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March 31, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-31

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The Michiga_ ____
VOL. xIv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUSSDAY, MARCH 31, 1904 No. 131
First Outdoor Work Yesterday-Hard Miss Anne E. Huber has been ap- The 14th annual banquet of the En- "The Crusaders" Will be Given Under
Work.Ahead to Get Team in Shalt pointed to the Chicago Commons gineering society will be given Friday the Direction of Prof. Renwick--
forAa Spring Trip-Cmpen scholarship for the folowing year. evening, April 1st, at 8 o'clock, at List of Leading Singers-A
for Spring Trip-Compe This scholarship which is supported 415 E. Jefferson street. A gosd pro- Chorus of 4t Students.
__hedu f Gams. by the S. C. A. is awarded by a com- gram has been arranged and every-__
The baseball squad was given its mittee of faculty members on the body will be promised a rousing good Music lovers who have become
rot outdoor practice of the year yes- grounds of general excellence in so- time. As only a limited number of aware of the University School of
terday afternoon on a field near the ciological work. plates can be set, those desiring to go' Music in its atmosphere and who have
fair grounds. Enconraged by the Miss Huber will spend part of next should purchase tickets immediately, long ceased wondering at its successes
warm weather Coaches U tley anI semester at the Commons, gathering Price of tickets $1.00, for sale by W. in choral unions and May festivalswill
Johnaon, marshalled the men who re- the material for the thesis which she C. McBain, W. C. Smith, A. F. Filler- be pleased to hear of G. S. Gordon's
ported at the gymnasium and turned is obliged to present on her return, up and W. E. Ehrman. grand opera, "The Crusaders," which,
them loose on the tur. The practice under Professor Renwick's direction,
which lasted from one to three, SCIENTISTS MEET. SENIOR GRADUATES. is to be presented at the Athens The-
was devoted to knocking and catching atre, next Monday and Tuesday, April
flies, Big Convention Opens Here Today- Class Larger by Six Than Last Year's 4 and 5. Mr. Gordon, a pupil of Pro-
The weather permitting, outdoor Important Papers Will be Given- -Over Half Are Girls-Compari- fessor Stanley's, in writing this opera,
work will be the rule henceforth, the Sessions Will Continue Friday son With Size of '05 Class. has done a most remarkable thing, for
men only retiring to the cramped and Saturday. "The Crusaders" is the first American
quarters of the cage when forced to The list of prospective graduates grand opera, in time; and those who
do so by rain. This afternoon at 2 o'clock in the from the literary department has been have had an opportunity of hearing
The squad which numbered between west Amphitheatre of the new medical posted on the faculty bulletin board in it in private are not unwilling to con-
thirty and forty men yesterday, will, building will occur the opening meet- University Hall. This list shows a fess that it is far from being the least
perhaps be increased. ing of the Michigan Academy of total of two hundred and seventy- meritorious of grand opera produc-
With the spring trip only two weeks Science. A number of members ar- three candidates for the Bachelor de- tions.
away, the coaches, handicapped by the rived here yesterday and many more gree. Of this number one hundred It is suflicient to say that both Mr.
lateness of outdoor practice, will have are expected this morning. The attend- and forty-two are women, a little more Gordon and Theo. Stanger, formerly
to drive the men hard in order to ante will undoubtedly be larger than than half the class. On consulting the of the Bostonians, who has yritten the
weld together a team capable of de- ever before. records it appeared that there were words for Mr. Gordon's wonderful mu-
feating Chicago week after next. The meetings will be of general in- forty-five lit-medics and thiry-one lit- sic, will receive great honors on the
The complete schedule is as fol- terest to a large extent, and students laws in the class, making a total of presentation of the opera.
