HARD PRACTICE ON AGAIN. New Michigan Yell and Songs For the; STRAUSS' ORCHESTRA.
Anno ncem nt ;Rooters.
An o n e e t All the Men Except Boggs in Good, Will Open the S. L. A. Course With a
Shape---A Regular Game Between Pres-ident. erdiei of the Athlletic As-j Grand Concert on Saturday.
ur Our special line the Yarsity and Scrubs on 'ott ati~tiio ths lapointedi the emi'e
of freig an Thusda Aftrnoo at u-hill iltryiii to (1itik out anew
IT o forign and hurday ftenoonat liclthii-ayeli mu ge-ct a number of iliefires titiiiber on the Si. L. A.
doml"estic fabrics 4:15 - y0(1 livl 001-for the -rooters. The court iNllIs- a (onteert 1byIEdnard
- oilow in- per-ions notaice up the conolnit- Straus andleisorcthestril on atnedity
For the Fall and Win'ter of =900 has ilheewas no riotin g -in tie- loae~t ce Zee; lin I.lietuinson. cloirltan, crtiti ii 'ittoity ihail. ,this Fill
arieyn tcrne o o er-tstierday,(and despirite i-slipplery '0els iley lt0 (1Otto *11. M ans,. 11W(01le of(lie inotabile coiieerts iu n at
fieldl (le nsnirk -eas is last oi ((l up0 1 ictli.,lt 0 too tileloias oltraysheeenArtoi)rohitoiry. 'This world-faiuotis
tion. The sauce careful attention ((a s qy Ithis season. All liii-Xii i-its' lilti-hr- li ii it !)tythe Mlo flire in itsi 0cliestr1'aleasappearwed in Anierlea bitt
eo wtie ri oniiext-i- p log1t0o;-s wits is ,telis. 1'1he oldfi -tllit- irantd iiie- ile ettefre-i 0 thit id isnow toak-
is ive tothestleiati fiishofstill boilhcredIwith hthe kiwtene i'ile(d some 7.ox. l. Ith al'.,is aiglo- inits iireotell lone. It labys in bitt
every suit, whether to he used for itin (lie Illintois panie. Aftete iiusual letate on solve -itsi ii atit i is ,not80cO ies intihe UniitedStates titd Ann
amounttt t fsignal pitc'thle Wii arsilt llstlitil to Mlte toot, inel- ic coot- Atbois ft ortuntteto Ite ineludlediin its
busilness purposes. or for full dress wa pttd ail te trl11tiest sritit.s inO(,;ttis n teeideidsitmuctitteitheb'list. Thle'otrbest cois tow playing ini
occasions. that iciul bi ' otillitet oiete,1141 :raihes. "i'lls wsas math i-tr3- estiettheliiasi t iis is (liiitl-i. ret blairils.
t iiia t intets-of little sceiititttie inth(le ' lii'ot leo tsw ith W ~is otisit An intert - fiteatulrieof thei'eisiuiti;
6. H. WILD CO . w1, Si ttiitieti in. itoh ti-atms last teahrwentelttisi i-iri-"cooted" 'ott Streao-o etneerts. which tiilllie gist-n
i hwt )itit-t strotnger ont lee-on.fe.altro'l h.U itStle-', 'Mexico
io8 E. Washington St. site thanioiltth(le tintsiti' hltutethieli'[hlii' rnuit Ii tittd to pick ot:In ttl lttiitii itill 1wi'tli'et-trorttasee,
hallhadii hotig:ed hatntdtsnimerosseteil ls ii tt ore ireo;ntotoOit Itfur teliri ist tiiiii' it this coutrtly, of a
_______________________________________tines thii' -siteti -gattito )ast'ometnett hitssomid lireiandthienlBitegui-waltz eoinpoused iy thii-thtre tbotets,
heda.epiliiproientottheitihost piom- ioli11. oiiiisief atiii 1-bluotiltrait-s. It
RmHT w i C'oli lieatiit-inlsttrct- t tes' sis iltig one.Allips rs ar nitt' etoiiis etit hld Tetutlii-u'andtiui ittit ten
u1 'lIuUVIL LU
Wilder's Pharmc
3,!6 S. Staie St.
NEW BACC-even the store
itself is new. We hate remotdeled te
place asd invito all otr friends to call
and inspect whtk we have. You casht
heat our LUNCHES.
It. F,. JOLLY, 308 S, State St.
IN1=4 1b, 1=2Ib & 1 Ib BOXES +(
-iits: SQUAD FRctOM stN-WIM(Iit NNtoX woo. PICK iiI-RTErAMi
+ oar sale is lare an thete - -------_____________ ____
high grade goods canse- +
quesntygait are always totItclifotoe 1 lli;11ut titittueyse-irdIill yells andi it-ite sos t o0c1-lit-
+ QUARRY'S nit to i ll"'itgonil oitfliii11tillhut"itri- out hunties.k Am s-i ittil- ti tillttu
tiwtortdtlind totruleiinoluiukt.t\leitett h )t calltdotli ii- eli-il \it Fsllstit ic
itotlllite ext-lsedt oi i coutothe ra.- tit tIli itii tl'thele-ltt li i tti tif-
(i-ikttiss. IitoliliiLo is iof the otpituiutotli'c to lein-thttle sontgs.
