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January 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… 3.40f 9444Pa2 VOL. X. ANN ARIBOR, IIICII., WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 31, 1900. U- EX-SENATOR PATTON. are guided by dark-hued Egyptian I II ____lads. One toilsome day we were pro- STo Delioer Washington's Birthdail reeding slowly along our way, thQ tad Address-Former Speahers. urgin the donklsyo with vigorcous No. 93. Diploma Freshmen From Michigan. The rattle below gives the number ot Michoigano freshmten enterisng tram at- credited diplomat ...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…She U f oV S* VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1900. No. 139. TRUSTS. j Trusts should e brought under the END OF THE COURSE. Sprigy _same regulations as railroads, banks, inurance companies, etc. A\nnouncement The Good Government Club. lg to save wast. This waste should Speaks Tonight. Last evening in University hall, Pro- tion is a step forward. We must learn Hon. Champ Clark is a charming f.~.~. essor Jeremiah W. Jenks, head pro...…

May 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…be 'of, $uf> VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICR. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1900. No. 181. Spring Announcement 14 19 J4C G. H. WILD & Co. We have just received or line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of 'Top Cats, Si- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. Wffe i...…

October 31, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…be i ss ot r 0 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, lIC1L, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1900. No. 33. HARD PRACTICE ON AGAIN. New Michigan Yell and Songs For the; STRAUSS' ORCHESTRA. Anno ncem nt ;Rooters. An o n e e t All the Men Except Boggs in Good, Will Open the S. L. A. Course With a Shape---A Regular Game Between Pres-ident. erdiei of the Athlletic As-j Grand Concert on Saturday. ur Our special line the Yarsity and Scrubs on 'ott ati~tiio ths lapointedi the...…

January 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…be i r ,rs , NAIL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MIH.,Ti G He WNILD & CO. WEARS AN "M" SWEATER Co-edo Are Under Another Reign of Terror - Alico Manwaring '01 Hold Up-Other Cases Ro- Have your full I ported dress suits for _A111ell "r. un rarte 'wcoltl ur- the .juior 1' Hop bll()' i. 1iiagain tii cind iier l i 11t01ro. Since flue 11yterioils mi adle atI t l: C i:' hugger' ( qu i is iitc'ratiuil ill hii icrllieastccii iii iil i e city. clc' iilciitt1...…

March 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ..Our Special. Lin of... Foreign and Domestic~ FABRICS FOR SPRING his aIlI1l is l i a I I'aIlud odrbii iiliUil>Iii We lhave thc 11114'Ut1- Soitlnit ill the tit - ANN ARBORI, ICH., SUN D VY, MAR191 1 i, 1901. No. 139 S OFFICERS ELECTED Sch )olicasteis and Scientists Choosc Their Officers-No Fall Session -lel eaftoi. 1t: ll ~l , i t " l ii ll l lcii il Sil I ii !1 a i l 1 w i ;<i l i~lt'at S11no111i' Session of Law D-partinit Th U i...…

May 31, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…i im Lim 0 o> A A O+ CD Y.. i, H ' 1 ! t e - r . ro C V G C a z d rn 't (~ J i H , - G C w ~~ 1 i / et) 1I C-o 01 vrT C L it 6; > L M... n NOMA rt Q 0 w p - . '= h Ocj V 0 0 - m m I . U!! ' 1 I_ I J i Y , i s " J '. . ' r V~ .., .. r-, ti , f " .- !I ./y!I y'rl ~ ^. r.... f _ ._ _r f,. I w -. "" .i- ,J1 -- tow .... _ .a : f_ r~ - ._ f _. -,. " ' I .. j is r -J r "J < '_" _ -- - -- ._ % J. ' ~ f I' _ "l ;.- ' =_ ._ H iJ H...…

October 31, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…i f ' 6~ O t ,- 0~ z E- 118 05, 5 ;5 :2 4e o . J :.f, N y fi r: " EAR % . ..., I r .f "1 _ ! r A j v. Y. j t w a i i 1 I r .r Y _ - t r. _ ' i. - !. ; .., I.i . ,, .. :: X v v ti+ = !" . f. -- , - i. r r . E _ " _ .G G ._. _ / a- -C t Vi.-y IL rt N N ^ - .> --E 77- 4.4 ti,4 - 4 L t .:+! "" 0 , . 'ftt - c o- -vt X1 ,',1 w COO. f , J 1 .- .> ! r7 7 v - " +" s- G r- - O C?, C?, F- QC, C? c sly a: d Y- Y-++ …

