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January 10, 1909 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1909-01-10

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" "Honeymoon Trail" Friday Will
Be Followed by Clever Comedy.
Management Has Card lip
Its Sleeve.

Maintains Experimental 'Station
for Scientific Study of Practical
Problems,- -Geologcal Survey
deli-imII f llti i'c itc aotict whicht
littl i_; llMNI M i te Steictint I-)tdc
am cim iih cerim.eiiti'c plan fo
nt t sof (hi c oma tr tutu
out tit: staite.t et itt}ttt
Inth oltic 'cr to-itl thfccc aci it
riit iire ti iii ct en ieeit lsla
i t ilt ttttitcttti. an thisct it, beenii
c ci the ic I ii i iti cte 5.st i th e'
ctiiiiofcci titi~ siii c a cit tol ton ofc
dc iiit. It. andiii thecii term ofi t hist
is i it ii-o ic i h c cif l( dc~e pr tt it
iiil ciiistu ti in chiiittcaltt :It
mcboctlegne ig. Tlwi flio% sipct
is ma dc ; imc' cc'to c'c'rictte ofi the
vgn rig dice ii cnt ic w i tic c r foran th
111 cmrcp %V11 isWili,-11:Viicttem lle
k.'. ii. 11 -1 i- . W ht
For the cliiie oft ticr c liccitiiec
:tml of he rohluis f g s tmi the
InIi i on ii' iiicca i ti oriii ic l itccuegi
the cii it it li bu c iiic ti i aii cc tat been
idoiii i Ciii ' 1 'k h
(~ cmii cyc"e strsc) the e
ii~o I; ii aprrt i w ich ut cl. piriot
tic an,] i m iii re itheti asi ti ice s
:Ipti<r~itus to[ (c iii tilit ,a, pro uce
s icci t cit titti i ci n t aItt [t't' i d
dwlllcc c come si c\ linte h icl tl
ci c't.p'l cti
c c to rk iticctc i t itle titc i tctiitec
,:ftil twiic t ciceci titiit ii pa te t'.
tuut cc ci la iiitt gescrtgl Po, ieticitic it

''i'iticttt litcc I N i C cc II iiic\'.McONcitti ci --i, I11CII P -
aicilccof ilq-prodcts , tcoecciccciictititi ciandi S '1 :V I til
thei iccc'iiig 1ti).if resutst. M\l Ihil
ri (Uniiversity of SAiciciticcistheii
i icc i ci i ii cccch" ! tie tifor tc is tr'ticitC
is che inlitesttingc platict ofit c its ic land tcin i i c coilii
much vlltihl ccdata icc1iciobtineincii WI Ccinii cmpar

ii'c ccciiHc tltttcc , M TIVEADcIG T luce c titi d.t' . V JieN .;
FIR AMi) SMillKil ccciiicci cal the'titlicetif ei'ciiiii ccc i ll i
1.11 1" F I h u lsidso tyII<ic<ii c ia

r citt l i t 1c ii \ ii lc itcIi
ii. r; rtitilitc c ciii cmigh .
rc;.I ti itt i i c t D e s(fCc ic
)fi l( «ii titticstci iii i ltcs
'I'll sc Wii lc i )1I.Ii
Vccii cc ii ~))cc, il ir)
t ~ ~icttcii c iter i
1ci r iii t ii s . ii )i) li
;t Iwe l c ciii ii ''l al
gr ai h s l r-; ii i <l
f IIc i ii r i i iiii)re *V i le i
ftrr c iia it t in 1t)1) if
ci iii ic cc i i ccciii:i( th i i ci
lt c lt r 11 s t I tI I iii )1)
\tt iicc i l ciii, l iii ))l
SN itccl c g c)fth tc ji r)t(
\~ arxii iccr)+) hscr)

