The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MiNICH-IGAN. SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1908. INo, 180. VOL. XVIII. SUCCESS ON DIAMOND; K FAILURE ON TRACK Michigan Vanquished at Eastern Linthicum Shuts Out Syracuse R Meet-Cornell Wins-Crowd to in One-Hit, Errorless Game, Welcome Team Tonight. Closing Baseball Season. Philadelphia, May 30.-MSihigan went By dee'tiiig Syracse yesterday after- dowitoIt inglorioustefeat ii the eatennoonii 2 too, 51ichigan repeated the (lie intercollegiate meet. The twenty-otld trick she plyetl on the Ne Yorkers ye lonts anticitated or tle Wolv eites" ten (his ago o an eastern fiels. Tiseto dwiindledl to a palty si, all made in gains' closes the season. Sixteen itttl- ly secondlby Rowe andl Heath. Certainly rdiiroo ters and the Varsity bad milade h Miigan's sstars sere odoe.lhe ecoratioi ay contest ar atdlasay11 Coe, sslo ias sfferintg fromilitirsat tie est si thtetie an oie-ialf ganes di trottble, fousndi the tract, still ftloodtes sens here this seaoni. withs water rosm llcay rins timoihiavy Up15toithefitthi neiter sde old De fir sit asisiaiter tbein de liht c itstsh a issis tiyons ttird, atotghs il foleid twiceety Corn el unes hem e lookedt sdtigerss whsieii le droptpeidbeiiidlatte fiinii.csipedsi ttre-tagger ito left. Iii the c Roserain tein ile. fiiiisiig sn iiith It, Pateiso, iicsrottiand suilly to Hasteaid, itt Corielel. T1ersci e ctgsttso Sitctsfor cea i nges. Tiese b five Ithassissenteedin iteeen it and t 5 istinte two ssscire. Sillianiibeing J for Michigai, hRowse, Aiay, soetilatnd rsi lot for runig pst ,iithicinoSi Bohsack raii hla ter tit us iesleisifrtmssli s'sisi.I with Rowe as i s tiess iiiid ranit aci i, iiiitoisbetnie xdi to d first quiare in 1i1 'i.s t tiietri-ti ekits lii ig siaff of tie Chicagoss ni qunarters Rowse took tela r h tiee sitdsofi ltheitSracuse seasni. ield, but at thecliientdisal st tiltsprint s ici'' foisndist suitsy usysi'seenl its. c ahead of him, wiiinig iby' aimiiirow5tear- i I itiii iiwasi itast foriim sind clset gil. Rowe feli eshaiustda h aehs isslil isWiti I ierfet ithing scire atnd ia"silisitle o cimisitei in tesswossby leiittiigihe its sits lownitsill' itn oile. geht Dlil wa5s runiiig beatifuitltlly it Iei ateulsliIy 111.1r lihe'giiie Coacu lnige iisince aind :atitie beg i ig ostMSllitsts let foriBuffloss, 51hsrsihe Iasis, staised iis sitl. He gist itousile managed'st lat st Icei. thisry-tive ya'dii'il tseiield, ut sist tseli el core eighti lps sti 51 os exhaustdto splce.Syracse. 11.aI I is iAs V. Hhe1r'un11 witti a1teislilil tt Ilsthe sl SIrrlori i .10 0 0i0 0 s-olitaivesbiencellie.sisri sy b . 4 0 1100 0 Heath, llilg secsndsso hI oI i n i I lii the r,2).... .... 4 (1 0 1 0 0 broad jt mp, ws t ,tosl' ssis is 55 tst Mack.1 1 ........ . . . 1 0 0 0 2 1 151 llexpecationis ..SA ss s-lssiete ra, f... . ..t30 0 2 0 o Hlblert wi too fa 51 Istsany liii1. i t sitsI ss . ..3 00 I 0 3 0 high stics ainid sisoitld ut get 11e1'r.2 (10 1 ;3 0 comaughi ihe taile'at t isaIs iito s ill S Va i: Ill i I . . .2 0Ii0 0 0 51 Muic iga', defeait selldI'It itylls i t I , II It it ... . . 3 0 0 9 1 0 thiailcan be any'orceofjo titett--ds- iisconslslate fsii. iTiheIlpoits Mihiiani27 0 123 9 2 hasiexetedstoiiannex cin et ' ud ll''.Sulliv'an (,it fill'tpasig ,iittictiiii. tover Pen,iiiati Ils'e lse,lo t 4 I-2 ptitis. SIiciigan.tili.R11 i I iiA E Totnighsit ts'i'eii'iltliie isa 11155sts>ilitii cf.'