The Michigan Daily
Vol'. XIX.
W. D) Lane Claimis Warnings
'lam Against Misunderstanding Are
Disregarded by Readers.
Th ent in attemptedl by tite o1)l1-
i< s (aatd i yeterays1'issue o1 The
rail t c nar1row1111s1olit ( I si 0' 111 d11(
ad an11110c0 rare 'oiousto e11011010 Nor
these lopics, 11(1 111011nd 1poli ica ti
11nc, c t,11111 1 a1111111 and11( vittl. I
m11it 1in 1deti il te '11c1l 11110 Iof th11' 1111-
timl; us ally dc at 111111' 1I 111I1l It
l ,lt t enin i a g r ceta o
hat I or to:1 t ,< MANY HALFTONESi
tIC itil;il~iiN'IFii .\T hI 11) S'i IC I~ ItPb P U T R
jteirt ure.111 by lthist'.I 1110an tattoty
shttttldtititaltowit stomeolitteo 1110se11-da
1ssu110 From111this too111arettitfer ltat
spoil,'i'tary, hIitottialttt do thtat
academc'11 itha1t currentttO. soial iterttil
ture0more protgoil us0 inI Itounot thani
evtrttt o rootttto to to 1 o ofthet itotldt
eoroutslyottt i 'metiting isl alwt
tocdup11i011thinkter tttetetoytheire ttthoa
saythatioototttt solitd tsittquetitn
ierary, httis o t trtio ftttr liltgttous oesithet
darousipIibiity of heir bcomin
aaeicOislsimply inchia'OR lysa4 il-
she tige0 d'n e tes oge t't1ttil all hIto r yst em111 watsl toe oito pic11110
he leases it, 1helhs 11 1t1'tuit y t int 1usotettintheot'm toetingofthtt frtes11m111111
a deltt 11-,1conItsttoo mtttitudeoll Iich titthed Sturday111 onin1g.1
11111 1:mv ill an001 n i c o lii cal i t 1101111 thehno oyse thst beensIl
g 1100111 'l '['his1has 1no t endeied:it "lt ad1otd 11111th110departme1nt11as1a11111111
c~tanw 1ede'iitltihe ttt tslihavellbut is t ito th eio n o f ea11c1 11011
()n: tittttt tf t t.cltlttl 11111quo ' ted petor-toi ie o1ecie d i a "Tte
c tay ttitdthtI lit 'did1not11 11111e1ithlt'exami111atio1 Iand ototepttt'anoil wh
1110011 li wln~ o crpt ionslwttisrgrsterltot omte hc
:t nrl-M or hstrs I oe. lithinits rcomn ds ilL ti e fai l egi ngti e
sp~rei i 1w hepit i thatofren ier.T Ce me ics a iaiw\ le C 4411
it111r11snrrm hi ito o n- Obt ectsd'to hh 1111111 thelt dgtto ihss t he 111
den 1ntion 1f itss 11er.11ny1 ne11111itt01 eittceottoii 11100oof 10 t oe cauter otouin lth
A(Wc1111"mtittseces 11ritynr ow. il~tl repIt ing1111 T101111111 aysttortsts ottoirooto-
Frontispiece of J Hop Number
Contains Picture of President
Augell-Will Appear Feb. 1.
One 1110f'the imostat' tr ti <tioreSofl
th1I-tiseo h 111ItoIIs wicis
'Is'apill' F1111a1111, i111o1he t'oiiIn
tro n o~o oToteof i lltbo stt ered 11011 o ulit
th ags, t oitoi k h t ories'1101 a1d11 ari-
1iec1 will10 ' bl 1a 1 11ictu 01111f1Presid100
:An e11f1usedoi onnec0tttio wth tdi
1toral tlcommem lo tti i ihtith hioth-l
Itv The tt 11 11 it 011111-4 str 1wih sof h
lra itngs astllutrato1110 ,1111 t here11 i willt
lblt' '101 oflftoe11 setttt th1t11
>olie1st 011y ICw h i is 1111'cted1to' at-
1110t souse atteton deals itt i II myIt
teroll wllooftIttl itt'and1d0a1h111 "It ew
111111 hilt 11111 1111111110 ot her00111
el t'e lstry" Io Iteilementa1110a11 of
anit -lo11n11 ritt fst rike f1 hr11e0a
ill ivy tot I ll s 1o ch tid. ho' astt' t ory1 i ll
hol an '111 0 interestinga lgoy. The re 1101-
der1 ofIth01111011z1111e110111 h 1e1fi l l ith'
1101inle 11catoositdoot esoft h
h no ru d111 ep10 a0rtm t.tittt 101 fciot
hill Ioriscatsif CS hu io-I lpCn
b tou oltoi11htio quri tiodset so_11l,
oooeaoti ittoreeedionl h BIlCotks 1o00'-
1101ou '.11011 1 iia Cos and1t1eirlgueI.1.
