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January 23, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-01-23

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TheMichigan Dail y

No. 86.

Vat._. XIX.

Changes in Rules Make That,
j~Step Possible, and it Would:
Elevate Athletic Standards.
Th i ri lh-ispill ink iithe Januiary:
\iA~lunnias Justissueat I 111Iatilipthe are

that it efc tually prevssnts tiny hack-
wairdid tepis. Iititl(licefar casier for
onil uiveiyt o leii it downaitthe i-ale-,
titan lfor suchIiani sit iiii/atitsiQas he
tliiiiiiaii lihelimist aetectiveaargu-
ment Iperhaips for the conferentatce is tore
or less altriistic,-the ilfluni c if its
soldarity liii sutsill c icllagga-. with
iwouilid resiltin a viery genitral leationt
if attilitic sitaildairds ila sititillcr col-
erlintnyin theia iiest. hut evectuallytt
ini thei- is thcsui tryttit


tirn "f M\iclhigsi an ilithe tslataiicie- --
sntil lssfotrcgraiteicnts firisitplsace;'l RlTSllDEi'
lint Aiciiganit -sldesi rais if returtingslip \tN C('0
atat hers retursist Ilishe welcomedla
ya ills the 511 c ssliecs.A iiho lct
st i itiasc thisatilst Jogsiat i is liii stben i

\SlIlfV'l 'ION ill TI Xlii)
etitle"C onltiserai tion"i liat
sacslIby theiUiteditaste,
, It casis ecerpts fro

st~i is slisn ar ssCiii-opt. Aifl t the l adrsti-arc 'aitarrcl st thts-\'titc

p1t ing talt:. R sarvaidsaits fur this still
SOIA UCCESS ISo epae i aeattebo trsilOPINIONS CLASH
aste clay
ASSURED TO J HOP nidjntoth, l;t illtbea . lj:, AMONG DEBA TERS
pila hratll QeetteosuChosenoorVarsit
Special Musical Programs, Novel tc,"eetevrosfaente ilQetosCoe o ast
Decorativ Featurepand vBri enteita iirtainmant furItaeir fair
Decoraaive Featurestanaiftica thf Debates Are Too Technical
liant Electrical Effects Used. -.PeAriat rctn tth e utB o a tes
I \Vlit tat iwill bithella ft-ieat-e if Satturdasy
Schlsptltni ia lst icaa ss l-sahaeben tieill oonsi whle iiiln s theev-inti itill Itake- Apropoisioft f ha artiutismiiof ts-lar.
-sslat-il 1i- sic-liscit J l st hatili it is p ulaetlt, evra isoitlsd a stcet gitt-tiblip rawneass if subljeats if dteisncite-s
dilficit toii arrtt tang tistl tave t jhcht sill lthe 11111,Xa 1 clines. int F'ridca's issne- if i-Tt- I Isily, 1lists
surpass hilsfort s i lotie-- aris, ye'- TitIbloods a deitis il Its fotllois ngtp siatls
strivin ts o lit.sIt if ititliost nsval elect HAV ITU NEDI Di OWN ttlFFl -I rathe hartlt-licl itimcia ntejsi t.
trial iffets titlim st stiii ip decaeare aw-I a recistit- omesti f thtia (i iesi -
tins, i- tit list sstirtljing siiipriss. andt i tic ii ci . (ia.. Jstit. 22.-1Ity \ss iat lionstat lad to ilt-teit asrs-nt ca s ros
te o s illen t cilg,, 1111 i ill acci - elPres.- s-issiaoted lth aiejaititit sir is interesting ais suits- if silour t i
p is tthi scd tten itae j Ifop tsIt ito l issiiW'he lsaclero teU iversity if C1j al cs tiouildl jit like tsv tem.ts '
jaruv Ps- ticisity ;5«i1il at sist in t iIls' slitilli ha s e iset ilti offes lis t hearesi c rust rm mbri wvriat at ui t halititlist ions
soit itoryliii Mic hi g a n U ivsersityidisicii ofi tse, Uivcrsity of i chtiansti osr deaite- itlst bc itrss i n ordielris
as 1 tit list ntale hopitasic Ilit ll Wheil its- is-tueitt-cil etsat- sl toi negal to ita i-t-isse ltwe-eit sd-s. 'Ilic
As is-cistomsita iary the tho tiwill beIc - iii br ):list questiontit detac tic h iij tsier Wss
atlaed iby si fitr~rets cetiota heli a I ll t___________________haetitlstt-cal iis evsic rc hadsit asids I its
opnn i i iat:shand itarchi citdiby A aS. iS . LR Is l i P1 I MAGlAZINI % ntt ltitta-cn w -{)ttsctifite Aial tt I
chairman jcftil. rhalt ion comi ttee. ---. Noir1111 atth 5 t tcl ci a ndii tt \-il s (lija's ti s-it
Abos t ti I i ts 111 c-il cisil1 lit caci I cr. tlt, noi ted t i ne il taal titi lp c-iil At-Iii
wiill sit tis asc(iilfilea titrctiv-c- Igptt-c-s of lutditr, s list ill dc-lice ad dsitress onl thttiila qutesliitn if coititirii oftcississ as.
the marsch, iwhichs siil stuiesn Isd Iin c A I lit-tiA. pogri am, tFeb suay io.,tiill blis s wtas a narwir btrseineldsolinns ilstans of teseaneraielt lsifo m l aqutihrewa -qesistirratr ners
lu tderl ta t iplt- tst po rilts it I t i I t it 1111111 bhsit . ii iii f sattistowlici la h ti-is i iisitt ifpct tl
1st~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ta sistcli iiritt ii sspiii~i t .tt iiiits lts ils tl ctha- acoitrolsof ii s-ssiscijsss ile-
liii stnistis slatrs if tc-the U ion i llihe itscnt still ite-stu tis a nd tllnettatit in of railr-osad ras. li nt-sn
11111uteth ir-tfire-si tists he is ofIh fcuty h o i ret ntic ereii-stedl i tamra teclhtiaccl hntowleicetips- ics sit ai
is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nw la perlitand ista clistis AsWosrkalhertcs iil
its California, its fas eastsac Alassc-siuiithjsI'lansi tiii f eitica on proptse-ii firt- e l iii a ebts t(
isse t ill tis-d sasisouth-ajsisLoIis ina. sua It idti dtoi stbli sh a c us iitomi ofthiiij a r 'Icts 1 iati s-Il its Al A rlasts
country, s Canad still itlSO heits ic-Is eitos \votit s stitse ~ iiiiic-siti-, as lis s t n itf ta ith fn a e i)1
e ttidbccl on se erl ime Il he as. r1 iii c5 s1 1 usd(if stl 1 (ilif r1111- 55

