'N M CHIGAN tIAtLY _________
TH_ _______ iE 1MICIGA.N DAILY. ;SllI)EN7 DROWNS57DURING 105;i1 o re i1rs iaIbir
G. H. Wild Colupally Ilhsaig da-;AynF.R- o.- I ele.s tIirric'nei\I 5,72n I. ilii cth Si.nircs-s n< FC
BuinssMaagr_-JHNF.____(whlvene_____________ro__av F.ir . WURZ.S ,orti~ol, W4SV PL E
through the ic ot thle rand rier ea i 8-I 7
EDsITORS hIisimeand was slotried Citesstta--Tobei te-ew Yarrih
The Largest Stock ins obgnteNwYa ih
Le City News ...........Lee A XWiteI ar'. lis copanions attempted to reach FOR RENT - Suite. $2 ;o. all nuhs 1 you may need an
of Athletics.. ...... . C. E. Eldridge! Kelley with a Iboard hlt a strog ciii- cntsli citstisfi~acoc o rino pd- lot
Exchange ...... Robert Mountsier i rentthad carriedthe tin sforituitc ciyoung etedil.acn ateIIca rrial. Plasant UXelsior Dairy or a
Exclusive Styles in Music. ........ollis S. Baker mtatidowni iundecr the ice and tht friendl onie. Sn~uc al. 2 .2 1 iPlad. nar Desk Calendar
ExlsveS es i rama....... .aymtond Visscer Irawas iiabldr toaidt is. T'eb " sit 551eg hsit i71..Letter File
W5on'sEdi (Itor. .. .IEnie Van Voorhis re cveredl ahsontian bestr later, lit te 0 -Nt -I ---.Ledger, journal
jr ) isian si sttclcire' g'iceiI ~ ' ' ~ 'C i ash Book
W OOLENS ICaun cocer l eoaai IC. Reidl ccscnar is.,K-blsutodnterdti prigs t i 5I RO'\t,'S (I cI(:Si- 1 rl)s Quart of Ink
W. D. ]5.sI) anie uiteriiy last fal a dsit s hme onic at 20 act Ii.r1w-rit.S i. l ,7 Pint of Mucilage
enlm nsNIHe iseono5the nolida-vcations whescinte acciselet __________________________ Jar of Paste
F or Gnlflens ear Miha~elIB. McldughsFred E. Goodng occrreid. _Box of Pens
4NalterIK. Taswers Louis !rail Cl. SPEES IN IDANCING setrti Dozellg bnecl
Overcototsin y required for Sats, SltsassI weli J. Carr raniger's, isis'hanardlstreet, TuesdayF NE[igCane
TOveroats, Fancy Testigs, andss RTOiii adThuirday eenini- $. fo r tents af GLOVES Bxo lp
fatbrics and special styles. Pal rce Sttis l 1. orrs ____ 71___ 72___Paper asteners
TPuarugl adGfrigeuras auel 1. orisces cai.7-' win Fashion's races Rubber Bands
Full Dreas Suits a EF C. C. Williamis Patui Leidy LI SI' VOL FORGE T-Call Lyn-idoni, hands down''
D. A. Hinckleys Icrd Lawton The most complete line it
Specialty ogtJ, t1l1i01i he slightest Iproosatith i
IHlstwarc all IBarry Z Fol fa pctheo citig ha' din.y.
________________________________ V1''.Conklins11h. U.Elliott tteod-8ris o itclitg iist iaii-______________--___________
S.V. atidi 0lA.Kabti cil-P
Ct5.S shck Its ilts II. A. Mihikse ll- -blndsipiiisicc mud s lisi-iss-1.. 5 Jc)
G.H il oHpur IWildlt pIrtiatSe htellg& ciiis' sCtosmipaany R7 i s \~ . l 1 ~ /~ 7
311 South Sate Street F.tF ltiS , Jr. ;i tiot;S. .ai St. -59-cd S. Ssttc ' UnierittBo ksor
BUSINESS STAFF 'IIIE CASINO S RENNING DOET- Frscheaig diesicnd so, t-.Sc; sit-
_________________________ _ Crl 11. .Adamii I II. It ncill BLE,17 I OTIIIN PICTURES. 71-3 lig & Shmiti. 2ci S. I liSt. _______________'Od______________
C. .A. liss isai Nosititas tH. Hill-_-
_. -- - U e Old Inglish floor sax. lth W Sh eae icc'si o r t he Sir S sc St
Address: MCIGAN DALY, Press Bldg., iisritee 3.7. C. II. Maor & Co. coi-Il Sis nce tilewci ,ic Il c liprfctii -
Maynard Street. - l i iiuderwar mde IlsiN e Cos.N
Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. i., 7-8 p. . Thle tibsstisin d sittm lete le o i U ir.iis . ;ss
M i h g n daily, except Sunday. Both phones crubler, o eniirsaind iwomen-aisill h
fosnd a st Pwirelis' Shose Soe, tig S o t ia a e
MaSt. Se are agents tatrte'Eser ProRca ae
uian corn .tick rubber ormuecu. 68-7cu Hittug aouse walkti - iiikhe ofin iis o
Calendar___________________ouods, orange, satin is a, asl pslt iiitfl
Nhtcorersdeivredatal h urs nthueese /s $1$1.50 and $2,Bist
--hsii 'ae elu ot. Sli ROOT & CRIDER
FOR The ties-issentthtiilit le ni ''y Mciig&Sh'sadaeMaauez Port Rico Box 424 Secoid
ti-Itnhvearcrs eoiitsiicraii' ii islo iokiung tau-Christuas u giles. o a m
so l be111wili lt caims }eeti i i re - -u- S.-aiti SI.la)coa
1909 --,DalelitesittiiĀ°i.eod_ GOOD MONEY Sg hty
liae,~p~sc fte ubliestiolt iof 1 t'/\ lER'S PERFUMS. Vse Kda .
