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October 31, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-31

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Th ]I hsanDaily.

Vol,. XIV.


No. 30



The Wolverines And60ohers Struggle ror Three Hours And The Re-
sult Is it Tie.sOreatest Otm In Western rFootbatli History.

litaiwH Nlin 1~atit
The weai ttheris f pie h 00hn
and ft lc,. ita e im s ira 'mo.
L1iine-p, i 1(1( i: tI I I'>. Olt
Westr,1 . T;1'a'IL.(. S a
er ,C, .'out , 1 (. ha I t, l'.;o
Hilt1 at ilt)a, 'titt i itt'' 'D"' viseL-
tIa'tiittgdcILt11i"(arratilttiI' ii ''itA

At Ithisttoint M81itgattt Imitblerd tittdig. Ilotaoniti t iithrouighi t-eriaii' c oin iithe lleachers were restless
hcr of' the fid. 1by lie hubttr~ouight sottt copt' iiig fortot'. M1innestoitpeited the second half by
'Il ot'hecaried t t' t''lhtititi ar Itnerrli pace' auta. W 'ih t'e ill iiti lie 25 yart i' n e. ('raver' 'has thrown
iiile ittt t itavedt tteItrill.(htOn t iu ga'Sosstttooit ilher It0c yarditiline, huackiiira oic-yaird less. Maddock
ya itr ~Itthe l ititittit I Hai ot'-Ith ttWo tne iaethird t''i'tth iii tuotlai. h ald ortr
Her to'8'tlh;uu Ititittl f ot tttl '''d l" Iii alui~tw o 'yarttds.'tttthelb' so 'Il'h sill wetitIto Michigan en 1M-
the tiltuerst thltsll o it t 1 tt'lt' 9 ittt'9 teret1t'I ctt ll. It' litti tit ateti o to'o 411 said lint', and a dispute en-
t0oirdl itt'. M81 i toti iwaii tonithrite'tard'tu'tlo i' i g 'h t I attndttons :arcuud'titeutmpirto's decision. The
tael twotai'ds otuulitt the 'onext i 1011' iibi'uittei p ia} r goed'_,,hl th~ ree d\VWouveinstcmatde'twvo yards and then
fai l itogttitt itigi rc~er 'e -ids itotuti'lit' uas ownti i byi 1to<, I titlild. Ott a take ottside play Mich-
'tO ti, rdopiuiedtbackitoit t lacits1 i s tit t 'avcotonetit'y'au'illtrot t 'i (ottws toenalized 5 yards-the ball
vsitorts see'ulldtte ball ottlin i iltteti tt :;}ar t ot'or. 'lT'e Atnnit At its tofailed( 'Iliii'pluayerso ilboth sides were very
ito its Giiiavers wostownriistaciik :a sil o Mitaketi agolt o i'(tra inosiHitnxt o ttid trot. Michtigant gaito 5 yards. Ball
11 iittaota nitstoffsllid tli iN 'llit itat a lt p 1 t gthe blli ont her ioilento'er tin looms, Michigan regain-
edi it ott ier 30yid i line hot Nisrcross
C ttiitltl 'umb (ti-Id M1 itnesotaslowited the
taoil ticiitgtsi's l36yard line.
*.... . a. .. s.-.. .. ._._. b , ..... s.r_.014.' . M 8inntesota miade live yards through
t9 i92 e tliat' t teted 10 more through the
CrRAX'I R I1ftAM tI N tD 11 lE4S lON +* otite platce. 'lbsMinntesota team was
xt. ii ait' 1,.a0 t°7 'eceltigi've'ty effort aitd thtiitgslooked
* 0i if lttey itiilil score. The Gophers
* "~~' t " ').gt iii' yattdsomore, inaking the first
J 1I?, rd dontiit iii tiitgana's l10 yard line.
A 8178 12 'it1Iietiphet' too tees went will with
NOCRei 'I itligl aso ithtsballneaeed the coveted
a1 X i''t (i


w il 'l"