October 31, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SrC0N I) A.:I AND NoW FOR WISCONSIN Tam Leaves ThsM ri n.- cj Gil cano -All Caskn etur _r 10 0 Practi'e w1*I0; 1 CONQUEST OF CANAAN T!a , 100: [T No. v. Aunt al Mctic> of' PI~y icallla 110501 Societ ........... -- .1:13" :r? :I slll:i<I sii'it"i'i1I Ilion) wi ll 1 :tiStl ?+iSStll' l Itr jit try t' I I, IIIII :t t" krr t l'. ;E i tlll;: ;I1 t.Ilt' t t ;ls'lft!_ lr' 1,1 i. is'\t° fI I1" . \l' 11I ;;fr :i ttll: Iil0 t= il}...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…OR ,.; {0 Xiiir.. XIII. ANN' AOM ICt I.Tt-'S2'AY, IAIsC1-III21, 1103 No. I5 A GREAT MEET Rocky Mountain Club Baqut Oulr Showinig AganstO Conell w1a11111 loo iaii ; l ctn,11 ' ril Rvelation- Oudoor Work Be- t ie, ~,In eades'vtl ginls Tody-lIos1Pocts for 110 ls isi ll to de1 2 11 to1 th Western Conference Wet ltit+rit 211hhil 11fae 111111' ii' till 111111mvkirv1111' ii ili:11111i - - ,1 111111ed w ihliclt im 11111 ail thl' ldiii micerntiinti t, ...…

May 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…r' 'Y3 a.r ...d tea G I'Z CL _ ( +" :f Cy V ' M - a .., r" 72 C. CD 7. t-4 rt fi . ;; ^ = Q .f arts :L " i'i n vI, rf -" 7s C e t 7 " , ' r- 7, 71 7.1 N Y.r 'l 're .-r f f . C L J ~ y j C'n ti C. r' t ' --r j v -r f tY r " _ r- _ u Q 7' " - _ if; / - _. ! - x' ti~ M _. - y .. f j ' " ... . ..._ .... _. _.. _.. .._. { r I .. ,. ' -_ _ - ... ;r .., ' . -- f a: - m : ,... - . - : = : . _ y y .J. ,- .r - a , = . .,. f r r. .- ti.- a .. ,f J !. }' ...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1903. No. 29 U. oFr 1'. 'ilMETI TODAY. HIGH SCHOOL OAks -TODAY. ALL-FRESH VS. '06 ENG. Chanmpionship of West Will Be Settled PTe AllFccest IttP )01 tea t will, In te ittioscltol-trc cotet. lfothli -M01ichigan Teams In Perfect Co- tictssitl 11u tSdgnttl' io tpli p t itotnittg wit it illi- dition-No Stock Taken In six Itats-,retiait ttilsati I Toey aro giltori snIf-rry c...…

October 31, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Th ]I hsanDaily. Vol,. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATUJRDAY, OCTOBER 8 1. 1908. No. 30 "ICHIOAN 6 TAG The Wolverines And60ohers Struggle ror Three Hours And The Re- sult Is it Tie.sOreatest Otm In Western rFootbatli History. litaiwH Nlin 1~atit The weai ttheris f pie h 00hn and ft lc,. ita e im s ira 'mo. L1iine-p, i 1(1( i: tI I I'>. Olt Westr,1 . T;1'a'IL.(. S a er ,C, .'out , 1 (. ha I t, l'.;o Hilt1 at ilt)a, 'titt i itt'' 'D"' viseL- t...…

January 31, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR. MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1904. No. 90 110NOR SYSTEM. STEREOPTICON LECTURE. Profesor George F. Moore, of Har- System at Cornel Abandoned-Prince- vard University, who is delivering a ton's Method Successful-Medical course of lectures before the various Department Working Upon the branches of the American Archaeolog- Honor System. ical Institute, will speak in Sarah Cas- well Angell Hall next Wednesday...…

March 31, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga_ ____ VOL. xIv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUSSDAY, MARCH 31, 1904 No. 131 BASEBALL EN OUT. I SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED. ENGINEERING SOCIETY BANQUET. GRAND OPERA. First Outdoor Work Yesterday-Hard Miss Anne E. Huber has been ap- The 14th annual banquet of the En- "The Crusaders" Will be Given Under Work.Ahead to Get Team in Shalt pointed to the Chicago Commons gineering society will be given Friday the Direction of Prof. Renwick-- forAa Spring T...…

January 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michl i Dil ANN ARBOR, MICH., TIWSDAY, JANI.ART 31,i, 95. No. 8 00TJBALL GAME WITH ILLINOIS Champaign Eleven Will Appear on Perry Field Next Fall--Other Fotball D~ates to be An- flounced Soon. w.- " - =mot - .: ,, n s" i PLANS FOR THE JUNIOR HOP Arrangements for 1906 Hop Com- pleted---Lane to Le~ad (irand March A New Frate'rnity Admitted- Suppier Arra ngements. - 11at P ,r id"1t T i1 ) 11)1 jtt11 1 l 't rtC11E j iil~ ill r- ( <,11 \lich i<...…

