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May 31, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-31

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The Michigan Daily

INo, 180.


Michigan Vanquished at Eastern Linthicum Shuts Out Syracuse R
Meet-Cornell Wins-Crowd to in One-Hit, Errorless Game,
Welcome Team Tonight. Closing Baseball Season.
Philadelphia, May 30.-MSihigan went By dee'tiiig Syracse yesterday after-
dowitoIt inglorioustefeat ii the eatennoonii 2 too, 51ichigan repeated the (lie
intercollegiate meet. The twenty-otld trick she plyetl on the Ne Yorkers ye
lonts anticitated or tle Wolv eites" ten (his ago o an eastern fiels. Tiseto
dwiindledl to a palty si, all made in gains' closes the season. Sixteen itttl- ly
secondlby Rowe andl Heath. Certainly rdiiroo ters and the Varsity bad milade h
Miigan's sstars sere odoe.lhe ecoratioi ay contest ar atdlasay11
Coe, sslo ias sfferintg fromilitirsat tie est si thtetie an oie-ialf ganes di
trottble, fousndi the tract, still ftloodtes sens here this seaoni.
withs water rosm llcay rins timoihiavy Up15toithefitthi neiter sde old De
fir sit asisiaiter tbein de liht c itstsh a issis tiyons ttird, atotghs il
foleid twiceety Corn el unes hem e lookedt sdtigerss whsieii le
droptpeidbeiiidlatte fiinii.csipedsi ttre-tagger ito left. Iii the c
Roserain tein ile. fiiiisiig sn iiith It, Pateiso, iicsrottiand suilly
to Hasteaid, itt Corielel. T1ersci e ctgsttso Sitctsfor cea i nges. Tiese b
five Ithassissenteedin iteeen it and t 5 istinte two ssscire. Sillianiibeing J
for Michigai, hRowse, Aiay, soetilatnd rsi lot for runig pst ,iithicinoSi
Bohsack raii hla ter tit us iesleisifrtmssli s'sisi.I
with Rowe as i s tiess iiiid ranit aci i, iiiitoisbetnie xdi to d
first quiare in 1i1 'i.s t tiietri-ti ekits lii ig siaff of tie Chicagoss ni
qunarters Rowse took tela r h tiee sitdsofi ltheitSracuse seasni.
ield, but at thecliientdisal st tiltsprint s ici'' foisndist suitsy usysi'seenl its. c
ahead of him, wiiinig iby' aimiiirow5tear- i I itiii iiwasi itast foriim sind clset
gil. Rowe feli eshaiustda h aehs isslil isWiti I ierfet ithing scire
atnd ia"silisitle o cimisitei in tesswossby leiittiigihe its sits lownitsill' itn
oile. geht
Dlil wa5s runiiig beatifuitltlly it Iei ateulsliIy 111.1r lihe'giiie Coacu
lnige iisince aind :atitie beg i ig ostMSllitsts let foriBuffloss, 51hsrsihe
Iasis, staised iis sitl. He gist itousile managed'st lat st Icei.
thisry-tive ya'dii'il tseiield, ut sist tseli el core
eighti lps sti 51 os exhaustdto splce.Syracse. 11.aI I is iAs V.
Hhe1r'un11 witti a1teislilil tt Ilsthe sl SIrrlori i .10 0 0i0 0
s-olitaivesbiencellie.sisri sy b . 4 0 1100 0
Heath, llilg secsndsso hI oI i n i I lii the r,2).... .... 4 (1 0 1 0 0
broad jt mp, ws t ,tosl' ssis is 55 tst Mack.1 1 ........ . . . 1 0 0 0 2 1
