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January 19, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-01-19

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Th~e Mict n - )ily
;\,NN \1{B17R \IIIU\\ i s)Y.f L\iA' ) ))

V\%t,. XIX.

A\udent Conmmittee Is Organized t
to Watch Over the Studies oft
Promising Athletes.
Nas eoo t the ctIolt- lo Jsi n Nilttlo-
da ~ien Fc1111111can the Comtin tt
vvil t he tls '.ltiitthe Iame o --leant tiho
whosewoikhe ill atch I ad1
rep rt 1o-te ca111( \1t of the1 III tou t ii it
Tlli; (it is oped. iad t eil yII ill
it 1o lle 1111,,0 1 t r l )t 11 r0 next
11W C n~clllls tf t~l 1 111 11 Ii te l lt
i" \;>t hat111 he1 .great fault atIN 1present
\\1i1 Dil- atlt:>tlldrit'.lot ';tUilmuchi11
la k lf ln tei~ ;> l ure oift t he 11111 l i-
Ni > 1t) 1eep upill the- icL NI'. N\ wor\.

noivt11inte ilI 111(1taniyEfforsaAre
on 111he board.0Theltl t-radua11tcdiletr n s o
sha1l1lt c11101hold 1 to te o cat il tin C A n CA ho
te ill oi o~o , t c ytilt l i ch F
tec.1,.tthetoard'.sttll fltvatcanctIis
thS t i n o theiiIresetive o't i i
itervaanie sal e iled by th A nlort 11
hoar1111d I fr itcnidaites foi te sm
umi 1,.l- it depar lmet in i chli t heil va- tt ith11 the11 cit
1 lt-I til ittol Intaeo n i oe i;caie
S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hs a sNtitel11111' tilit
ith associatioo or t ermti inatiliiin t nlsit eres111' ts
,peit meetling-oailthtreinater povided.tin t o ec

GO DFOR v It 11 tEagt1111i I I 11111 Te lbGARGOYLE BOASTS
t~ ~ l ~ \ \ l d a f r p c n ldR Y S T A T I O N t ~ I , ,t: 1 1 1 c l c c c n t o G ~ 7 o L I T E R A R Y L I G H T S
3eing MadeliogtaiiePersonnel of Boards Which Will
-eig ad t IR 11 . Ni- t1 o tedt 111111lo egic-
aBuilding---City of11 , y11 tc ~iProduce New Ilaga-iine is An-
Provides Site. _~l nounced-- Lee White Is Editor.

I h -
olic~ll hal lu, VCV ll
lIId1 , 1111Iicc t~t

1'I ;I 17


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clw a il~ tll dcs

lkl\c v,(:it
t the ut i - a VIII Ila
Ivc all (it:
Ii:l) dill )tl
1 lit" C'tllt
t1w ("till
Ik'tll 1'%ill I
clltcti t?.
, . . Illattl

11011ad o if tor, fri "'l Ca
P T _M I_ _ Y O U R g l g - i Ilth e n e w Il t e r ayl a g z i e ,h1
WAY W I'i C)[ ilt gilA-I'. itilchosen iandit rom no c it wil1hav
charIgit 'tie tiofli the tlrod ical.ti c .W ht
Ila f~ rt ilo g ters wl-.l h m na in e itr. Thli Itt Iil
it11 i h fV11ar 1 flow ideliill h n e-1h0ieton ,fIy
l c -it cac t avey u titan t1,. lBr1on,111111 r11 editr : Donal
-I tmnll t,>sgl ( it te exhagi e itroAiatti 1iw llW
the imn.1ll1brinely. oithelnl 111 ar1'.
'All clio l~s sho l ii1i ut Th C ntib to s' stll11r he1r,
cia-, tatstis fr te OW lht ttiatnitI laini' .11 D1 mu1d11 Il ie.R y
c ditli-s hef)re he e d A he m verliii'' 11111d1 1111111It.11041-
rIINISt 1tudni, ((tiltte Wtltert lll a Ni a N
and 1 r tstorytel ler, the Aho1 ut one-hal1f1 111 i11 the11>1 ttnnnihcr
spac fo setingdownthe willbe evotd lilt llllo lMr. lin
M(Ws O th saio~s. The , e~orofthi deart en, hait Ns 1111ai t1o
)bor are-~l t10 itt hlt'. 11(in1 id 111111 xp-it nc as a115 IltitO 1 -111 )
Clipped fro oilli ter ttltt-t

