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October 31, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-31

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g t Daring Hld-U~p on the Campus.Sh e gig
- -- _____________ lIst nighit while lmere were iiaiy
Pubished alj (Mmoda se eno unit iuogih estidlit la sinig through the camusii at a Sacriice
C~ie e.tino lO Q111mii hold-up oeeuuiire t h e C,
IB ia ths nni ihedE UNIVERSITY OF MbICIIG4N Yiii 101 ioe aei viiiti I u The way our shoes ae going will
AI l B 1C O r 11I.reItli\1e l/ell d Just tf 1i thlirsr' Isurprise you, and the prices thatJ
5it ' a lx ti.Si S iI ci Ie ofIIon05 sid e t1 isiass.are making them go will surprise
Both Pon 1. \t" S1 Ni e Pione182. '],te ll td iidt l h indiiithiiee iiixh * you still more It will e profit
- -________ --____________- htmot, v. ie Hewoo eetedtiii andh oryreohesrpiedDo
MANAGING eDITOR, lit i of tabmxof te Yaihoss Caroiiial fryutob upisd
01i x.05, Iiiittes, iow siiokeid bialittisoto day and try it.
BUSINESS MANAGER, iiiki (I.sA lhiltreward Is offered GASSSO TR
.Tiii 11, li1 rte reorn of the same is the owier GASSSHESOE
and no r, ii i I m liaies 'ith.he iiqured int. 1 9S0. Main Street..
E .ITORS xi,'5i. iiieiI ii iiirsi hdrt Open evenins until ANN ARBOR, MICH.
AmL'r s, -.n.nn zr'0E.Iuceosadnmsatid we 8 P. M.'
- irics furiiisied fr stre dS, saties
Miss L, K. aRiiii03Caa1o u. rol 5 ipiiinnutut itiity oliiig; uP Z L
n, . no WimEiow, 4 xw.5'.cnai, 'riitc. lilt'.(AMPt, 47 Ttusamtin st. A P Z L
Ihiy 'i t grs, 10e; igeretto, e. Ic. That's ihad to solve htt we will
11 tl rtibe ouii of tphice ai iis solve the question of how to buy
Ii01ii Waieruuuin or Lasghin Fouitain
tie is reid'iiiitiiigiii iiayers and Pens, $1 act, at Setater's Bokstre. your clothing economically if
rootersi5liiUa iit( i cthi-yoitSaturday
iiiii o[ inusre, eiiiiiiiiiicd iciories il Carstinas Brights Ciarettes, union 'oul will take tine to diop iito
iie ganes ye.sii iiiiiiie isubiiis- iiade. Ask ysiur dealer for hem. - " ..tie New Store when dosin town
takeni idea ins itakn iisiiiiof'MiihigaiiAlrm oru(kus rt 1MEVitS lewery Just received another strong line
tiayers befire oiiii se hiuxe gone own Sore _ of those obby $15.00 Suits ii
iiing c~falliiliii su esiiiis iOW 'iiOME inOTE Imported Scotch Cheviots. We have a new line of Golf Hate to
thiankitiiig ia iiend in1111i int lJ~ jj~~j show*yo. Would yoiu like to see something swell in Overcoats'I
ihaie tuch itouiilearnl. Te Vs'iiiii3 ViiiVIA WABASH RAILROAD STAEBLER & W UERTH
Ilinoiius bot heiu Ic e fori., uii s i inL110
its4 Pest nii u iiie, 'u - i c ve The popular route to Chpigo, V34 y/;1QQ1Qy:V.+ tV
se venatiiarii gaimes tufue tswueions St. Louis, Kansas City, Sng-l T H N H E T E
toi 11 is t ua ith . Iniiiiiilistsicee - fisHld, IDecatur, Danville, aid all
uelrl\ tic le mu tiit Noriii -points Southiwest.ATH NH ER ,
\\cserii"trie weeki tefire. iiivs s i Conult ticket Agetts.-
ptiuwsesx is iiiii se t uusuii o ned ,(.111- Iiiiiediate Coinection at Milan ALL THIS WEEK AT 8 P. M.
iieiOii 'itt Diii S i hiiverity ias siiioitwith Cointiiiental Limited.
unidefeateid for iio years, atittihiit 0 Rf. S. (IiEENSV0Di, ,. 1. [ .P
hasplaed'bet ow f he t Flel ISS H LI2 NOBOVE E -