151 llexpecationis ..SA ss s-lssiete ra, f... . ..t30 0 2 0 o
Hlblert wi too fa 51 Istsany liii1. i t sitsI ss . ..3 00 I 0 3 0
high stics ainid sisoitld ut get 11e1'r.2 (10 1 ;3 0
comaughi ihe taile'at t isaIs iito s ill S Va i: Ill i I . . .2 0Ii0 0 0 51
Muic iga', defeait selldI'It itylls i t I , II It it ... . . 3 0 0 9 1 0
thiailcan be any'orceofjo titett--ds-
iisconslslate fsii. iTiheIlpoits Mihiiani27 0 123 9 2
hasiexetedstoiiannex cin et ' ud ll''.Sulliv'an (,it fill'tpasig ,iittictiiii.
tover Pen,iiiati Ils'e lse,lo t 4 I-2 ptitis. SIiciigan.tili.R11 i I iiA E
Totnighsit ts'i'eii'iltliie isa 11155sts>ilitii cf.'...... 4 t0 2 1 0 0
gthleriiig 511til epoit sto in ltthe1110its'_ I lis''tr, It........ 4 0 1 1 0 o
traisi l ss' wecisllte tieamll. lOnt [lt' I tlslm, I... .. .. . .. . 2 0 00 0 0
sway itomels'Gayile Ditl, 1whlst silt teturnithu2Isse, 1its......... 4 I0 2 14 0 0
next eal'.wasIlececlatai fthsitKils' ey,"2h............ 3 0 0 3 8 0
track teamli t scceediFloodt tRise. Gidiinigs5, 3,t......... 3 0 0 0 1 0
first ftve clleges lars et'fro'sth ei'ex l',I/dll'ii t, c.' .. ... 2 1 1 7 o o
ctutiie iarsd. tLilttiidtil, p. ...... 3 0o1o 0 6so
Suiniiiioit oint s : ICorillI, 34:--
Pelnnsyllnia, 29 1-2; ae, 22; ilt- 211 2 7 27 i6So0
still, 17 12 1 rtmoutht, 17; MIicigsai, Su111111ilis: Tre'-ass' it-Dunnle.
6; Swa'rtmaore, 56:(Slutninfs, 4; SYssi 'isishaleishit-Sulia. Scriics'hilss
cu, 3St--Mesll, Ket'ti.t'VSn AmainiitStlen
S niesarie s: ses-Gidiniigs Emi'ltii Stucl
loo-ardtl sash-Eia: Cariitml', 11en1551 it yliinltticslll 6, by Maiscs 6. Baes
220-yard'ii aIlili P11,11 atmitiel, sgale-2 hus
Pin ; Withtanm.Penn ; :Slit'rmatnl,[art
mntitl :liiilliier17 II'ar.'i ime i l- Broad IinisitiCossk, Crn'lell, 22ftet
:22ufat 't-I2sincie: iHeat, Micigat, 22 feet
2oyarirles-tlitShaws, Dariltouth;l I2 1.sin s ;j'lsctt, Priceon~, 21 feet
'Pulcot, Cor'nell ; Robils. Yaule ; I lists, iflche Shrrlslii'atmoutilll, 2 feet
Yale Time- :15 3-5 4 r-2inh.
220-yard hudlelse-Finlst: I sit, IHighl ijumpl-Ptliier, Dalrtnothl, ad
Yale:;Hrttilft, Penn;li, hIil Dart-t at 01111. Harart~lti ieu flit first, 5feet
11101111; Gardlner Harvrdi. 'Timie -24 (I6iche ; Pille, Irari, 5 feet 5
35 iches;: Newbterry, lPeni, aiiilSomes,
Qarter-milec tilTalori11, Pennl; I hiltl 'stiled at 5 feet 3 inces
Deseldinig, Ilivas' it:;Ci'rs'psen iter hisrs ''ole va ultiett, Caiipbell, Nesnl,
nell : lellie, Sws'arhmol~re.'limie--:2 tDry, lt sitYSle, it'd1 fsr firs, Il fee.
'-5. Sihiot put11Rriieer, Swartsmore, 44
Hlfl-nile runl-Jonelss 1e111n 'eici feet ; iBtasgs, H arstitt, 43 feet 1 1-4
SCoriell; BRsrjsusosff, Ytia':le. rtiit iLte ijtle,lHratr, 42 feet 9 34
Priinceton, Timle-'-2:02 sinchss; Stphlensonsl, IHarvtard, 42 feet i
Mile run-ialasead, Crnsll ; Roswse, 1-2 inches

