The Michigan Daily \NA RBOR, IFCITIG AN.SL\NI) Nk, JA~NUAXRY24,rc. 0 o 7 Vol'. XIX. DEBATING TOPICS AGAIN DISCUSSED W. D) Lane Claimis Warnings 'lam Against Misunderstanding Are Disregarded by Readers. Th ent in attemptedl by tite o1)l1- i< s (aatd i yeterays1'issue o1 The rail t c nar1row1111s1olit ( I si 0' 111 d11( ad an11110c0 rare 'oiousto e11011010 Nor these lopics, 11(1 111011nd 1poli ica ti 11nc, c t,11111 1 a1111111 and11( vittl. I m11it 1in 1deti il te '11c1l 11110 Iof th11' 1111- timl; us ally dc at 111111' 1I 111I1l It l ,lt t enin i a g r ceta o hat I or to:1 t ,< MANY HALFTONESi SRhi01RiI iNf EXPENSIVE POSTERS tIC itil;il~iiN'IFii .\T hI 11) S'i IC I~ ItPb P U T R jteirt ure.111 by lthist'.I 1110an tattoty shttttldtititaltowit stomeolitteo 1110se11-da 1ssu110 From111this too111arettitfer ltat spoil,'i'tary, hIitottialttt do thtat academc'11 itha1t currentttO. soial iterttil ture0more protgoil us0 inI Itounot thani evtrttt o rootttto to to 1 o ofthet itotldt eoroutslyottt i 'metiting isl alwt tocdup11i011thinkter tttetetoytheire ttthoa saythatioototttt solitd tsittquetitn ierary, httis o t trtio ftttr liltgttous oesithet darousipIibiity of heir bcomin aaeicOislsimply inchia'OR lysa4 il- i she tige0 d'n e tes oge t't1ttil all hIto r yst em111 watsl toe oito pic11110 he leases it, 1helhs 11 1t1'tuit y t int 1usotettintheot'm toetingofthtt frtes11m111111 a deltt 11-,1conItsttoo mtttitudeoll Iich titthed Sturday111 onin1g.1 11111 1:mv ill an001 n i c o lii cal i t 1101111 thehno oyse thst beensIl g 1100111 'l '['his1has 1no t endeied:it "lt ad1otd 11111th110departme1nt11as1a11111111 c~tanw 1ede'iitltihe ttt tslihavellbut is t ito th eio n o f ea11c1 11011 ()n: tittttt tf t t.cltlttl 11111quo ' ted petor-toi ie o1ecie d i a "Tte c tay ttitdthtI lit 'did1not11 11111e1ithlt'exami111atio1 Iand ototepttt'anoil wh 1110011 li wln~ o crpt ionslwttisrgrsterltot omte hc :t nrl-M or hstrs I oe. lithinits rcomn ds ilL ti e fai l egi ngti e sp~rei i 1w hepit i thatofren ier.T Ce me ics a iaiw\ le C 4411 it111r11snrrm hi ito o n- Obt ectsd'to hh 1111111 thelt dgtto ihss t he 111 den 1ntion 1f itss 11er.11ny1 ne11111itt01 eittceottoii 11100oof 10 t oe cauter otouin lth A(Wc1111"mtittseces 11ritynr ow. il~tl repIt ing1111 T101111111 aysttortsts ottoirooto- ENLIVEN GARGOYLE' Frontispiece of J Hop Number Contains Picture of President Augell-Will Appear Feb. 1. One 1110f'the imostat' tr ti olie1st 011y ICw h i is 1111'cted1to' at- 1110t souse atteton deals itt i II myIt teroll wllooftIttl itt'and1d0a1h111 "It ew 111111 hilt 11111 1111111110 ot her00111 el t'e lstry" Io Iteilementa1110a11 of anit -lo11n11 ritt fst rike f1 hr11e0a ill ivy tot I ll s 1o ch tid. ho' astt' t ory1 i ll hol an '111 0 interestinga lgoy. The re 1101- der1 ofIth01111011z1111e110111 h 1e1fi l l ith' 1101inle 11catoositdoot esoft h h no ru d111 ep10 a0rtm t.tittt 101 fciot hill Ioriscatsif CS hu io-I lpCn b tou oltoi11htio quri tiodset so_11l, oooeaoti ittoreeedionl h BIlCotks 1o00'- 1101ou '.11011 1 iia Cos and1t1eirlgueI.1. tistol 1111111ha t tt tntattoo atth glop11 ibi tteIt' w i t elooge 110111nbsu l andltot la11111 o01011ehthe o oi- lostoo. to ottott 0 bo~t'lutttcent11 ast -ood____ as___ possi______ e___ in__ every_____ way.__ hitnopettal enttledlo "ReCoolidiungo 1111111 11willot e 1giv 111a tlho ajsito t tthIato ustito Ja11111010, t i 4 PM., underlo te auspiuceos oflteCotYW.C Ka lt I,.Stolck 11and itilude to folowoo RdRligIl ool h\ tWiltudttli loloito hWtott itotarlo \l tilorus oftt'ttttoo'.ide il aep r FIN UhI. .hI'hI, iFCOC FUNDS Ini Iiorder that (liet'nteio o f t he l Ito ~- cordOitil o' twit iteo r 00i t.i 100110.s it'e lootlin1111co01111itee00 at adetootl e ltl Io I Itoto t o liii toithrough hih rou t ts.Ior 'more itftn Ito to ryo u tileto olitittll Noiht 1toeoort:oonit' heioo toiorh otis 110ra 110tically sil c m ltd, theo o 1comm itee $84'. 