tistol 1111111ha t tt tntattoo atth
glop11 ibi tteIt' w i t elooge 110111nbsu l
andltot la11111 o01011ehthe o oi-
lostoo. to ottott 0 bo~t'lutttcent11 ast -ood____ as___ possi______ e___ in__ every_____ way.__
hitnopettal enttledlo "ReCoolidiungo
1111111 11willot e 1giv 111a tlho ajsito t
tthIato ustito Ja11111010, t i 4 PM.,
underlo te auspiuceos oflteCotYW.C
Ka lt I,.Stolck 11and itilude to folowoo
RdRligIl ool h\ tWiltudttli loloito hWtott itotarlo
\l tilorus oftt'ttttoo'.ide il aep r
Ini Iiorder that (liet'nteio o f t he l Ito ~-
cordOitil o' twit iteo r 00i t.i 100110.s it'e
lootlin1111co01111itee00 at adetootl e ltl
Io I Itoto t o liii toithrough hih rou t ts.Ior
'more itftn Ito to ryo u tileto olitittll
Noiht 1toeoort:oonit' heioo toiorh otis
110ra 110tically sil c m ltd, theo o 1comm itee
$84'. 001 i1111un11,1 toth to$112poloo
tor erectioooCtho terior,001 oamoooois 1
$107,000 tohitleo foil hot s ie Ir s litserii-
lo. amounOOItingtoo $t7,.otonoly011'$qgoooo
ha cii id in.ttt'tileithIlardtooo rege Its
voenapop11111t1ionots I ooo totthel'
111don thIllsnitilntht 111 theomit.
te 0ris0 1 ito ioo o ('is tot reo'remoainsiti
I 'tout'oo tltui oed litbove t a loibt soouh-oo
10111 ,it he 1110goents'opolpatul isoni, i
totbothsed wittoleothaoutonelo'dtetd
a o IW f iitO, atul l'taiditt' i i$36,-
hh ln or il\ot o i le i oonlud
04ms titain arttgolltyIwitohan aistCIoritiomo
havotingoaso'atfng1capai ty otttiiandb an0
for 1001h 01e w ometortoo 0eginth i n.teio100
1W00rk1111n 010bo 0u101N O o Itelhist ittwi4ll
tions areiorthcoming
TI ap l tisttigned011 by01111 t b its B.
. Im'tSot'. 0100nkloon 11101' ran
"To thos0001 oliout uito oilhae solotot
,t dioo it'aken a oiigopatCin ti otoertaingh
noo d our name oht'iitothe lits ofolooo i
(hir 'l't'l 101 1010001' lmta Ciima ot oo ndtheibr'
inter10101nicommemorating thr
t'111o oN Too' 1Ioo''lO hio $ t'l''l- o''
tolIo' upotioon t oh ss mtito n llitoha1001
to))wekwll olit'1n0 io oto mltwthot
b i'eCTtothe 0101iciganboUionolousbto
IhoutMangerloxot hot' odcided'totg te
repoe ole orontotolom'fmbersK.oto
Midthet~irto'diesfloo m Thursday00,1'itieb-i
stil } t. ltefloigMna
Comedy Club's Second Perform-
ance Should Be a Superb Pro-
duction, Says St. John.
'I'l( Dillyodurong temd-ese
per~idtisilt gointoprOtt esltbt t' C'101
edy tlu thfomumaking toits peet,
known Iast igi"lit a 111rge utunherI of o
ceding tit, pertolformneofthe itih0100'
ily wtll heobiiodthi hr pses
by hhiiaomo Gillette Wh001111e ture the~ bt
CuiitedlS"itels owithto Ilts' hdmiralell.