Msichigan ;Coyne, Colllllslia ; Siitzer, lHiiiiiier, lirsist-Pew, Cornell, 1,93
=ale. Time--4:30. feet 2 J-2 htuces: 1hurt, Syracuse, 151
rwo-mile run-lTiiube. Cornell.; At- feet I iiiclies; Basker, Cornell, i50 feet
wojd, Cornsell ; Hatll, Co~llu : is Yuntg, 913-a2iichses,'Fulwsell, Penns~, 145 feet 10
Corrcl. Ti ne--):6 inches.

__ ._.

turned President by Good Ma-
jority; Light Vote Cast; Union
.Committees Report. d
Walleh W55. Mes'ritt Iss"esectsd presi- cl1
it sit heMihi'iganssUsisnussrtis'eii
sr so9t.I estshly,ly'aioses'ofit111
73. 'Theslesti'ollnse c hra'cti'iedi
till unsepecte'd lets ofiniteest.Thess
'illclestoteiwIc ast 511ii this'liteary
isd engineer'ting departmt't s. It.niithis
sisulsiu enisutl, hismssts sallot 'isss tsisis
eits by'thu lose sce ill 5 toio,
Hiwr mus.si I,. hss shll 'oi ws ctd i
ml's'sldihg sre1tary Dn . Iii eiy
roiliiss ith iss l iss tille ilsit; . X
\tli>thsitay iersdn;S
Issuusy ('sut. eici c' -i st' eit n
SS. tte lw s: siussss
Prc~idnl: Meritt hush: ,list 10
ngiei, 6.imsic t'4.dis 'rii;tostal,1131
gli'La Iii23, ht 27rusinci>, me5.11diii
shint: oal
Ss's''s'sary B hhih' -Itiit hss 17, itu89,
engineer's'31,. i(4,ide t o; u'tt, 141
Simitish-- ,iii3.lit 12 usgiuhs's'h R ., isesi
denut 0' ttul, 27. Iisesa-Lt i<tiiMi
i 20s'inginei's'h3is md is.6 ets t;
Lavaiteps ~i~ident: liss huts sit;
Ays, 20
Li iceitspresident:h WaSinuss, o6f
Seic itsils-phisiluitCox,\8; tFoxi,
I ;sii G iig', 3
illsaisertdlfew attindedilthisanuattl
I tngo his' Shihuist s P susumPlus.
Iafutiancialuscrtay srea dureos't
iof sh i ncus.tO in totheilless
si thill audistorthisreportmis onluuy teta-
ist. hisseitis $ci0Is.Is inthit g'sera
sisui $33s28susilthe buh idingsfud, tinds
$4,000 clust'o'ussubscru'itionus. 'Theaddi-
11i111 anit reasuss ons tis', luuhiouse
amunedto$tm 501, and Ithis'furn'ishiig
cost $45100. 'T'e soit gage'missthe land
t n utu inigs $1ss,0 ills i'h'ie it-
ltist'r'noute uh full'$2.5o1. iTe upati
bills ishihhavltit'hee'ri1auduitei aounsit
tio abuuth$7,000i.
Accrdssing tim tse'repout, thie uhossuse
is payngexpe'siess. 'Tesdir'ctrs sil
mieet nx kt o ''s deIuucideius'nit ~he su-
sistuhility' sit ksepitg thus'sctft'opnitutslr-
in h mrsthumus.
Tlh'e thouie ioftheUn .'uins fist tettyear
rests suitlrgr't sh tstsiip t theue h-
ginnsig' ofttie sms'htse. ,it emiss-sie
campuaign fout its icteaseused uhctslip
is ieing pl'nned's for et y'ar.
President IHerhert (Clarks brumgtlthis

mastter1sf samtendmtstots htle coshiltitu-
1101n befoire ths'utieetinug-. Itwiltpro-
poitedlti to oinai'te ste canidaistes tenl
dauys hbefore the sassniual tmeetling- ani to
lhl theeletisos twen'ity sisyqsafitrlie