001 i1111un11,1 toth to$112poloo tor erectioooCtho terior,001 oamoooois 1 $107,000 tohitleo foil hot s ie Ir s litserii- lo. amounOOItingtoo $t7,.otonoly011'$qgoooo ha cii id in.ttt'tileithIlardtooo rege Its voenapop11111t1ionots I ooo totthel' 111don thIllsnitilntht 111 theomit. te 0ris0 1 ito ioo o ('is tot reo'remoainsiti I 'tout'oo tltui oed litbove t a loibt soouh-oo 10111 ,it he 1110goents'opolpatul isoni, i totbothsed wittoleothaoutonelo'dtetd a o IW f iitO, atul l'taiditt' i i$36,- hh ln or il\ot o i le i oonlud 04ms titain arttgolltyIwitohan aistCIoritiomo havotingoaso'atfng1capai ty otttiiandb an0 for 1001h 01e w ometortoo 0eginth i n.teio100 1W00rk1111n 010bo 0u101N O o Itelhist ittwi4ll tions areiorthcoming TI ap l tisttigned011 by01111 t b its B. . Im'tSot'. 0100nkloon 11101' ran "To thos0001 oliout uito oilhae solotot ,t dioo it'aken a oiigopatCin ti otoertaingh noo d our name oht'iitothe lits ofolooo i (hir 'l't'l 101 1010001' lmta Ciima ot oo ndtheibr' inter10101nicommemorating thr t'111o oN Too' 1Ioo''lO hio $ t'l''l- o'' tolIo' upotioon t oh ss mtito n llitoha1001 to))wekwll olit'1n0 io oto mltwthot b i'eCTtothe 0101iciganboUionolousbto IhoutMangerloxot hot' odcided'totg te repoe ole orontotolom'fmbersK.oto Midthet~irto'diesfloo m Thursday00,1'itieb-i stil } t. ltefloigMna TO BOOM CRICHTON Comedy Club's Second Perform- ance Should Be a Superb Pro- duction, Says St. John. 'I'l( Dillyodurong temd-ese per~idtisilt gointoprOtt esltbt t' C'101 edy tlu thfomumaking toits peet, known Iast igi"lit a 111rge utunherI of o ceding tit, pertolformneofthe itih0100' ily wtll heobiiodthi hr pses by hhiiaomo Gillette Wh001111e ture the~ bt CuiitedlS"itels owithto Ilts' hdmiralell. Corcton." Crchlo toot s overnorlothe islan tol pontt~ li which Orettranded1001 t oreateotofil'iiglist Inobiloitly,'is he ott tol Mr. S. Johnotr001.11100101mto 4111 'i'Tesda i'tghit t d ool im oo tatotimo til blhe petrfotrtmancet'' wiilot'e0r1ehearsig' t. attiro intiaoltopertormanceooooootils ottt~ toi le ta supeb oduclltiiitin," Ihestiliwhen i itffoin' Dettoi t F iday.t"b f t he li uIlilt ishnof tmor1eboleaedth. Ititi'o o wt h ohp'lay thI sha 'l 1101illing t cetfl e onib~lilityI lorthItofaut." boo'sexpetedoothttoovtr\hti lt tilh reo ved f'o' rootothis, bitt s ttonid tnolllst locaol 011 ootilt01011 ott itse plato IC\R'1C4 111,1II IC ITit AihNS "Sl'l'V '\" 1141M4001 ii Henry hillo I tiit o 0tor- ttaito'''t o' vasot inhe110Hiouseit ot110110rit h0000s iiof hi Ileption tommteo l e tr'o'oh oolotoittFidy v ig. shouthilleri 1th. 'th'oarm recetionh' ivtiol"Tot er mti thtoo 411100e' i ott -\l~r lo hie ht 1 eto oh o t f in 01.01titde t ward il' I dr1a10 m11011 lot iii pose ro'o oughou l ihtso' ot hoot ht't.o h"iI milolo io i ttensely titere ted it he t 101 110101 a bitiou lot { dra atits ohooootto l peopletare1t110110n"sithattare re 4hs ohthitoreootithe 01001ssio mlono andtgsmoreu'atoothibe 111n1we0g1 n rally tinotk. Oitgroat'1stOworbk o t uut oe oothio iberatiio fti1hio'Amhotiotnttt ahge, Ohio'ld saw'witog uothilsittion h at ii s bt otttoh hainstdown ttooto deattthetlt ulthiatlod ot heII .01110 iti ofb tsbitei Cply isgtoi e roI Nwt o rkttii cr it 1110itics.i Ai 0' c ci ohto oa ltogroun till montoo theohu metool tanhiowritoeo'su ohatoms theooi ooudgmooont impluotn toando(elliohlnt.001 feirless "If thero is. 0111 anythinog totdohiorll theo forhoto toooildathic o eoooeiorite0 tt M\iciogaonsthat bi. ity ower, uooI sital oiniy bIto ogla"Ito bolaceo' my~sl oh yoooo llatic, uhicy dsc ss loeht tdot toot ooteed pon o to ;m ot 111reparedii iitoladmit 11e iii thmth hitolitticai l oieconomic 1101101 arebteontto.hooathsinto heis- los 1,1(1th 1on 0y on tto. i h toor iis- tooth i.oIto te i511' wo0011di wht- tell,,r t0tha t en oInthboofirt hp101000 thio 01101