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January 31, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-01-31

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The ichigan Daily



No. 90

Profesor George F. Moore, of Har-
System at Cornel Abandoned-Prince- vard University, who is delivering a
ton's Method Successful-Medical course of lectures before the various
Department Working Upon the branches of the American Archaeolog-
Honor System. ical Institute, will speak in Sarah Cas-
well Angell Hall next Wednesday ev-
ening. February 3, at half past eight
With the approach of She semester o'clock, on "Recent Excavations in
examinations, the subject of an Hon- Biblican Lands." The lecture will be
or system appears prominently in the given under the auspices of the Amer-
columns of various college and Uni- ican Archaeological Institute besore
versity publications. the Philological Society of the niver-
This interest in the illimination of sity and will be illustrated by the ster-
the practice of cribbing is encourag- eopticon. In view of the great inter-
ing, showing that in many institutions est of the subject and tha authority
the sentiment of the student body is of the speaker it has seemed wise to
approaching that much desired point the Philological Society to make pub-
where dishonesty in examination will rli announcement of the event and to
not be tolerated. extend to those who desire to hear
Such a condition if attained is not Professor Moore a cordial invitation
far from ideal. to be present.
Obviously the hearty support and Professor More possesses an inter-
sympathy of the student body is of national reputation as a Biblical crit-
cardinal importance in evolving an ad- in and Hebrew scholar. From 1''; to
equate system of this nature. 11902 he ocupied the chair of H.trew
From a hasty glance over the var- at Andover Theological Seminary.
ious systems now undergoing trial in Since 1902 he has held the professor-
many institutions one hecomes con- ship of Biblical Literature and His-
vinced that in this problem theory and tory of Religions in Harvard Universi-
practice are widely separated. ty. Professor Moore is possibly best
For instance, the system so long known in the world of scholarship for
maointained at Cornell might be con- his critical and exegetical work on the
sidered adequate but that in practice Book of Judges. He is the author of
it came far from meeting the require- a Commentary in Judges and Hebrew,
ments of such, must appear evident the Book of Judges in Hebrew, edited
from the recent action of the student with notes, and has likewise been a
body in abolishing it in its entirety. frequent contributor to the learned
The feature objected to by the stu- journals of Biblical and Oriental re-
dents at Cornell existed in a clause search. He is at present chairman of
which required the student to report the recently established American
to the faculty any person observed in School in Palestine--an institution
the act of cheating. which aims to do for Biblical archaeo-
It cannot but be regretted that Cor- logy and linguistics what the schools
nell should have thus taken a back- at Rome and Athens have accomplish-
ward step after having inaugurated ed in the classical field. President
the system. It would seem that a James B. Angell is a member of the
much wiser course would have been Board of Counsellors of the Palestine
by a careful consideration of the ob- School.
jectionable feature to so amend the Beside being eminently qualified to
system as practiced, to make it more present the discoveries of the' various
nearly possible to meet the end in expeditions that have made the lands
view, of the Bible the seat of their opera-
Conditions of this nature, which tions, Professor Moore is a delightful
have proved so disastrous to Cornell speaker. The lecture will appeal par.
have ben the cause of failure to in- ticularly to those interested in Bibli-
troduce the honor examinations in on- cal criticism, antiquities, history, or
ly too many instances. geography.
Student loyalty to one another is a The time for the lecture was set at
dangerous thing to meddle with, and half past' eight, so that many could
while loyalty to one may mean disloy- avail themselves of this rare oppor-
alty to many it is a point often hard tunity.
for a college man to see. And so
while the situation is perfectly clear EXTENSION OF THE BOULEVARD.
and duly plain when viewed by one ._
disinterested it may be far from oh- The Civic Improvement Society has
vious to the student, and certainly no now under consideration a plan to ex-
element should creep into a system of tend the boulevard out Fuller street,
this nature, which compels a man to winding through the "Schoolgirl's
perform what to him is a disloyal act. Glen," and then turning southeast ov-
On glancing over the successful er the hills and opening on Geddes
ventures in honor examinations in Avenue. Property owners, in the vi-
vogue in various institutions, thoes cinity of the proposed extension, have
enjoying the greatest success are signified their willingness to assist in
those in which restricting rules and the movement, so without a doubt the
conditions are absent. project will be carried out in the near
Princeton has evolved the most future. This will add a very pretty
practical and successful plan so far mile and a half to the popular drive.
brought into use. The system there _ _
has been tried and proved for years
and that it is successful is attested UNIV Y M. CA,
by the fact that only two men have Mr. Clayton S. Cooper, who spoke
been known to cheat in the last two to the men of the University in Mc-
years. The student is placed entirely Millan Hall last Sunday night, will
on his honor and any dishonesty is speak at the meeting of the Associa-
reported to a sall student committee ftion on next Sunday night, February
who pass upon the act and in event of 7th. Mr. Cooper has been on an ex-
conviction qiotly request his with- tensive trip in the East since he left
dntrawal from college. The whole in- Ann Arbor, and has hed no rest, but
cident is kept within the knowledge the Cabinet ofthe Asociation have pre-
of these few stodents and thus ro- vailed on him to again meet the men
moves the great objection to the hon- of the University next Sunday. Mr.
or systemi Cooper is today in West Point, where
At Michigan the honor system has he is speaking to the Cadets in a
not yet been generally adopted, alnthe special series of meetings. The ca-
few of the classes have taken the ets at West Point have less than one
step. The junior and sophomore mod- hour a day to themselves, but they
ical classes were the first to inaugu- have agreed to take this tIme to have
rate the plan, and later the sopho- Mr Cooper address them.e
more homeopathic class, having work Mr. Cooper will arrive in Ann Arbor
with the second year medical class, -on Saturday night and will be the
agreed to the same conditions of con- guest of the Association.
duoctng honor examinations.
This year, the entering medical REQUEST TO SENIORS.
class adopted the method in use by