Wordl has een receiedl in Ann Ar-
it tiat Prof. IFleiry C. Adasn, eadh
ftile depatmntiotf tplitical ciocoy,
,o hasusbeen saciey- eiggedl in ii 5
crk assitatuisicant of te iterstte
11111lee commsissiontiin Washuintgon
srnug thur lutst twot years, sill etirn
thils city' ext al to esumlie is
51t't it the Univs'rsiy.
intsit'dlby the stiring sieeces ofit
cully tmens andshpromtinent seisrs, adit i
thblzigire ruadyhis comutplete the
usufrmtimu, tie verdantitfreshmstet
'sassesd "sut rut prescribiesdEtglisht sae (
ntmo tie sophomuore ciss,'" i inteluts
'suds sif otooiteresedsp lecators 111s1 a
ight. 'T'hetnighu tilts uspuicisus, tea
)rogram wellscrriedh sut, adslevery- i5
tisg taspiredu'l stotke this'eseuthaus
"Sins se going o go into the ranksI
if le 27,tPUs alumni who sre syngt
Mich iigans is the greatest uiersty, noti
because it is the gre'ates, ut becauset
it is their t ina tel,'' shdPrf. W 'n'ii
Irot. 'Thomsp snitsnthsiaisltically i
ceis'edm. "You willtutud sial youtstu
set dauy s situtie seetest datyssit youst
lfe," heis'sud, "std the verdlure''o ths'
nrst tuns's weeksill ot tl' ~isllseyers
'iss'. c'i"usu u'u n'l'uus'l ly
lssmis Ae. "(ti's ''h aulsf itthu sesior,
imnitr and. tsh omore11511claisses, I we'-
rmlii thse titss ofh usys,tos Ihis syour
lise Bt this'signiiicnche ofithut
wnisutre thansstie busrnig sity'ur
'its. Andshsincs'thius is te tasltmusnire
if te senits, I feel that I souldhsiws'l'
omsusem.iusI hidh y'ousatakil ie tn tactie
msit 's i colege sctiities tutu clleg'
orga'nu'uizt is ands give temusyour sill-
Iiiliihe maiesty ost suitatdhgiswn,
]ants Mcss and'lesilsss plead'uifist'aIliyalsup il-
por t l lasmenttsfist'therus n ivcrsi-
,ity. Hle sais: "This is sti rlit'rag'
mu yosuithaitt y'ut gie yulir cit-ipetu-
'ionandheassrty uisuort o theucolessge'
civiielssansd that y'out srie fisthlis
attainmuuenttsitthu iselsitset iy yut
s's 51 Ii'rs.''
CaPa ury, chati'tttitirmn fte ue pl-
is committieue, hsithtie follwsigtohIsy
ibot osiurg'nized'u'amainig:O
ilmitor Theiu'Dauily:
Suts'the cmpa~uiign is oer, I wouulil
ilets' p ursenu tnuniaselsew sit
msgsuuiederiesusol solittion. I.lhae
alwaty s fountdtiiiitiag'tous, eei wthe
ree ftis"slates,'"t'cmmilttiiesiiis,
''d"oruston." mii' The justificaionst
irgs'dlfist systemasutic ts'ork is lut it
ros's iterst ansit dissetinatutes i-
fomto, ut in prctice it ecoes
mistie thansuthis. Eery "slicitr" kows
he ext tmeetig ofthe Iorgnlizationi
ill cal im titsosaccounut fist cetainme
he hiss prmised thu see. Ile theefore
hugs psressuire'tou hear on each maim
mu hesre Iis 115i11c1,-toiioteitls-
tily.tills1in a way euivisalnti toi pleg-
iuggIis tte. ITis is nit dosne where
lts'reis nit organiziaiontoluscsl a sslici
sunruto accounsut. 'lhis pressure ot pldg-
tg is insepaable ftomt orgizt eth sam-
paigig ; it hndsers true demtocrautic
chosice, such as results only wtentalmotss
everybody mtake tppI's mnd sllate hat the
camp~aign. I belogg o those who ae
not convsintcedl that ifortmationt in Thec
Dauily, discussion at the hsaruig house,
sat the carpus, perhaps eent at a genefl
111111n ltmas meeting-all swih no
"checing by the psll list-arc not
etter wastytoh choosing a presisent than
osrganized solictation.

