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January 12, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-01-12

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The Michigan Daily


AX ARBOR, M2tIJ( tCX. 'I1-VSI)XY, JANUAXRY 12, l 0().

Captain Sullivan Will Address
Baseball Candidates Tonight--
Oberlin Comes Saturday.
\ititt tn ieoitt preparatiition toe the
seeterex'amit andu Ili( J Hop have
Felon, hiton, he w r ill Ie for-
hitl it tt r t i tone' ig ttt - Ie atainl
tee f~ tt t candtda-te o te rntir-
nc sitt ofl keein npclegt ok
w ill ihitd i te topht roo toti the
lit If te n ty m n an ifo eatini
~Itheclas o mc tringforthe iteiatl,
Int ali tt e vtra ba ttal edit
ertofte H Wrn- Thtetak lit- b
.du ln he 1la li .e e pa izin tin
it'c tht lt thtte itit -,e iittr (t'tif
l1In in aitt al w v , t xm
\.a - I' a -n ntt :pl temittc itofu the
c:a~ ; tttnld itfticitt pit c- u rectueu
The reirpitchntai titill tti atet ]cati
t-ia-n lc it ti-itites lfrmthtue rnkfs
u:tii Int Smith, th-ce ane- n pitchtt-
,ftiltc ioii lit,.i Capin e, i ntarinecf
if1 ii fre tic titm e c-t!, tcittid t nill - I ot
it-ll i~t l gildtt t altg tter ie ftoets i
.puedg o the e emt betrs f or i ltt rttttm
toiift.-h efohin the hit lit- buleang
itir tortakeiri- peio re aen fom-

agog ilts, X1. cnd Ti., 7:30-745; 1910
its, 'Ill. andi F., 8:con-8:5 1t911 lit, WV.,
7 :30i-7 :45, tutu 'Th., 7:00-7: i5; 1912 lit,

DIan tut 'fit 4-8if0nitspola-iwt,
ani .r 73074; 0lti . and
8: 3-8:45; 19t1ftagsi XX 8:0iii:30
enigineers.n uI adi F.it :45i :0I
etigittee, T . anii ., 8tt-i:3I
tiedis,'Ilit. -inir., -308: 4;'i
te, W.,if:30if:00 ptrit utueDI
Tit, i-i45-9:00tnt dets. \V., 7 =.
Clitracki eetemtiwichntoliit
togthter forlprictie tutut nit-eg
trtainiif tliye-xeto igue m
witnniers, for withtetopetig of
tintg f tm tthecu emtieter the -
itilllie rtttoff. 'histit feh
oni the reliayf-tenmimut 1-n1utwoii
inteadi f itte- it"formted-yantuthi
for the toffie f iterschlasitnti ciiian
Thitl laeseeCharle fGoodi, 'to, ai
athtie tesoition utuiioppositioncut 1.Elot
Proit.fGere L. IRoinsonit, f iii
eoite uireedailarilige adec
Preshiyterianchu eitrhi Stittiittvei
leiest. lien fittidentudlen'ittinto
icittisenc: the spnig, ithit soakc til
tutu ilcalike ; the funntel, re
inotuw'ledgecaitie nd c-ittchI
it atithle- iter; the tintter itwhi
lostetutu 1lc to pass thiough aw
titothe settt: the scue, wichtilpci
the iteittlit ttid elhtff t gthtrutg
rtin itite thet Ie-mdtin -ni
fo tu dntsto enitrithle litt c,
At the Cliititarinitchuttic, Rth
D 1. Iratitklii, f IDetoit, cuttideed
Rig theoanEltutr ted Dri- an.ir"
hhute chtutrch elettit oritii
whch eritsne- the elie-itucat-tteti
tiencholsitai-dithecuch el
ite Xurchiitseu it-toroioft-ieall
istilnyiterardteduc tioit-nt siente.
alocrii tiscter. esn en
cTirn\thitney thentetrlwastell i
Sundaymu ftieroion, irwh-ntBiknillre
Co BosonYaveuneRitio'nofE C
Rchur aeaichoarlttiytl tt-I1
detitterIfe "TuedrThcie Crieltitit
ni iiimute-riFaititgh." ienittl t
St. Jolthnill otinin h i fteCmd lbtil iithe lt
the seasn.oiT ongt', reeralt-
coniduictein i Rootm 23, Unirsriy
iMoinayn ight the Icui- Sciait
ihlthe secoitidanciterof le stine
sixc that ii to beheilthin yearci.
Prsidrint-elrtX illitiit 1. Tat
deutver therXXWashitgtn'ibirtdaycu
tinitat the Univiersityn f itttndiy
Crrtanipirfesor f the limt

of MXosroir, wrhotnrtenmemberso
roitihttioin-detioranic partyre(
refined to rumply uth tim demai
liarministry of educiationti onwilh
front the party or reigit their itrof(

