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October 31, 1903 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-31

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Annloulncemnent . !
The Largest and Most
Coipeteino miof
in An Arbo' will be found
at (1.' U. Wild dc lo, ill8
least. Washington St.. Grat
hais have beitn taken i
tle iSelection of all sul gs.
forothist, ton
108 E Wash. St.
SLatest Books i
$1.08 lachach
*The Magic Forest,2
IThe Beat of Rome, s
Little Shepherdof Kingdom
Come, B ui o
eiJuditlh of the Plains,
f ]Iv Marie.Mnd,
T he Proud Prince,
I~ Jitt~u 31u~l NN'm aI
* A F oret Hearth,
Colonel Carter's Christma
2The Call of the Wild,
* i thel, 115 s i
Th n ro Saeeh ns nk
0~litr txl, 0<iil upn. ; 0
*AltsOuRc~s , DEROIT,
Ofice 2111 S. tiltAve. tPone itit i i
danc 112 Stlt Ate. ltitti li
Ati iii ititjesi cll,

THE; MICHIGAN DAILY tevvyn, in Detroit. Te ncore wa a ffP fO®ff fPfP
_i~ * I It b tie Iii the ai'l of the net. year, hit, * Yotr Entire Needs in
At'l iodiiiv isiittert the1nn5Mihigati andi Tronto IlayedI agaits
irthis Itie itt Trotuo, ihigati siti
rue 11'a, ,g li lui Sit tDaitliiieaid plays Harard, Yale and Princeton. Law Ite1nal }o tign. _ "ihgn aaotefis si
-- MANAIN~r EDTORlihsibenthe ol iiii ester17ti vito ft all . dt1B Ayti#
sttslsF,55 MANAliFRif:t East etncollegeie vies ll Tai t ws iasit
- ut IPi.-it'-ii alt ea, ltoTte ts itstb Text-Boo ks
EOM)1,TORS: coltiges lit at'htomei, si thIat eastrn
Atti liv', t-- ti TtwAru ta'i w r ifescrNew and ScndHand
Cl tford S ui tecs y tielt's, ailtircieitittit it he lifirsi t iasern 40, ati
AC, p'.und, A. II itret 'CC vd ivnttei iiiet, 2 to 0i. Two diltys Ililhle q'an
k soph SiKc:'. iii'uvi S 51ole. latrMtithigian tplaydtPilesitu Yae : Engineering Supplies O
AadwsbaeSt0.Editor of Soovnestr £tra: 'lIn te Iltivtrtigone te iilivittstii -n 's
ROOT. K. WALTON. soedval safettty i inteirsinht iliht 1110RihtVPices Alwas
vi ts iiiititit'. ii. ~5.litittti wvas tte onlly count of thl insil T hei, l
titivi~. (1] iiiiisijtiart t itS I At, . Pi. H fli. t 1i I eign lilaydili llt' lbe'ttE oiltIU.1~U n
OfficeHous:st-1230 tn 13 anti 610 to 730 Irn lii rttl a. 00 d , n (
Ares p. i. Daily. "I, is udouitediiily tliii' tat the:Z Bought adSold at
Ades-ROSCOR . HUSTO, Business5Ma- larger soresrv tiads' by Yai'titnId
alter, 331 Packard Street, I'rintttitangaithi eestrnipltaters *f 0
Teiephione, 61, wtre iillel mt easuretoltheli~t' tilO
-- tat Iihigan hadl,ittehub'reitoIf
____________________ rst. utptaitdrecvetsr fhtml.thinks tt of no uurittliliaias'l ttt: BO STRES 9
_ aidlPrincetoni all ii ot.wea. Whert 0
"IIC"16~AN IN IflU [[AD. is the footblallteant that swouldi at * UP TOWN DOWN TOWN.
"in158 hich .liigant tlaytd.tny
In Establishing Football in the West- g'ms at fume, ilt. in '3t math' a set' __________________
Woveroes Were te First to andi trill ast A cloe game sas
Adopt the Great College playedi sitht Harvard, the score heintg