...... 4 t0 2 1 0 0 gthleriiig 511til epoit sto in ltthe1110its'_ I lis''tr, It........ 4 0 1 1 0 o traisi l ss' wecisllte tieamll. lOnt [lt' I tlslm, I... .. .. . .. . 2 0 00 0 0 sway itomels'Gayile Ditl, 1whlst silt teturnithu2Isse, 1its......... 4 I0 2 14 0 0 next eal'.wasIlececlatai fthsitKils' ey,"2h............ 3 0 0 3 8 0 track teamli t scceediFloodt tRise. Gidiinigs5, 3,t......... 3 0 0 0 1 0 first ftve clleges lars et'fro'sth ei'ex l',I/dll'ii t, c.' .. ... 2 1 1 7 o o ctutiie iarsd. tLilttiidtil, p. ...... 3 0o1o 0 6so Suiniiiioit oint s : ICorillI, 34:-- Pelnnsyllnia, 29 1-2; ae, 22; ilt- 211 2 7 27 i6So0 still, 17 12 1 rtmoutht, 17; MIicigsai, Su111111ilis: Tre'-ass' it-Dunnle. 6; Swa'rtmaore, 56:(Slutninfs, 4; SYssi 'isishaleishit-Sulia. Scriics'hilss cu, 3St--Mesll, Ket'ti.t'VSn AmainiitStlen S niesarie s: ses-Gidiniigs Emi'ltii Stucl loo-ardtl sash-Eia: Cariitml', 11en1551 it yliinltticslll 6, by Maiscs 6. Baes 220-yard'ii aIlili P11,11 atmitiel, sgale-2 hus Pin ; Withtanm.Penn ; :Slit'rmatnl,[art mntitl :liiilliier17 II'ar.'i ime i l- Broad IinisitiCossk, Crn'lell, 22ftet :22ufat 't-I2sincie: iHeat, Micigat, 22 feet 2oyarirles-tlitShaws, Dariltouth;l I2 1.sin s ;j'lsctt, Priceon~, 21 feet 'Pulcot, Cor'nell ; Robils. Yaule ; I lists, iflche Shrrlslii'atmoutilll, 2 feet Yale Time- :15 3-5 4 r-2inh. 220-yard hudlelse-Finlst: I sit, IHighl ijumpl-Ptliier, Dalrtnothl, ad Yale:;Hrttilft, Penn;li, hIil Dart-t at 01111. Harart~lti ieu flit first, 5feet 11101111; Gardlner Harvrdi. 'Timie -24 (I6iche ; Pille, Irari, 5 feet 5 35 iches;: Newbterry, lPeni, aiiilSomes, Qarter-milec tilTalori11, Pennl; I hiltl 'stiled at 5 feet 3 inces Deseldinig, Ilivas' it:;Ci'rs'psen iter hisrs ''ole va ultiett, Caiipbell, Nesnl, nell : lellie, Sws'arhmol~re.'limie--:2 tDry, lt sitYSle, it'd1 fsr firs, Il fee. '-5. Sihiot put11Rriieer, Swartsmore, 44 Hlfl-nile runl-Jonelss 1e111n 'eici feet ; iBtasgs, H arstitt, 43 feet 1 1-4 SCoriell; BRsrjsusosff, Ytia':le. rtiit iLte ijtle,lHratr, 42 feet 9 34 Priinceton, Timle-'-2:02 sinchss; Stphlensonsl, IHarvtard, 42 feet i Mile run-ialasead, Crnsll ; Roswse, 1-2 inches Msichigan ;Coyne, Colllllslia ; Siitzer, lHiiiiiier, lirsist-Pew, Cornell, 1,93 =ale. Time--4:30. feet 2 J-2 htuces: 1hurt, Syracuse, 151 rwo-mile run-lTiiube. Cornell.; At- feet I iiiclies; Basker, Cornell, i50 feet wojd, Cornsell ; Hatll, Co~llu : is Yuntg, 913-a2iichses,'Fulwsell, Penns~, 145 feet 10 Corrcl. Ti ne--):6 inches. __ ._. ERRITT CARRIES UNION ELECTION turned President by Good Ma- jority; Light Vote Cast; Union .Committees Report. d Walleh W55. Mes'ritt Iss"esectsd presi- cl1 it sit heMihi'iganssUsisnussrtis'eii sr so9t.I estshly,ly'aioses'ofit111 73. 'Theslesti'ollnse c hra'cti'iedi till unsepecte'd lets ofiniteest.Thess 'illclestoteiwIc ast 511ii this'liteary isd engineer'ting departmt't s. It.niithis sisulsiu enisutl, hismssts sallot 'isss tsisis eits by'thu lose sce ill 5 toio, Hiwr I,. hss shll 'oi ws ctd i ml's'sldihg sre1tary Dn . Iii eiy roiliiss ith iss l iss tille ilsit; . X \tli>thsitay iersdn;S Issuusy ('sut. eici c' -i st' eit n SS. tte lw s: siussss Prc~idnl: Meritt hush: ,list 10 ngiei, 6.imsic t'4.dis 'rii;tostal,1131 gli'La Iii23, ht 27rusinci>, me5.11diii shint: oal Ss's''s'sary B hhih' -Itiit hss 17, itu89, engineer's'31,. i(4,ide t o; u'tt, 141 Simitish-- ,iii3.lit 12 usgiuhs's'h R ., isesi denut 0' ttul, 27. Iisesa-Lt i