hig in 2 4 .4t e nnAVoMih
Conklin Self-Feederlywil lu mer tettriris..r1hslits stat sre - HaKod ks
MNNnlekbeend_ iesn ni tefis 1 uusuuroutin ncue h piisos('iO D sO E lih l
o ih O6iii cmstl 1 I~ct here and. I'routrsciu e i llsus sit lie N hE J CAEC
Sheha'sLede .u it eittr. ts sio:lian.ytjut lertai.c is i agiitC TneE Thop-SAE etarntO.ND
Isi t h sir fis uuul a Thieiasi lltll ti Cel te i. t ciii Ril oms 4testow ai'n' tBsde . DEsis T RITtit tts
lu~y ic h t, tit fsen ts' st lts si ts' r m'f f ise otus sss l m s tirs . t' l is 55ittt'sttt nl
i't U e i st e r c oisnug. sit e uisr sout sts -s 's p'esenths rat ri f itsm rts r i' 34o.f1'.' S R
S 1 V ~ ~ A e V ~ n t l i tt l ecn itsry. fshu is 111use sisit i i ucce sInt Insl i re itc a txsi t AILE Y' & D 0 JN
S h e an & o EuI I U, n , i h a ii e tke r s lss usr eiua i ees t rifts situ Chneseorttiiey~esaoo
Pouiissthook ter tuf it e ser rfo u slack ig s upplto r os . h s ts us ico ed i iinese..ancy121shASISteLIBRTYdSTRiolaT
m11 an iop's tit5'imeftol susna ils susf iusaus-sfu a t-i e . T e ofr g thn fis l orade nd nlne.
_____________of__\\_h__t__hs__ben__donlit utus si de. is one oft t o s trltonge st nd ubseuur il, us * * kiceni A t ror
us-uclasssir'i d urig hepa t g'imotsu't i, andltist pesit e- ofrsi'l'55 ity es 31SirTAE-S REE
imtolo tltltoteflu - ft 5.1ta it i tuiuorlsusshe op ursi its NotBIcE EDMS UDnS
A. G o "adlVg & lmv had Itio i ls- s itslurwitesigthe FheSeso'sOny T o or ____________________fi_
if l a n rV trsitthl Saon utas ogh 5 si Nr" ts 5edc oics .p r 1$ 0 $
Studestts AllstreUgfruiig t s hesecre aslsn s te tes t rrsiltieCsi udne wNEW CREATION 25e. O121 s a asa' IlE TYSga aT E
i'aai Bisii, BaskelBail, pceandaexaectru ith ietfaltut srumes I's revesible.MadedwihsEasyoi of is Cs seaustst
I~~a hey. Gail, Gymila redee ttuself .uuIn bastbal wesu r nu ff s-vIil hao, fur appeantreds iesliinĀ® Sc" su aetdpaeitAu sa lr
hackmadraaostausicius egitin. tat omeassuccssRNOT e etir
'H 1iii Spalding 1 stdilig5so tetiet i'sftssi/witthe 5 s5ohisIt t hsCaioos i ll 8shtLochFonte,-plandatetSies
Ths a r gi la s a eIes s a sinstihs'slesul hr tit es- or ancssho ldueuts ocasnnufuiThiSeaon'tOnl Thaso
sm se his liii t ts u s stillus tilexar - slust n itvfus Ils lit5 ou-
A G. PA LDING & BROS. eii i l is bratti ttd ile astleitls ii Slr A S -fete Ittull uurfitul s 5sf ' i e- li i Sae nd" aete a/IinA nAro hr
Nest Yyou net- at. DThrt's ARNILDLD
*taleoa_______1__,_:_ta __________otainifs oi its siinseasit , rsi.lnm- thei: I oceli toilcition tndotatagoeg-i- -aacassecakeesiTeaydeY. t
51e s fo your clthes bectise youcan'tyb
Advance f therwiceinspieofteA ls i hiaP(nigiaIttssidwlb d e cl/ othni E IM s -avW ihllrns o

a..s e clothes muade to moeasure by DRY PLATES
Ed. V. Price & Co., of Chicago, _______
ii futr-Irfusluaulibetyujfus suegsint th-t retil fronm your choice" of 500 handsome
fabrics, for 3 to less than any
us u/sets/s hv o x5(x:aiouscul inth/sut u/, -isal tailor's charge and also give you x-
the additional advantage of unequalled 4- 0
'lI '( lt1I'i l INK C'O. workmaanship and correct style
Our Tailoring Department 5 X7 - 900
SEE OUR WINDOW!Ii dong an excellent business with
_ those we have learned how to be well
dressed at all times at a very reason-
able cost Look over our cloths and
WY THE - VUP PLY fashiosn figures andy on'll see why. E. E. CALKINS
roa ' a s F 123 E. Liberty St. 324 South State Street
11Washington E Th e Randall Studio, Ran dall -.& Pack Props. iPhoe 506

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