March 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The ichgan Dail VOL. X! ANN ARBOR, MICR.,1FRIDAY MARCH1 31, 1905 No. 130 THlE UNION PRACTICAL. ENTRIES FOR MEET. WOODROW WILSON. TIE GAME YESTERDAY. Atijcle by R. R. irk on Real Value Athletes Who Wiill Represent AA. President of Prineton University Scrubs Played Varsity a Nineinning of Student organiation and i 11.S and 1998 Saturday -lass Speaks Tonight Under Auspies Tie (ame-Score Was Seveis Cb House. ely earn Drawings.of S. L.A and Schoolm...…

May 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…0Q * - *v- 1. (A .C~ ~. T ' ^ i or r I ~7 t'r .+ ' ,_ . - - " .+ "_ ^ , '; r{, . ,."- . F j'r rili fr' rI.0 <_ __ , ^i 1 !. , ^ . . . ,. "' i : .- ^ ': . , ' j 0 Ku - L ^- - ~ M - . 'J J a r t r { .- /, J ! . .% _' J r. .-. rt x Cf; 'I. ' f !: f ., _ J. ri T' I d l: .. r: f :.. . ' t. : . f. _ f !f . f: °: a "- I --. ; " " ii /; I ,-^ N l l -7 7 7-f .f_ J Y .... f ^i. _ .. t. r _ .-. ^ .-.. '1. f. l ..T .. . I l .-- !. f 1 _ - .-. .''- ._ ~ f ...…

October 31, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN. il ! ) \ ,c >"(t)( I>lC 1;;i. i0 oNo,1 VOL. XVI. No. 3r, ALL ABOARD FOR THE BIG EXCURSION Big Deeation of Michigan Men Will Witness "Strongheart- Excur= Leaves at 6:45 Tonight. \ idelegationtOf ttit-rsrity studntst, w rh f the play, will witnes Srotg- hcr"at Detroit tisieventitg. The -titner reervedI seat sale cottuttted by *lauiagerC aird atbeentpeomtttenll la~eattd thereo.s little dotlbutt that live ...…

January 31, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan DaIly sOL. XVI. No. ()(). WISCONS IN AND CHICAGO TO HOLD MASS MEETINGS, Students and Alumni Will Pro- test Against Conference Legis= lation-Prof. Small Says here Is Mistake in Minutes of the Meeting. tiirntoelandomre wiespeadgrlowst II, ieaantthe radcalimno the reelt Chicago fotiill cnterenlce -1A _it mass imietinlg twill te hl by the Chiag tentstat Miandelelha ll tomor iniiandan idigatio n mee ating ha, hii esalledl Iy (he ...…

March 31, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The]MichiganDaily A-N A RBOR,31IIII(\\, SAiT RDAY- l.k N I i 311, 190F.~ vrOL. XVI. No. 13r. LAST TRACK A OF Final Meet Promises Close Coi tests-Fresh Engineers Shou Win Easily-Coe fay Bre Record. With the intecass t iieel toiight t inorseasont at Wa temanillgymaiia trill e 1b10ougt to acoe A 'tige c0 centage of tie ten who hoteienwei nin lt ce ipreiot0 o us t ets wIIillt iC atitete colll e ooked ifo.T hel i t 111 o fiefiors t. lcin thetot...…

October 31, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…s 2- r I± Y, f , R-'. .... ... r :1 . _ f ._ ._ fir. S _ I U * - H ,- z H.w" .r H7 0 - r . s - IJ , - t ,- r w r r-~ -~ =i; ' ^, _. : _, _ i' _ ..- J J. 1. "" u r. .r , w. + ^" J Y :-- .-.. °' -j t- -' , , / f '' , . Vf , ' t l -! ' .rte' . v-, " . ! r .r: , " Mr~ ..., '"1 = r. ter, _ "r r' .r, f, ?'h …

January 31, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichig9an Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, I''RSI) Y. J XXI' \RX .ir, 1907. V\T-j XV II. JUNIOR HOP PATRONEiSSES Rttl >ttch llrG, i l.; 1;ictl; , CO l"'M E DY AN1D MUlJ SICAL AND GUE.STS ANNOUJNCEID DliYaiTauCii ii hrii 1s Plans For the (Great Ball Nearing F Lawi ncc. In Abtr: r, C. Cii 1,1i c: trrr, Ic Completion--NluSic Will Be a ,ietol ~ a C iii 111.:H'Mrs. Lo IXX I XX ici 'ii iikXi Special Feature-Many Sur- b'rri'. ' i(iih 'Xiv Cv(ib 1...…

