A-N A RBOR,31IIII(\\, SAiT RDAY- l.k N I i 311, 190F.~
vrOL. XVI.
No. 13r.
Final Meet Promises Close Coi
tests-Fresh Engineers Shou
Win Easily-Coe fay Bre
With the intecass t iieel toiight t
inorseasont at Wa temanillgymaiia
trill e 1b10ougt to acoe A 'tige c0
centage of tie ten who hoteienwei
nin lt ce ipreiot0 o us t ets wIIillt iC
atitete colll e ooked ifo.T hel i t 111
o fiefiors t. lcin thetotherttindo
int thte 10!o t t Ni tctttttttith I f
hurdievi chtie 111 tt high ettitp.til
Mtarke1111 tte polllt IBtides th!
1w1ittavebeeit ing lex1111lilt Iworkl
Toih t il hopet! t C ctti will
'ht 1111u t 'itt'tibeenttitit'1111111 l!i
has befenitoring1111outothegrlI
da li.ilytfor t tweek indlilati i
littl t hroifitt thlt ad in ieuei
boyitoodtiofCftit'-evftce , iettiti'S 11t
tei thebest11po iblefo11rttandi
111111' I calilt ii't oo hihi o
fifty-rotr vec11d tiSchenkt il pr
111y111 sfthetit eitttatit ha111 ,11h11't111
do tu tibtful if ecnti n.litt 1111 i
tlt pprXhi rehenierslo
O iti andi Bit ol illiilitfrIsi co
as tulltilt ''tillpete
been ilti'lilgtheit et ith3 Nire 11111
latiy fortti et hurdlesi an it may X de ie
for'fis -ithighhuFtlesiit Clotgi
a im t tlmt igh lttie tittifers. Xl
I titut aKeettenk telstch.I.
Ni v 1C 'ti ould Score eiih oii
iItotI otwillg of hy ill tird.te
ctmieit.tliee etitsodgo to \V
twttii a easlonaloie titmeiand 1tol
tiui ticxa.odttti stibjeet to 'review ity
I4ET it. , v .Citi ii iii S 1)1WT. ENCORES GALORE
i N DuuiO<R Si iA~lUN cllr.ef>rteSllet, ette
as<0r iii h te tlas t tpped intothe
______________The____litloit io t icktelt ha tien Noted Band Leader Plays Diverse
>ii>lrliaS)'i: PresiidentiitSi.ti1.liiirk.'i'o17 Program Before Crowded Hall--
n- 1lilt\l\ii ttiii to7Ii I iT tieI HScool - Three Assisting Artists.
Ad ;iittw'po i ino 1.;. -''l, eodn ertit ryitt H111111 A.
ak Uiv-rtityo' w hltcacait' asteve- Ioo -rner, 'Mcit: foriitrlitee. i . WXX. BY A. tt til Iic11:w
if li1th n t it tiules tlias iti llted i lvte Xiig- lathii J.3 . I Xill ilt. '09 it: . 1. 1 lo- i il i il N ttttt
tiC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ es -, hallelil oItitXioliul ol iet the S.L. A0 coure0at
the il i ll tiofe teneiltit endor ii.s ii ifacu ti t. 8i lit:i' T .tltF.iott -ll i i'Q8 llieu1 nighltt hettllttre ltd i 1111n imtmen1se/titi i
111 co111 'saci11 i ad ingt-ll 111111 e1110 1 Ititlirtm th ue g lri 111 iltiliti ttitlt lint 11v111 Iet.tvhl
er- io 111lt1111 ii tiii'tltIit i 111tl ih'rllldca t i'itllteas no~ lii't no lii lati brethi ng rit olit ryasi at ailt tWIu .T h
in- 1T'itltth iie i li i itridieinlilt'he as ici t ins ii ' ht Tlilt' itt'110.t'wiliheIhiid'to-'Ai 'itt asiiting teh nd w r izaithI