there elevens beforeitiveimout. i OEIGN ~DR THE WORLD'S GREATEST LADY
eeekosiiigeiithtgh inenOi 5* Lu./A. COURSETD
gmodt iarid uwrny tietie iiioiiiiieI-I "'K' T
ln .t.a wh in( iniaime, O C E T A P IC S n ene :otfe h e rsuls.104, 15 AND 25C.
Nosvenmber hnlander. NOTE :-On and after Mlonday, October 29th, reserved seats for
UNIVERSITY HALL the Athens Theatre wilt e on sale at the POSTAL TELEGRAPH
Tliie Xii 'ut'ii iuiuui tudr hiixjust'iIl- I OFFICE, next door to theatre entrance.
telishl itic of eiiutu'uts l x e c;1'.1"h a,"
lenit iiuis iuuitoils. .si. Afrd1ii suit it rCAd/t/1 1Q~D1C/ s 'CAC!
W\hite,',instutiar iIlleDieputu in miutADM ISSION $1,.0OO0
ehimuuisry, has e ry ut niut.,in
sritle Or l -i , 1,1114,itutui n Ii t Course Tickets $2. Reserved Seats 50c
Alaska."' 31i"i. !White 'silli 'thum P tR OY S
ssumiermi'iia hiltuuituptXiiiiukmom uerLc 1
tim I wVon i ty andmiHie ofdmitlmtsiiand Iu1i'e THE tihtIELIABLE STDtENTS' HItEAtt t'At'gti
ion, viviliy cihs ritbeduth'Jill u in is ii Printed lectures for all deat
tuutrtedt y photo iir tuts tmus us xy is ments of the University. Type- RMDLD EiTD VRTIN-NW
Wihit. tiuerim'\\. limeyo mit Xs-u writing and Mimeographing. REO REUDIDSWEITT3E COLERTING E W AB.
ba~rre, 1'a., wihi s Vle itt'i itiis EDWARDS BROS. BUSWC B ITIO LLNERTBLS
or rat list y tr i -otes is tio , - i is ,'1thnutStue5c ttlt(N X
hrtuie u 'mititiinTi e''nsy-~uul.NNlva MONAvrD (an') tteStjj11114 OLY /IONT IB
luitiuBuadlihiey l i'omt is Il 5Redmond, Kerr 2& Co., HIGH GRADE--=--VE
tin tietim iouun i mioft um. he G sverneud~''BANK-ERS, y/
troot. 1tuhhisin iui Xtiti5heI' thltig 41 Wal Sree, New York 019 f f1 S, Toil400o y , C194 1ETTE
of the~o uuu-iiioiuuibutit tlet'uiderstiodI j E S____
Phriase inithum' eiaUos~hun f hiiii'iii'id 'fu-ssxucia geneumitbanin uuiioues. DAItY' BUttE TINS Oh AL L SPORTixINGXENTS
uue l ue. l " gomssiuuuienssdierive. te. Ree-u.-ieudposits subeetto dauft. Dividendsi
just ioni 5105V1' l the sii'euusnt of tmois ta -ant st oti ndr - ttn cthe as -A N i-
j-Fsclgntnfr.'u aneoieeeudiaie e miisuei o ~ ED A JD bstoO T
gosurnd"Inmi iitie wosiu at' ilin,11hi' aioad ,steet raiwa-ys, go mpais, ec. Ir.ITO TATE
Seciuites btuna 'iiisouad on commis- mi. R EYNOLDS OSNFE 3 1 TR E
Ilunulbe tiuiilis Itsiuu~ltiyKtuhiarine' Membies Newo To bnI teuuge. H rwoeo h etadms rrm~l1let~nClee oistatDA N_ IS H H S NT R LM IG
ilseve uiiimaru'uIt is the'lte ti'ii"HlIu G-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. (] IFi CusTRISistoN AN &iaaaaLtES,
tt'iaiiug of tliii'Au -ahe niau'tu I~r- Lisorcearent soferig, ent oiiu appia tins STE.3ANOAI ut W Tt I-IlArIt
rusts uiicfcorts mita crowd 'f sm~ ijtysuiu '5i3LA)tIiItiA Oiitt IPODNTS. 207 E. Washington Street. AiTtssc GAS AND ELECRsICsisFIxTURSt
girlsto ienteiurtauii is tmiu'ig;ur, tvonmas GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HIGH GRADE MANTEL ANDO) GRATES

'tity stuposu'tobhu t h e iu' ltumim t (ionei'
Oft tiieis iuutumb r wo i t iiiiiluu' !formmIii.
Seveurali u'xu-,lhu'irutu't'e siuu,'iu's. ussi
,airtlei nt shs , i'st ttssuyusrul .i ip-
away.Douglas .Shoes at W H
lbs ntui-hur. THlE JHiOEIIAr
________ 218 S. MAIN ST.

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