1IREENT ETJ1 L7~pLE iiriie-utattfit'fe uu-uigli'll flfl
iId P., ~ ii2 uJijju2 t u- frnui Ct(nler-Aanimmmmu VA L i L
a) iitoi ittiti'' en" cmpanyi o tf Dentit.t \sti
WADE DIFFICULTY (,lae°"sLt dvil ie hne', SU1GI
Glover's Plan Will Prevent Any c -'fle ('(arg
S Grafting by Class Officers- t Iftttnn-andtitt ii - f:nit- -tutu Li Wi n
lo Many Appointments flake. pli ms f il(- cite-inofitheIi -i i Openingr
in tc-i ll-d--in tltu ii tutuo c - , "tlcrd pid ' l- tit Nk" t e\d l 7 tilt c"(;:lg
t t-e Senittia J I.\ d I aii l\ rt- tuu- u itit-itui 1 ,t tt tint1 oi ill'Ii- it-tlil builingiit 'I' ll, chnie-i i I t
i t the -rgetil tei r li-i mmt-ttmmg runt i i"ldliii ii ii it iii ii n tnittnd illd ta I I i t
begiu- moring ''hlc-eprtu fthnl e \\uIACcotnn - i - de oc - ro - thth pi ; "fut l ti i
reayii tte, c n[1p i ii''f t itttis l it ty-cr tl i ii thin erti n i ,n e htdl e a htc
laps.i comi tte et iiin i tt /t i I totsnitleithiititoediiiiitonwth Iw mint Incni - r al, hI
is l X'Xw'ilt- iiWad 111tghtheit lierof te cnt I tru~ip o n y t i not itore tha r,.g itmtil
tiune- tu cii t i iM th e t ni hit report. iie liiitin iiiI le tit ttl im s h e'-it ~ I n,1 "
concernuu'tthechrgs'gans liet , tie ~nn l cucuitu utuIi ' tt i t ali un1inn
fit'ce ih- c t ut u n ll c tt- ti , a e- R .r\I'- ii in tutu hull Lii nutiep i I t i
lager.. X i[ n uti;dnct ottie nit Inititi ;,iui tt nit I''tutu -hll n it t I' P ? inI)I I ," i tt Ih , i -
t, t tutu din t." T e atiot thint he ii c i tii i(,I ecd
\Vt I ro I r. N\ itti-tn i ti l atuh a~iii Iof he lira itt-nctout11(thtulat'n ;ni'
ii utuutfotrc ititudgtt ttr - o I .ti i cii pl cdin i lii ueui n utnf p icm~t o ~ l f~
Ifte i ft he arr ig x uc u -Fxeu cretarhull hautu eief 'tutu Pit- i en t r in c lciil. Re 1 c cii,
Io i. iiwi cii ii ictc sai~ite d and mit c -i itit geni ii tut f u-c it ut'' tin a Ilertt il, p o' w t
wXI mccute at out nt tic i oardt e in'cidesut i, lutf eem a."fe (i t~ tect hinh \
j'i ilt''li-1 c ti"tcimici tl iiteuatnis a rlii 1r1tiarl]fit ii tuch'ft; 1t int!ie :
of mi i ll(S u ni ,icc lIiiii itiii' ci o ." An el. Ti-ci egiel t sn cu t cr a) cu clind dii
IE'- itt Carey, Iii iii iti ti i hin utue ir k ol ciii tintto iiiii 1 itillt he l cIr im"
ceiumu- ua tenituu t c in pltctu ofi Regeiit (' illt"TOiitu t Ji~tt n h it istiti l iSu-tl It,ei t t 1 -e
f g(thi- tthin hut hccn i ck. i' tuuhu bhut f int hd mu.I tutuoff Irt t ti'itit to 1 ii or. t a
riit(le turt 1 i t mcfor ill-t diingciii th e cn t" ua- c u-c-icgit i in t inor i-i t i
citig I un a acut- mi iti t tint eckuuonttiehiee easilwlmedt ptsin deutucntoft is ci u-nit dii I h
fill e ai tch er afai rsi mstten rit ntd anh ur ,~ i take ilt.'tttin puc t t k
lm t i t e l in., tuil uit cii lThe tmv rt c ur ng cii u mittitg Ito e lC ol'
11 tutu prituumut\tillgrill(uan iciatuu Iacct iuntl uit-mcmiplns f iftalc ilint ill m(t~
apipealui f io tthe use of thet cci-t " eiti t n . Io~c Iit (tnic' ic-n u i, het' turpo ecsougt. , I i o
iscs.lo gvn teati lii ittouee t - Reletctutt -tful l a cdcrialy ynniutti) ccci t t i-,
l~ i h I ccien o haicsar ' ii' AIlS IN):itSI '1 1 'llar 1
"e g p rtn c t( il lt iii it IC1hihe' i, 111- 5 ;, ' .D F R ) Rl it )' Ij" r il
iuiug- i t unti e m iitii Intht ii - l ii " !,
e. lie' I teiicno l -imteioadnn'it I n ch r,. . \'i ,1 i ?
Mary c; tnim iteittiti ct cu t- o hIo ii kid1il; c1:nn an c rl,"
file tumui or poi in ist acches. pinutun ureinterfo I alce hnu ccic i~
i- mit-ainly rgaringappintmlnthitcd tp- o lci"leli~ ~1l
p o rain . T Ln -li et't'u ttiitit do-' cteigchcnintutdt h , ; i T
f sti- mandlit ~lt ticet, etadefoii- h lttr il lmcc ici-ti,
nu Sig- e p lm , n e tining un thin oi o fatmutt t,;giin kk > o Ia t ci i -h (
he atinl- i cal iii- ccii ;t I~ ig thin mfecti.hillb rii d i " cd i c,
haul' i t lii mm t clxi limit hunelt mit'' (cm -n thi i lxc,1, ibe in t n Iti- '
him Irce pced t ii \ t.roi n C nrcigcomhi 'ten att - \it li mt i
form-cmappouinmi tited nrse t lectnturerin di- I mci ear o(c eo; ii ccret --ilt
arya ml. Dr l loociii-'m t-ut-r ill otputuinaI ii tay.int cc~li
it' n c et i i of lecturestill d ctttthc him an ii Iillep ~ d hm el I l t
mime'th e ummn c, fit wich m elt trmiile Rid $in . I ' tumult l ;(h tiejo smeadetn I n cci 't . ':I l
(ntI.a r.T hemit-iiitt le f inn it ilam 1. llh ; h ifrn c m ite ip t lt. be h 'n li
ill he tu-, inmuchIltetti 01 S1 Si. 'cinihSS Tliii) Ii u-iinecc-i
Tatlo . J.ii.iCi c-i appoitcdInt-ithe inhtiganI iii 'ii ent- ill bgnt-N~ :(
I rluth ictnt it"iimathttmuntm c o fu s cndidamitt lmlii i tiii te e bes ftat iii i c'A il
itim t-iof i lcsemes -tter M rl . Ia mo i va ialbin ttittut thc tcr tufte iicm ccv ft
Ityer.RA.Bu n,\%, ptoiiiI slitIC d it i i" i
mfcmw i itnt it mait tni litt iii Stui,te L.fe dit l c n-iprom inntiengnie d- iated Io}hiam 1
Iyear, iwithotu. iut nit-i-i-a grntmed1rI' R riet t mmmii 1 foscph i leiii esiigeeritof T]iI,-t ix' ni
'en-rs t 1 e~yinstr ctori i ll mu ihu ie i ne h .aa a C nllcs n I ; rt~y su;