11Q u 11- powes by te ii ult elaittttnst iwits UBSat1I:'JoiU nersiA y haNG te n m-Scl r orn.Jet oersi i il1 1h lii1111 i i il i
aslts a ls ot tnlc.Itti vt ed11toiio11 mativng1con1ei t ile oR HiR-CUen tTINl tit li ii nd I' Sixtitirketicorntelt itl
1111a ticmitte111111 iiioofer lt ttit t te fl ty den1 s.iTheilit t erdl asttu ht111 t i hti li
noe in e gard111111111heipliieCo mittsteietUpon Four ig-1111111iii liion th filttia- lnsdiv 1 11l ta
1111 iti licaId11to11the11prolittedIt it tilll tltit Fv nt etileo e efete iii! l hai e beenlit t i 1Iliir!than. itutlt
Ii iiii itti1111 IIttittitb Su Co itte I.'i hil nu imib iter ft i t iltudd t t h ecis
iand iililthttettic o c l i1111 i 11 ___itsacons ih ncrtoi bo th ppauei nd iii. h
e li e, and itfor ai ng11 them mb o hile fivtlt ommitvi t tes ec1l ulttiiltIfite 1o0Fo r i g adia itsmesaptwngad nt
lop ahletc hord 11oredirecly rsponihlc Evens-Deails o bePerfcted thatha tltaystchitalteize t il
ill to1p1 lt asi ti on of s1111 iii iii iittttytil ub=Comemtitteestel-moiiotrilliperor anttw ic I
Aipanwit prpodt o ii iiform i tl lt ititan t ititastit thsile-tl Ii til tt iii ireslttofllpraciit i tt Ilolitti
hei ciai l1 e t t h sti den''tils 111fliialtttlithe lii ii 'lttile t.liting sol1o1istsiiiwere1 i i l ut r-
the hi westen uniitrstiit forlilt tittitAftert tilto iiiuliiiorhiltftutu
1111111 111y11h audielit XX tilt 1o111(cnto o tle ii ii itititics 101h h rd ttcl1 co 1miteesitiie t1111 if lt tttlg il
iii upev iion 111 1 1ther1c1111111t111r y ittnerousi I Il 11111111
lilte This11rIttI I ite would hlilttelitdX till Xitotctnferii ut a commi1tfetile
1 utustiltill 1111in Pato'sertuttuithtt Xim
o - Ii i netlt 11111it ill t tilc ti a so tallt tillu e or har
gl1- T e quetion O I )r.\, illams aa i i A lilttiliteturetfithetvellil lit
XX iw s irti~ t'ii'i unanimousiopinoiS 111 lie otuipitittituti t t tt tl t t hirlt"cii- -i X lti~ ii N
spcc____tle lassets.i thse plans itrei t he-M rc __ngs_ anpu__ onfth
tilt NiexpresXs t Nieed 3 i titiil that'tu litishouldii tnotiettilt itcut.ii baton. tiutSines 11111Vii t orellt lilt'
tie 1111tt 'uit t t lii' 01their o> n a i I tu g-f-taiaro s tide utuIur l tuo takie 1"1tl tutitttttt ft ii itt o it
1111 X tlittui I tit 11111 1pha 11 som tuFrit ayt aftoil ooni in iii" tile' iit'c iii itit r}ui aofltltit ad 11 fe11 nXvilties
wasi til enoe ofi'ttu til t u11111 t,'iii atutiotlt ttlt Jut i'e i
111 II11 titiu l I\tue il eli Of a Cot edl on peag aeltey2 )4liltATORICAt, 11111
Professor Dewey, Former Michigan
instructor, to Address School-
masters' Club.