andi 55-s5 suit jitoitecildeftostillit 5 - ecliiifereceatof piovernors wichs
scellsaygm siih Auit cunt iwas calle-d ibaiPresjisit Rosevsslt lastsi
Is cvidscnttt 5cjit c te l liiici itl t l t s ptitlist
hrsailnp in is deducitijonts or thatitilst It c-tisxtactts if the adrse
lilac- -s115555 s namedii are- lits irt'l haiti jIi'Prsidettaii \ tipsl, it list c oieliaof the t
siltssve as oi 1 sjsjs poiiasasclde\licls countr1 lys pinensisct l in it tothis
<1n. h ss-th rists -it isis sahe uiiioill O.conference. if johnitIs Ait til, fiaissa
ts Slil stil tts estudents arIlls shies ient-if lisaUtitd-ciAnt- Workesrs.
assidsithlshirspre5scntsiltattionll w st i v an addressiharc ini:sMac
i l is tat it pails-s rlls fotud 0 t ro-rastofittheus- denicsts' l-atirr
:upons-tile. s iiioritli I usiitil ils rs itlue. tusss is huh cad iofJohnusBayssFal
<tdcllbad} 101dthesworldus gr-eateast 5wining55 -
ifts 5 lu Iis- i 5 i i ihe ltiii sitiil i .I s sitsis to sitp ssa c re sittilthtil
:1 I ls 1 s I Si 5s lihgt h lm 31 a s r ) te A.TI A a itfaorm. - Plitsis
Ius. .Sli li sols . tp at as flrs a tilts -l the l dt resses at s Sitoalos :I ufs i
s-ill Is c a- i mcd iuuuus luh i-ilith I lsis of mut-it st thuatinsitthur suwhle histry of
p s i tushand t s e ihtsu --s vr - csitu to ar is Ilta seallthisic
min lrst itistattis hut iithc realcues-a s lits lit-c-it tll sscuushshscpt siuits thus
lin iv le sels t ii1 is i the n l, ieta t s s-ithedtuol sfr-tilethelisa -i
c ind s~ citu'sat ltic hoits I stitsutist if theU itedi l Sutae, utherea
ii 5 th in l\, r isi t atre stwitlls sucailestit eretusi s tiltre slitaretly lt - s
iii fcl tyft he ii un s r wtllsthis- sicld itilsusthti a-ilsfty upatrioticispiit
regents. hte ils o uthe i liis sto l tth sc tiltssim s t s e i estut edslu hunets- day.st
fecw .it i- sae o isy, ier vey utch I tatu siura that i tis still stl stills
ii spitcdiuIsvlitclh uitns witlhdraal.-reuitaIea tuitricienn
;old wou lb l eaiised \v5 1 her i n 511sae- hts lyolu, nd urt titchii tltren, ij\\ ill hib
nicn ii iidn w httevls o i ht prut hct be sbytio par.1
- iii d4; h, ofccc ac ivtttic 11111111111"
the still exet ion, prat ialtlt thi s it Iollhits h l "Inus siur lutsd rush fi fs
Sihi IIm ialight wstlls loss 11f5ignii~ity, 'Mouis ani1 llits weunolutstlt 5150 n
askifr 1 Icsis tuet 1lisapintslfor Astralvtus-st matertal Iresurceswitls
wthsi st ailttulsteco tedd av upatcally v is suitlustsas s ibounttifuly ll oweiii~d
,55press iporward515m t'. sctits til
unl s aainonecosidrsthedisnrcclt st vatrificing, ttu auessastily. this lit-cs anh