;uch Is View of Prof. Kraus on
Alumnus Article, Says Prof.
Van Tyne.
sittut'ositThe islsiy
Itis plashut hats '. Kritits is still
ooing upitoh liy' stile itie Alum-i
his ill this'sametu'framte hitfumid sha ut
it wih Lesuthler' tutd Bistts lokuled
it cre'asti. I trshdtssmake it clest
htI muss sutesatuisisd situhisi -
res, cosit ditts thetuy wets, aind that
hey fsinsisquites'nu'umugh ecuse fist
is' Wr'itinug f tie ASlumssuss atiile.sI
lid, howsesver', ats t hi ti ll slur'whee
I''cosuldhave sss'found,"sh'sile' w'ritiglsy
rtile, theu'list oit8151sudenltss.andulhe
uuwes'biy rfi'n'u hg m' histhies'gad-
uae cholanouce ien, wicttuws
pulishedslafte's'this'arutices'm w rite.
Bth sups I miatdhd acsstothum.'
Ishosuldi hiss'' hs'seus obligedh humexplain
tat 53 itt thus'r85 studientIs were sul-
iili schooslshstudienit s 1no1 t icudted in
mousthiof thus'lists sitgrasuasusos f ohr
uivierisitiessacidtu ht 27 oithtitswere
uiveiXs'rsity . WhenT as Isskdl itou
strighten11 outIhis igrts'so-tin le -
msents commonhtoti hmthis seealuntiviiersi'
ties mtight ssasditogehersitd lit fitsrs
sdeeptives'totasls, his' re'plis by rtfedingili
iss blandlly Ito this'lst announm eniu'tsts
sit t'se'e'algradiuut' sihl.I ha
titneso,1sbut I 'canmget'noliresu~lt ve
approiating ilO hsthe hurious hmedlehty'si
figures fotundin iihi s tsh unctin
iii' la istgturets, igures eve srt'hre,' s
hut limt a poisthis ittess',Iase i mItt
fist his s'txplsanaioniou mysit sygure' show-
ing theus'asinusi hg posw'rsitthshe ifersnt
grauatte 'cu'lts'manidiuleswesiwsiti
silenc-thu sameilcaiut itus ssh usitene is
earlier commsuuu u sitiIn. I soakdifis
his itrpretatsinofilliy comparison fsi
grauatet5shoosi lul iautins. isish his
aniswe'redi siths silnce-auile.s Io
hum his o betrysn gts'' armmm a sel
_,s iumer umIt usttille' swalloing,-iti
hils teesht'ig urs.I's faits l itys'ciu-h
ratsicstilts ea schedutheit Iis guts
ersally'conced'd"ushtalgel'ifiisargumunth and
asusure s itsup1o11 Iisauthorit Sialusts
is o mpiniiinhIsispoisusesdIosittheus' m-sl
nst article'.-(Juts'thig sitltast is pan
As far s Sr. Krnssis ceredees, tei
grauuateishool yelows primrsesIthat
andusohinlltg lusre. t Itus smuty' ts save
offedsedl ansh numsconvusinucell slm, but
wse sallshitv' ts go ou says, sthiof
u's, aftr'alhisnug,Itdoubt no't, tie
teierstestssit tie gaoduatseschoiolthat
heart. Bots ssf uswill ave trsubuhle
enussg, fis the course'oitthethsrue ce-
tic never didlgritusmoosstuh, 'mushthe stay
sit the i"knockerst isihardu. Nm doubuht
the nrole sitauseerulsiMairksTapley,
cornuingtug strng its sshiersities, is he
pleasant issehiso sisy, ut the 'Tapl~ey
atgumitent, thatutoust ''Edenut suhalliuilt
yet," is, I elieve,' uspusr stie whenm a-
ihliehdh sto Eshsi scwhichi has ent build-
tg s smng as hsuitsus. .I cnnuiot age
eiherus, ssiths Mt. Kraus' eidentuthuesry
thats if sun grauatsuse shoousl is sts'ak, se
osughthis keep tie cutis drawil andu
smt expouse the fact. Thotuse who eliee
in conieleentuut rtshrtstanu discssiont
titlst le careful lto ditiguishi between
stmuluantssa'ushnaric'tics. It i easy to
Iloksdreamuily mus, will stahr-gzing, vsi-
ists-seeig ye, bilstpuetect cnsctis-st
nesis5a fast better's'tse oftmindslil
which tmm handleausetrisous siuatiotn.
C. I. YANs t~Ysoi.
Th'lre studtent mtembilesof 'he 'Daily
boausrso ctrolruwitlbe elect'dlitss-
iesuy froniti 4 lto6, ii Room C, PUni-
t'ersiy INall. The folloswingmig n55haisee
beenlnomsinatedl: C. i. Wnstseas, J.

hi. Prescottl, 3. K. Watkins. Ihossand
Ilatklill, Sit Smlall, Santl Bus, h. arh~les
Brady,and it Lloydh ;suhrs.

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