, ,.
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,I 1 r i t > 11 11ilt
) f I I c-t ack c~r 1I. 11

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clases lltisnutiTh -quratine ,aac fril uoui the Iaceoof the-annualt
re till 111 111 1 0are 11no t 11ly 110'e. ' 1 -t he ho rs Oleiht (l- itland
0-11111 lr, it"" 111 1 . i ooi 'to.r- i(1 )ll .it n- i ot-oi ttg-
101-111and ttw i ilt ee in, pit e h usstA t.i'.i1 il s an D ck u 1

- 1a1a11 r l t -' (1 n \, 11
{\31 11 ?r I Ii llr l '1I(~ r l 1
{ 111 lx i i l t '- ! TiO r w f


-Ilcc - A l I' k1 I t i the ect ary'sli
::l'.': t~w s nl~dc a thecnd o tach
l t r. 1{1 In i t 11 - 1111110'. l
',\ 111 hf~m they have feel
i ,'till . \(1; :- ttell ~ - - 11Onc 1point
), rc_ ;nll s nd t on duM lacal ile
tlcilldt llp> I cc ca c-oaflas

IS Is ' . I,.A
l; .it' 1111101 itt ill1 i
totll tdl e l lt'. es>0 ill'.
W At t wsll (w lig, 111111r
Nod s.th u~c " v c

1 '! ._ ... ..........

crlot-to-ti-will h111-1-0~loi
LIX Iii'l'L7TiI lilt'11 11?7
IL lltlti>tt I 1fro11 Sun ittltit 5

illu ofhi1tam an0'he.'. IlltotI cc i t ttltttt -.
shall h is d tyto oo1atera 11 '.ca 1 t rjtthltt 1- f r> Ill

Sec.. Thtbord fti trs shaill uch ouulMer shll iss(ue1(0 1 0all tirtitogit
hays thetlle''.11-' supers 1 It 1of the. af-t:ithe Columnsooofttheit llc 1, it dily-tuuP<t.
firs' ii o t (sscil tti ct '' lIon nIgnrl l or cn idteItt oLthe positionl.
]I p ss hlt.lttontroi l l asstt an-dti d-l esilload fdi. - ssal elc
iatm ta gameos: shall haveto ipowe-r(to 'ai'tL'1'11(11'S NIt-Nee toIheIn ow a
mak b -(ltas '.for tthe -'. it of10(11 he1101 itt1e1o511 e0spO ctA'.ive fep '1'
Lor n tantingti o m10-m1itIto itoshall 1 tsoftuuatetics (an to oohll wor
dlii n cht'. otsh' tpoe ,th1e ectliindttlandiill co1111110-nhitthAtte Ntttolt1c-
1e ..a tc lit co o ii ht t olls. 1)m ng li to irlu tto-ir o
the iIterl Ihto iii ntit 1'.0 S oft the Nl (um TOI' e tot (tiln itottto tt)
pi de for -

"m tt wNitt c frsr-1t e n r
. ; ltth itoe '.1 tl' tlt l I till he111 II I
83 lyttoo feet, wi l lilt-- ttack .lc AW I
upto Aii.ttIt-till te o Tm vn il
I nediicat 1 oadmitanaQCo
lilt onsin tilt to It t he tii ;

ui~niicltir~ ihru bo 1(t 1 IN'I wichl hiwi ll speak g t haitt ilu S.
,Iep itane3t. Linitti
It I'. l~t 111 1)I wastieiwholist o'.i- 1(4 d
T (\.IX1_LI (itt 1(1(1 1andtis ~ideaitctiinotpraNic11I
of' it. (il 01 i'gi' re 'a. c Mi.itcIt uit
i" of Eni-mck tals o 1110M niht ic e.It l oie i o fn at
110111t tt net1 (ovhi t hun is a tong peake. X -illi
in I w r itt , s o w n t ein t t 1hi s (i I 5 11 f e l tI L ie h s 141 0la o n , t i i n . T e t ll o s y a d h n w sh~« s
s Wckwil avcto(l wth hewok l ear, 'werulNvice.IN N
Or. Quack ti ii and ithop i ci'. )' as~, X~ \N

It-, de

I111.1 ti:N

c 1c I-'.- N -'-ttt--havc111resieit it
lic 'illip ila 1 lnds pa too lofthei

"In c~l dillLvi - Nv 1 i t-t
re in , o oh itil tli l ti]ct. i
"as .ttetill'.on flora INlIt h pfr h S a di v -,I]ill'. 1


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