I it til f h tsnc ute. 'lissouitlinics aIth tuo fott if suits fellowu-bingus. It
polisy fit Sichsian sjihimi o htpu tstncthiuat 1us ti eua-hisasstusa Il
sue bythclrger ttcltc-s sit heast hea eshudstpfr oen1n
wichsi I ac-scliajutI tntlit <theattselvits inithil-nttalisse if thoseanuimastea
us sur I itli sit - il 555 i ils itI tilt i s-t,, ist ae fortcamftufu a ndsc prus -
in itsc~a lhauclus-u uutat cibli wuity- buthalsco of tsemnail dsutheis
listnd t s sis asiso a tc cide'td i tshthr culowuearal-uts
. wi- aidthecildrnc hsetiin
juts of s-I-uit-irs is romttu ose ls a in111tlet il eit vitationut hiss a dest andtil sill o tlw
byi Sii-anipsc 11(suthsit-westecu onctuference. tusuaesuit coutry stitchstilt tt in
Isis ctclth h ostitlist i tutu psuis .cl the lutst progressive- and lthis t ,itu - ii
ths p lc has tt woui u ,he icc ersal ts II ti it f sll the nattions tusd -u ill
Ai hititlsts tluss liaer olistiplihcies taupeoasesiftha arthi
ionNy ~uinn f he cuitnfereceand -sitprsciathy of the-it raui sup raidiiity of aexploitatliontl ass-
Slbrcollcpge swhich at- iilhitun.u
i lllfssa- si t~ adsts sut iiuponsuthus-axigentis of titsderns
th cnfrecean v-oscuspem ad nitningpanduteconoiitc lprsatica i-
luts rsis 55 ts5 this rc-sit tlistO (f he i I- it llassarmsuuinsg-iuiut f
tse I-as-ar itslligsps lT-areha>Ifs-as5 if .I tian ute lt ha -null
liii ite olcts fs-c - il sceules h sev- ioi f o r riig d stio-- s t ic b
usa sitc-r scsi us jwit othera aollgss tush scediniiidescades, anthits de'aclnsionu
luatsis fal tso bsc- si absj le.
" nst thee argumets for hme (if'n t atically its econiciexliti s
Spusss hu -asaus satsIsli l tist Inipatuaratissnlut itl canturies:
Cnrushblauvc-un-tshei tiusfits sits in iletis I I fCION CISSS C(INTl'STI
iniials tecsssfarasucar tssuresasntutulsioIS Sill' iii) 51 LASh
citeim-5pusssblilty if cagi ng-p rlses t_____
sit isletrcauis atic sof itiitu ilts yIs Ou~it sf taeielataen selectedsinii thie
ers. Sihi iuil stlistr prsn sal itliaon, classas ittllEloautin1i tite hut- eliac sht
is-sng ith isuithies goveratusabi hs rlcirhuacat Fidllsasateing. Thsewh
sesmany sdiffeanut aiililits ust is tsinrceivedl thufrstat ptas ireCA.lusts
-t as ry idiffiulsuchdsiften-us advstanh tan,-°R.-IM, h-Iuipsrmaansuth isa-s AMy-
p-ouis usosition.isatnshthein fusurtta of anltlar. 'Ihesea' usaiusrens giaen t schus
cb~teunifosrmityinsus lt's is. felt to lurtralli athe urdages idinstllrIs sc-
ha sItjgrea asin uisfor -pusport151smaniisip finireivto fix the,. first plactuan.sTis
a tic-it s3-a unsivesityjl faaling.p Tasss t final catss cateshtloctnI
irild f thus confelrenceals-thu Iehasath e sasemuaster.