Sport-A Bit of H is. ,it tit asr sitheiicrimsnttheiti
tory. ret helt rit aSs iisast o temtt . liirliii
stsin mii.Yale t.' tn.ahem tt o 0.ii i
Tihe 'oloing'ishiistory' oioblin Vtesle yant, thet impoiitrtan. colleet
lime'sTiteraititder' titsiof Nvemetiites:thtiey' coiulldoswith StvensIts tti iiho l e osi ar aIt i eril
liisrt si , showeing, asite iis, the I l it liiie them
lee part tknititby MSihigtatn iint sali Three Games In Three Days hIlik attsai slte titieirtil
ls Ing ts' gtames: "hite 'ats oithlis iti, ior sittme a eittspiistilstv er Iii r
"ol t I iiSvc si~y ofiMihiigati e ofitIeinaIlast, w'r'e'(Itc 1s iltheliii
fongs 'the rs'ittituhvin tig ris Iot t 'rstto Micihigan's attemtto pait'isc v eS i'S' ritiltitsti Ctt.. hlt i tutl
alfit thu s 51livhe tttspr1bably r, ay allis'so sitettsi' tip iti Oritt est lProdlut's itfit'e artiva
i'll a gitmit'litsed sit ar bh aD ec.tslit t otwere iltiplayd insessive'classMiteli Stt.'hivetse fillti ill '1t1 1lit.'t
oraion ayit 1879,sonIh e I ldP ait c iatt 55 i.11 ntte en one hi yis o1 rest liiie
''rant Thei ot estli intelevenin g t' il fotblul htwa'us'buIIitta s ultatrd lia s tthine ' is W[td ltn ria
Michssiltn adsRineilti' ii 'ileIt, ielutotitsee why 5he Micigat".' ht as~t tson s t
the it ii iit itioluiit itt It'it' .ga'tmeti'slii titino it iiome i'ft'eseiia' t er S oth i liinil "'ie
over played ins 's t'eu'ul,I, 't gameisitu an'dutIt' i onat isitlu thalt111 GoHwey,& o
"eli ga hadt'.'i ptilayed' 'thesu'uuu'u in hit ldthe asi t eni'' uS' i hut t o iii lut i W Dt
cl ,s itttitttit' t atitt t imbuitt,u' l ose scosi tit , iu,'o'e' case''thu ey
tutitdt tiui itiisiI, gitii,'uiu ' , 'tu'ii'ttt. lus ug iite5' ii st' ____
lutiS co u ne oi t he oit her i i i' li 111h ht utii suu iiuei li ht stul
itllge htttti t allp Stul its, the lip The X, tiws t lt' hu'stttne'itu hui- f sil i \t
wasin iuuu'uui'ui t ug iifor iutsinec lgite s hut aute Infoth t errDii it,' h
lichih farthu huh el'even was or. I'll ml siutit it lust' ill i t ftuilualumtis liGtiod'silpeed tt
g uitt'd tiht 'it n t , I kCoe a l ii l t u', lh u til 1895'uitutuit
.ann., ndhi' r h e'tuh ur'i positie tof pla ing I h at y a ,uhi't' ti ich gan inl yil_(a__ne con est_________onra____e he _________ch in- TAI ORS________nto
lit gamet ofiul ii r u'u'u'ytali'olu of' Ii' pionsuo it W estIlytl i l115 . t fohr S''
\'to I ti. ili'i uu''i5 it' 'ttnt i t uIeti itt tHarvard wan

I a
*a 0
* ON
2 2
Subject:- "KING LE AR" :


OCAIO lM. SLA tiOLT, Miasaqs
Lyra~nH. HoWve
Aiiferica's Greatest Exhibition of Movig
Special Pictuires that reflect thur Life of teI'lt coilu itiuahl
Parts of the Weirlil, Outr Programti will ittrlude 'Moing ict uirets
in Natural Colors.
Prices: i~c. 25c, 35c, 50c. on~ Sale at Stofflut's
Wednesday, Nov. 4th. tle C { tIt.ul h itt
th tt'eVO 'l" I huiig- i


ATTERS. 345 STATE ST., Phone 342-2r

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