the other classes. Sittings for Michiganensian and
Thus the medical department, class pictures are coming in so fast
with the exception of the present sen- and the time limit, Feb. 15, is so short
for clan is conducting all examinations that it will be necessary for us to
on the honor system. In the year that book as many morning sittings as pos-
the system has been in execution sible.
there has not been a single offense, H. RANDALL,
(Continued on prg^ 4.) 1 J. F. RBNTSCHLER.

Although no tryout was scheduled
for yesterday, the track candidates Illumination for Junior Hop This Year
were called up on the running track Will be the Best Ever-Plans
and given a chance to run one lap Completed.
against the watch from a standing
Ot. S. No fast time was made hut
e: th Nsofysttrmewangtmathebru The lighting effects for the Junior
this is only natural, owing to tn. e eari- Hop will be more beautiful this year
ness of the season. han ever before if present plans cul-
The best time, 12%secons, wan, minate successfully. The idea of
made by Captain Kellotgg. C. aule, man g the illumination for this event
E. D.n Reas did a lap in 14 secans. as artistic as possible has always
U. S. Weary, '06 Law; F. C. Norcross, aeen uppermost in the minds of the
'06 Eng.; H. L. Coe, '07; H. A. Work-rrstangement committee and has each
man, '07 Eng., each made the circuit ear met with marked approval.
in 14 seconds. The record fttr ot tLast February a unique setting of
lap from a standing start is 132% sec adts-ent electric lampn wtth cal-
onds made by Stewart last year. -nm coloring was used for the light-
Although Maddock has not been rtg decoration. The result was a sub-
practicing with the shot, he went over ded halcyon effect, which was ideal
to the gymnasium Friday afternoo in lending to the surroundings a
and tossed it over forty feet, with ap dreamy appearance. It was thought
patent ease. As stton as examina- tien that such a triumph in illumina-
tions are over, Maddock will begin to ,:on could scarcely be improved upon.
train, and will take charge of the can- However, this year the committee
didates for this event. announce that the Junior Hop guests
will enjoy a lighting effect that will
Eclipse all previous displays. A spec-
NEW ENGINEERING BUILDING, a l ectric switch is to be installed
and an entirely new arrangement for
Preparations are uteing made to llttmination will be made. It is plan-
have the third and furth floraof ned to produce a softness in the mg
the new Engineering b xilsding ready lgof calcium rays, so that the two
fr tine at the beginning f next se-colgclrsman ndbuwl
mester. Since the classes in the En- oiltge etttra, male and blue, will
gineering department are crowded, in be especially prominent. The result
gnrideprtysment arthem rotled m sill, it is believed, be universally pice
all probability soe of them wilt meet-
tsrestt. -
in the new building the first day of Tres p sa.
the new term. Just now the great doutte the best in the memryo n
difficulty lies in securing seats. Con- this hatpy teatrestf University so-
tracts have been let but it is a ques- Italife. Already the fraternities are
tion whether enough seats can be put .
in on time for all the classes to meet treparing to esyalty entertain their
there. guests and are arranging receptions
It is not expected that the whole and parties for the many fair young
It isnot xpeced tht th wh teanen who will attend from away.
building will be ready until fall, for Theotmependetils are frmpletang sm-
the reason that the steam laboratory tha I pe sr m ns
could not be moved at this time as aplans.
it is now in e. Wsark has best The guests at the Hop will also
progressing rapidly, and if possible have an opportunity to see a matinee
the third and fourth floors will be at the theatre the afternoon following