lows: and others will, it is anticipated, be seventy-six in the combined courses. "The Crusaders" may be termed a
- April 1i6-Chicago at Chicago. present at some of the numerous dis- Last year there was graduated from romance in grand opera. The setting
April 18-Wisconsin at Madison. cussions. A number of important pap- the literary department two hundred is the time of the Crusades, the scene,
April 19-Kalamazoo at Kalamazoo. ers will be given this afternoon. and sixty-seven students, six less than England and the Holy Land. Act one,
April 20-Albion at Albion. Among them will be the following: will graduate this year. Of this num- of the five acts, presents Count Eg-
April 21-Hillsdale at Hillsdale. Botany Section, ber one hundred and thirty-seven were bert's banqueting hall, its occupants
April 22-M. A. C. at Lansing. A series of papers dealing with re- women, about the same proporition as feasting, and looking on at the dane-
April 20-Illinois at Ann Arbor. generation suill be read. in this year's class. The number of ing. A duel is fought in which Matil-
May 7-Chicago at Ann Arbor. Geology Section. six year students was seventy, six less da's brother is killed by the Count,
May 11-Oberlin at Ann Arbor. Professor Russell will give an il- than in the present class, and of these who becomes the enemy thereupon of
May 14-Illinois at Champaign. lustratied account of his exploration of forty were lit-medics and thirty were Alfred, a second brother. Both join
May 16--Northwestern at Evanston. the glaciers of the Three Sister Peakls lit-laws. the crusaders, in later acts, meet and
May 18-Chicago at Ann Arbor. in Oregon. Lantern slides will be beome friends in Jerusalem. Matil-
May 21-Wiscnsin at Ann Arbor. used. BOYCOTT STUDENT PUBLICA- da marries Count Egbert.
May 25-Chicago at Chicago. Dr. A. C. Lane, state geologist of TIONS. The chief parts are taken as fol-
May 28--Oberlin at Oberlin. Michigan, will read a paper on thelows:
May 30-Cornell at Ithaca. theory of the formation of copper in Matilda, Mrs. Kerr, soprano, of New
June 4--Northwestern at Ann Arbor. the earth's crust. The students of the University have Yorkwell known in Ann Arbor; Count
June 17-Crnell at This section will meet in the muse- been surprised that the liveries of Ann Egbert, Mr. F. Huttmann, tenor, of
Arbur aveentreu ino acombineEgetMrF.Htmntnof
June 18-Cornell at um lecture room. Arbor have entered mto a Chicago; The Hermit, Mr. Berneike,
unSection of Sanitary Science. refusing to advertise in or in any way bass, of Cleveland; Alfred, Mr. K. Bar-
Dr. Vaughan will give a summary support student publications. This ar- rautell, baritone, of Chicago; Courier,
SCHOLARSHIP PARTY. of the results of sixteen years' work rangement was perfected by the livery rl. Mark W. Cowell, '05, bass, of the
.in the bacteriological examination sit companies last year and they have tUniversity.
The Womans' League of the Univer- drinking water. universally refused to advertise with The parts and chrus of 40 voices
sity will give an informal Leap Year Professor C. E. Marshall, of the the students since. There is no ques- are tnder the direct management si
party, Saturday evening, April 9t, for Michigan Agricultural College will tion bet that student papers are a Mr. Perry of New York, -long with the
the benefit of the Lucinda Stone schol- read a ipaper on the action of bacteria necessity nowadays in institutions asMetrpolitan Opera company.
arship fund. in the suuring of milk. large as ours. Thay also serve to ad-M The orchestra will be under the di-
Lucinda Stone is one of Michigan's Section of Zoology. vertise the University and bring st-rection of Pruuf. Renwick.
illustrious graduates, who has brought Mr. A. G. Ruthven will give an ac- dents here. It is to be expected there- the management is confident that,
honoretoahereAlma Mater.fThenWothit,
honor to her Alta Mater. The We- count of his biological exploration in gore that Ann Arbor business men astue iron the May Festival series,
mans' Clubs of Michigan and many the Porcupine Mountains of the Upper should support these papers as nidthisfirst prttaynof "Thes-
other people among whom she has Peninsula of Michigan. many cases the entire business of ers" will tak rank as the must nuts-
worked, have seen fit to honor Or Tonight the visiting members of the these firms is done with the stuents. ble musical event- of the present year
memory with fitting remembrances, in academy have been invited to attendi It is true that the business men here
the way of memorials. the dedication of the New Science hall are very libertl. The more prgres- -___Arbor.
The Womans' League is this year at Ypsilanti. sive believe that advertising wih th S. C. A. ELECTS OFFICERS.
trying to raise a sum of money suf- The convention continues tomorrow students, pays and they are usually
ficiently large to erect a scholarship I and Saturday. not dissapointed. It is a matter of
in her memory, and the money gained cuhargin therefore among the students, Notwithstanding the bad weather
by the Leap Year party of April 9th, COUNT" VILLA A CONSUL. especially those who are trying hard conditions, a large crowd turned out
is to go to this fund. Ito bring our student papers up to the for the annual election of the S. C. A.