811_l 'l 'l
LEFT1(111 I
t i r iictttl


1 78

iid at 2.21titmidti tilttti 0'ltii atitso''r + 0TR* 3'CR,# gttoI. lit the oext lil<ly every sian on
lThtir its oithttit'i ottuuats t adht. +IIA CR1.8f ' ttli teas wasOt (' intheuohsat ofthtiehint-
eol. ItofH tit tIade fust idown on Michigan's
Therte" iato 110siiid t on'. lit . Te f' "' A. W ;* 1'-yto lrnut e cctte Wolverines took
sigttul u'ra'ticue. IM-i ttutotti'suon the i' ) AV' IS C .II AN'P llZSl1,II<,l,) 'itt' for downisito.Ilcton was thrown
tossi, athelt'.oo itemlien1ni).a i nntititot tug' tj72 (79 O * (sick tatndtte visit's coutlti not gain.
l1Silihiltl I'ii'kdti til'anti 8Iittut' rtta IN 8ltoita asifoneed to pont after
treturntitd tsheiball tit lc 15-ytt'j l Iine.___railittll-'btit 1tutu yars-through center.
'iThey8' g'titt'ttthriee yardsthroi uugit Norcrsi' ra'uiled to ureturn thet'ball and
i'unteru lutt wuses'tfil I for itots i vgtut I notithei;'ovtal oult hte 8)ata Irdlite. Ilaiii;- tard its. it wus 1l t'hitu'tti's blion lie own 12
itt'ttiigl thelbul o81 o (nitotliisi20- Y a yard ite.Aut-sshusuepfontMinnst
it-dsuit e. m t 11 g 11;' iii sliii tiaki-e iuuul'ltt omorean. teI Mihianot'is oto tiutouteut t 9sliallgais Iree u'liu'"uu tlittutlsphives ryas wt. t
ntt Sittititt'uttet'tuuball ututi' tiu tshr.3li.sro ted1 ky rs .Itt rri s wa'ot s do t liie i'' tt l the 1h' h 'huha'iinc.t1u'lt i n tu 'i ai'li~iiiad i ad wt
icc. 81' uittuttiitt tutuuhisit staiil us intol~l t gtuio u llt'. u teois 81th ic:'.Id chzw t lade, I tt uu itotle' 8yrHin. G a e
lit-st i4i tulst t 11ht00hut itt'Y (Is t i thttttti ow il)ei 5 't(lt. failedtttttt tt ititheiru' ardsit~ti. il-anut \'asiwizt oti isc io ugh- yaret'lrntout'ars
lioi' 10yars. h it 'a'to i-itiGtttt i tt ttittit itt'w hllii titi saveiu t i iiihis tutll ou ite 13ayard int. uu ~ hocs irtgttelt
ouw' h.3l}tintitt(1h11110.ul hut'. 81mahutCoutdiIlestoyit I Bit'. hthrought thetltnt
ttue hillho(u'utst'o(1-yaudh.itre.l il u'ti hrsts'ie s s tO 'cit hiuo pt tthte ' i It totr itt auds core. 'lTe ball was 00
i i' 11three yardl t ucuti gi itt-itoluu itt IitOi .ttu uutisl 8 vdts " l wuiith 1'uuu'lieo a's bi tantu i;' . I l ii 8 y.r3is'-vt Icts
Mahdits't ;sas titit tuttthrw ubc or. is, cutde lutwedutu I Ituouls is to tuscks J'tti'i IBretc. liet tu I' itt 40 tuit'ec rtitid t lttu So iar n utiesota hasot played
'Thii'19'ttterinetics tutuahh dttt e tls t titt i l tutu iii 45-yardh list. illtiams' tmtu-u; itoh . liii hiuupu us t1 11 too .1t IT'ti0 \htittc at 'itcveryttitt.
Iti' S tutuul eit o i-t ir 't() .'lTie a; iinutututt' ttut' t i o ttulv itit ;('tetu G(I uuu , gun te' lii; tt i i tuticc t O hottluiniiae lro d wn eso
Otis. 8 ;Ni unu'ootaivit to t visi1et hoirImlii' ;ttttineutu hittttitut I w stit oti ttu l licifit asiltd 5 yardos itorc, carryinig it to his
thre ars lldI'let l ineot fllyocact asuai o18gti8lwilid'letic. 'rimei had 8 yrdlie.'ltoaha heb
bld. 1Michigian securetheul it ait] il itt h erslt'i i lossesiooIttif thei'btll o tuu 81tlliii didi ii ((t8'tii 1tkostliiMutsta
,Mineota'; 10 yartuttite, Hutsaue' tilt' thu-ir 83 sardilIiite'.81iite:ot'a"illuttus'It t'i tmide oIyardstro u tut u t lt 81i'suu utade tsutuyards on a fake
I ytrst ro 'utnd i ttu e l, hietitutu wsitu utu ytaoti throliuugh (ittlt tlihi ltwohilt;hatll ascati ckh tuittd A81 ti l lun.ii oh int - tgfaildu tie gtain. The
truossn listk thI-t tout 811It gut;an tire, hutsh petialiv.t-li(ue yariidsior "itti teatutu rds. I-. lctswatoo I lu i b itll wus M91 gu ns tin the 50 yd. line.
itat foireil tt tut . 81 tt il la kiltu- tuft'osid, 115y.Shte tusltulto putt 01Oi aImek 58 ai'b. 81liitt'u t 4 ~ l0 8~1 i i'and2 ad u h
tld utu itru-g'uinus'uthu'hlh uuhut-u'28 lake, uuuukiuug lE iii' iUll nisvtithi ci' ht itsu'u'u t°aowned iiuiiihi s tttlO oial callhsdttut hh al hack to the 55
yauduihtoe 14Minnestota 'tttauht'3 yardtiio tugain. I 'stilld was aid tiutitbutt sit' ft(A"tt'ife'wi'ttuI t ais liitt ota yard lline antd plizehod Michigan 10
throuugh cen'tder, baih; vas pilaluuizlod 5 i lt sitituu. liititue otlitetuu'huts ittu 'itt tte btallu tte si o it 1 it t tie is ht ya usliii holdinug.
yardis. itt' off sit' hplits)atnd lit hehti o ulditg is ususut sell. I tutu 1uuuutedcd a'litl odih i'th bail(l l ot 8iiti'it'ati
yards on a fakoehla), 91 innucsoutusutts tatu (louver retusried ay'rsc iis ng yardtscinhe. score o ti U. '\lotaowsIeahdagian
forcod toututt, uand .Nocoswasii is higait the htall situ heis yr ud thte 'lhse ((i llucta and hat-adieudliihethhill hback to the 31)yard linle.
dituved itt his tr-ackso. Hestont uindie 3i 'he Woluvrinecs failusd toigatin bust got fhold platying '1I lTimeu" to tiseur thisr' IMaddocik puted. Harris was down-
yards, and Hammiond nade lit-at dowo. lfive yards ott Sliututesuta'a nffsude pltay-ttWien up for theofiual playitng. Thr (Continued on Pa~e Four)

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