March 31, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol XVTI. ANN il\ I}_l \S Si S CI I>1 1))f MEET LAST NIGHT il t t)ftltr 1 <, 1. SAMYUEL GOMPERS WILL CLOSES INDOOR SEASON icit LECTURE HERE TUESDAY Japanese Single Stick Contest, Quar. fIi Ill~ c, ltl ~teriic. 1 Rumor That Celebrated Union Labor termite and Relay Race W eeo i 'v-,tct~cr cct Leader Would Refuse to Speak Particular Features. I i n lll~ 11 { ~ 01th ti'llti- s Discredited. 1[1 f11:11 t r, t(t' \i I...…

October 31, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…~~~The MichiganDal ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1907.N 3 VOt. XVIII. No. ' 33. RIVAL TEAMS FINISH PRACTICE FOR' GAME Michigan Team Leaves for Nash- ville Today--No Changes in Lineup. onu the eve of the departure of te eant for Nashville. Ctaelt ost iwas fairly otimtistic as to the outcome. "There i- little tdottt its my mindm That tck twill play a cotsiderale part int te tandelrbilt game, said the coacl, "but wi-tottncevits...…

March 31, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR. AJiC II IAN. T VV"I ;D-,\,MARCI 131, 1908. No. 136. VARSITY BASKET-, BALL FIVE NED Fans Select All-Class Tram with, Tyler Captain-Cross Country Work Begins. ilasketball falit and( officials got to- get]her yesterdla afternoon andi seiected at11 alclass teattt int other wrordis, what woutldi prohialy tare ])cell tihe varsity teamti if Michligant suppotlledi batsketball as a reguliar sport. Matte ex...…

May 31, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MiNICH-IGAN. SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1908. INo, 180. VOL. XVIII. SUCCESS ON DIAMOND; K FAILURE ON TRACK Michigan Vanquished at Eastern Linthicum Shuts Out Syracuse R Meet-Cornell Wins-Crowd to in One-Hit, Errorless Game, Welcome Team Tonight. Closing Baseball Season. Philadelphia, May 30.-MSihigan went By dee'tiiig Syracse yesterday after- dowitoIt inglorioustefeat ii the eatennoonii 2 too, 51ichigan repeated the (lie ...…

October 31, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…_h Michigan___mil V or. XIX. ANN'ARBPOR.N Q1GAN AIR)Y (itOIllGR 31, t()8. SOUTHERN FRIENDS TO BATTLE VARSITY TODAY Vanderbilt Eleven Is Here for Fourth Annual Mee ing With th( Wolverines---Both Teams Are Ready But Not Overcon- fident-Coaches and Captains Say Little. Al I C I I IG' A 01-:k II,'I' 'Knl and oiPts. Yr. Ra' eys' e... ..' Crmpckr nt. r~il'lkI i E''csslooks, r .. "Schulz.c... . . 3 P ll al, 13.°...1 Casos 11t...2 1 ?. . Io s3l...…

March 31, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…- m- - - =oiJ, .1 0 L f r'^ a r-4 s: "l , 7 . - II 00 t. . k o 0v now-'U wo 3 * R4 MiU , _.. ,y, ° _ :. r._. ,_ , - _ . _Y_ .- ~ 3 AOL t ~ uz E1 h- '"13 A liKw. s T f - ,; ;=- ,1 J . I f :I: .% J .:'" 1 ~ ti- _ _- _ ^,;, .... J, ^ t~° - j Y / J: . _ ~ r 'L " . ,y. , ,. to rf , .: f ... ... , r r, %' ~" r ' _" O _ _. C! ! 'I: y " .W V y ^ , ~ , r . ,: -- _ - - ,, s n c " ' c ,-, , f f-: .. ' J , ,, <; _. ,-- =' "-^ , s: …

October 31, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…m O rl Cem OM .. f 0o So C) m o r-. . r-, Q 7 s 0 QT m r AI Li. ~ z ~ 0~ E ~mz~ 0 7 -u C,, i T1 t: r. _ J.' r ray. 0 C C) Z conC rJ,.Crte. f.' _ 0 I w. Ong 3 A~ rr _. - . ' , -' - . f. I. 0 t~i3 m x H-I 07) 0 =4 -.q m (A' d- r.I tl c) r* .. 'O ' C1) . r; i , J. 1, f ,_, r r _ _ :. ~ i.. M ... . . n x n ' r" r-, ,, s 's'+ y , ... J. J yf" "i' 1 ' "V .! !; ... "-" r+ r. .-.- .... t.. v ,.r r e^!. ....+ r '"'. 'v :._. r =...…

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