thiii er h ee f such a_______miein vI rn h - .r f' qni
Salt nisi diii1 Kodaks.
ii; tc ii In p icl ageeupt Ii .o Jtu . u esi
Now Of s..1 Iiciotgiuig . lcefu li Iititusii ii'ice i117 S. Main. 3-eiil THE T. J. CAIE CO.
itti est;lieritic ttt sc iiissei a- Room 45 Rowland Bld. DETROIT
sui rt e disa lisii r5. of eri entat t[ 'ihhiue o i nnIha ing RSB owmsntutuit sihesi
AT ticrsblm -the lce iiiiiliii ol gastue s stutiCafigdisihes. ShU- AMBULANCE Beti Phiue,9t, 2Rd LY I D O
l ee I i 1sslstIsiam~ l iiprituitstiyt t uc i - Irwsare ('i.. 301, 30, 32, S ome Ponte, is
li h ie stee titc iictcc e-'aIi Si 6Tu-7 R. A. DOLPH & CO. 719 North University Avenue
Sh fah1 1 n t i elt o l isuceed. 55$; i trer ;l i Ii tlic_ hicIsai'sr to. y7.Sisi-tiu _________________________
litedtee a e odub htflesit Iit ,; itA enueiu Cae drn1te oi)Funerai Directors
Stu ens' ~oksuar sstt sit i il ,irsleit; aidaisrsit .i 1 i Ihonute or rte. 667t 209 S. 4th Ae. An Aror, Sil.
thr sntingi5theantitotthe t Ii i ____BAILEY & EDMUNDS
lseht ter oul d s esis m l toii i le lSi 'iI lBuy yostr C'hristutustcarts at TBrsswu'sJl r tl
po i s- tti . ieac tt he tutss i'ng'lists, 64-7ii=inot o r____uons________-io_,h__-upJn121i EAS r LIBERTY STREET
te rlist t ii iiid lsntI , ai At on~S ue Michigant Sovseir Books cot- -
_______________________________________ sic-Ilor tsisle psiiht, asoiis hr ini tu t ihe ssors antd tutusic sit "''ie 0 0
si-ehneistniote sisieresc fIsi ni - YelowitsdatheIlue " atidl42a iews of
(1 p p U atr tv Tubicatottecuirt. Special holiday price, o
Tthe Larest Manatacturerss in the ie re tcgliitig stth se rsis sc' ithti St 64-7t The Season's Ony i Two foeeHv h ivrTie
Word iofSOffica Athletic Supplies rights ' ath t lsie.sc sre tfirsltrt- NECR ATIN d.WeHatse l en TQulity
Fool Ball, Basket all Ice skaes isis theiroato makei sit It i btamississ Skaes!Skates ! Skates ! at ISI elulg - It's reversible. Made with "t Esy and Price.
H o k e y , G l l . G y m n a s i u m - i si r ' i s i t u a n l . p aat e. & S s h u u i u t ' s . o g S . M a i n S t . p - o i l t i e s l i d i n g S p a c e " a n d c" P a t e n t e d}Lo k F n t " 4 p y Q u r e S i s . U t o $ 5 0B e
Stantue'soHandsmelyytlltstated . UuatrSue. $iO nty00Bie
Cataencue of allthot sports contains no- INot sisdwictes delisered. College So. oc -15c pair. Wiotders. Hoag 's. IU$5.00U H rr
Brous suggestons matted tree any- It.oiphesi7-.adt,8ile- - nIAR L,
A.G SABIG&BRS 011)5 __ ___- Just t cived a tewshlipmuuenu t Itohi- .WM. ANL~ JEWELER
A. G.SPALIN6 B~pS GOO VAUEVILLE ACT AT1 she; ecksear for the closed '.rotttCl-r
New York Cicago Detroit 220 Soth Mats Street.
'11117.(Sl\TH1115NEEK. i-3 hrs Hetry & Co., N. Unis- 7011 UNTE SlltTC0LLsCO.. takee, ,Trs,S.Y
REDUTION! ' Do You Pay ,flyler's
REDCTON .High Prices andi es
On all lines of merchandise. No orlte easeyucnt1e s
<; $ ?satisfied with ready-made clothing? It I dkS
CAED- --- ---- -----------2..fft isn't necessary. Wewill(trtish 'yout 1
; - f ~ .clothes made to naeastre byr
JEWELRY, - - - 1-2 off') Ed. V. Price & Co., of Chicago, Post-cards
1 Oc INK, PASTE, Etc. - - at 6c fabrics, for %t o t/ less thauanay
smtall tailor's charge and also give ytu ilp n '
the additiotnal advantage of unequaledBo kr /womasiancretsyl.ihgn
Our Tailoring Department Cailendars
Buy now for future use. is doing an excellett business witht
those we have learned host to e well ___
dressed at all tinmes at a very reason-
ale cost. Look over our cloths atd E,.CAKN
U NIRSTYTHE -VP P L fash ion figures sd you'll see wty. E.F CAKN
_________________________________P.,________ 123 E. Liberty St. 1 324 South State Street
121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props.
Phone 598