ti iiCoics
si rccni fo
ii.lictlii '1
ccii 'anii
l lciii l: ii

ct1ie tics re' t -ic I) th

adi ion toiwhit hit aleadyc beniit
bitt'ii ut1Theresltccofitcis recrit ccci
civiil ic.ttticce int t oils report ioi th
ini tiiccc ciii tcncl jo rasic c h Ii'liitecd
Stattecs'ccci Pcuripe. iiiThe iii ic c cc
here ccincexpcrimen ttionict h hoei
cci andtpicticali acciis carrtti itmiin
ccitt dci ccciwith tcci it tiroc-ccic
tin fgtescin aregulr plant.Ii t ic in
AS1~' sthis tthe e uni ivrstittis
cingi itsiiparttincthi'esoitiinof thii
pr i hcihcioetupciiic ic e praicael
li.t ctstieof Aii eALIiilectures occi peN
Icecce c if tihe'Univtercty ofiiMincncestl
lice giric are takect to dinicac
tioriki cto icle'alite ticme. Se ine' cc
themer ccc'ce ciiiacy ittcidarniicg.
A Comtblintiion of cmiintel'1andii c'cttt-
Mie tlntie ilccii eit tihc'fecatuce' t cc
Matteltic teatler exci tee, l~itcctict
ccTiitlie Mcondiay'nighcitihcci.x eg
latiocn ctintrel "firct pact" emplintc'tg
fif teent cnile scngersc dacersc 'atdlcomte-
cian ilt l ciii he1-ca' cctlastcingthicirty
cc Ite vi ctot an ccintrisiccn.tiStip-
cli'tecticcg theii' it ci c pat c"ccibe
Gerg Vamg ~ct thecctnctoe mditi'nit.c
lFtc tcc cc innarte'dacrccsccanditilt
t'ccie ccctcccbro cth cmedicmicinttinca
novel muscticlitt. cwilclsobin em i
dicce,'acciiaccci speciletaitidicdiat-
ttactn tihe Pt'r iroe'Wcciuacite tte ccil
ice iceaircid t intec'r'ndiioncofliarmontizd
icccptcta'ccitSongs ilee itic ccii i heli usuacl
maiescncci teiec idaimi

X iv i' c'it t ;<nc 1tdlc c freshmci t"it c
t11 l i~ rsi (I, .\ici'iigccct . tic hiie
.Cl( cc'cr cudnd cit k~ticcc'et'cnd
weight cm-c (kcthat o te ichigan me
'ccii thtui hint'cac icityis opidI tj
inad.a itofth cctct'iitt. Iit wit
tocct tha iii t at\iichinth reiicwdcre ti-
ii th icc ccc Ccit t iii' to ,I Cct't c i
icig hecc S c cci ltanc tutil.Te
heigt , 3i ic feet. t'iiicc I itgit, 15'
poundsi:ci" ng (cciii c V.24..7 ;t 1 rc}
tic < s 35.3Pecen t.t
I~wgnt ; eet i. inhes; wigihitiK!
ots:iing eilclcit', 2,):toh icciccce
tiltr, ; cr crent.
'Inc-iddiit intotic icceigctrec ti" E.LItu
ite gaticeredi 'trecordi ccithe tiariousit te'
cirlt cc t c i tccll ccc1 lice Cctitt cctiiti of
the frceshmenicof thicscciicit li
fcci fcci n( c' cec'ci't ci iciccec it}-it si
cci iteccice titotcit'c 172 fcccit-p eci'h
cicictig eCcccIToco c icitric Or 'titict
cicin ccc ccccttieowercatI a titc e il'othcte.
,ecc cc'ccci ccmen nave irregutiar e r
leiticisiwhcclie 40 of ticccci tcakiic tt
ficcicc. Of'it1cchi lice tt 'tcil ct'ci I40i
cereccglascsesbidut iddiit icc tothecsc
thiiee e a ccccmcbeccciftoterc ccliiisife
cichltith iildefective visionc.
b1celtet en ee alto qutestiottedl ai
( cccnainm W0cccck candccic wac fcctlifilticat
OUS'Y. AC . cii. h itc'ctc cictitti t- tt'
Dlrn h hitt.t ccitt cit~ r
ccv rccadcIi cap(utec bee cc tel icsc ai'cl-
stc ciiiat he Cci ce ut ity o'Siccitecc.
Th~ ~ rt nncre it'ititi' cou-