Nutr before.X Tis t~itstsotruetitftle
it ixettimtedthtttitiiallith11111arvtnetily I
lThe progtit rlii ehtaisibeen i cseiall)in-
tishvapae d itoi t othtt ers ii1111 tuttntthose
lOrgan1izaioil iil illu it I istoret'"iby
Profeststori Mciagin "Thetil ttle-
tiitonal importiof ill tuenTht iiuu"by
itt; J1 vluItio ad til Xdtit-
lter itfttO lie t lege. ll I Ill
itt i ltici c l h e tei ot't
t! li'stiu" ad huts ittf-te eni tieisession
ofilite utctoilmas ter' lltit-it ill iteiidet-
bit untiers ititntttt'i Ivrit tBallh lt 111i
thetsstsionh eitnn 1hing at5:tlute orn
tuiing rforiDeweylilt utet at1 iona
euutti Xi o uia i a ip illpe.It t isutac
tildt ef Mittuuchin, an foratimeo
wavet adoifls etttttid e iut tito i tttlila
ophi heetl eedt' ing hit ofessori tit ortist.11
FmMichtian e'utuut Xtilt'e 1ivetr-
lis~~ityoChicago, atend111 ifoitrthpat.leto-
yetrsthas been 11111 tewt h Co1 1111luital
tpeia~tt t"'lttuiittl t'ok in cn e tin iiiit li tIlhe
tihtorcutf111111 a111nhilt ill 11t 111Chicg
ceedetoiphut ino Pttt i esw
htrcdta ill dea of ttit ionahil over
tile Icoun11111 and httt i tI tutum made li
adepartent ofthe10 l't iit' itvofC i
cag . 1Pofe1orIi p lv tutu til'il'ittied
noedtilteile. "_\ udytf ill-s
-stdieliti' LogIic uI'o- titt IIt.nd1ca
trea11tietoil psyhology.hhi Ilelisthelea -
osophy I~n wnias lIttlitiis ii
csitflto biuht-din 1111iycri~ al
x:3 111thuis m rii;i atut u lo ,
I. ii tiltesurei t i hi Se, ii lie
1) v . )trtu t C1 111111 lightil I tt i
At.uiil \elif vet l1. tui.tituIt iui
4 1. itlitand tCt~lit ituith iot iuttit A
hi yyy- til lltut l i 'umuit it 1'cv S i X
3. I uiitt Xtlh iiiI hi i tiitt
T einalStuu toft ii u con ierence hot
1 :30 o i ithi eonitlLti reit N t . i
ii 6AxiA ~ 11 11fo fiAdt til Firoit,-
Ihtt .ToledoOhio
;1. t'h uuNrnstt Lam i nu luth ugaibo il-
r ctiei frFouuc FrdN.c ittonK'itueue
Ig Berwyn, illl.
ld Modtcrnu Itugutage Cotticenc'
uu rile programu for the sesionu of the
(Continued on page 3)
w it
Gymnastic .Exhibition by Girls Delights Schoolmasters
Tu-he schluml asitill sfllntd u'l'toi' l e u' tutuodit Nsfme1ofh thumotutu ' cl t mtt oe-tutugls ctot setu t uuhectraveln itte ngu-sivtgether
turned tic i h u tll for it tltr hi tc er- t i tut 11thfachit ain c lassiuttuatdetti uto more cIlim e oe ttitutsit-uestintutt
noonio tIhu exthiituti in a tiltrhuhye-l fu'teentttiiietii'!tgirltool's ~tthete ttcl'iltntrturits, ut-cuhrst-iduhigh
and 11und itt lul iciifiitietntt ofij Thetuwandutui wasiipitticlipted iunbyuueuu u i tltmevslk ml xy
Dr.tit tBoo itand h iStewartuitw111111 ut ftyi ive111 iu itgtirst urehmnairc itugs. tsutuuet u- i
t ontituotf l tth ttiari tus tkitds ttf Iio1111 th 11111 inut llte tiwtole'drill goinug tiff toulaties, iandtthutext bitio n closet
doeu inithe01ymnast~itum.lmtutttilt ieckout. A muiltay dil1with a1bslilthi amibetuucctwe-eiiuthue senttir
Vil tugandimrchitaohei iprompttl ttl i!hl w u-its ig'it tutwoyfurgirsix ro-it ftr1 eih s~ hiteil.i lylichue hininug lil
~~~~~~"1114 itlthuabottut two undrhtedtiru shIintlinue. I each e tclas Th i uries tieute i-eurI-ii-u p1ltyiid tithe fr'etshmuenu tcuug u to
It ito a peI!tutu ihttcto teetemti aci i ult.Wheing ay itupotilt cettraluivtot, runs,1antutusinugutmttcht latghter ut
ill lueyt01 iuutu uits1111formuuuhue fantcy iniitutus- cutfour.t teiwtulItsepirate, good-lnaturetd coommn.t e ir sein
tigures 'tNtxt cauutteSitteli lwout hiytmitcittaudtlostet toks itiltriue ii- s uh! i'l Ct ttuhu soeluyetto onetuc'oeil
i-uargc tresthumtnuichasThIelot-showed hurt preiClon. s at-that the INicligat college wtetia
excellit ent tituig atutl wire especualiy Somuetaplparathus uvotk tfoltutlowe I wo is 11otiesatitle ou well deeopedi.