thW of the u-ft-stuits wtch i lcmi n-ssh
tribute g ure iatl titeuc-essaof tiis
tutu-shop w1 aill the it-musicashltirorams.
list wtes w sill tie plsauldisy Fisaher'is
SMtKli Fir us csutau fsitslatmazooit
an Is usua ltsisitxcellet organuiationt
still i pretilt assnumber ofi itsrestingp
titch etics. lWO prluti t d itns will bea tut--
sente afIllse st ttimena bing op f
ocal uinterst in tuatthIsa ortssu weres
ititenibyhis lst 11.it Hhaitnus. s"ttwritar
ofith hook andss sulyr~ic-s if titus scuith
te oo of"lsaltupaus "Sse-
Itarts Tluts is thutiutlhc fsit t iis dIa-
icibd stilteiol shut itchiecstatetltain-
thies ,t sshill ii iiinrcettyears.
It is lutist iy, sucaesscor t I i ' lRahet
55lt i sass tiltAithYu,"witcsallmtadesch
l ist itlt hhpIcstycat. us inthur
latte dcaethin muisicdiwis wit tch by
litn Fhi'sats it, h alamazootItusimabtera

his r ssnela AMClalsratwausgpats
atd fom Galsiupg coiitsgp, hishis
huesuscu psengageditnti-isews-pert iiisapst'ftu
work s Its i t s hes-itho i s t inuu auted
ths si sitius f syndicatingsore, es
an ri lstorSiuuitis aprs. Iha
estalished ithes Hussti lsOtingp andulastseu
Ala-k1 ths Aistsuii i-iishihlus thllapius-
stase tiltmag sain oft thus huuuscut mthisullies
lwh tshchhiatbeensopiea teit- .
Sin-Shah tutu- is chic- toseaemn
inteestng ts ()EIsis magaptineawstuk.
kimi lgp nshs psll Ait hntseiliterls
i)f todays ands ifuitthes latter pau t if ths
11s1 ccnurv
Sli INhiS' (hiP 1lTSV
his ti5daIsis i ssitt day Iis itths-chali-
uls uatuuaaset. Ofuh if 3n000saunisr
ulns wtints usarepun rtluh he ausa