NC ;''iIN 'N i(R HAZ IiNG
ed forittpresen tt'aicittion.isciar"iccuch-
cii acnii i. IS. irkc'i'i'ttt'uic ' loi. Th
acctionct takesc}daiecinitt villaiicincnorth
c cciiItaly, cn ittieipl t i t ccl es acIntch-i
wc int qcc''cciitg asca midanti a siolen
c'iaciii tic: n hi iii' ctuic c noi ccci icc cci
tisi yetr ticarrantcgc'.cas lncghinccci ccci
a" ccyiciccuA) utrincttn, bothitoih incNiew
Yocii thIcc Saic'ec'day . eucai ias
ttri Wci i iic ttct ccib a ea d tereuicii he
Iii te p c'of iihaeigticct ha icc
iuij itittit ed a pc'etiet It' t c\Iisi h17
tw ~ hcnicsticof tingic ore
stc:"Hoingc"'ciis stitlt' c'gulttictucbyi

Ii li


Iuns it uterance andtt ic'cuiiticati in icc l iii' C°<ic.'ici ci i cc\illIxi seen iii' cit
, enicuct lmcu cttl ,I 1cth cnie'ccc'cutttc' ( ' \it'ci citiiit'ti p ccci c yc i iii 1
crntccg bodyI~. ItttUnde tutucirccumtan ccc 'c 'csi it.estiii .''M CiG a ti Stny
ccn au iticitcucct Sc cuc cnaipacics c cc cciii't i htitiucci ccpiii ,ii iicti i
as caa teized2 t he dcc' iccicitiuc fittnINt \"ty i ii it hi t icts ' i id sc i
or i' u c cit t t ' r cugut aretnc ti mpossc ile ;i t O l's ti cc Nit tic, Mrh1it. ii
So tticiictclc lhasc pubilic ()i iti it - h cscinis i (mci in iitti iii ccii syle iii
itccti e'l 'icorcsig- ntcakencit ctunder iicti citiitii i tiiition (tf~ iii. ii it) the riii
cntrlrt haiti fresihmien , ute eamtple, gc- tile stagescofiniccepedCccicu .1 ' ccati Icc)
cn o 1 01blucIl pratict e i cutin ;, cnoes ' ci cic c' cc f iucutc
oth clueclueiccipt'perae tacitly timuneiitfemincie buttes, viici ccccohcilconle
leccuct cItltt~ittre ucolescatinucci tC t yly cc-,cf'ost'to Iceat chit certocce
suiet urornsy, co, -ng well ilhat
l ah o th baketallnam s t he cacin cirlencic iu-crcci catt' c c tiz iii
cf ,~y t i cc i icccu'is " hetl Wcucic IQ'iuc three In-tile ucec ci irls, tee pitving; in a
iaci e.sttudioicapltrtmeinct(icl ttti ti I Itt t cccdrc-
_ t utucui -tic ti dciii ii Fitch ucil itttitthencarc
'Ih ~n ls.cicciccatlic (tuun i ellit t cf istitct]%tic aitgcot tipcndccciii
Cliforn'ticac'ecentlyc ptesett dci ine'ccccc c ccii ccc vIii h t al«(1 fod t(
..iiC ab'inettttMiist e "tucliht thiri b uttls. cciiireeai
Miitt iinn r csc)tcii itciii.te t rc, il
cite vy i r herts dicate an
}:4it :i
f iie rt, ,d ti m t-ita> i i
- " ,
ttli Jt~ tt i di tSal ts ' Iil rccc c 1t it sitl I hi

THE;IcVEut."11.5-iit'c'I;cts"I\ -GIRiLS," BYCLDPICuHc , ATru Tc'Ecc WccuceIt S ecic tcSATU: teY, eet; cx'A~i N1

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