Every effort is being made to have ollowingrm the Seatlle Post standard of other institutions, to find last night. George Burgess who' was
this Leap Year party the most sui- Tefllowinrithef s such a combine among a class of men elected to succeed M. K. Edwards as
cessfull one of the year. The large "OIte pencerxasisitstch:r. whose business is done almost entire- president, is a 1905 lit. He is a grad-
gymnasium room will be used to ."''0. A. Spencer, assistant cashier f ly with students. Considerable inter- uate of the Howell high schol.Dur-
dance in, and the halls and large par- the Natistnal Bank of Commerce, whit is being takCen by the students in ang the past year he was president of
lors will be decorated and fixed up as for the past thirteen years has been the isttue f the tsAr ent intu the latyeC w pi.
recetio roms or hos wh donutItalian consul in Seattle, has resigned le attitude of the An Arbor livery- the Divinity Cltb.
reception rooms for those who do not hat psition, and .t H. F. Villa will imen. Some of the class organizations The following officers were elected:
care to dance. Good music has been this ps an and societies are talking of circulating General vice presidents, Jas. Welch,
secured. Refreshments will served. "M. hilla . better known as Frank a petition advocating walking to '05 law; Miss Ruth Thompson, '05.
oc sthan by his alphabetical name. He spring parties, except where covered Recording secretary, Miss Genevieve
o'clock g tha born in Porand and grew up iseconveyances would be absolutely nec- lmus, '03. Treasurer, R. W. Baley,
fromkMrs. Jordan aty her rm gn aWals Walla. e graduatedg in law essary. It is said, the young ladies of '05. Literary vice presidents, E. S.
from Mrs. Jordan at her room in Bafrom Ann Arbor in 1898.g and lefta the University are very much inter- Shank, '05, Ralph Beeman, '05, Miss
hour gymnasium any day before the 'rmtAinb in 189man te ested in the matter and are willing to Edith Martin, '05, Miss Nellie Shafer,
party, from eleven to twelve 'in the reputation behind him as being the help the movement along. '6. Law vice presidents, Ray G.
morning, or from the committee mem- derciest tackle on a football team ev- Swift, '05, C. T. Kemmerer, '05. Medic
bers, at the same place, from four to e t he rekIn all cr- G vice president, Guy A. Klark, '05 med-
six in the afternoon. The price of it. Bent vice president, C. C. Robin-
try as "Count" Villa, and he was cap-
the tickets is fifty cents. tain of the team Both the preliminary meet and the son, '06 dent. Engineering vice presi-
"The change will be made just as final meet, which were to be held in dents, M. C. Tunicor, '07 eng, Harold

CUP DEBATE PRELIMINARIES. soon as Mr. Spencer can find time to Barbour gymnasium, before the spring nir y, v, eng.
make the transfer. Mr. Villa is an vacation, have been called off. Some The election for the Homeopathic
The Adelphi Literary society will American, born of Italian parents, and of the events will be carried out at department and School of Music was
hold their preliminaries for the Cup his appointment gives satisfaction to the time of the gymnasium exhibition postponed.
debate on Friday evening. The sub- the Italian colony here." in May, but the meet, as such, is not UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY,
ject is as follows: to be held this year. The reason for
"Resolved, That labor unions should DARNING NOT DANCING. this change in plans is given out as 336 STATE ST.
incorporate." the lack of entries. In spite of the Short term, $2.00. April and May.
The following have drawn places: In the notice of the Y. W. C. A. evident interest which the girls took, Three lessons per weekWednesday ev-
Affimative-Garmin 1, Rhode 5, How- meeting for Saturday afternoon, it there were not enough entries for ening, Saturday morning and evening.
ith 13, Gordon 15, Gallup 19, Schat- was characterized as a dancing party, each event to make the contest a suc- By the improved methods of teaching.
stadt 21, Loeffler 23, Grimm 25, Schra- instead of a dancing bee. We' take cess, and the directors thought no The average student can learn to
der. 3, McLain 9, Metzenbaum 11, Hull pleasure in correcting so grievious an meet at all better than an unsuccess- dance in this time.
7. " Negative-Deahl 2, Nevill -4, Ros- error. ful one. The result is very disap-
enberg 8, Long 10, Banman 12, Lath- pointing to many of the athletic girls, The native Filipino band may give
ers 14, Jayne 16, Parks 6, Bruce 26, Chaffing dishes at Haller's Jewelry but under the circumstances the mat- a concert at California on its way to
F'riedman 28. Store. tf. ter cannot be remedied. the St. Louis exposition.

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