uOf lhesarcsrata ,wthushs lilsit acuisutusa ti ifthis l isip<lsucumanalltilehs-freshmenau
iltte uniesity hvscums ieduhes -
S'uitfGirls," withis teduicatedlltthi seslinaswiths twsll secaurationts.hFtr this
lists (-iliacpieof thesensa willmbe tmtlhaucsus st susior ss c-lusnt beeisabcti le
setltousvacrt-umoustaieillty houlis lst -w llman icsest scue blans.i No
dasys beafocrlishestiptsumtathoilcseatc- eitiisioniiif timesitsnsuit ranitediloluis-
I ahten ig splaials iteitu onu t lt: his oitrus. c-mran d ilaIsll bt shcu mi ulsst beina itottight.
lilheito-staeps ciiitiseusprgram -sill s isuu us ub-ecatnaI t
tlaedity fildrlals -puarhsubantdul of hDt- susussus sf staulntipsuisaccountuuof ihet
insuit.-sllegepsonsssswsshichlsensi uio stvehuldl
khiipg initiip utsithur sitnpsttutsifhtsu uta-ycanesen iors ihaelust heatn
andth deortioswil b th eecticl altoswisitatthisscqueistionhs Itnight,
tffect;, ushitch will nouttosumssbelitrtean he}-ushoultth tusiltheamttusha nisduaging
* elhssl-lbo stsututorestrikinsply tiusvieluscsta-thtor as s11011as Ipossile.T'thur hlaniks
at-r S satera a rbost uuPsn uu gtitia- Iutusshieafosund Iju in ll thus scamus buuihl
sinm lulls ube dapigittitanrhisthueulecomrc- ips. Tie}, iiiia-e issedul sushtimolisa
lsturshndeaecticis treca-syssefosr saenor meicslast theisitithis mmornmingp
this- lists si t hintall will ibe il sreadinsass
T his-c-sit-thus-roast uf Stsulcuuuugtm - 1'- tstausNIlls.
nsmsmmwithi its tusighitly 'itdsasnsil lisa lt-eIfirs s t wwsins-hsafteri casis
eibe comusplateh tiddenatbtspatsouldumss cutthe isichipgits kniiiiiclsuhouusea iWill hbt
sltsttuyelo adlut burusupig. mahelaasrat= lit stceis iofsmtsyu banqetis an smokerstiths.
tsp -ttommsittae lussarrantespa inumbeuir usfNc-alt its-ntyesechumphlssbhrt-i engatgedt
-suirprises ushuait ill bhrertetffectivsea usVimtiiterItsoifstudenmt oraizsahtis
-thi ma ataethe' goldeatsrunucopiat with atushi mmuts flt-etrunsas clsss.
-thi-r showier ofI buttarflieaslast yeata Sll hutsos15 whoasittsinseusouemplouy thus
As S lttmiop will hue of intert-a ltsasrvills fithlistclubhouuuust fout chitsitn
Spcaos as ells uparticiatiis, us eteu susst sho ituldh iseak us antiuipt
usssangucuus havetbetnhteaut iusthfor tha fuss t tit uncsuitn orde toa iisacureusans
Ills- illts heis apslleaf iftoitedh by the Irtilt curtlt shtt.

conlstitiutioisnll11115511511iothan a sit
hletisacsalSu iussed ~ rpsed Iis (tnks
huht fur ntfuuua-aasuhaitc-Isae I \'I
cagps bercaiuse- this Iqlistilnsh itan not1;Is
itresting ii lIlii 5s Ia s inSIishm us
"'lisamui-stionus tic: seletedaferis
and teierassustiiolorpat Wewl
psladtil usvlustsiuppuslitils flutistil--
haelssu(It ilum-sissfistsdiscuissionsill ne is
taits debtels. 'htsdebasstingp-huoard lis
aomsedscu of lisa mmitbieiss if tlifaitsilts
lidsahesrepresenatuives if f-s tir ar
saaciti 'i-ess. aults ibitauusu s-rcI lu-u
I iuchinis rfefssossSc-t, SS lpss11(
It. L.hitt si lloft-ei-debiatintmis
convuinced-htthinslii-oluitical su1andsctsut siti
mail queastiossss -houttld tske tutuir sis-c
athtcad oat ht--i-ligsionis, ascsal, literary,
athicaltiasit histornis'ca lqueastins sigt-
thIr is shut objcti-hit-i"li heslsauidcit-. if
lia-ts o fth h uatsitihut- sssst i is
tooteclahniial, mustuhast ths-asrielitso cc-
noaumicai lisahepouliil slush assist
queshtions art-aeisaones thatsImuish he is-
iussaul outl ittthe ur sine- tss huoslusnohe
q~ustissugppestedi by ths-rstatica Of
couriasesmeaustsionusat-esinlot nasy <
inrestigp o hoeasudienicsas ()flies.
Taefonrjinstanica, thus-'1 ssitisti us-M
Reaferndiiumu' question.s It is ofifnultrest
us lit- enalsu lic tbhecse, viao
tins situopintiotn onit,uwhuile- ue cstioill of
acurraincy is oly iintrestuigpo ulk
sAnothetr debastear, flu Abbtsst, Isis
siilr-iewms o hiltques11tiohulldetiltis-
atussiat. H-is'stid:lI'JIamstittrust gis(
time otpinsionuthahtthtstiustsitsfusseat
its surinteracollegiaatusass cupacoitests
shutltdl sawimosre thanscus u-sicutin tthesir
ntuire. icy this I ucmsn hthe uy shulhu
deatiasthismalisa, prsnt sitsse
lit-esc-qutslism-ion cm-u-levesituitstiia
isa lisapritoclisipaof aconrss. iTs1.1
lithsuasion ralatuints nrush meaas t sit
ths sity, -;lsip-,tihisiidycorporsatIiosuitn--
(Conittinuedton an'ge 2.)

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