Corcton." Crchlo toot s overnorlothe
islan tol pontt~ li which Orettranded1001 t
oreateotofil'iiglist Inobiloitly,'is he ott tol
Mr. S. Johnotr001.11100101mto 4111
'i'Tesda i'tghit t d ool im oo tatotimo til
blhe petrfotrtmancet'' wiilot'e0r1ehearsig' t.
attiro intiaoltopertormanceooooootils ottt~
toi le ta supeb oduclltiiitin," Ihestiliwhen i
itffoin' Dettoi t F iday.t"b f t he li uIlilt
ishnof tmor1eboleaedth. Ititi'o o wt h
ohp'lay thI sha 'l 1101illing t cetfl e
onib~lilityI lorthItofaut."
boo'sexpetedoothttoovtr\hti lt tilh
reo ved f'o' rootothis, bitt s ttonid tnolllst
locaol 011 ootilt01011 ott itse plato
IC\R'1C4 111,1II IC ITit AihNS
"Sl'l'V '\" 1141M4001 ii
Henry hillo I tiit o 0tor- ttaito'''t o'
vasot inhe110Hiouseit ot110110rit
h0000s iiof hi Ileption tommteo l e
tr'o'oh oolotoittFidy v ig. shouthilleri
1th. 'th'oarm recetionh' ivtiol"Tot
er mti thtoo 411100e' i ott -\l~r
lo hie ht 1 eto oh o t f in
01.01titde t ward il' I dr1a10 m11011 lot iii
pose ro'o oughou l ihtso' ot hoot ht't.o
h"iI milolo io i ttensely titere ted it he t 101
110101 a bitiou lot { dra atits
ohooootto l peopletare1t110110n"sithattare re
4hs ohthitoreootithe 01001ssio
mlono andtgsmoreu'atoothibe 111n1we0g1 n
rally tinotk.
Oitgroat'1stOworbk o t uut oe oothio
iberatiio fti1hio'Amhotiotnttt ahge,
Ohio'ld saw'witog uothilsittion h at ii s bt
otttoh hainstdown ttooto deattthetlt
ulthiatlod ot heII .01110 iti ofb tsbitei
Cply isgtoi e roI Nwt o rkttii cr it 1110itics.i
Ai 0' c ci ohto oa ltogroun till montoo theohu
metool tanhiowritoeo'su ohatoms theooi
ooudgmooont impluotn toando(elliohlnt.001
"If thero is. 0111 anythinog totdohiorll
theo forhoto toooildathic o eoooeiorite0
tt M\iciogaonsthat bi. ity ower, uooI sital
oiniy bIto ogla"Ito bolaceo' my~sl oh yoooo
llatic, uhicy dsc ss loeht tdot toot
ooteed pon
o to ;m ot 111reparedii iitoladmit 11e
iii thmth hitolitticai l oieconomic
1101101 arebteontto.hooathsinto heis-
los 1,1(1th 1on 0y on tto. i h toor iis-
tooth i.oIto te i511' wo0011di wht-
tell,,r t0tha t en oInthboofirt hp101000 thio
01101 <Iisi 1 otO all lbus~iness 00101dhI Not
acalof i her atis h:\lctogan outn'0111t1
t o uinesstutu in tbteotrit 0sense
il ii101ho t hiier . n iluit ng cttt ontfes-
01101 000was gldeinth lis conntiton by11'a
Itbirth ofl tihe'gentlemeni (ifootdiin yester-
d 'sD iy Ilie said:bo "I1 tootstr-otglh'
te opiion thabot iithe questins fourodo-
.. ..i_ . ..... I- ... _ i .1
as juniors those having ;6. and
1110 hllol otso l uto~e ],Vn'obooooII'o 'o'
o'ti bo s 1001 0 001FOR SE. 101 lofi\ O uth
o'o theseiorso<noil eaeioltoiebohh
eiltensionhtsi 'of to dteoot' s itings oriutiu
las loh o 1' toth " hboto iho }ott . o h ell I t
toe 'ort oilMihi anenosian ultooboo boothtoo
Ohio 1ac ltlhtbooethotg"raptiers ho've not
boe' orkig iorht' tihuuffcet raopidityitboo
enaoble ill t1100 niorsto gtol thiuot hioe
timl imi ut. ihbor00 will be totexcusetowst
if 00010y0010101 00 tot10100eseteinthtoohit
0011 annul.
hFhRSTi' I NIl 41' I \N C HUCRCH'i
C out r too as oto inI to ts.
C tol I'ito 4oSuday.t
o:i) 101. i 41olouoornngsoervieo.' Sihtioi
"IIt44"ohlswithi thioChoild'"
i i :,o'.01 ,u U niteritoysoStudento'uis hb'e
Clas, ondctedtoby hut 'lb 1101.
t:o 1tblt 4n. 1V R.CP. ho. tddrss byi
Prof. J.44'.Scollb
7 :30 to. iVeiuitugso'rvice,. owiiotutal
110101by ro. GC'. i.Cooleotnlo
"ClIbhtour Logislaitiont.-
McMILLAN HALL Judge H. A. Lockwood I11 SUNDAY
6:30 P. M. Of the 38th Judical Circuit/ JAN. 24