++++++++++++++++++++ ltit ltie Ittiaunai giinie trill lie ta ltttii th _I * "Ii nt the iiiliraition ofth(lt' aciti -
SSongs o -,the haveth inuat their best at eaeci yell foroinc" purposes. Akl1tell,
tf'lIneastheutseinson ait ts"III( liiittiun beintid thtCbair-
UUIIUg ill to l ayted uof Iptrbapt t5litlti'lit-beittfthe- totl ielit- ilbya-eind tli s
SIs the title of a New Bookitf scritbils.ItR oill ite ctlleid ttt aqioatr(I f t out-nt-toCry t theIiitowa gamte.
SCollege Songs in which nao ex- pa(st 4 indntl 110 iltissloistto ltbe
pes1a been spared to procure u-iu-tt-et Agenieraltinittiott is tx-
.the very latest and the very best teitito erontm e Inuteiveorsigtly gtoillDsvel uis ioh utindeni nior
*songs, many o1 which have not fotiiist'hil i '.ii('t e t-up still lit titing tieldis liayear on fttlkos'ei
been published before, although grinited iiintooro'sC' Itilt' ti' ottict "Storieshiave route i to m
popular in their respective cot- I tltYAIt Stil IIRII tt13IAN, i tht ottaccoitof ooitie diffienulyooith
leges. A number of old songs loit. Triti-vluuos ill g- it a ie poicie officerts Cettist of the shut-
that still retain their popularity lFridtytt'1seittig lufuo-ret theiiiiil'cs (f hi ilt lhviti u gtltilgi: igolitithet tier'S
have been included, because th-ey the Ottatoricalosrutot lssii uultiii i i ot lulutt ~
are stilt liked and are miuch song jtertoill lie. lutguuiuurtcii hettcabti'htti" titiioso.Suochithings altoias esutl
wherever students assemble. IThiltreahing osill tie comtplitmentatyt ihoistoislytohoslingagiged in thta
Comi n and look it over and i i t in lititiciof theusstiti. liiiuttidni-lie stitdentosiet;thto oworst of it,
it plleas# s you the price is but itither s utyuhtini in4liilii ntsit hit- bttid tttesthtfair troputation of
iuuit tat ot 25 ri-tltlersons -so dosi-he- i ti-rsi tani dep-tmeant is in-
insii; inyscren iintiobrsiiip ticet s it lioceut Tue faciulty syinpathizes with
tedons 'I tuttcayoe'ening, s-Iiceontitle the Jttlonts in -all le iaep1aue
theor mesamnbers-hip for four yoars,- but iitcastool synmpathize with you
$ I 50hrea0 diig.will ho given in RSt min conflis owith the civil anthorities."
,ofthe Lavo- Building. hoegin log at18 -- - --.-
Ao-cRock. Everybody is going to-hear Seranss.
20) ters ,1.;g ortia iso(-i't of(ittitst
tat huhNi i Oti-l 111\.1ws compoiitsed
itt lohuttmnl: Nit 2 ottd trio 1).t los-f,
besoto m e l-ti idtOlithpulbr
her-to_, piiino opt 1isiii No o rkti-
.115 is tii'(propetyt 0 Siot' Signos
.,i't-,ig itt tutudtntist of It-he al-
l iitn. ffoit"t 1). Itloituihiook. thitbell-
Ilttt Clhioago hutsi-i-i utni orattotr, huts
been't sscrdi t-ithue(Cliceago aunit
iittbt'. Htemtill stueak solvetimintii
Febrtiuary'and stilltuke t' is lasubje(ct
'(ti-tnt"" 'iii'Chicago Aiiii asso-
prtesui sill tit (a tic-ititto'-
ticlukits huts titeni exceedtinlgly iust,
Saurcdtay-tll liii-seaits inthie':reserved
llitts still lit'sihlilot.11her-i'wire still
.1 fit s liale' seaths li-ft for thioseo i
piuhhlit to itlgeuaudinct, isquit(teut
ti-is out-of-htwn ueople'a-no liuking-
itupartuions to attnd.
Eltislia I. Sititutu'tot tuedii, of Oroo-
mtli. Peia(hu, 0111 ut-lisv-c a lettureonot
"It-islut and the PIersians," at New-
berrcy hitll, next suridasy evening, unuder
tht auspices cof ,Ile missisnary eommait-
tee. hle lecture still he Illustrated3
with a slereopticou.