if theime mg lieu Imo,1 icmwasmit- humeu ntotill CI'ictht'' airmnti oft th ole- i- ndc i ichiilIt Ici iiit
-nmli time nacncy a m ct<T alary' of $60onaper-n ea.- timinconutolh oardte oful cmi 11i1e in t ii iac' hooin Ctin
ini iif Tihet tegut-n-if baciuheo ocinnn tcm mumnare' 'Cumminelnmu011tut
hdraw t- eheetni cul ugiu emumug ii coetnfe-nedti-Ilat niumi-tm-wasfitmitcnh untiortue-i -n <cr< ~ia
fessor- u~upon calter IK. Rhodumes. t:oitrtil rofm . Chacries feint eft e.' Ci - - lit't imW;
Thn regenuts acn wlm edigedl thin gift of tmn-n nity 'at-iittim tt elim'tit. tisn ilito-

Xo, 76.
nyle" Will Feature
Light Literature; the
Nuniber Will Be Live.
to n \ na ri . Ii t -i-
the jtu-n tutu'rks mamwii
.tin, in -mlii t' -m i ll'mm
\c al itis h ped tat thin
1)citeesig nogh n
Iii i i cii mti ln
Ili;liii itapus
firt expcted thalitt e
jl in extent, biiiutitithali
toi ii it Iigc- hut-i -tm emt
I iihmin I cascci m ore-m
I cii~i t h nin quanetityinn
tn-n i1 lina eben ,f
cit [ie ( iiilicthe- ltr
V ci ututi'n iiof ctud nitscthoin
S -r mi at imt be inn b)i
ii, iek nd ill ha e
il acla c i f setnt e1i
Is n1- e ntt- inct-IlnXli
unid red fo tilt I.tin mcci
the -Iaarn mcmi o a
it iHNo t, Nit cc instre t
uo-Ii tMnity iilt n
w eel tit phe cx-ti a-i
t k- mc l ii u c hl M ollu
hd gil", 1 - illac i"011 ia
ill, 'btill(, i lli> e
;oi came ii o n hu 11111
inI I Il a ch lt rak, an
ell I,; i n . Cl c ntit c i i
c 1: t1 l i t t -I ~rriii k c ,
he Inro ity f f °cs
\ ii i a i wil
I ii - lit I the. 11 ( ,i
p iiih -x ued il sei ng imm
heni t t~tutu ne hudre
c i + aucc i tit inth ie'red
1; Ilc t u- ii ii i thu'i itit-
Xad «lt iicoi. muminereisted
un iii Theeu--n} - I jif

i t thn- Siu hunt iPress.
Itlis25 1 1 l-cs ih al
c-tiil-ii heads, by tichmitr-n
y, andi tiiiittilt'it Al 511m

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