tereadyhidFebruaryl the party and to hear the Glee, Man-
ready y Febrary 22 tdsln anti Blatn Clubs' onneert on Sat-
. Michigans "J" Hop is known
Notice is hereby given to the mem- throughout, the college world as one
hers of the Oratorical Association that of the most celebrated social functions
an amendment will be proposed to the given anywhere. This fact alone
present constitution so as to bring makes the affair a memorable one in
the system of judging the finals in the life of the students in Ann Arbor.
the Northern Oratorical League on- The committees in charge this year
test. The finals in the League will be have worked hard to insure the suc-
judged on both thought and delivery cess of the Hop, and the guests will
at the same time by the same judges. not be disappointed when the doors
This is a provision of the League con. of Waterman gymnasium are opened
stitution and a meeting of the Orator- to receive them on Friday evening,
ical Association will be held in twt. ebrary t.
weeks to act upon an amendment to
the local constitution. The amend- HOW HATS ARE MADE.
ment will be published beforehand.
Members please take notice. Perhaps as interesting a window ex-
SONNENSLM CHEIWhibit as has been displayed in Ann Ar-
MALCULM. ttor for some time is that now in the
BOWLING TOURNAMENT. window of Wagner & Co., ono Main St.
The exhibit shows the various stag-
Thirty men have entered the bowl- es in the manufacture of eat ha,
ing tournament at McMillan Hall, and taking the fur, irom which the elt
the preliminary round of matches has hats are made, as a staritg t
been partly bowled off already. The and showing the various stag.'.
alleys are in fairly good shape, altho' development.
they have very hard usage since The process is extremely oml.cat-
Christmas. The manager hopes that ed, not only in the more mechancal
the following matches will be played side, butt in judging, sorting and m -
off Monday without fail: ing the fur. Each size hat regaares a
Hoag vs. Wood. definite weight of fur and furthemo e
T. D. Brown vs. Williston. the color, kind, quality, and mix ng -
Brownlee vs. Russel. these various gratdes must be I n
Virden vs. Hitch. into consideration. From two and
one-fourth to two and three-fourths
MICHIGAN NOTES. ounces of t r are required for a sto
August Schmidt, of the School of hat, and irom three and one-qtarter
Music, will give his graduating recital to five or six ounces for a soft hat.
next Wednesday at 4:30 in University The hats . tre mouled and pressed
Hall. This will take the place of the down from a cone thirty-two inches
regular Wednesday pupils' recital. deep:11 td thty-sic nhe -in diameter
Many know Mr. Schmidt and have to the various size and shapes dis-
watched his progress as one of the played upon the market. This is done
most promising pupils in the school by rolling and dis ping in boiling wat-
and this organ recital will be some- or. The hat is stiffened with shellac
thing one cannot afford to miss. and then by pressos the mould is giv-
en. They are finally finished by hand.
Next Wednesday afternoon at 4:30,
Miss Elizabeth Campbell will give a INDEPENDENTS AT "J" HOP.
Scotch lecture recital in Frieze Me-
morial Hall. F. C. Strain, the Independent mem-
ber of the "J"Hop committee, stated
Professor George F. Moore, of Har- yesterday that sixteen Independents
vard University, chairman of the main had signified their intention of at-

committee of the school in Palestine, tending the boa and he expects that
will lecture in Sarah Caswell Angell there will be several more. The In-
Hall next Wednesday, upon the sub- dependents will have a meeting Tues-
ject of "Recent Excevations in Bibli- day at which their arrangements for
cal Lands." the coming function will be completed.

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